blob: cb7501e23d2acef634ab3987961e5f183a5aba01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/webm/webm_cluster_parser.h"
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "media/base/data_buffer.h"
#include "media/base/decrypt_config.h"
#include "media/webm/webm_constants.h"
namespace media {
// Generates a 16 byte CTR counter block. The CTR counter block format is a
// CTR IV appended with a CTR block counter. |iv| is an 8 byte CTR IV.
// Returns a string of kDecryptionKeySize bytes.
static std::string GenerateCounterBlock(uint64 iv) {
std::string counter_block(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iv), sizeof(iv));
counter_block.append(DecryptConfig::kDecryptionKeySize - sizeof(iv), 0);
return counter_block;
WebMClusterParser::WebMClusterParser(int64 timecode_scale,
int audio_track_num,
int video_track_num,
const std::string& video_encryption_key_id)
: timecode_multiplier_(timecode_scale / 1000.0),
parser_(kWebMIdCluster, this),
video_(video_track_num) {
WebMClusterParser::~WebMClusterParser() {}
void WebMClusterParser::Reset() {
last_block_timecode_ = -1;
cluster_timecode_ = -1;
cluster_start_time_ = kNoTimestamp();
cluster_ended_ = false;
int WebMClusterParser::Parse(const uint8* buf, int size) {
int result = parser_.Parse(buf, size);
if (result < 0) {
cluster_ended_ = false;
return result;
cluster_ended_ = parser_.IsParsingComplete();
if (cluster_ended_) {
// If there were no buffers in this cluster, set the cluster start time to
// be the |cluster_timecode_|.
if (cluster_start_time_ == kNoTimestamp()) {
DCHECK_GT(cluster_timecode_, -1);
cluster_start_time_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(
cluster_timecode_ * timecode_multiplier_);
// Reset the parser if we're done parsing so that
// it is ready to accept another cluster on the next
// call.
last_block_timecode_ = -1;
cluster_timecode_ = -1;
return result;
WebMParserClient* WebMClusterParser::OnListStart(int id) {
if (id == kWebMIdCluster) {
cluster_timecode_ = -1;
cluster_start_time_ = kNoTimestamp();
} else if (id == kWebMIdBlockGroup) {
block_data_size_ = -1;
block_duration_ = -1;
return this;
bool WebMClusterParser::OnListEnd(int id) {
if (id != kWebMIdBlockGroup)
return true;
// Make sure the BlockGroup actually had a Block.
if (block_data_size_ == -1) {
DVLOG(1) << "Block missing from BlockGroup.";
return false;
bool result = ParseBlock(block_data_.get(), block_data_size_,
block_data_size_ = -1;
block_duration_ = -1;
return result;
bool WebMClusterParser::OnUInt(int id, int64 val) {
if (id == kWebMIdTimecode) {
if (cluster_timecode_ != -1)
return false;
cluster_timecode_ = val;
} else if (id == kWebMIdBlockDuration) {
if (block_duration_ != -1)
return false;
block_duration_ = val;
return true;
bool WebMClusterParser::ParseBlock(const uint8* buf, int size, int duration) {
if (size < 4)
return false;
// Return an error if the trackNum > 127. We just aren't
// going to support large track numbers right now.
if (!(buf[0] & 0x80)) {
DVLOG(1) << "TrackNumber over 127 not supported";
return false;
int track_num = buf[0] & 0x7f;
int timecode = buf[1] << 8 | buf[2];
int flags = buf[3] & 0xff;
int lacing = (flags >> 1) & 0x3;
if (lacing) {
DVLOG(1) << "Lacing " << lacing << " not supported yet.";
return false;
// Sign extend negative timecode offsets.
if (timecode & 0x8000)
timecode |= (-1 << 16);
const uint8* frame_data = buf + 4;
int frame_size = size - (frame_data - buf);
return OnBlock(track_num, timecode, duration, flags, frame_data, frame_size);
bool WebMClusterParser::OnBinary(int id, const uint8* data, int size) {
if (id == kWebMIdSimpleBlock)
return ParseBlock(data, size, -1);
if (id != kWebMIdBlock)
return true;
if (block_data_.get()) {
DVLOG(1) << "More than 1 Block in a BlockGroup is not supported.";
return false;
block_data_.reset(new uint8[size]);
memcpy(block_data_.get(), data, size);
block_data_size_ = size;
return true;
bool WebMClusterParser::OnBlock(int track_num, int timecode,
int block_duration,
int flags,
const uint8* data, int size) {
if (cluster_timecode_ == -1) {
DVLOG(1) << "Got a block before cluster timecode.";
return false;
if (timecode < 0) {
DVLOG(1) << "Got a block with negative timecode offset " << timecode;
return false;
if (last_block_timecode_ != -1 && timecode < last_block_timecode_) {
DVLOG(1) << "Got a block with a timecode before the previous block.";
return false;
last_block_timecode_ = timecode;
base::TimeDelta timestamp = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(
(cluster_timecode_ + timecode) * timecode_multiplier_);
// Every encrypted Block has an HMAC and IV prepended to it. Current encrypted
// WebM request for comments specification is here
bool is_track_encrypted =
track_num == video_.track_num() && !video_encryption_key_id_.empty();
// If stream is encrypted skip past the HMAC. Encrypted buffers must include
// the signal byte, the IV (if frame is encrypted) and
// the frame because the decryptor will verify this data before decryption.
// The HMAC and IV will be copied into DecryptConfig.
int offset = (is_track_encrypted) ? kWebMHmacSize : 0;
// The first bit of the flags is set when the block contains only keyframes.
bool is_keyframe = (flags & 0x80) != 0;
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> buffer =
StreamParserBuffer::CopyFrom(data + offset, size - offset, is_keyframe);
if (is_track_encrypted) {
uint8 signal_byte = data[kWebMHmacSize];
int data_offset = sizeof(signal_byte);
// Setting the DecryptConfig object of the buffer while leaving the
// initialization vector empty will tell the decryptor that the frame is
// unencrypted but integrity should still be checked.
std::string counter_block;
if (signal_byte & kWebMFlagEncryptedFrame) {
uint64 network_iv;
memcpy(&network_iv, data + kWebMHmacSize + data_offset,
const uint64 iv = base::NetToHost64(network_iv);
counter_block = GenerateCounterBlock(iv);
data_offset += sizeof(iv);
buffer->SetDecryptConfig(scoped_ptr<DecryptConfig>(new DecryptConfig(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), kWebMHmacSize),
if (cluster_start_time_ == kNoTimestamp())
cluster_start_time_ = timestamp;
if (block_duration >= 0) {
block_duration * timecode_multiplier_));
if (track_num == audio_.track_num()) {
return audio_.AddBuffer(buffer);
} else if (track_num == video_.track_num()) {
return video_.AddBuffer(buffer);
DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected track number " << track_num;
return false;
WebMClusterParser::Track::Track(int track_num)
: track_num_(track_num) {
WebMClusterParser::Track::~Track() {}
bool WebMClusterParser::Track::AddBuffer(
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer) {
DVLOG(2) << "AddBuffer() : " << track_num_
<< " ts " << buffer->GetTimestamp().InSecondsF()
<< " dur " << buffer->GetDuration().InSecondsF()
<< " kf " << buffer->IsKeyframe()
<< " size " << buffer->GetDataSize();
return true;
void WebMClusterParser::Track::Reset() {
} // namespace media