blob: 529322042b2d26971f31c17869671bbb8808bcd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/audio/input_sync_writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace audio {
namespace {
// Used to log if any audio glitches have been detected during an audio session.
// Elements in this enum should not be added, deleted or rearranged.
enum class AudioGlitchResult {
kNoGlitches = 0,
kGlitches = 1,
kMaxValue = kGlitches
} // namespace
double volume,
bool key_pressed,
base::TimeTicks capture_time,
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_bus)
: volume_(volume),
audio_bus_(std::move(audio_bus)) {}
InputSyncWriter::OverflowData::~OverflowData() {}
InputSyncWriter::OverflowData::OverflowData(InputSyncWriter::OverflowData&&) =
InputSyncWriter::OverflowData& InputSyncWriter::OverflowData::operator=(
InputSyncWriter::OverflowData&& other) = default;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string&)> log_callback,
base::MappedReadOnlyRegion shared_memory,
std::unique_ptr<base::CancelableSyncSocket> socket,
uint32_t shared_memory_segment_count,
const media::AudioParameters& params)
: log_callback_(std::move(log_callback)),
(CHECK(shared_memory_segment_count > 0),
shared_memory_mapping_.size() / shared_memory_segment_count)),
audio_bus_memory_size_(media::AudioBus::CalculateMemorySize(params)) {
// We use CHECKs since this class is used for IPC.
CHECK_EQ(shared_memory_segment_size_ * shared_memory_segment_count,
audio_bus_memory_size_ + sizeof(media::AudioInputBufferParameters));
DVLOG(1) << "shared memory size: " << shared_memory_mapping_.size();
DVLOG(1) << "shared memory segment count: " << shared_memory_segment_count;
DVLOG(1) << "audio bus memory size: " << audio_bus_memory_size_;
// Create vector of audio buses by wrapping existing blocks of memory.
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(shared_memory_mapping_.memory());
for (auto& bus : audio_buses_) {
CHECK_EQ(0U, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) &
(media::AudioBus::kChannelAlignment - 1));
media::AudioInputBuffer* buffer =
bus = media::AudioBus::WrapMemory(params, buffer->audio);
ptr += shared_memory_segment_size_;
InputSyncWriter::~InputSyncWriter() {
// We log the following:
// - Percentage of data written to fifo (and not to shared memory).
// - Percentage of data dropped (fifo reached max size or socket buffer full).
// - Glitch yes/no (at least 1 drop).
// Subtract 'trailing' counts that will happen if the renderer process was
// killed or e.g. the page refreshed while the input device was open etc.
// This trims off the end of both the error and write counts so that we
// preserve the proportion of counts before the teardown period. We pick
// the largest trailing count as the time we consider that the trailing errors
// begun, and subract that from the total write count.
DCHECK_LE(trailing_write_to_fifo_count_, write_to_fifo_count_);
DCHECK_LE(trailing_write_to_fifo_count_, write_count_);
DCHECK_LE(trailing_write_error_count_, write_error_count_);
DCHECK_LE(trailing_write_error_count_, write_count_);
write_to_fifo_count_ -= trailing_write_to_fifo_count_;
write_error_count_ -= trailing_write_error_count_;
write_count_ -=
std::max(trailing_write_to_fifo_count_, trailing_write_error_count_);
if (write_count_ == 0)
100.0 * write_to_fifo_count_ / write_count_);
100.0 * write_error_count_ / write_count_);
write_error_count_ == 0
? AudioGlitchResult::kNoGlitches
: AudioGlitchResult::kGlitches);
const int kPermilleScaling = 1000;
// 10%: if we have more that 10% of callbacks having issues, the details are
// not very interesting any more, so we just log all those cases together to
// have a better resolution for lower values.
const int kHistogramRange = kPermilleScaling / 10;
// 30 s for 10 ms buffers.
