blob: 6e68227c0670408bea6ad8448488801f65010130 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Cookie histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="Cookie.AbbreviatedExpirationYear" units="year"
Removed Jan 2021: no longer needed since is now fixed.
Records the abbreviated 2-digit year number used in a cookie's expiration
date. Emitted when parsing a cookie with an Expires attribute that specifies
an expiration year as a number between 0 and 99 inclusive.
<histogram name="Cookie.BackingStoreUpdateResults" enum="BackingStoreResults"
Whether or not updates to the backing store succeeded or failed, recorded
every update.
<histogram name="Cookie.CommitProblem" enum="CookieCommitProblem"
Recorded when a problem occurs trying to commit changes to the cookie store
back to disk, in the SQLite store.
<histogram name="Cookie.ControlCharacterTruncation" enum="Boolean"
Whether or not a cookie's name or value was truncated due to a terminating
control chracter (0x00 NUL, 0x0A LF, or 0x0D CR). E.x.
&quot;foo=ba\nr&quot;. This metric is recorded whenever a canonical cookie
is created via CanonicalCookie::Create().
<histogram name="Cookie.CookiePrefix" enum="CookiePrefix"
Number of times a cookie was set with a name prefixed by
&quot;__Secure-&quot; or &quot;__Host-&quot; (prefixes reserved by
<histogram name="Cookie.CookiePrefixBlocked" enum="CookiePrefix"
Expired in 03/2020, code removed in M98
Number of times a cookie was set with a name prefixed by
&quot;__Secure-&quot; or &quot;__Host-&quot; that violate cookie prefix
rules. That is, a __Secure- cookie must be set over a secure connection with
the Secure attribute, and a __Host- cookie must be set over a secure
connection, with the Secure attribute, with no Domain attribute, and with a
Path attribute of &quot;/&quot;. (As defined in
<histogram name="Cookie.CookieSchemeRequestScheme" enum="CookieRequestScheme"
The scheme a cookie was set by and the scheme of the request that the cookie
was sent to. This is recorded once per cookie each time a URL request has
its headers set.
<histogram name="Cookie.CookieSourceScheme" enum="CookieSourceScheme"
For each cookie added to the store, record whether its source URL has a
cryptographic scheme, broken down by Secure and not Secure.
<histogram name="Cookie.CookieSourceSchemeName" enum="CookieSourceSchemeName"
For each cookie added to the store, record the source URL's scheme. Schemes
we're unfamiliar with will be put into the &quot;Other Scheme&quot; bucket.
<histogram name="Cookie.CorruptMetaTable" units="units"
Removed June 2021 in favor of a local histogram. See
Net.SQLite.CorruptMetaTableRecovered (which is a local histogram only logged
to, and viewable from, chrome://histograms).
Records the detection of a corrupted meta table. See
<histogram name="Cookie.CorruptMetaTableRecoveryFailed" units="units"
Removed June 2021 in favor of a local histogram. See
Net.SQLite.CorruptMetaTableRecovered (which is a local histogram only logged
to, and viewable from, chrome://histograms).
Records a failure to recover a corrupted meta table. See .
<histogram name="Cookie.Count" units="units" expires_after="2021-07-27">
Removed Feb 2021 in favor of Cookie.Count2, which has a wider range.
Number of cookies in the store (recorded every 10 minutes of active browsing
<histogram name="Cookie.Count2" units="units" expires_after="2022-06-12">
Number of cookies in the store (recorded every 10 minutes of active browsing
time), with a wider range than Cookie.Count.
enum="CookieSameSite" expires_after="2022-07-15">
The SameSite attribute of a cookie whose inclusion is changed by considering
redirects as part of the same-site context calculation. I.e., this is logged
for cookies which are included if not considering redirects when calculating
the same-site context, but are excluded (solely due to the SameSite
attribute) if cross-site redirects can cause a request to be considered
cross-site. This is only recorded for cookies accessed over HTTP, since
redirects are not relevant for JS cookie accesses. This is logged for each
cookie (whose inclusion is changed) when it is {AccessType}, regardless of
whether the cookie was ultimately included.
<token key="AccessType">
<variant name="Read" summary="read for a request"/>
<variant name="Write" summary="set by a response"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.DomainSet" enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-19">
Was a cookie set with a Domain attribute.
