blob: 5614eca7e9715ba649f50936e2b4122b39d56398 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/cast_certificate/cast_crl.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <memory>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/cert_errors.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/parse_certificate.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/parsed_certificate.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/path_builder.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/simple_path_builder_delegate.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/trust_store_in_memory.h"
#include "net/cert/pki/verify_certificate_chain.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util.h"
#include "net/der/encode_values.h"
#include "net/der/input.h"
#include "net/der/parse_values.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/digest.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/evp.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/common/certificate/proto/revocation.pb.h"
namespace cast_certificate {
using cast::certificate::Crl;
using cast::certificate::CrlBundle;
using cast::certificate::TbsCrl;
namespace {
// During fuzz testing, we won't have valid hashes for certificate revocation,
// so we use the empty string as a placeholder where a hash code is needed in
// production. This allows us to test the revocation logic without needing the
// fuzzing engine to produce a valid hash code.
constexpr char kFakeHashForFuzzing[] = "fake_hash_code";
enum CrlVersion {
// version 0: Spki Hash Algorithm = SHA-256
// Signature Algorithm = RSA-PKCS1 V1.5 with SHA-256
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cast CRL trust anchors.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There is one trusted root for Cast CRL certificate chains:
// (1) CN=Cast CRL Root CA (kCastCRLRootCaDer)
// These constants are defined by the file included next:
#include "components/cast_certificate/cast_crl_root_ca_cert_der-inc.h"
// Singleton for the Cast CRL trust store.
class CastCRLTrustStore {
static CastCRLTrustStore* GetInstance() {
return base::Singleton<CastCRLTrustStore, base::LeakySingletonTraits<
CastCRLTrustStore(const CastCRLTrustStore&) = delete;
CastCRLTrustStore& operator=(const CastCRLTrustStore&) = delete;
static net::TrustStore& Get() { return GetInstance()->store_; }
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<CastCRLTrustStore>;
CastCRLTrustStore() {
// Initialize the trust store with the root certificate.
net::CertErrors errors;
scoped_refptr<net::ParsedCertificate> cert = net::ParsedCertificate::Create(
{}, &errors);
CHECK(cert) << errors.ToDebugString();
// Enforce pathlen constraints and policies defined on the root certificate.
net::TrustStoreInMemory store_;
// Converts a uint64_t unix timestamp to net::der::GeneralizedTime.
bool ConvertTimeSeconds(uint64_t seconds,
net::der::GeneralizedTime* generalized_time) {
base::Time unix_timestamp =
base::Time::UnixEpoch() +
return net::der::EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(unix_timestamp,
// Verifies the CRL is signed by a trusted CRL authority at the time the CRL
// was issued. Verifies the signature of |tbs_crl| is valid based on the
// certificate and signature in |crl|. The validity of |tbs_crl| is verified
// at |time|. The validity period of the CRL is adjusted to be the earliest
// of the issuer certificate chain's expiration and the CRL's expiration and
// the result is stored in |overall_not_after|.
bool VerifyCRL(const Crl& crl,
const TbsCrl& tbs_crl,
const base::Time& time,
net::TrustStore* trust_store,
net::der::GeneralizedTime* overall_not_after) {
if (!crl.has_signature() || !crl.has_signer_cert()) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Missing fields";
return false;
net::CertErrors parse_errors;
scoped_refptr<net::ParsedCertificate> parsed_cert =
net::x509_util::CreateCryptoBuffer(crl.signer_cert()), {},
if (parsed_cert == nullptr) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Issuer certificate parsing failed:\n"
<< parse_errors.ToDebugString();
return false;
CBS spki;
CBS_init(&spki, parsed_cert->tbs().spki_tlv.UnsafeData(),
bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> pubkey(EVP_parse_public_key(&spki));
if (!pubkey || CBS_len(&spki) != 0) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Parsing public key failed";
return false;
// Verify the signature in the CRL. It should be signed with RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
// and SHA-256.
