blob: 462d5e4115135ad05c476feea3393ee463417f3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/search_provider_logos/google_logo_api.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/google/core/common/google_util.h"
#include "components/search_provider_logos/switches.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace search_provider_logos {
namespace {
const int kDefaultIframeWidthPx = 500;
const int kDefaultIframeHeightPx = 200;
} // namespace
GURL GetGoogleDoodleURL(const GURL& google_base_url) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kGoogleDoodleUrl)) {
return GURL(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kGoogleDoodleUrl));
GURL::Replacements replacements;
// Make sure we use https rather than http (except for .cn).
if (google_base_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme) &&
!base::EndsWith(google_base_url.host_piece(), ".cn",
base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
return google_base_url.ReplaceComponents(replacements);
GURL AppendFingerprintParamToDoodleURL(const GURL& logo_url,
const std::string& fingerprint) {
if (fingerprint.empty()) {
return logo_url;
return google_util::AppendToAsyncQueryParam(logo_url, "es_dfp", fingerprint);
GURL AppendPreliminaryParamsToDoodleURL(bool gray_background,
bool for_webui_ntp,
const GURL& logo_url) {
auto url = google_util::AppendToAsyncQueryParam(logo_url, "ntp",
for_webui_ntp ? "2" : "1");
if (gray_background) {
url = google_util::AppendToAsyncQueryParam(url, "graybg", "1");
return url;
namespace {
const char kResponsePreamble[] = ")]}'";
GURL ParseUrl(const base::Value& parent_dict,
const std::string& key,
const GURL& base_url) {
const std::string* url_str = parent_dict.FindStringKey(key);
if (!url_str || url_str->empty()) {
return GURL();
GURL result = base_url.Resolve(*url_str);
// If the base URL is https:// (which should almost always be the case, see
// above), then we require all other URLs to be https:// too.
if (base_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme) &&
!result.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme)) {
return GURL();
return result;
// On success returns a pair of <mime_type, data>.
// On error returns a pair of <string, nullptr>.
// mime_type should be ignored if data is nullptr.
std::pair<std::string, scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString>>
ParseEncodedImageData(const std::string& encoded_image_data) {
std::pair<std::string, scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString>> result;
GURL encoded_image_uri(encoded_image_data);
if (!encoded_image_uri.is_valid() ||
!encoded_image_uri.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme)) {
return result;
std::string content = encoded_image_uri.GetContent();
// The content should look like this: "image/png;base64,aaa..." (where
// "aaa..." is the base64-encoded image data).
size_t mime_type_end = content.find_first_of(';');
if (mime_type_end == std::string::npos)
return result;
std::string mime_type = content.substr(0, mime_type_end);
size_t base64_begin = mime_type_end + 1;
size_t base64_end = content.find_first_of(',', base64_begin);
if (base64_end == std::string::npos)
return result;
auto base64 = base::MakeStringPiece(content.begin() + base64_begin,
content.begin() + base64_end);
if (base64 != "base64")
return result;
size_t data_begin = base64_end + 1;
auto data =
base::MakeStringPiece(content.begin() + data_begin, content.end());
std::string decoded_data;
if (!base::Base64Decode(data, &decoded_data))
return result;
result.first = mime_type;
result.second = base::RefCountedString::TakeString(&decoded_data);
return result;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<EncodedLogo> ParseDoodleLogoResponse(
const GURL& base_url,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response,
base::Time response_time,
bool* parsing_failed) {
// The response may start with )]}'. Ignore this.
base::StringPiece response_sp(*response);
if (base::StartsWith(response_sp, kResponsePreamble))
// Default parsing failure to be true.
*parsing_failed = true;
auto parsed_json = base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnValueWithError(response_sp);
if (!parsed_json.has_value()) {
LOG(WARNING) << parsed_json.error().message << " at "
<< parsed_json.error().line << ":"
<< parsed_json.error().column;
return nullptr;
if (!parsed_json->is_dict())
return nullptr;
const base::Value* ddljson = parsed_json->FindDictKey("ddljson");
if (!ddljson)
return nullptr;
// If there is no logo today, the "ddljson" dictionary will be empty.
if (ddljson->DictEmpty()) {
*parsing_failed = false;
return nullptr;
auto logo = std::make_unique<EncodedLogo>();
const std::string* doodle_type = ddljson->FindStringKey("doodle_type");
logo->metadata.type = LogoType::SIMPLE;
if (doodle_type) {
if (*doodle_type == "ANIMATED") {
logo->metadata.type = LogoType::ANIMATED;
} else if (*doodle_type == "INTERACTIVE") {
logo->metadata.type = LogoType::INTERACTIVE;
} else if (*doodle_type == "VIDEO") {
logo->metadata.type = LogoType::INTERACTIVE;
const bool is_simple = (logo->metadata.type == LogoType::SIMPLE);
const bool is_animated = (logo->metadata.type == LogoType::ANIMATED);
bool is_interactive = (logo->metadata.type == LogoType::INTERACTIVE);
// Check if the main image is animated.
if (is_animated) {
// If animated, get the URL for the animated image.
