blob: c854f91ecda32705ee6a42648e77665735dbd5d2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Chrome OS Settings
histograms along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Prefer owners from the OWNERS file in this directory. If you need a metrics
reviewer, please send CLs to rather than to
specific individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer
within about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance
incoming reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-10-29">
Records when a user changes the kFullscreenMagnifierFocusFollowing setting
on the Accessibility page.
enum="MagnifierMouseFollowingMode" expires_after="2022-12-13">
Recorded when a user changes the value of the
kFullscreenMagnifierMouseFollowingMode setting on the Accessibility page.
Records the value of the setting.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Apps.DoNotDisturbOnOff"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-09-01">
Records when a user changes the kDoNotDisturbOnOff setting in the
Notifications subpage of the Apps section.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Bluetooth.BluetoothOnOff"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Records when users change the kBluetoothOnOff setting on the Bluetooth page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.BlurredWindowDuration" units="ms"
The amount of time between when the settings window becomes blurred and when
the user focuses it again.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Device.KeyboardFunctionKeys"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-03-15">
Records when a user changes the kKeyboardFunctionKeys setting on the Device
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Device.TouchpadSpeedValue"
enum="TouchpadSensitivity" expires_after="2022-02-06">
Records when users change the Touchpad Speed on the Device page. The value
saved is equal to the sensitivity value set on the slider, which ranges from
1 to 5.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Inputs.ShortcutReminderDismissed"
enum="SettingsInputsShortcutReminderState" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Records when users dismiss the shortcut reminder banner in Chrome OS' Inputs
OS settings page. The value saved indicates the keyboard shortcuts that were
previously shown in the banner before the user dismissed the banner.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Browser.Interaction"
enum="SettingsLanguagesPageBrowserInteraction" expires_after="2021-08-01">
Deprecated as of M88, as the languages browser settings page has been
replaced with the languages OS settings page.
Records when users interact with an element in the Chrome OS's Languages
browser settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Browser.OfferToTranslateCheckbox"
enum="BooleanChecked" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Deprecated as of M88, as the languages browser settings page has been
replaced with the languages OS settings page.
Records when users check/uncheck &quot;Offer to translate pages in this
language&quot; checkbox.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Browser.Toggle"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Deprecated as of M88, as the languages browser settings page has been
replaced with the languages OS settings page.
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SettingsLanguagesPageToggle" -->
Records when users interact with a toggle in the Chrome OS's Languages
browser settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Interaction"
enum="SettingsLanguagesPageInteraction" expires_after="2022-04-10">
Records when users interact with different element in the Chrome OS's
Languages OS settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.OfferToTranslateCheckbox"
enum="BooleanChecked" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Records when users check/uncheck &quot;Offer to translate pages in this
language&quot; checkbox in OS Settings
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.SupportPageVisits"
enum="SettingsLanguagesSupportPage" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Records when users visit a language settings support page for Chrome OS.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Toggle"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-04-24">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SettingsLanguagesPageToggle" -->
Records when users interact with a toggle in the Chrome OS's Languages OS
settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.LoadCompletedTime" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad event
and the render frame DocumentOnLoadCompleted event for the Chrome OS
settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.LoadDocumentTime" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad and
DidFinishDocumentLoad events for the Chrome OS settings page.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.NotificationPage.PermissionOnOff"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2022-09-01">
Records when a user changes the notification permission of any app in the
Notifications subpage of the Apps section.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.NumCharsOfQueries" units="characters"
The number of characters for queries used to fetch results from the Settings
Search Mojo API.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.NumClicksUntilChange"
units="clicks" expires_after="2022-09-01">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="OsSettingsChangeType" -->
<summary>The number of clicks before changing a setting.</summary>
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.NumNavigationsUntilChange"
units="navigations" expires_after="2022-09-01">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="OsSettingsChangeType" -->
<summary>The number of navigations before changing a setting.</summary>
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.NumSearchesUntilChange"
units="searches" expires_after="2022-09-01">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="OsSettingsChangeType" -->
<summary>The number of searches before changing a setting.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.NumSearchResultsFetched" units="results"
The number of search results fetched each time a successful search request
is made to the Settings Search Mojo API.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.OsBannerInteraction"
enum="CrosSettingsOsBannerInteraction" expires_after="2020-12-20">
Records whether the &quot;try your Chrome OS settings&quot; banner was shown
when the user opened a new Chrome browser settings tab and also records
interactions with the banner.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.PathVisited" enum="WebUISettingsPathHashes"
Paths visited within chrome://os-settings. For evaluating popularity and
priorities for OS Settings UI.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.People.AddAccountCount" units="accounts"
Records when users click the Add Account button on the People page. The
number of the account that would be added is saved, e.g. a sample of 2 means
the user entered the add account dialog for a 2nd account.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Privacy.PeripheralDataAccessProtection"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2022-11-30">
Records when the users clicks on the Peripheral Data Access toggle. A true
value refers to the user enables peripheral data access protection (toggle
is turned on).
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchLatency" units="ms"
The time fetching search results from the Settings Search Mojo API. Recorded
when getSearchHandler().search() completes.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchRequests"
enum="OsSettingSearchRequestTypes" expires_after="2022-04-17">
The number of search requests made to the Settings Search Mojo API. For
search requests that succeeded with a response, the number of search
requests that had results which were discarded, and the number of search
requests that were shown to the user. Recorded when
getSearchHandler().search() completes.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchRequestsPerSession"
units="mojo search requests" expires_after="2022-09-01">
The number of search requests made to the Settings Search Mojo API in one
session of the settings app.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchResultSectionSelected"
enum="OsSettingsSection" expires_after="2022-04-17">
Section search results clicked by user in the OS settings search box.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchResultSettingSelected"
enum="OsSetting" expires_after="2022-09-01">
Setting search results clicked by user in the OS settings search box.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchResultSubpageSelected"
enum="OsSettingsSubpage" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Subpage search results clicked by user in the OS settings search box.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SearchResultTypeSelected"
enum="OsSettingsSearchResultType" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Type of search results clicked by user in the OS settings search box.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.SettingChanged" enum="OsSetting"
Records the the setting id when the user changes a setting. Note that some
of the values of the OsSetting enum aren't strictly settings (such as
kKeyboardShortcuts, which is just a hyperlink). All of the recorded values
appear in the settings page.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Settings.TimeUntilChange" units="ms"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="OsSettingsChangeType" -->
The time spent on the settings page before changing a setting.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.UserActionOnSearchResultsShown"
enum="OsSettingSearchBoxUserAction" expires_after="2022-02-06">
The user action taken when search results exist and are displayed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Wifi.AddNetwork"
enum="NetworkDiscoveryState" expires_after="2022-03-30">
Recorded when the user adds a WiFi network that has not been added before.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Wifi.Hidden" enum="BooleanToggled"
Recorded when the &quot;Hidden&quot; Wi-Fi network toggle is changed by the
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.WindowOpenDuration" units="ms"
The amount of time between when a Chrome OS settings window is opened and
when it is closed.