blob: bede36e29a08a5c20e297f8c79c8682604d7fbf1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import sys
class ClangPluginTest(object):
"""Test harness for clang plugins."""
def __init__(self, test_base, clang_path, plugin_path, plugin_name,
test_base: Path to the directory containing the tests.
clang_path: Path to the clang binary.
plugin_path: Optional path to the plugin binary. May be None, such as on
Windows, where the plugin is built directly into the clang
plugin_name: Name of the plugin.
reset_results: If true, resets expected results to the actual test output.
self._test_base = test_base
self._clang_path = clang_path
self._plugin_path = plugin_path
self._plugin_name = plugin_name
self._reset_results = reset_results
def AddPluginArg(self, clang_cmd, plugin_arg):
"""Helper to add an argument for the tested plugin."""
clang_cmd.extend(['-Xclang', '-plugin-arg-%s' % self._plugin_name,
'-Xclang', plugin_arg])
def AdjustClangArguments(self, clang_cmd):
"""Tests can override this to customize the command line for clang."""
def Run(self):
"""Runs the tests.
The working directory is temporarily changed to self._test_base while
running the tests.
Returns: the number of failing tests.
print 'Using clang %s...' % self._clang_path
print 'Using plugin %s...' % self._plugin_path
clang_cmd = [self._clang_path, '-c', '-std=c++11']
if self._plugin_path:
clang_cmd.extend(['-Xclang', '-load', '-Xclang', self._plugin_path])
clang_cmd.extend(['-Xclang', '-add-plugin', '-Xclang', self._plugin_name])
passing = []
failing = []
tests = glob.glob('*.cpp')
for test in tests:
sys.stdout.write('Testing %s... ' % test)
test_name, _ = os.path.splitext(test)
cmd = clang_cmd[:]
# Some tests need to run with extra flags.
cmd.extend(file('%s.flags' % test_name).read().split())
except IOError:
failure_message = self.RunOneTest(test_name, cmd)
if failure_message:
print 'failed: %s' % failure_message
print 'passed!'
print 'Ran %d tests: %d succeeded, %d failed' % (
len(passing) + len(failing), len(passing), len(failing))
for test in failing:
print ' %s' % test
return len(failing)
def RunOneTest(self, test_name, cmd):
actual = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Some plugin tests intentionally trigger compile errors, so just ignore
# an exit code that indicates failure.
actual = e.output
except Exception as e:
return 'could not execute %s (%s)' % (cmd, e)
return self.ProcessOneResult(test_name, actual)
def ProcessOneResult(self, test_name, actual):
"""Tests can override this for custom result processing."""
# On Windows, clang emits CRLF as the end of line marker. Normalize it to LF
# to match posix systems.
actual = actual.replace('\r\n', '\n')
result_file = '%s.txt%s' % (test_name, '' if self._reset_results else
expected = open('%s.txt' % test_name).read()
except IOError:
open(result_file, 'w').write(actual)
return 'no expected file found'
if expected != actual:
open(result_file, 'w').write(actual)
error = 'expected and actual differed\n'
error += 'Actual:\n' + actual
error += 'Expected:\n' + expected
return error