blob: 84f4132697112f4dac4d206972223087b80376b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <ostream>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
namespace ash {
// Tells the photo model and controller requirements for how topics are handled
// by the current UI.
struct ASH_EXPORT AmbientPhotoConfig {
AmbientPhotoConfig(const AmbientPhotoConfig& other);
AmbientPhotoConfig& operator=(const AmbientPhotoConfig& other);
std::size_t GetNumDecodedTopicsToBuffer() const {
return num_topic_sets_to_buffer * topic_set_size;
// If true, topics from the IMAX server containing a primary and related image
// are always split into two topics, where the second topic's primary image
// is set to the "related" image from the original paired topic. The client
// will never pairs topics itself, and a topic will only ever have a primary
// image.
// If false, topics may contain a pair of primary and related photos.
bool should_split_topics = false;
// How many sets of decoded topics to keep buffered at any given time while
// rendering, where the size of each set is |topic_set_size|.
std::size_t num_topic_sets_to_buffer = 0;
// The maximum number of topics that the UI will display at any given time.
std::size_t topic_set_size = 0;
// A marker is any time point of interest in the UI. Note all Ambient UIs have
// a time component to them. They are cyclic with a period T and progress
// linearly from time 0 to T. After a cycle completes, the UI loops back to
// time 0 again, repeating indefinitely.
enum class Marker {
// A one-time event when the UI first starts rendering (the start of the
// very first cycle).
// Marks the end of one UI cycle, and by extension, the start of another
// cycle.
// Markers at which a new set of topics should be decoded and written to the
// model, where the size of the new set is |topic_set_size|.
base::flat_set<Marker> refresh_topic_markers;
// TODO(esum): Evaluate whether the following are needed:
// * Max topics to cache - Since the animation photo config splits topics,
// there may be less total images available compared to the slideshow
// config. To compensate, the animation photo config may requires a higher
// max size for its cache.
// * Number of topics to prepare (load, save, decode) in parallel - Since the
// animation photo config only ever has 1 image in a topic, it will never
// prepare images in parallel like the slideshow config can when there's a
// single paired topic. It may need to prepare 2 topics at a time.
ASH_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
AmbientPhotoConfig::Marker marker);
} // namespace ash