blob: 166a94c9194e1a738d9aba30da86e998a22dd05e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_player_watch_time.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_stream_request.h"
#include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h"
#include "content/public/browser/visibility.h"
#include "content/public/common/javascript_dialog_type.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/media_player.mojom.h"
#include "media/mojo/services/media_metrics_provider.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/scoped_interface_endpoint_handle.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/geolocation_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/wake_lock.mojom.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/mediastream/media_stream_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/choosers/popup_menu.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/favicon/favicon_url.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/blocked_navigation_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/resource_load_info.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/media/capture_handle_config.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "services/device/public/mojom/nfc.mojom.h"
class GURL;
namespace IPC {
class Message;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace blink {
namespace mojom {
class DisplayCutoutHost;
class FullscreenOptions;
class PageState;
namespace web_pref {
struct WebPreferences;
} // namespace blink
namespace device {
namespace mojom {
class ScreenOrientation;
} // namespace device
namespace ui {
class ClipboardFormatType;
namespace content {
class AgentSchedulingGroupHost;
class FrameTreeNode;
class PrerenderHostRegistry;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
class SessionStorageNamespace;
struct AXEventNotificationDetails;
struct AXLocationChangeNotificationDetails;
struct ContextMenuParams;
struct GlobalRequestID;
namespace mojom {
class CreateNewWindowParams;
// An interface implemented by an object interested in knowing about the state
// of the RenderFrameHost.
// Layering note: Generally, WebContentsImpl should be the only implementation
// of this interface. In particular, WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost() assumes
// this. This delegate interface is useful for renderer_host/ to make requests
// to WebContentsImpl, as renderer_host/ is not permitted to know the
// WebContents type (see //renderer_host/DEPS).
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameHostDelegate {
// Callback used with HandleClipboardPaste() method. If the clipboard paste
// is allowed to proceed, the callback is called with true. Otherwise the
// callback is called with false.
using ClipboardPasteContentAllowed =
using IsClipboardPasteContentAllowedCallback =
using JavaScriptDialogCallback =
// This is used to give the delegate a chance to filter IPC messages.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const IPC::Message& message);
// Notification from the renderer host that a suspicious navigation of the
// main frame has been blocked. Allows the delegate to provide some UI to let
// the user know about the blocked navigation and give them the option to
// recover from it.
// |blocked_url| is the blocked navigation target, |initiator_url| is the URL
// of the frame initiating the navigation, |reason| specifies why the
// navigation was blocked.
virtual void OnDidBlockNavigation(
const GURL& blocked_url,
const GURL& initiator_url,
blink::mojom::NavigationBlockedReason reason) {}
// Called when blink.mojom.LocalFrameHost::DidFinishLoad() is invoked.
virtual void OnDidFinishLoad(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url) {}
// Notifies that the manifest URL is updated.
virtual void OnManifestUrlChanged(const PageImpl& page) {}
// A message was added to to the console. |source_id| is a URL.
// |untrusted_stack_trace| is not present for most messages; only when
// requested in advance and only for exceptions.
virtual bool DidAddMessageToConsole(
RenderFrameHostImpl* source_frame,
blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel log_level,
const std::u16string& message,
int32_t line_no,
const std::u16string& source_id,
const absl::optional<std::u16string>& untrusted_stack_trace);
// Called when a RenderFrame for |render_frame_host| is created in the
// renderer process. Use |RenderFrameDeleted| to listen for when this
// RenderFrame goes away.
virtual void RenderFrameCreated(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// Called when a RenderFrame for |render_frame_host| is deleted or the
// renderer process in which it runs it has died. Use |RenderFrameCreated| to
// listen for when RenderFrame objects are created.
virtual void RenderFrameDeleted(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// A context menu should be shown, to be built using the context information
// provided in the supplied params.
virtual void ShowContextMenu(
RenderFrameHost& render_frame_host,
const ContextMenuParams& params) {}
// A JavaScript alert, confirmation or prompt dialog should be shown.