This metric is recorded once per included cookie on every set attempt.
<histogram name="Cookie.EmptyDomain.SetDomain" enum="Boolean"
If a ParsedCookie's domain attribute is cleared using SetDomain().
This metric is recorded whenever a parsed cookie has its domain attribute
set to the empty string via ParsedCookie::SetDomain().
<histogram name="Cookie.EmptyDomain.SetupAttributes.Multiple" enum="Boolean"
If a ParsedCookie is setup with more than one domain attribute and one of
those domain values is empty.
This metric is recorded whenever a parsed cookie encounters a cookie string
with more than one domain pair where at least one domain pair has a value of
the empty string via ParsedCookie::SetupAttributes().
<histogram name="Cookie.EmptyDomain.SetupAttributes.Single" enum="Boolean"
If a ParsedCookie is setup with a single domain attribute that has an empty
This metric is recorded whenever a parsed cookie encounters a cookie string
with a single domain pair whose value is the empty string via
<histogram name="Cookie.ExpirationDuration400DaysGT" units="days"
Number of days until a cookie expires when set (for values over the
rfc6265bis limit of 400 days).
<histogram name="Cookie.ExpirationDuration400DaysLTE" units="days"
Number of days until a cookie expires when set (for values under or equal to
the rfc6265bis limit of 400 days).
<histogram name="Cookie.ExpirationDurationMinutes" units="minutes"
Removed Oct 2020 in favor of two new histograms to divide into Secure and
non-Secure cookies.
<summary>Number of minutes until cookie expires when set.</summary>
<histogram name="Cookie.ExpirationDurationMinutesNonSecure" units="minutes"
<summary>Number of minutes until non-Secure cookie expires when set.</summary>
<histogram name="Cookie.ExpirationDurationMinutesSecure" units="minutes"
<summary>Number of minutes until Secure cookie expires when set.</summary>
<histogram name="Cookie.FirstPartySets.ComponentIsV1Format" units="Boolean"
Whether the First-Party Sets component was in the V1 format (as opposed to
the V2 format, or invalid).
This metric is sampled every time the component is loaded; i.e., on Chrome
startup, or if the Network Service gets reconfigured after a crash.
<histogram name="Cookie.FirstPartySets.ComputeContext.Latency"
units="microseconds" expires_after="M105">
This histogram records the (TimeTicks) latency of computing the
same-partiness of a given context.
This metric is sampled every time a SamePartyContext is computed (e.g. when
computing the cookies for a URL request, once per request). Only sampled for
users with high-resolution clocks.
<histogram name="Cookie.FirstPartySets.FindOwner.Latency" units="microseconds"
This histogram records the (TimeTicks) latency of computing the owner of a
given domain.
This metric is sampled every time an owner is computed. (E.g., a single time
when computing a partition key involving First-Party Sets; multiple times
when computing a SamePartyContext.) Only sampled for users with
high-resolution clocks.
<histogram name="Cookie.FirstPartySetsContextType.{AccessMedium}.{AccessType}"
enum="FirstPartySetsContextType" expires_after="2022-05-01">
The &quot;type&quot; of each context when cookies are {AccessType} via
{AccessMedium}, w.r.t. First-Party Sets.
Note that this type infers singleton sets. That is, it treats sites that are
not members of a First-Party Set as if they were in an implicitly-declared
singleton set.
<token key="AccessMedium">
<variant name="HTTP" summary="HTTP"/>
<variant name="JS" summary="JavaScript"/>
<token key="AccessType">
<variant name="Read" summary="read"/>
<variant name="Write" summary="written"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.FromStorageWithValidLength" enum="BooleanValid"
If a canonical cookie has a valid name+value length. Logged whenever a
cookie is created FromStorage and if this cookie IsCanonical.
<histogram name="Cookie.HeaderLength" units="bytes" expires_after="2020-09-13">
The size of each outgoing request's 'Cookie' header field's value, in bytes.
<histogram name="Cookie.IncludedRequestEffectiveSameSite"
enum="CookieEffectiveSameSite" expires_after="2022-06-26">
The value of the effective samesite for cookies that will be included in a
request. Logged once per successful inclusion.