const int kShortStreamMaxCallbackCount = 3000;
const std::string suffix =
write_count_ < kShortStreamMaxCallbackCount ? "Short" : "Long";
int missed_deadline =
std::ceil(kPermilleScaling * static_cast<double>(write_to_fifo_count_) /
"Media.AudioCapturerMissedReadDeadline2." + suffix,
std::min(missed_deadline, kHistogramRange), 0, kHistogramRange + 1, 100);
int dropped_data =
std::ceil(kPermilleScaling * static_cast<double>(write_error_count_) /
base::UmaHistogramCustomCounts("Media.AudioCapturerDroppedData2." + suffix,
std::min(dropped_data, kHistogramRange), 0,
kHistogramRange + 1, 100);
std::string log_string = base::StringPrintf(
"AISW: number of detected audio glitches: %" PRIuS " out of %" PRIuS,
write_error_count_, write_count_);
// static
std::unique_ptr<InputSyncWriter> InputSyncWriter::Create(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string&)> log_callback,
uint32_t shared_memory_segment_count,
const media::AudioParameters& params,
base::CancelableSyncSocket* foreign_socket) {
// Having no shared memory doesn't make sense, so fail creation in that case.
if (shared_memory_segment_count == 0)
return nullptr;
base::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> requested_memory_size =
ComputeAudioInputBufferSizeChecked(params, shared_memory_segment_count);
if (!requested_memory_size.IsValid())
return nullptr;
// Make sure we can share the memory read-only with the client.
auto shared_memory = base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion::Create(
if (!shared_memory.IsValid())
return nullptr;
auto socket = std::make_unique<base::CancelableSyncSocket>();
if (!base::CancelableSyncSocket::CreatePair(socket.get(), foreign_socket)) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<InputSyncWriter>(
std::move(log_callback), std::move(shared_memory), std::move(socket),
shared_memory_segment_count, params);
base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion InputSyncWriter::TakeSharedMemoryRegion() {
return std::move(shared_memory_region_);
void InputSyncWriter::Write(const media::AudioBus* data,
double volume,
bool key_pressed,
base::TimeTicks capture_time) {
TRACE_EVENT1("audio", "InputSyncWriter::Write", "capture time (ms)",
(capture_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMillisecondsF());
// Check that the renderer side has read data so that we don't overwrite data
// that hasn't been read yet. The renderer side sends a signal over the socket
// each time it has read data. Here, we read those verifications before
// writing. We verify that each buffer index is in sequence.
size_t number_of_indices_available = socket_->Peek() / sizeof(uint32_t);
if (number_of_indices_available > 0) {
auto indices = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(number_of_indices_available);
size_t bytes_received = socket_->Receive(
&indices[0], number_of_indices_available * sizeof(indices[0]));
CHECK_EQ(number_of_indices_available * sizeof(indices[0]), bytes_received);
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_indices_available; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ(indices[i], next_read_buffer_index_);
CHECK_GT(number_of_filled_segments_, 0u);
bool write_error = !WriteDataFromFifoToSharedMemory();
// Write the current data to the shared memory if there is room, otherwise
// put it in the fifo.
if (number_of_filled_segments_ < audio_buses_.size()) {
WriteParametersToCurrentSegment(volume, key_pressed, capture_time);
// Copy data into shared memory using pre-allocated audio buses.
if (!SignalDataWrittenAndUpdateCounters())
write_error = true;
trailing_write_to_fifo_count_ = 0;
} else {
if (!PushDataToFifo(data, volume, key_pressed, capture_time))
write_error = true;
// Increase write error counts if error, or reset the trailing error counter
// if all write operations went well (no data dropped).
if (write_error) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("audio", "InputSyncWriter write error",
} else {
trailing_write_error_count_ = 0;
void InputSyncWriter::Close() {
void InputSyncWriter::CheckTimeSinceLastWrite() {
static const base::TimeDelta kLogDelayThreadhold = base::Milliseconds(500);
base::TimeTicks new_write_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
std::ostringstream oss;
if (last_write_time_.is_null()) {
// This is the first time Write is called.