// Will only be called for active frames belonging to a primary page.
virtual void RunJavaScriptDialog(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const std::u16string& message,
const std::u16string& default_prompt,
JavaScriptDialogType type,
bool disable_third_party_subframe_suppresion,
JavaScriptDialogCallback callback) {}
// Will only be called for active frames belonging to a primary page.
virtual void RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool is_reload,
JavaScriptDialogCallback callback) {}
// Notifies when new blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr candidates are received from
// the renderer process.
virtual void UpdateFaviconURL(
RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
const std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr>& candidates) {}
// The frame changed its property.
virtual void DidChangeName(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const std::string& name) {}
// Called when a frame receives user activation. This may be called multiple
// times for the same frame. Does not include frames activated by the
// same-origin visibility heuristic, see `UserActivationState` for details.
virtual void DidReceiveUserActivation(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// Binds a DisplayCutoutHost object associated to |render_frame_host|.
virtual void BindDisplayCutoutHost(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
receiver) {}
// The display style of the frame has changed.
virtual void DidChangeDisplayState(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool is_display_none) {}
// The size of the frame has changed.
virtual void FrameSizeChanged(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const gfx::Size& frame_size) {}
// The DOMContentLoaded handler in the frame has completed.
virtual void DOMContentLoaded(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// The onload handler in the frame has completed. Only called for the top-
// level frame.
virtual void DocumentOnLoadCompleted(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
// The page's title was changed and should be updated. Only called for the
// top-level frame.
virtual void UpdateTitle(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const std::u16string& title,
base::i18n::TextDirection title_direction) {}
// The destination URL has changed and should be updated.
virtual void UpdateTargetURL(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url) {}
// Creates a MediaPlayerHost object associated to |frame_host| via its
// associated MediaWebContentsObserver, and binds |receiver| to it.
virtual void CreateMediaPlayerHostForRenderFrameHost(
RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host,
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<media::mojom::MediaPlayerHost> receiver) {
// The render frame has requested access to media devices listed in
// |request|, and the client should grant or deny that permission by
// calling |callback|.
virtual void RequestMediaAccessPermission(const MediaStreamRequest& request,
MediaResponseCallback callback);
// Checks if we have permission to access the microphone or camera. Note that
// this does not query the user. |type| must be MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE
virtual bool CheckMediaAccessPermission(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const url::Origin& security_origin,
blink::mojom::MediaStreamType type);
// Returns the ID of the default device for the given media device |type|.
// If the returned value is an empty string, it means that there is no
// default device for the given |type|.
virtual std::string GetDefaultMediaDeviceID(
blink::mojom::MediaStreamType type);
// Setter for the capture handle config, which allows a captured application
// to opt-in to exposing information to its capturer(s).
virtual void SetCaptureHandleConfig(
blink::mojom::CaptureHandleConfigPtr config) {}
// Get the accessibility mode for the WebContents that owns this frame.
virtual ui::AXMode GetAccessibilityMode();
// Called whenever the AXTreeID for the topmost RenderFrameHost has changed.
virtual void AXTreeIDForMainFrameHasChanged() {}
// Called when accessibility events or location changes are received
// from a render frame, when the accessibility mode has the
// ui::AXMode::kWebContents flag set.
virtual void AccessibilityEventReceived(
const AXEventNotificationDetails& details) {}
virtual void AccessibilityLocationChangesReceived(
const std::vector<AXLocationChangeNotificationDetails>& details) {}
// Gets the GeolocationContext associated with this delegate.
virtual device::mojom::GeolocationContext* GetGeolocationContext();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Gets an NFC implementation within the context of this delegate.
virtual void GetNFC(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
mojo::PendingReceiver<device::mojom::NFC> receiver);
// Returns whether entering fullscreen with EnterFullscreenMode() is allowed.
virtual bool CanEnterFullscreenMode(
RenderFrameHostImpl* requesting_frame,
const blink::mojom::FullscreenOptions& options);
// Notification that the frame with the given host wants to enter fullscreen
// mode. Must only be called if CanEnterFullscreenMode returns true.
virtual void EnterFullscreenMode(
RenderFrameHostImpl* requesting_frame,
const blink::mojom::FullscreenOptions& options) {}
// Notification that the frame wants to go out of fullscreen mode.