<histogram name="Cookie.IncludedResponseEffectiveSameSite"
enum="CookieEffectiveSameSite" expires_after="2022-04-24">
The value of the effective samesite for cookies that will be accepted from a
response. Logged once per successful inclusion.
<histogram name="Cookie.IsPartitionedValid" enum="BooleanValid"
If a cookie line contains the Partitioned attribute, this histogram logs
whether it was used correctly (must have a __Host- prefix and must not have
the SameParty attribute). Logged whenever a cookie is created from a string
(from a Set-Cookie header or a write to document.cookie).
<histogram name="Cookie.IsSamePartyValid" enum="BooleanValid"
If a cookie had the SameParty attribute, this histogram logs whether it was
used correctly (i.e., also had Secure and did not have SameSite=Strict).
Logged every time a cookie with SameParty is created from a string (i.e.
when it is set via Set-Cookie or document.cookie write).
<histogram name="Cookie.KillDatabaseResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Whether killing the database because it was corrupted beyond repair
<histogram name="Cookie.Length.{Attribute}" units="bytes"
The length in bytes of a cookie's {Attribute}. This is recorded upon parsing
a cookie from a string, regardless of whether the cookie is ultimately
included. When a cookie has multiple instances of the attribute, the final
one is taken. When a cookie does not have the attribute, 0 is recorded.
<token key="Attribute">
<variant name="Domain" summary="Domain attribute"/>
<variant name="NameAndValue" summary="name and value"/>
<variant name="Path" summary="Path attribute"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.LoadProblem" enum="CookieLoadProblem"
Recorded when a problem is recorded when loading the persistent cookie
<histogram name="Cookie.MigratedEncryptionKeySuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Whether the migration of encryption key for the sqlite persistent cookie
store on Windows was successful or not. This happened when moving from
cookie database v13 to cookie database v14. This is recorded once during
migration, in first startup of a browser version with v14 database code. See
also Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV14.
<histogram name="Cookie.NumDomainPurgedKeys" units="keys"
Records the number of distinct keys (eTLD+1's) that have experienced
eviction of a non-expired cookie due to reaching the max number of cookies
per key. This is not persisted across network service restarts, so it
represents the number of such eTLD+1's that have relatively recently added
new cookies that went over the limit (since the last browser restart, crash,
etc). Recorded every 10 minutes of active browsing time.
<histogram name="Cookie.NumKeys" units="keys" expires_after="2022-06-19">
Records the number of distinct keys (eTLD+1's) that have any stored cookies
(which may or may not be expired). Recorded every 10 minutes of active
browsing time.
<histogram name="Cookie.PartitionCount" units="partitions"
This histogram records the number of cookie jar partitions. This metric is
only recorded when partitioned cookies are enabled. This count does not
include the unpartitioned cookie jar. Only counts cookie jar partitions with
at least one cookie. This metric is recorded every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Cookie.PartitionedCookieCount" units="cookies"
This histogram records the number of cookies in the partitioned cookie jar.
This metric is only recorded when partitioned cookies are enabled. This
metric is recorded every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Cookie.PartitionedCookiesInRequest" units="cookies"
This histogram records the number of partitioned cookies in requests. Only
recorded when partitioned cookies are enabled to reduce noise.
<histogram name="Cookie.PerFirstPartySetCount" units="cookies"
This histogram records, for each (nontrivial) First-Party Set, the number of
cookies in the cookie store that belong to a member or owner of that set.
Recorded every 10 minutes of active browsing time.
<histogram name="Cookie.Port.OmniboxURLNavigation.Localhost"
enum="InterestingCookiePorts" expires_after="2022-07-03">
The port of the destination for a URL omnibox navigation when the
destination is localhost. Excludes navigations that are effectively reloads.
Also does not take into account any redirects that destination URL may do
before finally serving a page. In other words, it's the port of the first
request in a possible chain. Note that the effective port is recorded which
includes the default port, so if is typed then 443 will
be recorded.
Cookie.Port.OmniboxURLNavigation.RemoteHost records the non-localhost
version of this histogram.
While the intent of this histogram is to inform cookie related design
decisions, the metric itself does not depend on cookies being sent or set.