base::TimeDelta interval = new_write_time - creation_time_;
oss << "AISW::Write: audio input data received for the first time: delay "
"= "
<< interval.InMilliseconds() << "ms";
} else {
base::TimeDelta interval = new_write_time - last_write_time_;
if (interval > kLogDelayThreadhold) {
oss << "AISW::Write: audio input data delay unexpectedly long: delay = "
<< interval.InMilliseconds() << "ms";
const std::string log_message = oss.str();
if (!log_message.empty()) {
last_write_time_ = new_write_time;
bool InputSyncWriter::PushDataToFifo(const media::AudioBus* data,
double volume,
bool key_pressed,
base::TimeTicks capture_time) {
TRACE_EVENT1("audio", "InputSyncWriter::PushDataToFifo", "capture time (ms)",
(capture_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMillisecondsF());
if (overflow_data_.size() == kMaxOverflowBusesSize) {
// We use |write_error_count_| for capping number of log messages.
// |write_error_count_| also includes socket Send() errors, but those should
// be rare.
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("audio", "InputSyncWriter::PushDataToFifo - overflow",
if (write_error_count_ <= 50 && write_error_count_ % 10 == 0) {
static const char* error_message = "AISW: No room in fifo.";
LOG(WARNING) << error_message;
if (write_error_count_ == 50) {
static const char* cap_error_message =
"AISW: Log cap reached, suppressing further fifo overflow logs.";
LOG(WARNING) << cap_error_message;
return false;
if (overflow_data_.empty()) {
static const char* message = "AISW: Starting to use fifo.";
// Push data to fifo.
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_bus =
media::AudioBus::Create(data->channels(), data->frames());
overflow_data_.emplace_back(volume, key_pressed, capture_time,
DCHECK_LE(overflow_data_.size(), static_cast<size_t>(kMaxOverflowBusesSize));
return true;
bool InputSyncWriter::WriteDataFromFifoToSharedMemory() {
TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "InputSyncWriter::WriteDataFromFifoToSharedMemory");
if (overflow_data_.empty())
return true;
const size_t segment_count = audio_buses_.size();
bool write_error = false;
auto data_it = overflow_data_.begin();
while (data_it != overflow_data_.end() &&
number_of_filled_segments_ < segment_count) {
// Write parameters to shared memory.
WriteParametersToCurrentSegment(data_it->volume_, data_it->key_pressed_,
// Copy data from the fifo into shared memory using pre-allocated audio
// buses.
if (!SignalDataWrittenAndUpdateCounters())
write_error = true;
// Erase all copied data from fifo.
overflow_data_.erase(overflow_data_.begin(), data_it);
if (overflow_data_.empty()) {
static const char* message = "AISW: Fifo emptied.";
return !write_error;
void InputSyncWriter::WriteParametersToCurrentSegment(
double volume,
bool key_pressed,
base::TimeTicks capture_time) {
TRACE_EVENT1("audio", "WriteParametersToCurrentSegment", "capture time (ms)",
(capture_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMillisecondsF());
uint8_t* ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(shared_memory_mapping_.memory());
CHECK_LT(current_segment_id_, audio_buses_.size());
ptr += current_segment_id_ * shared_memory_segment_size_;
auto* buffer = reinterpret_cast<media::AudioInputBuffer*>(ptr);
buffer->params.volume = volume;
buffer->params.size = audio_bus_memory_size_;
buffer->params.key_pressed = key_pressed;
buffer->params.capture_time_us =
(capture_time - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds();
buffer-> = next_buffer_id_;
bool InputSyncWriter::SignalDataWrittenAndUpdateCounters() {
if (socket_->Send(&current_segment_id_, sizeof(current_segment_id_)) !=
sizeof(current_segment_id_)) {
// Ensure we don't log consecutive errors as this can lead to a large
// amount of logs.
if (!had_socket_error_) {
had_socket_error_ = true;
static const char* error_message = "AISW: No room in socket buffer.";
PLOG(WARNING) << error_message;
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("audio", "InputSyncWriter: No room in socket buffer",
return false;
} else {
had_socket_error_ = false;
if (++current_segment_id_ >= audio_buses_.size())
current_segment_id_ = 0;
CHECK_LE(number_of_filled_segments_, audio_buses_.size());
return true;
} // namespace audio