// |will_cause_resize| indicates whether the fullscreen change causes a
// view resize. e.g. This will be false when going from tab fullscreen to
// browser fullscreen.
virtual void ExitFullscreenMode(bool will_cause_resize) {}
// Notification that this frame has changed fullscreen state.
virtual void FullscreenStateChanged(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
bool is_fullscreen,
blink::mojom::FullscreenOptionsPtr options);
// Let the delegate decide whether postMessage should be delivered to
// |target_rfh| from a source frame in the given SiteInstance. This defaults
// to false and overrides the RenderFrameHost's decision if true.
virtual bool ShouldRouteMessageEvent(
RenderFrameHostImpl* target_rfh,
SiteInstance* source_site_instance) const;
// Ensure that |source_rfh| has swapped-out RenderViews and
// RenderFrameProxies for itself and for all frames on its opener chain in
// the current frame's SiteInstance.
// TODO(alexmos): This method currently supports cross-process postMessage,
// where we may need to create any missing proxies for the message's source
// frame and its opener chain. It currently exists in WebContents due to a
// special case for <webview> guests, but this logic should eventually be
// moved down into RenderFrameProxyHost::RouteMessageEvent when <webview>
// refactoring for --site-per-process mode is further along. See
virtual void EnsureOpenerProxiesExist(RenderFrameHostImpl* source_rfh) {}
// Set the |node| frame as focused in the current FrameTree as well as
// possibly changing focus in distinct but related inner/outer WebContents.
virtual void SetFocusedFrame(FrameTreeNode* node, SiteInstance* source) {}
// The frame called |window.focus()|.
virtual void DidCallFocus() {}
// Searches the WebContents for a focused frame, potentially in an inner
// WebContents. If this WebContents has no focused frame, returns |nullptr|.
// If there is no inner WebContents at the focused tree node, returns its
// RenderFrameHost. If there is an inner WebContents, search it for focused
// frames and inner contents. If an inner WebContents does not have a focused
// frame, return its main frame, since the attachment frame in its outer
// WebContents is not live.
virtual RenderFrameHostImpl* GetFocusedFrameIncludingInnerWebContents();
// Called by when |source_rfh| advances focus to a RenderFrameProxyHost.
virtual void OnAdvanceFocus(RenderFrameHostImpl* source_rfh) {}
// Creates a WebUI object for a frame navigating to |url|. If no WebUI
// applies, returns null.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebUIImpl> CreateWebUIForRenderFrameHost(
RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host,
const GURL& url);
// Called by |frame| to notify that it has received an update on focused
// element. |bounds_in_root_view| is the rectangle containing the element that
// is focused and is with respect to root frame's RenderWidgetHost's
// coordinate space.
virtual void OnFocusedElementChangedInFrame(
RenderFrameHostImpl* frame,
const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_root_view,
blink::mojom::FocusType focus_type) {}
// The page is trying to open a new page (e.g. a popup window). The window
// should be created associated the process of |opener|, but it should not
// be shown yet. That should happen in response to ShowCreatedWindow.
// |params.window_container_type| describes the type of RenderViewHost
// container that is requested -- in particular, the call may
// have specified 'background' and 'persistent' in the feature string.
// The passed |opener| is the RenderFrameHost initiating the window creation.
// It will never be null, even if the opener is suppressed via |params|.
// The passed |params.frame_name| parameter is the name parameter that was
// passed to, and will be empty if none was passed.
// Note: this is not called "CreateWindow" because that will clash with
// the Windows function which is actually a #define.
// On success, a non-owning pointer to the new FrameTree is returned.
// The caller is expected to handle cleanup if this operation fails or is
// suppressed by checking if the return value is null.
virtual FrameTree* CreateNewWindow(
RenderFrameHostImpl* opener,
const mojom::CreateNewWindowParams& params,
bool is_new_browsing_instance,
bool has_user_gesture,
SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace);
// Show a previously created page with the specified disposition and bounds.
// The window is identified by the |main_frame_widget_route_id| passed to
// CreateNewWindow.
// The passed |opener| is the RenderFrameHost initiating the window creation.
// It will never be null, even if the opener is suppressed via |params|.
