blob: 887fbb8cda3771e0db2bf280f6587205fa55363e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
class PrefService;
namespace base {
struct Feature;
namespace syncer {
class SyncService;
namespace autofill {
struct Suggestion;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillAlwaysFillAddresses;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillAutoDismissableUpstreamBubble;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreateDataForTest;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreditCardAssist;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillScanCardholderName;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreditCardAblationExperiment;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreditCardBankNameDisplay;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreditCardPopupLayout;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplay;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillDeleteDisusedAddresses;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillDeleteDisusedCreditCards;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillExpandedPopupViews;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillPreferServerNamePredictions;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillRationalizeFieldTypePredictions;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillSuppressDisusedAddresses;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillSuppressDisusedCreditCards;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillUpstreamAllowAllEmailDomains;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillUpstreamSendDetectedValues;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillUpstreamSendPanFirstSix;
extern const base::Feature kAutofillUpstreamUpdatePromptExplanation;
extern const char kCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionLimitParamKey[];
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateShowExpirationDateKey[];
extern const char kAutofillUpstreamMaxMinutesSinceAutofillProfileUseKey[];
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
extern const base::Feature kCreditCardAutofillTouchBar;
extern const base::Feature kMacViewsAutofillPopup;
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Returns true if autofill should be enabled. See also
// IsInAutofillSuggestionsDisabledExperiment below.
bool IsAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* pref_service);
// Returns true if autofill suggestions are disabled via experiment. The
// disabled experiment isn't the same as disabling autofill completely since we
// still want to run detection code for metrics purposes. This experiment just
// disables providing suggestions.
bool IsInAutofillSuggestionsDisabledExperiment();
// Returns whether the Autofill credit card assist infobar should be shown.
bool IsAutofillCreditCardAssistEnabled();
// Returns true if the user should be offered to locally store unmasked cards.
// This controls whether the option is presented at all rather than the default
// response of the option.
bool OfferStoreUnmaskedCards();
// Returns true if uploading credit cards to Wallet servers is enabled. This
// requires the appropriate flags and user settings to be true and the user to
// be a member of a supported domain.
bool IsCreditCardUploadEnabled(const PrefService* pref_service,
const syncer::SyncService* sync_service,
const std::string& user_email);
// Returns whether the new Autofill credit card popup layout experiment is
// enabled.
bool IsAutofillCreditCardPopupLayoutExperimentEnabled();
// Returns whether the experiment to make the credit card Upstream bubble non
// sticky is enabled.
bool IsAutofillAutoDismissableUpstreamBubbleExperimentEnabled();
// Returns whether Autofill credit card last used date display experiment is
// enabled.
bool IsAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplayExperimentEnabled();
// Returns whether Autofill credit card last used date shows expiration date.
bool ShowExpirationDateInAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDate();
// Returns whether Autofill credit card bank name display experiment is enabled.
bool IsAutofillCreditCardBankNameDisplayExperimentEnabled();
// Returns the background color for credit card autofill popup, or
// |SK_ColorTRANSPARENT| if the new credit card autofill popup layout experiment
// is not enabled.
SkColor GetCreditCardPopupBackgroundColor();
// Returns the divider color for credit card autofill popup, or
// |SK_ColorTRANSPARENT| if the new credit card autofill popup layout experiment
// is not enabled.
SkColor GetCreditCardPopupDividerColor();
// Returns true if the credit card autofill popup suggestion value is displayed
// in bold type face.
bool IsCreditCardPopupValueBold();
// Returns the dropdown item height for autofill popup, returning 0 if the
// dropdown item height isn't configured in an experiment to tweak autofill
// popup layout.
unsigned int GetPopupDropdownItemHeight();
// Returns true if the icon in the credit card autofill popup must be displayed
// before the credit card value or any other suggestion text.
bool IsIconInCreditCardPopupAtStart();
// Modifies the suggestion value and label if the new credit card autofill popup
// experiment is enabled to tweak the display of the value and label.
void ModifyAutofillCreditCardSuggestion(struct Suggestion* suggestion);
// Returns the margin for the icon, label and between icon and label. Returns 0
// if the margin isn't configured in an experiment to tweak autofill popup
// layout.
unsigned int GetPopupMargin();
// Returns whether the experiment is enabled where Chrome Upstream always checks
// to see if it can offer to save (even though some data like name, address, and
// CVC might be missing) by sending metadata on what form values were detected
// along with whether the user is a Google Payments customer.
bool IsAutofillUpstreamSendDetectedValuesExperimentEnabled();
// Returns whether the experiment is enabled where Chrome Upstream sends the
// first six digits of the card PAN to Google Payments to help determine whether
// card upload is possible.
bool IsAutofillUpstreamSendPanFirstSixExperimentEnabled();
// Returns whether the experiment is enbaled where upstream sends updated
// prompt explanation which changes 'save this card' to 'save your card and
// billing address.'
bool IsAutofillUpstreamUpdatePromptExplanationExperimentEnabled();
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Returns whether the Credit Card Autofill Touch Bar experiment is enabled.
bool IsCreditCardAutofillTouchBarExperimentEnabled();
// Returns true if whether the views autofill popup feature is enabled or the
// we're using the views browser.
bool IsMacViewsAutofillPopupExperimentEnabled();
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
} // namespace autofill