auto signature_bytes = base::as_bytes(base::make_span(crl.signature()));
auto tbs_crl_bytes = base::as_bytes(base::make_span(crl.tbs_crl()));
bssl::ScopedEVP_MD_CTX ctx;
if (EVP_PKEY_id(pubkey.get()) != EVP_PKEY_RSA ||
!EVP_DigestVerifyInit(ctx.get(), nullptr, EVP_sha256(), nullptr,
pubkey.get()) ||
tbs_crl_bytes.size())) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Signature verification failed";
return false;
// Verify the issuer certificate.
net::der::GeneralizedTime verification_time;
if (!net::der::EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(time, &verification_time)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Unable to parse verification time.";
return false;
// SimplePathBuilderDelegate will enforce required signature algorithms of
// RSASSA PKCS#1 v1.5 with SHA-256, and RSA keys 2048-bits or longer.
net::SimplePathBuilderDelegate path_builder_delegate(
2048, net::SimplePathBuilderDelegate::DigestPolicy::kWeakAllowSha1);
// Verify the trust of the CRL authority.
net::CertPathBuilder path_builder(
parsed_cert.get(), trust_store, &path_builder_delegate, verification_time,
net::KeyPurpose::ANY_EKU, net::InitialExplicitPolicy::kFalse,
net::CertPathBuilder::Result result = path_builder.Run();
if (!result.HasValidPath()) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Issuer certificate verification failed.";
// TODO( Log the error information.
return false;
// There are no requirements placed on the leaf certificate having any
// particular KeyUsages. Leaf certificate checks are bypassed.
// Verify the CRL is still valid.
net::der::GeneralizedTime not_before;
if (!ConvertTimeSeconds(tbs_crl.not_before_seconds(), &not_before)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Unable to parse not_before.";
return false;
net::der::GeneralizedTime not_after;
if (!ConvertTimeSeconds(tbs_crl.not_after_seconds(), &not_after)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Unable to parse not_after.";
return false;
if ((verification_time < not_before) || (verification_time > not_after)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Not time-valid.";
return false;
// Set CRL expiry to the earliest of the cert chain expiry and CRL expiry.
// Note that the trust anchor is not part of this loop.
// "expiration" of the trust anchor is handled instead by its
// presence in the trust store.
*overall_not_after = not_after;
// We don't expect to have a valid path during fuzz testing, so just use a
// single cert.
const net::ParsedCertificateList path_certs = {parsed_cert};
const net::ParsedCertificateList& path_certs =
for (const auto& cert : path_certs) {
net::der::GeneralizedTime cert_not_after = cert->tbs().validity_not_after;
if (cert_not_after < *overall_not_after)
*overall_not_after = cert_not_after;
// Perform sanity check on serial numbers.
for (const auto& range : tbs_crl.revoked_serial_number_ranges()) {
uint64_t first_serial_number = range.first_serial_number();
uint64_t last_serial_number = range.last_serial_number();
if (last_serial_number < first_serial_number) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL - Malformed serial number range.";
return false;
return true;
class CastCRLImpl : public CastCRL {
CastCRLImpl(const TbsCrl& tbs_crl,
const net::der::GeneralizedTime& overall_not_after);
CastCRLImpl(const CastCRLImpl&) = delete;
CastCRLImpl& operator=(const CastCRLImpl&) = delete;
~CastCRLImpl() override;
bool CheckRevocation(const net::ParsedCertificateList& trusted_chain,
const base::Time& time) const override;
struct SerialNumberRange {
uint64_t first_serial;
uint64_t last_serial;
net::der::GeneralizedTime not_before_;
net::der::GeneralizedTime not_after_;
// Revoked public key hashes.
// The values consist of the SHA256 hash of the SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
std::unordered_set<std::string> revoked_hashes_;
// Revoked serial number ranges indexed by issuer public key hash.
// The key is the SHA256 hash of issuer's SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
// The value is a list of revoked serial number ranges.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<SerialNumberRange>>
CastCRLImpl::CastCRLImpl(const TbsCrl& tbs_crl,
const net::der::GeneralizedTime& overall_not_after) {
// Parse the validity information.
// Assume ConvertTimeSeconds will succeed. Successful call to VerifyCRL
// means that these calls were successful.