// Note: this is not called "ShowWindow" because that will clash with
// the Windows function which is actually a #define.
virtual void ShowCreatedWindow(RenderFrameHostImpl* opener,
int main_frame_widget_route_id,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect,
bool user_gesture) {}
// The main frame document element is ready. This happens when the document
// has finished parsing.
virtual void DocumentAvailableInMainFrame(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) {}
// Reports that passive mixed content was found at the specified url.
virtual void PassiveInsecureContentFound(const GURL& resource_url) {}
// Checks if running of active mixed content is allowed in the current tab.
virtual bool ShouldAllowRunningInsecureContent(bool allowed_per_prefs,
const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& resource_url);
// Opens a new view-source tab for the last committed document in |frame|.
virtual void ViewSource(RenderFrameHostImpl* frame) {}
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
virtual base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject>
// Notified that the render finished loading a subresource for the frame
// associated with |render_frame_host|.
virtual void ResourceLoadComplete(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GlobalRequestID& request_id,
blink::mojom::ResourceLoadInfoPtr resource_load_info) {}
// Request to print a frame that is in a different process than its parent.
virtual void PrintCrossProcessSubframe(
const gfx::Rect& rect,
int document_cookie,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// Request to paint preview a frame that is in a different process that its
// parent.
virtual void CapturePaintPreviewOfCrossProcessSubframe(
const gfx::Rect& rect,
const base::UnguessableToken& guid,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {}
// Returns a copy of the current WebPreferences associated with this
// RenderFrameHost's WebContents. If it does not exist, this will create one
// and send the newly computed value to all renderers.
// Note that this will not trigger a recomputation of WebPreferences if it
// already exists - this will return the last computed/set value of
// WebPreferences. If we want to guarantee that the value reflects the current
// state of the WebContents, NotifyPreferencesChanged() should be called
// before calling this.
virtual const blink::web_pref::WebPreferences&
GetOrCreateWebPreferences() = 0;
// Returns the visibility of the delegate.
virtual Visibility GetVisibility();
// Notify observers if WebAudio AudioContext has started (or stopped) playing
// audible sounds.
virtual void AudioContextPlaybackStarted(RenderFrameHostImpl* host,
int context_id) {}
virtual void AudioContextPlaybackStopped(RenderFrameHostImpl* host,
int context_id) {}
// Notifies observers if the frame has changed audible state.
virtual void OnFrameAudioStateChanged(RenderFrameHostImpl* host,
bool is_audible) {}
// Returns FrameTreeNodes that are logically owned by another frame even
// though this relationship is not yet reflected in their frame trees. This
// can happen, for example, with unattached guests and orphaned portals.
virtual std::vector<FrameTreeNode*> GetUnattachedOwnedNodes(
RenderFrameHostImpl* owner);
// Registers a new URL handler for the given protocol.
virtual void RegisterProtocolHandler(RenderFrameHostImpl* host,
const std::string& scheme,
const GURL& url,
bool user_gesture) {}
// Unregisters a given URL handler for the given protocol.
virtual void UnregisterProtocolHandler(RenderFrameHostImpl* host,
const std::string& scheme,
const GURL& url,
bool user_gesture) {}
// Returns true if the delegate allows to go to the session history entry at
// the given offset (ie, -1 will return the "back" item).
virtual bool IsAllowedToGoToEntryAtOffset(int32_t offset);
virtual media::MediaMetricsProvider::RecordAggregateWatchTimeCallback
const GURL& page_main_frame_last_committed_url);
// Determines if a clipboard paste using |data| of type |data_type| is allowed
// in this renderer frame. Possible data types supported for paste can be
// seen in the ClipboardHostImpl class. Text based formats will use the
// data_type ui::ClipboardFormatType::PlainTextType() unless it is known
// to be of a more specific type, like RTF or HTML, in which case a type
// such as ui::ClipboardFormatType::RtfType() or
// ui::ClipboardFormatType::HtmlType() is used.
// It is also possible for the data type to be
// ui::ClipboardFormatType::WebCustomDataType() indicating that the paste
// uses a custom data format. It is up to the implementation to attempt to
// understand the type if possible. It is acceptable to deny pastes of
// unknown data types.
// The implementation is expected to show UX to the user if needed. If
// shown, the UX should be associated with the specific render frame host.
