blob: a8f9b9e24709aa0a1dcc54198d101b1ca232b43b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/server_backed_state/server_backed_state_keys_broker.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/mixin_based_in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "chromeos/system/fake_statistics_provider.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/chrome_device_policy.pb.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/cloud_policy.pb.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
namespace policy {
class EmbeddedPolicyTestServer;
namespace ash {
// This test mixin covers setting up EmbeddedPolicyTestServer and adding a
// command-line flag to use it. Please see SetUp function for default settings.
// Server is started after SetUp execution.
class EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin : public InProcessBrowserTestMixin {
enum Capabilities {
// Enables the usage of keys canned into the policy test server, instead of
// the default key returned by PolicyBuilder::CreateTestSigningKey().
// Enables the automatic rotation of the policy signing keys with each
// policy fetch request.
explicit EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin(
InProcessBrowserTestMixinHost* host,
std::initializer_list<Capabilities> capabilities = {});
EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin(const EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin&) = delete;
EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin& operator=(
const EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin&) = delete;
~EmbeddedPolicyTestServerMixin() override;
policy::EmbeddedPolicyTestServer* server() {
return policy_test_server_.get();
// InProcessBrowserTestMixin:
void SetUp() override;
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
// Updates the device policy blob served by the embedded policy test server.
// This does not trigger policy invalidation, hence test authors must manually
// trigger a policy fetch.
void UpdateDevicePolicy(
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& policy);
// Updates user policy blob served by the embedded policy test server.
// `policy_user` - the policy user's email. This does not trigger policy
// invalidation, hence test authors must manually trigger a policy fetch.
void UpdateUserPolicy(
const enterprise_management::CloudPolicySettings& policy,
const std::string& policy_user);
// Updates policy selected by |type| and optional |entity_id|. The policy is
// set to the proto serialized in |serialized_policy|. This does not trigger
// policy invalidation, hence test authors must manually trigger a policy
// fetch.
void UpdatePolicy(const std::string& type,
const std::string& serialized_policy);
void UpdatePolicy(const std::string& type,
const std::string& entity_id,
const std::string& serialized_policy);
// Updates policy selected by |type| and optional |entity_id|. The
// |raw_policy| is served via an external data point. This does not trigger
// policy invalidation, hence test authors must manually trigger a policy
// fetch.
void UpdateExternalPolicy(const std::string& type,
const std::string& entity_id,
const std::string& raw_policy);
// Configures whether the server should indicate that the client is
// allowed to update device attributes in response to
// DeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionRequest.
void SetUpdateDeviceAttributesPermission(bool allowed);
// Configures server to respond with particular error code during requests.
// `net_error_code` - error code from
void SetDeviceEnrollmentError(int net_error_code);
void SetDeviceAttributeUpdateError(int net_error_code);
void SetPolicyFetchError(int net_error_code);
// Configures fake attestation flow so that we can test attestation-based
// enrollment flows.
void SetFakeAttestationFlow();
// Configures server to expect these PSM (private set membership) execution
// values (i.e. `psm_execution_result` and `psm_determination_timestamp`) as
// part of DeviceRegisterRequest. Note: `device_brand_code` and
// `device_serial_number` values will be used on the server as a key to
// retrieve the PSM execution values.
void SetExpectedPsmParamsInDeviceRegisterRequest(
const std::string& device_brand_code,
const std::string& device_serial_number,
int psm_execution_result,
int64_t psm_determination_timestamp);
// Set response for DeviceStateRetrievalRequest. Returns that if finds state
// key passed in the request. State keys could be set by RegisterClient call
// on policy test server.
bool SetDeviceStateRetrievalResponse(
policy::ServerBackedStateKeysBroker* keys_broker,
const std::string& managemement_domain);
// Set response for DeviceInitialEnrollmentStateRequest.
void SetDeviceInitialEnrollmentResponse(
const std::string& device_brand_code,
const std::string& device_serial_number,
InitialEnrollmentMode initial_mode,
const std::string& management_domain);
// Utility function that configures server parameters for zero-touch
// enrollment. Should be used in conjunction with enabling zero-touch
// via command line and calling `ConfigureFakeStatisticsForZeroTouch`.
void SetupZeroTouchForcedEnrollment();
// Configures fake statistics provider with values that can be used with
// zero-touch enrollment.
void ConfigureFakeStatisticsForZeroTouch(
system::ScopedFakeStatisticsProvider* provider);
std::unique_ptr<policy::EmbeddedPolicyTestServer> policy_test_server_;
base::flat_set<Capabilities> capabilities_;
} // namespace ash