<histogram name="Cookie.Port.OmniboxURLNavigation.RemoteHost"
enum="InterestingCookiePorts" expires_after="2022-07-03">
The port of the destination for a URL omnibox navigation when the
destination is anything but localhost. Excludes navigations that are
effectively reloads. Also does not take into account any redirects that
destination URL may do before finally serving a page. In other words, it's
the port of the first request in a possible chain. Note that the effective
port is recorded which includes the default port, so if
is typed then 443 will be recorded.
Cookie.Port.OmniboxURLNavigation.Localhost records the localhost version of
this histogram.
While the intent of this histogram is to inform cookie related design
decisions, the metric itself does not depend on cookies being sent or set.
<histogram name="Cookie.Port.Read.{HostType}" enum="InterestingCookiePorts"
This is the port a cookie is being read by: For network access via HTTP(S)
this value is the port of the origin the request is being sent to. For
script access via non-HTTP APIs this is the value of the port of the origin
of the frame the read call is made in.
The &quot;Localhost&quot; variant of this metric is recorded only for
localhost origns. The &quot;RemoteHost&quot; variant is recorded for all
other origins.
This metric is recorded once per included cookie on every read attempt.
<token key="HostType">
<variant name="Localhost"/>
<variant name="RemoteHost"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.Port.ReadDiffersFromSet.{HostType}"
enum="CookieSentToSamePort" expires_after="2022-05-18">
This records if a cookie is being read by the same port value that set it
(the source port). See Cookie.Port.Set.* and Cookie.Port.Read.* for more
information on how the port value for setting and reading (respectively) is
If the source port is unspecified (due to a cookie already existing before
we started to record this value) or invalid (due to corruption) then this
metric does not check for destination port equivalency.
The &quot;Localhost&quot; variant of this metric is recorded only for
localhost origns. The &quot;RemoteHost&quot; variant is recorded for all
other origins. The &quot;DomainSet&quot; variant of this metric is recorded
for all cookies which have the Domain attribute set (localhost and IP
addresses cannot set the Domain attribute and therefore will not trigger
this metric. Put technically, the origin must have a non-empty registrable
domain to set the Domain attribute).
This metric is recorded once per included cookie on every read attempt.
<token key="HostType">
<variant name="DomainSet"/>
<variant name="Localhost"/>
<variant name="RemoteHost"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.Port.Set.{HostType}" enum="InterestingCookiePorts"
This is the port a cookie is being set by: For network access via HTTP(S)
this value is the port of the origin the response is being recieved from.
For script access via non-HTTP APIs this is the value of the port of the
origin of the frame the set call is made in.
The &quot;Localhost&quot; variant of this metric is recorded only for
localhost origns. The &quot;RemoteHost&quot; variant is recorded for all
other origins.
This metric is recorded once per included cookie on every set attempt. This
includes expired cookies which are immediately deleted.
<token key="HostType">
<variant name="Localhost"/>
<variant name="RemoteHost"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.PriorityBlockingTime" units="ms"
This histogram records the total duration of time during which at least one
web request was blocked waiting for the cookie store to load. If no requests
were affected, the value is 0. If two requests are simultaneously blocked
for 1 second, the value is 1 second. If two requests are consecutively
blocked for 1 second each, the value is two seconds.
<histogram name="Cookie.PriorityLoadCount" units="units" expires_after="M77">
The number of distinct Effective Top-Level Domains Plus One (ETLD+1, i.e.,, for which a priority cookie load occurred.
<histogram name="Cookie.RequestSameSiteContext" enum="SameSiteCookieContext"
The same-site context of a request, i.e. the relationship between the
request and the navigational environment. Logged on every request to access
a cookie.
<histogram name="Cookie.SameParty.BlockedByThirdPartyCookieBlockingSetting"
enum="BooleanBlocked" expires_after="2022-06-10">
This histogram records whether access to a SameParty cookie in a same-party
(but cross-site) context, when the user has blocked 3rd-party cookies, was
Recorded once per cookie access attempt if the context is same-party but
cross-site, the cookie is SameParty, and the user has blocked 3rd party
<histogram name="Cookie.SameParty.ReadExclusionDecidedBySameParty"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-05-15">
This histogram records whether enforcement of the SameParty attribute was
the only reason for a cookie's exclusion (from a read).
