blob: 126bcb7b0429a96de19c9f5fcc8f264fcf0655de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "dbus/object_path.h"
#include "dbus/property.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_characteristic.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/dbus/bluetooth_gatt_characteristic_client.h"
namespace bluez {
// FakeBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient simulates the behavior of the
// Bluetooth Daemon GATT characteristic objects and is used in test cases in
// place of a mock and on the Linux desktop.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT FakeBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient
: public BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient {
struct Properties : public BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient::Properties {
explicit Properties(const PropertyChangedCallback& callback);
~Properties() override;
// dbus::PropertySet override
void Get(dbus::PropertyBase* property,
dbus::PropertySet::GetCallback callback) override;
void GetAll() override;
void Set(dbus::PropertyBase* property,
dbus::PropertySet::SetCallback callback) override;
~FakeBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient() override;
// DBusClient override.
void Init(dbus::Bus* bus, const std::string& bluetooth_service_name) override;
// BluetoothGattCharacteristicClient overrides.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> GetCharacteristics() override;
Properties* GetProperties(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path) override;
void ReadValue(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const ValueCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
void WriteValue(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
void PrepareWriteValue(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
void StartNotify(
const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
device::BluetoothGattCharacteristic::NotificationType notification_type,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
void StartNotify(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
void StopNotify(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
// Makes the group of characteristics belonging to a particular GATT based
// profile available under the GATT service with object path |service_path|.
// Characteristic paths are hierarchical to service paths.
void ExposeHeartRateCharacteristics(const dbus::ObjectPath& service_path);
void HideHeartRateCharacteristics();
// Returns whether or not the heart rate characteristics are visible and
// performs the appropriate assertions.
bool IsHeartRateVisible() const;
// Makes this characteristic client really slow.
// So slow, that it is guaranteed that |requests| requests will
// come in while the client is doing the previous request.
// Setting |requests| to zero will cause all delayed actions to
// complete immediately.
void SetExtraProcessing(size_t requests);
size_t GetExtraProcessing() const;
// Sets whether the client is authorized or not.
// Defaults to authorized.
void SetAuthorized(bool authorized) { authorized_ = authorized; }
// Get the current Authorization state.
bool IsAuthorized() const { return authorized_; }
// Whether the client is Authenticated
// Defaults to authenticated.
void SetAuthenticated(bool authenticated) { authenticated_ = authenticated; }
// Get the current Authenticated state.
bool IsAuthenticated() const { return authenticated_; }
// Returns the current object paths of exposed characteristics. If the
// characteristic is not visible, returns an invalid empty path.
dbus::ObjectPath GetHeartRateMeasurementPath() const;
dbus::ObjectPath GetBodySensorLocationPath() const;
dbus::ObjectPath GetHeartRateControlPointPath() const;
// Object path components and UUIDs of GATT characteristics.
// Heart Rate Service:
static const char kHeartRateMeasurementPathComponent[];
static const char kHeartRateMeasurementUUID[];
static const char kBodySensorLocationPathComponent[];
static const char kBodySensorLocationUUID[];
static const char kHeartRateControlPointPathComponent[];
static const char kHeartRateControlPointUUID[];
// Property callback passed when we create Properties structures.
void OnPropertyChanged(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const std::string& property_name);
// Notifies observers.
void NotifyCharacteristicAdded(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path);
void NotifyCharacteristicRemoved(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path);
// Schedules a heart rate measurement value change, if the heart rate
// characteristics are visible.
void ScheduleHeartRateMeasurementValueChange();
// Returns a random Heart Rate Measurement value. All the fields of the value
// are populated according to the the fake behavior. The measurement value
// is a random value within a reasonable range.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetHeartRateMeasurementValue();
// Callback that executes a delayed ReadValue action by updating the
// appropriate "Value" property and invoking the ValueCallback.
void DelayedReadValueCallback(const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const ValueCallback& callback,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value);
// If true, characteristics of the Heart Rate Service are visible. Use
// IsHeartRateVisible() to check the value.
bool heart_rate_visible_;
// If true, the client is authorized to read and write.
bool authorized_;
// If true, the client is authenticated.
bool authenticated_;
// Total calories burned, used for the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic.
uint16_t calories_burned_;
// Static properties returned for simulated characteristics for the Heart
// Rate Service. These pointers are not NULL only if the characteristics are
// actually exposed.
std::unique_ptr<Properties> heart_rate_measurement_properties_;
std::unique_ptr<Properties> body_sensor_location_properties_;
std::unique_ptr<Properties> heart_rate_control_point_properties_;
// Object paths of the exposed characteristics. If a characteristic is not
// exposed, these will be empty.
std::string heart_rate_measurement_path_;
std::string heart_rate_measurement_ccc_desc_path_;
std::string body_sensor_location_path_;
std::string heart_rate_control_point_path_;
// Number of extra requests that need to come in simulating slowness.
size_t extra_requests_;
// Current countdowns for extra requests for various actions.
struct DelayedCallback {
DelayedCallback(base::Closure callback, size_t delay);
base::Closure callback_;
size_t delay_;
// Map of delayed callbacks.
std::map<std::string, DelayedCallback*> action_extra_requests_;
// List of observers interested in event notifications from us.
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
// Weak pointer factory for generating 'this' pointers that might live longer
// than we do.
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeBluetoothGattCharacteristicClient> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bluez