blob: e8f8b86909693bf5ae87608b6a6eb541b37c0c42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "ios/web/js_messaging/web_frame_internal.h"
#include "ios/web/public/test/fakes/fake_web_frame.h"
namespace web {
class JavaScriptContentWorld;
class FakeWebFrameImpl : public FakeWebFrame, public WebFrameInternal {
FakeWebFrameImpl(const std::string& frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
GURL security_origin);
// Returns the JavaScriptContentWorld parameter value received in the last
// call to |CallJavaScriptFunctionInContentWorld|.
JavaScriptContentWorld* last_received_content_world();
// WebFrame:
WebFrameInternal* GetWebFrameInternal() override;
std::string GetFrameId() const override;
bool IsMainFrame() const override;
GURL GetSecurityOrigin() const override;
bool CanCallJavaScriptFunction() const override;
BrowserState* GetBrowserState() override;
bool CallJavaScriptFunction(
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<base::Value>& parameters) override;
bool CallJavaScriptFunction(
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<base::Value>& parameters,
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Value*)> callback,
base::TimeDelta timeout) override;
bool ExecuteJavaScript(const std::string& script) override;
bool ExecuteJavaScript(
const std::string& script,
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Value*)> callback) override;
bool ExecuteJavaScript(
const std::string& script,
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Value*, bool)> callback) override;
// FakeWebFrame:
std::string GetLastJavaScriptCall() const override;
const std::vector<std::string>& GetJavaScriptCallHistory() override;
void set_browser_state(BrowserState* browser_state) override;
void AddJsResultForFunctionCall(base::Value* js_result,
const std::string& function_name) override;
void set_force_timeout(bool force_timeout) override;
void set_can_call_function(bool can_call_function) override;
void set_call_java_script_function_callback(
base::RepeatingClosure callback) override;
// WebFrameInternal:
// If |CanCallJavaScriptFunction()| is true, the JavaScript call which would
// be executed by a real WebFrame will be added to |java_script_calls_|.
// Returns the value of |CanCallJavaScriptFunction()|. |content_world| is
// stored to |last_received_content_world_|.
bool CallJavaScriptFunctionInContentWorld(
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<base::Value>& parameters,
JavaScriptContentWorld* content_world) override;
// If |CanCallJavaScriptFunction()| is true, the JavaScript call which would
// be executed by a real WebFrame will be added to |java_script_calls_|.
// Returns the value of |CanCallJavaScriptFunction()|.
// |callback| will be executed with the value passed in to
// AddJsResultForFunctionCall() or null if no such result has been added.
// |content_world| is stored to |last_received_content_world_|.
bool CallJavaScriptFunctionInContentWorld(
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<base::Value>& parameters,
JavaScriptContentWorld* content_world,
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Value*)> callback,
base::TimeDelta timeout) override;
~FakeWebFrameImpl() override;
// Map holding values to be passed in CallJavaScriptFunction() callback. Keyed
// by JavaScript function |name| expected to be passed into
// CallJavaScriptFunction().
std::map<std::string, base::Value*> result_map_;
// The frame identifier which uniquely identifies this frame across the
// application's lifetime.
std::string frame_id_;
// Whether or not the receiver represents the main frame.
bool is_main_frame_ = false;
// The security origin associated with this frame.
GURL security_origin_;
// Vector holding history of all javascript handler calls made in this frame.
// The calls are sorted with the most recent appended at the end.
std::vector<std::string> java_script_calls_;
// The return value of CanCallJavaScriptFunction().
bool can_call_function_ = true;
// When set to true, will force calls to CallJavaScriptFunction to fail with
// timeout.
bool force_timeout_ = false;
BrowserState* browser_state_;
JavaScriptContentWorld* last_received_content_world_;
base::RepeatingClosure call_java_script_function_callback_;
} // namespace web