<histogram name="Cookie.SameParty.SetExclusionDecidedBySameParty"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-05-15">
This histogram records whether enforcement of the SameParty attribute was
the only reason for a cookie's exclusion (from a write).
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartyCookieSameSiteAttributeValue"
enum="CookieSameSiteString" expires_after="2022-06-05">
The value of a SameParty cookie's SameSite attribute, if any. This is logged
once per attempt to create a SameParty cookie, regardless of success, upon
parsing of the SameSite attribute from a string.
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartyReadIncluded.InclusionUnderSameSite"
enum="BooleanIncluded" expires_after="2022-06-05">
This histogram records, for each cookie with the SameParty attribute that is
read, whether the access would have been allowed by the cookie's SameSite
attribute (if SameParty had not been specified).
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartyReadIncluded.IsHTTP" enum="BooleanHTTPVsJS"
This histogram records, for each cookie with the SameParty attribute that is
read, whether the access was over HTTP/HTTPS (as opposed to JS).
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartyReadIncluded.PartyContextSize"
units="registrable domains" expires_after="2022-06-05">
This histogram records, for each cookie with the SameParty attribute that is
read, how large the party-context was. I.e., how many distinct registrable
domains needed to be treated as a single party in order for the cookie to
A value of 0 indicates that the party context was nullopt either because its
size was too large, or because the party context did not need to be
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartySetIncluded.InclusionUnderSameSite"
enum="BooleanIncluded" expires_after="2022-04-10">
This histogram records, for each cookie with the SameParty attribute that is
set, whether the access would have been allowed by the cookie's SameSite
attribute (if SameParty had not been specified).
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartySetIncluded.IsHTTP" enum="BooleanHTTPVsJS"
This histogram records, for each cookie that is set with the SameParty
attribute, whether the access was over HTTP/HTTPS (as opposed to JS).
<histogram name="Cookie.SamePartySetIncluded.PartyContextSize"
units="registrable domains" expires_after="2022-06-05">
This histogram records, for each cookie that is set with the SameParty
attribute, how large the party-context was. I.e., how many distinct
registrable domains needed to be treated as a single party in order for the
cookie to &quot;work&quot;.
A value of 0 indicates that the party context was nullopt either because its
size was too large, or because the party context did not need to be
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteAttributeValue" enum="CookieSameSiteString"
The value of the cookie's SameSite attribute, if any. This is logged once
per created cookie, upon parsing of the SameSite attribute from a string.
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteContextAffectedByBugfix1166211"
enum="BooleanAffected" expires_after="2021-12-19">
Removed July 2021, no longer needed:
Whether the SameSite context was affected by the fix for,
i.e. whether it would have been laxly same-site before the fix but is
considered cross-site after the fix. Logged for each HTTP(S)
request/response that potentially accesses cookies, whose site-for-cookies
is same-site with the request URL, but whose initiator is cross-site to the
request URL. This is logged regardless of whether the change in SameSite
context actually changed the outcome of any cookie inclusion calculation.
Logged regardless of whether the bugfix's base::Feature is enabled.
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteContextDowngradeRequest"
Removed Nov 2021: no longer needed and expired.
The type of breaking same-site context downgrade a cookie is experiencing
along with the secureness of the origin that we're attempting to send the
cookie to. Logged once per included cookie or if the cookie was excluded
only due to insufficient same-site context.
For more information on breaking context downgrades please see the comment
block above
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteContextDowngradeResponse"
Removed Nov 2021: no longer needed and expired.
The type of breaking same-site context downgrade a cookie is experiencing
along with the secureness of the origin that is attempting to set the
cookie. Logged once per included cookie or if the cookie was excluded only
due to insufficient same-site context.
For more information on breaking context downgrades please see the comment
block above
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteCookieInclusionChangedByBugfix1166211"
enum="BooleanChanged" expires_after="2021-12-19">
Removed July 2021, no longer needed:
Whether a cookie was excluded solely due to the fix for,
i.e. whether it would have been included before the fix but is excluded
after the fix. Logged for each cookie accessed by an HTTP(S)
request/response whose SameSite context was affected by the bugfix, i.e.
requests that are not main frame navigations, whose site-for-cookies is
same-site with the request URL, but whose initiator is cross-site to the
request URL. This is logged regardless of whether the bugfix's base::Feature
is enabled.