ConvertTimeSeconds(tbs_crl.not_before_seconds(), &not_before_);
ConvertTimeSeconds(tbs_crl.not_after_seconds(), &not_after_);
if (overall_not_after < not_after_)
not_after_ = overall_not_after;
// Parse the revoked hashes.
for (const auto& hash : tbs_crl.revoked_public_key_hashes()) {
// Save fake hash code for later lookups.
// Parse the revoked serial ranges.
for (const auto& range : tbs_crl.revoked_serial_number_ranges()) {
std::string issuer_hash = range.issuer_public_key_hash();
// Save range under fake hash code for later lookups.
issuer_hash = kFakeHashForFuzzing;
uint64_t first_serial_number = range.first_serial_number();
uint64_t last_serial_number = range.last_serial_number();
auto& serial_number_range = revoked_serial_numbers_[issuer_hash];
serial_number_range.push_back({first_serial_number, last_serial_number});
CastCRLImpl::~CastCRLImpl() {}
// Verifies the revocation status of the certificate chain, at the specified
// time.
bool CastCRLImpl::CheckRevocation(
const net::ParsedCertificateList& trusted_chain,
const base::Time& time) const {
if (trusted_chain.empty())
return false;
// Check the validity of the CRL at the specified time.
net::der::GeneralizedTime verification_time;
if (!net::der::EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(time, &verification_time)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL verification time malformed.";
return false;
if ((verification_time < not_before_) || (verification_time > not_after_)) {
VLOG(2) << "CRL not time-valid. Perform hard fail.";
return false;
// Check revocation. This loop iterates over both certificates AND then the
// trust anchor after exhausting the certs.
for (size_t i = 0; i < trusted_chain.size(); ++i) {
const net::der::Input& spki_tlv = trusted_chain[i]->tbs().spki_tlv;
// Calculate the public key's hash to check for revocation.
std::string spki_hash = crypto::SHA256HashString(spki_tlv.AsString());
// Revocation data (if any) was saved in the constructor using this fake
// hash code.
spki_hash = kFakeHashForFuzzing;
if (revoked_hashes_.find(spki_hash) != revoked_hashes_.end()) {
VLOG(2) << "Public key is revoked.";
return false;
// Check if the subordinate certificate was revoked by serial number.
if (i > 0) {
auto issuer_iter = revoked_serial_numbers_.find(spki_hash);
if (issuer_iter != revoked_serial_numbers_.end()) {
const auto& subordinate = trusted_chain[i - 1];
uint64_t serial_number;
// Only Google generated device certificates will be revoked by range.
// These will always be less than 64 bits in length.
if (!net::der::ParseUint64(subordinate->tbs().serial_number,
&serial_number)) {
for (const auto& revoked_serial : issuer_iter->second) {
if (revoked_serial.first_serial <= serial_number &&
revoked_serial.last_serial >= serial_number) {
VLOG(2) << "Serial number is revoked";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<CastCRL> ParseAndVerifyCRL(const std::string& crl_proto,
const base::Time& time) {
return ParseAndVerifyCRLUsingCustomTrustStore(crl_proto, time,
std::unique_ptr<CastCRL> ParseAndVerifyCRLUsingCustomTrustStore(
const std::string& crl_proto,
const base::Time& time,
net::TrustStore* trust_store) {
if (!trust_store)
return ParseAndVerifyCRL(crl_proto, time);
CrlBundle crl_bundle;
if (!crl_bundle.ParseFromString(crl_proto)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CRL - Binary could not be parsed.";
return nullptr;
for (auto const& crl : crl_bundle.crls()) {
TbsCrl tbs_crl;
if (!tbs_crl.ParseFromString(crl.tbs_crl())) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Binary TBS CRL could not be parsed.";
if (tbs_crl.version() != CRL_VERSION_0) {
net::der::GeneralizedTime overall_not_after;
if (!VerifyCRL(crl, tbs_crl, time, trust_store, &overall_not_after)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CRL - Verification failed.";
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<CastCRLImpl>(tbs_crl, overall_not_after);
LOG(ERROR) << "No supported version of revocation data.";
return nullptr;
} // namespace cast_certificate