blob: c87643b39ecec67d4814d8a05ee4b6b41f09a697 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_close_button.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/hash.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "chrome/app/vector_icons/vector_icons.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/layout_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_controller.h"
#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/material_design/material_design_controller.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_operations.h"
#include "ui/gfx/paint_vector_icon.h"
#include "ui/views/rect_based_targeting_utils.h"
#if defined(USE_AURA)
#include "ui/aura/env.h"
using MD = ui::MaterialDesignController;
TabCloseButton::TabCloseButton(views::ButtonListener* listener,
MouseEventCallback mouse_event_callback)
: views::ImageButton(listener),
mouse_event_callback_(std::move(mouse_event_callback)) {
// Disable animation so that the red danger sign shows up immediately
// to help avoid mis-clicks.
TabCloseButton::~TabCloseButton() {}
void TabCloseButton::SetTabColor(SkColor color, bool tab_color_is_dark) {
SkColor hover_color = SkColorSetRGB(0xDB, 0x44, 0x37);
SkColor pressed_color = SkColorSetRGB(0xA8, 0x35, 0x2A);
SkColor icon_color = SK_ColorWHITE;
if (MD::GetMode() == MD::MATERIAL_REFRESH) {
hover_color = tab_color_is_dark ? gfx::kGoogleGrey700 : gfx::kGoogleGrey200;
pressed_color =
tab_color_is_dark ? gfx::kGoogleGrey600 : gfx::kGoogleGrey300;
icon_color = color;
GenerateImages(false, color, icon_color, hover_color, pressed_color);
void TabCloseButton::ActiveStateChanged(const Tab* parent_tab) {
SkColor icon_color =
true, icon_color, icon_color,
views::View* TabCloseButton::GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(
const gfx::Point& point) {
// Tab close button has no children, so tooltip handler should be the same
// as the event handler. In addition, a hit test has to be performed for the
// point (as GetTooltipHandlerForPoint() is responsible for it).
if (!HitTestPoint(point))
return nullptr;
return GetEventHandlerForPoint(point);
bool TabCloseButton::OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {
mouse_event_callback_.Run(this, event);
bool handled = ImageButton::OnMousePressed(event);
// Explicitly mark midle-mouse clicks as non-handled to ensure the tab
// sees them.
return !event.IsMiddleMouseButton() && handled;
void TabCloseButton::OnMouseMoved(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {
mouse_event_callback_.Run(this, event);
void TabCloseButton::OnMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {
mouse_event_callback_.Run(this, event);
void TabCloseButton::OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) {
// Consume all gesture events here so that the parent (Tab) does not
// start consuming gestures.
const char* TabCloseButton::GetClassName() const {
return "TabCloseButton";
views::View* TabCloseButton::TargetForRect(views::View* root,
const gfx::Rect& rect) {
CHECK_EQ(root, this);
if (!views::UsePointBasedTargeting(rect))
return ViewTargeterDelegate::TargetForRect(root, rect);
// Ignore the padding set on the button.
gfx::Rect contents_bounds = GetMirroredRect(GetContentsBounds());
#if defined(USE_AURA)
// Include the padding in hit-test for touch events.
// TODO(pkasting): It seems like touch events would generate rects rather
// than points and thus use the TargetForRect() call above. If this is
// reached, it may be from someone calling GetEventHandlerForPoint() while a
// touch happens to be occurring. In such a case, maybe we don't want this
// code to run? It's possible this block should be removed, or maybe this
// whole function deleted. Note that in these cases, we should probably
// also remove the padding on the close button bounds (see Tab::Layout()),
// as it will be pointless.
if (aura::Env::GetInstance()->is_touch_down())
contents_bounds = GetLocalBounds();
return contents_bounds.Intersects(rect) ? this : parent();
bool TabCloseButton::GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const {
// We need to define this so hit-testing won't include the border region.
return true;
void TabCloseButton::GenerateImages(bool is_touch,
SkColor normal_icon_color,
SkColor hover_pressed_icon_color,
SkColor hover_highlight_color,
SkColor pressed_highlight_color) {
const gfx::VectorIcon& button_icon =
is_touch ? kTabCloseButtonTouchIcon : kTabCloseNormalIcon;
const gfx::VectorIcon& highlight = is_touch
? kTabCloseButtonTouchHighlightIcon
: kTabCloseButtonHighlightIcon;
const gfx::ImageSkia& normal =
gfx::CreateVectorIcon(button_icon, normal_icon_color);
const gfx::ImageSkia& hover_pressed =
normal_icon_color != hover_pressed_icon_color
? gfx::CreateVectorIcon(button_icon, hover_pressed_icon_color)
: normal;
const gfx::ImageSkia& hover_highlight =
gfx::CreateVectorIcon(highlight, hover_highlight_color);
const gfx::ImageSkia& pressed_highlight =
gfx::CreateVectorIcon(highlight, pressed_highlight_color);
const gfx::ImageSkia& hover =
const gfx::ImageSkia& pressed =
SetImage(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL, normal);
SetImage(views::Button::STATE_HOVERED, hover);
SetImage(views::Button::STATE_PRESSED, pressed);