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteNone.PartyContext.{AccessType}"
enum="SameSiteNonePartyContextType" expires_after="2022-06-15">
The strictest semantics that could have included a particular SameSite=None
cookie for the {AccessType} in the current context.
Recorded once per included SameSite=None cookie per {AccessType}.
<token key="AccessType">
<variant name="Read" summary="read"/>
<variant name="Write" summary="write"/>
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteNoneIsSecure" enum="Boolean"
Removed Oct 2021. No longer useful.
If a cookie was SameSite=None, this records whether or not it was Secure.
Logged once per attempt to set a SameSite=None cookie.
<histogram name="Cookie.SameSiteUnspecifiedEffective"
enum="CookieEffectiveSameSite" expires_after="M90">
Removed Jan 2021 for cleanup:
If a cookie had an unspecified SameSite attribute, this records what mode it
was treated as, i.e. what the effective SameSite mode is. Logged once per
attempt to determine SameSite inclusion/exclusion for an
unspecified-SameSite cookie.
<histogram name="Cookie.Startup.NumberOfCookiesDeleted" units="units"
Removed July 2021, no longer needed and expired.
The number of session cookies deleted on startup. This metric is emitted
even if no cookies are deleted. This metric is not emitted if session
cookies are restored, rather than deleted on startup.
<histogram name="Cookie.Startup.TimeSpentDeletingCookies" units="ms"
Removed July 2021, no longer needed and expired.
The amount of time required to delete session cookies on startup. This
metric is emitted even if no cookies are deleted. This metric is not emitted
if session cookies are restored, rather than deleted on startup.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeBlockedOnLoad" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) between the cookie store load starting and
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV10" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v9 cookie database to v10.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV11" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v10 cookie database to v11. Migration
occurs upon first startup of a browser version with v11 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV12" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v11 cookie database to v12. Migration
occurs upon first startup of a browser version with v12 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV13Failure" units="ms"
Removed Nov 2021: no longer needed and expired.
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v12 cookie database to v13, in the case
when migration fails. Migration occurs upon first startup of a browser
version with v13 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV13Success" units="ms"
Removed Nov 2021: no longer needed and expired.
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v12 cookie database to v13, in the case
when migration succeeds. Migration occurs upon first startup of a browser
version with v13 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV14" units="ms"
Removed Jan 2022: no longer needed and expired.
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v13 cookie database to v14. Migration
occurs upon first startup of a browser version with v14 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV15" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v14 cookie database to v15. Migration
occurs upon first startup of a browser version with v15 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV16" units="ms"
The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v15 cookie database to v16. Migration
occurs upon first startup of a browser version with v15 database code.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeDatabaseMigrationToV9" units="ms"
<summary>The amount of time (ms) to migrate a v8 database to v9.</summary>
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeInitializeDB" units="ms" expires_after="2021-12-26">
Removed Jan 2022: no longer needed and expired.
<summary>The amount of time (ms) to initialize the cookies database.</summary>
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeKeyLoadDBQueueWait" units="ms" expires_after="M81">
This histogram records the wall-clock delay between a priority load task
being posted to the DB-thread and its execution.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeKeyLoadTotalWait" units="ms"
This histogram records the the total amount of time spent fetching the
cookies associated with an eTLD+1 from disk, including time spent waiting in
task queues.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeLoad" units="ms" expires_after="2020-11-01">
This histogram records the sum of the durations of all initial tasks loading
cookies from the database.
<histogram name="Cookie.TimeLoadDBQueueWait" units="ms"
This histogram records the wall-clock delay between the Load task being
posted to the DB-thread and its execution.
<histogram name="Cookie.TruncatingCharacterInCookieString"
enum="TruncatingCharacterInCookieStringType" expires_after="2022-06-05">
Measures which character caused the cookie string to be truncated. Logged
whenever a cookie is created via CanonicalCookie::Create().
<histogram name="Cookie.Type" enum="CookieType" expires_after="2022-06-26">
<summary>For each cookie added to the store, record it's type(s).</summary>