const base::Value* image = ddljson->FindDictKey("large_image");
if (!image)
return nullptr;
logo->metadata.animated_url = ParseUrl(*image, "url", base_url);
if (!logo->metadata.animated_url.is_valid())
return nullptr;
const base::Value* dark_image = ddljson->FindDictKey("dark_large_image");
if (dark_image)
logo->metadata.dark_animated_url = ParseUrl(*dark_image, "url", base_url);
if (is_simple || is_animated) {
const base::Value* image = ddljson->FindDictKey("large_image");
if (image) {
if (absl::optional<int> width_px = image->FindIntKey("width"))
logo->metadata.width_px = *width_px;
if (absl::optional<int> height_px = image->FindIntKey("height"))
logo->metadata.height_px = *height_px;
const base::Value* dark_image = ddljson->FindDictKey("dark_large_image");
if (dark_image) {
if (const std::string* background_color =
dark_image->FindStringKey("background_color")) {
logo->metadata.dark_background_color = *background_color;
if (absl::optional<int> width_px = dark_image->FindIntKey("width"))
logo->metadata.dark_width_px = *width_px;
if (absl::optional<int> height_px = dark_image->FindIntKey("height"))
logo->metadata.dark_height_px = *height_px;
const bool is_eligible_for_share_button =
(logo->metadata.type == LogoType::ANIMATED ||
logo->metadata.type == LogoType::SIMPLE);
if (is_eligible_for_share_button) {
const base::Value* share_button = ddljson->FindDictKey("share_button");
const std::string* short_link_ptr = ddljson->FindStringKey("short_link");
// The short link in the doodle proto is an incomplete URL with the format
// //*, //* or //*.
// Complete the URL if possible.
if (share_button && short_link_ptr && short_link_ptr->find("//") == 0) {
std::string short_link_str = *short_link_ptr;
short_link_str.insert(0, "https:");
logo->metadata.short_link = GURL(std::move(short_link_str));
if (logo->metadata.short_link.is_valid()) {
if (absl::optional<int> offset_x = share_button->FindIntKey("offset_x"))
logo->metadata.share_button_x = *offset_x;
if (absl::optional<int> offset_y = share_button->FindIntKey("offset_y"))
logo->metadata.share_button_y = *offset_y;
if (absl::optional<double> opacity =
share_button->FindDoubleKey("opacity")) {
logo->metadata.share_button_opacity = *opacity;
if (const std::string* icon = share_button->FindStringKey("icon_image"))
logo->metadata.share_button_icon = *icon;
if (const std::string* bg_color =
share_button->FindStringKey("background_color")) {
logo->metadata.share_button_bg = *bg_color;
const base::Value* dark_share_button =
if (dark_share_button) {
if (logo->metadata.short_link.is_valid()) {
if (absl::optional<int> offset_x =
dark_share_button->FindIntKey("offset_x")) {
logo->metadata.dark_share_button_x = *offset_x;
if (absl::optional<int> offset_y =
dark_share_button->FindIntKey("offset_y")) {
logo->metadata.dark_share_button_y = *offset_y;
if (absl::optional<double> opacity =
dark_share_button->FindDoubleKey("opacity")) {
logo->metadata.dark_share_button_opacity = *opacity;
if (const std::string* icon =
dark_share_button->FindStringKey("icon_image")) {
logo->metadata.dark_share_button_icon = *icon;
if (const std::string* bg_color =
dark_share_button->FindStringKey("background_color")) {
logo->metadata.dark_share_button_bg = *bg_color;
logo->metadata.full_page_url =
ParseUrl(*ddljson, "fullpage_interactive_url", base_url);
// Data is optional, since we may be revalidating a cached logo.
// If there is a CTA image, get that; otherwise use the regular image.
const std::string* encoded_image_data =
if (!encoded_image_data)
encoded_image_data = ddljson->FindStringKey("data_uri");
if (encoded_image_data) {
auto [mime_type, data] = ParseEncodedImageData(*encoded_image_data);
if (!data)
return nullptr;
logo->metadata.mime_type = mime_type;
logo->encoded_image = data;
const std::string* dark_encoded_image_data =
if (!dark_encoded_image_data)
dark_encoded_image_data = ddljson->FindStringKey("dark_data_uri");
if (dark_encoded_image_data) {
auto [mime_type, data] = ParseEncodedImageData(*dark_encoded_image_data);
if (data)
logo->metadata.dark_mime_type = mime_type;
logo->dark_encoded_image = data;
logo->metadata.on_click_url = ParseUrl(*ddljson, "target_url", base_url);
if (const std::string* alt_text = ddljson->FindStringKey("alt_text"))
logo->metadata.alt_text = *alt_text;
logo->metadata.cta_log_url = ParseUrl(*ddljson, "cta_log_url", base_url);
logo->metadata.dark_cta_log_url =
ParseUrl(*ddljson, "dark_cta_log_url", base_url);
logo->metadata.log_url = ParseUrl(*ddljson, "log_url", base_url);
logo->metadata.dark_log_url = ParseUrl(*ddljson, "dark_log_url", base_url);
if (const std::string* fingerprint = ddljson->FindStringKey("fingerprint"))
logo->metadata.fingerprint = *fingerprint;
if (is_interactive) {
const std::string* behavior =
if (behavior && (*behavior == "NEW_WINDOW")) {
logo->metadata.type = LogoType::SIMPLE;
logo->metadata.on_click_url = logo->metadata.full_page_url;
is_interactive = false;
logo->metadata.iframe_width_px = 0;
logo->metadata.iframe_height_px = 0;
if (is_interactive) {
logo->metadata.iframe_width_px =
logo->metadata.iframe_height_px = ddljson->FindIntKey("iframe_height_px")
base::TimeDelta time_to_live;
// The JSON doesn't guarantee the number to fit into an int.
if (absl::optional<double> ttl_ms =
ddljson->FindDoubleKey("time_to_live_ms")) {
time_to_live = base::Milliseconds(*ttl_ms);
logo->metadata.can_show_after_expiration = false;
} else {
time_to_live = base::Milliseconds(kMaxTimeToLiveMS);
logo->metadata.can_show_after_expiration = true;
logo->metadata.expiration_time = response_time + time_to_live;
*parsing_failed = false;
return logo;
} // namespace search_provider_logos