// The callback is called, possibly asynchronously, with a status indicating
// whether the operation is allowed or not.
virtual void IsClipboardPasteContentAllowed(
const GURL& url,
const ui::ClipboardFormatType& data_type,
const std::string& data,
IsClipboardPasteContentAllowedCallback callback);
// Notified when the main frame of `source` adjusts the page scale.
virtual void OnPageScaleFactorChanged(PageImpl& source) {}
// Binds a ScreenOrientation object associated to |render_frame_host|.
virtual void BindScreenOrientation(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
receiver) {}
// Return true if we have seen a recent orientation change, which is used to
// decide if we should consume user activation when entering fullscreen.
virtual bool HasSeenRecentScreenOrientationChange();
// Return true if the page has a transient affordance to enter fullscreen
// without consuming user activation.
virtual bool IsTransientAllowFullscreenActive() const;
// Return true if the back forward cache is supported. This is not an
// indication that the cache will be used.
virtual bool IsBackForwardCacheSupported();
// The page is trying to open a new widget (e.g. a select popup). The
// widget should be created associated with the given
// |agent_scheduling_group|, but it should not be shown yet. That should
// happen in response to ShowCreatedWidget.
virtual RenderWidgetHostImpl* CreateNewPopupWidget(
AgentSchedulingGroupHost& agent_scheduling_group,
int32_t route_id,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::Widget> blink_widget);
// Return true if the popup is shown through WebContentsObserver.
// BrowserPluginGuest for the guest WebContents will show the popup on Mac,
// then, we should skip to show the popup at RenderViewHostDelegateView.
virtual bool ShowPopupMenu(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::PopupMenuClient>* popup_client,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
int32_t item_height,
double font_size,
int32_t selected_item,
std::vector<blink::mojom::MenuItemPtr>* menu_items,
bool right_aligned,
bool allow_multiple_selection);
virtual void DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(
RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& http_request,
const std::string& mime_type,
network::mojom::RequestDestination request_destination,
bool include_credentials) {}
// Called when the renderer sends a response via DomAutomationController.
// For example, `window.domAutomationController.send(foo())` sends the result
// of foo() here.
virtual void DomOperationResponse(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const std::string& json_string) {}
virtual void OnCookiesAccessed(RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const CookieAccessDetails& details) {}
// Notified that the renderer responded after calling GetSavableResourceLinks.
virtual void SavableResourceLinksResponse(
RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
const std::vector<GURL>& resources_list,
blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr referrer,
const std::vector<blink::mojom::SavableSubframePtr>& subframes) {}
// Notified that the renderer returned an error after calling
// GetSavableResourceLinks in case the frame contains non-savable content
// (i.e. from a non-savable scheme) or if there were errors gathering the
// links.
virtual void SavableResourceLinksError(RenderFrameHostImpl* source) {}
// Called when |RenderFrameHost::GetLifecycleState()| changes i.e.,
// when RenderFrameHost LifecycleState changes from old_state to
// new_state.
virtual void RenderFrameHostStateChanged(
RenderFrameHost* host,
RenderFrameHost::LifecycleState old_state,
RenderFrameHost::LifecycleState new_state) {}
// The page is trying to move the main frame's representation in the client.
virtual void SetWindowRect(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) {}
// The page's preferred size changed.
virtual void UpdateWindowPreferredSize(const gfx::Size& pref_size) {}
// Returns the list of top-level RenderFrameHosts hosting active documents
// that belong to the same browsing context group as |render_frame_host|.
virtual std::vector<RenderFrameHostImpl*>
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host);
// Returns the PrerenderHostRegistry to start/cancel prerendering. This
// doesn't return nullptr except for some tests. This should only be called
// when blink::features::IsPrerender2Enabled() is true.
virtual PrerenderHostRegistry* GetPrerenderHostRegistry();
virtual void OnPepperInstanceCreated(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
int32_t pp_instance) {}
virtual void OnPepperInstanceDeleted(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
int32_t pp_instance) {}
virtual void OnPepperStartsPlayback(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
int32_t pp_instance) {}
virtual void OnPepperStopsPlayback(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
int32_t pp_instance) {}
virtual void OnPepperPluginCrashed(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
base::ProcessId plugin_pid) {}
virtual void OnPepperPluginHung(RenderFrameHostImpl* source,
int plugin_child_id,
const base::FilePath& path,
bool is_hung) {}
virtual ~RenderFrameHostDelegate() = default;
} // namespace content