blob: ee16eb1992b034f288a86309e08e5c18c7451acf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/omnibox_result_view.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/suggestion_answer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace gfx {
class Canvas;
class RenderText;
} // namespace gfx
// A view containing a render text styled via search results. This differs from
// the general purpose views::Label class by having less general features (such
// as selection) and more specific features (such as suggestion answer styling).
class OmniboxTextView : public views::View {
explicit OmniboxTextView(OmniboxResultView* result_view);
~OmniboxTextView() override;
// views::View.
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
bool CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
int GetHeightForWidth(int width) const override;
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
// Dim the text (i.e. make it gray). This is used for secondary text (so that
// the non-dimmed text stands out more).
void Dim();
// Creates a RenderText with default rendering for the given |text|. The
// |classifications| are used to style the text. An ImageLine incorporates
// both the text and the styling.
void SetText(const base::string16& text,
const ACMatchClassifications& classifications);
void SetText(const SuggestionAnswer::ImageLine& line);
void SetText(const base::string16& text);
// Get the height of one line of text. This is handy if the view might have
// multiple lines.
int GetLineHeight() const;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::RenderText> CreateRenderText(
const base::string16& text) const;
// Similar to CreateRenderText, but also apply styling (classifications).
std::unique_ptr<gfx::RenderText> CreateClassifiedRenderText(
const base::string16& text,
const ACMatchClassifications& classifications) const;
// Creates a RenderText with text and styling from the image line.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::RenderText> CreateText(
const SuggestionAnswer::ImageLine& line,
const gfx::FontList& font_list) const;
// Adds |text| to |destination|. |text_type| is an index into the
// kTextStyles constant defined in the .cc file and is used to style the text,
// including setting the font size, color, and baseline style. See the
// TextStyle struct in the .cc file for more.
void AppendText(gfx::RenderText* destination,
const base::string16& text,
int text_type) const;
// AppendText will break up the |text| into bold and non-bold pieces
// and pass each to this helper with the correct |is_bold| value.
void AppendTextHelper(gfx::RenderText* destination,
const base::string16& text,
int text_type,
bool is_bold) const;
void UpdateLineHeight();
// To get color values.
OmniboxResultView* result_view_;
// Font settings for this view.
int font_height_;
// Whether to wrap lines if the width is too narrow for the whole string.
bool wrap_text_lines_;
// The primary data for this class.
mutable std::unique_ptr<gfx::RenderText> render_text_;