blob: 478c0f8ea842cc42e6777a8ce84e2fa7eb2cbead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/ax_content_node_data.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/plugin_ax_tree_source.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_accessibility.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame_observer.h"
#include "content/renderer/accessibility/blink_ax_tree_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/renderer_preference_watcher.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_object.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_relative_bounds.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_serializer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace blink {
class WebDocument;
} // namespace blink
namespace ui {
struct AXActionData;
class AXActionTarget;
struct AXEvent;
namespace content {
class AXImageAnnotator;
class RenderFrameImpl;
using BlinkAXTreeSerializer = ui::
AXTreeSerializer<blink::WebAXObject, AXContentNodeData, AXContentTreeData>;
class AXTreeSnapshotterImpl : public AXTreeSnapshotter {
explicit AXTreeSnapshotterImpl(RenderFrameImpl* render_frame);
~AXTreeSnapshotterImpl() override;
// AXTreeSnapshotter implementation.
void Snapshot(ui::AXMode ax_mode,
size_t max_node_count,
ui::AXTreeUpdate* accessibility_tree) override;
// Same as above, but returns in |accessibility_tree| a AXContentTreeUpdate
// with content-specific metadata, instead of an AXTreeUpdate.
void SnapshotContentTree(ui::AXMode ax_mode,
size_t max_node_count,
AXContentTreeUpdate* accessibility_tree);
RenderFrameImpl* render_frame_;
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebAXContext> context_;
AXTreeSnapshotterImpl(const AXTreeSnapshotterImpl&) = delete;
AXTreeSnapshotterImpl& operator=(const AXTreeSnapshotterImpl&) = delete;
// The browser process implements native accessibility APIs, allowing
// assistive technology (e.g., screen readers, magnifiers) to access and
// control the web contents with high-level APIs. These APIs are also used
// by automation tools, and Windows 8 uses them to determine when the
// on-screen keyboard should be shown.
// An instance of this class belongs to RenderFrameImpl. Accessibility is
// initialized based on the ui::AXMode of RenderFrameImpl; it lazily
// starts as Off or EditableTextOnly depending on the operating system, and
// switches to Complete if assistive technology is detected or a flag is set.
// A tree of accessible objects is built here and sent to the browser process;
// the browser process maintains this as a tree of platform-native
// accessible objects that can be used to respond to accessibility requests
// from other processes.
// This class implements complete accessibility support for assistive
// technology. It turns on Blink's accessibility code and sends a serialized
// representation of that tree whenever it changes. It also handles requests
// from the browser to perform accessibility actions on nodes in the tree
// (e.g., change focus, or click on a button).
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderAccessibilityImpl
: public RenderAccessibility,
public RenderFrameObserver,
public blink::mojom::RendererPreferenceWatcher {
// Request a one-time snapshot of the accessibility tree without
// enabling accessibility if it wasn't already enabled.
static void SnapshotAccessibilityTree(RenderFrameImpl* render_frame,
AXContentTreeUpdate* response,
ui::AXMode ax_mode);
RenderAccessibilityImpl(RenderFrameImpl* const render_frame, ui::AXMode mode);
~RenderAccessibilityImpl() override;
RenderFrameImpl* render_frame() { return render_frame_; }
// RenderAccessibility implementation.
int GenerateAXID() override;
void SetPluginTreeSource(PluginAXTreeSource* source) override;
void OnPluginRootNodeUpdated() override;
// RenderFrameObserver implementation.
void DidCreateNewDocument() override;
void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(bool is_same_document_navigation,
ui::PageTransition transition) override;
void AccessibilityModeChanged(const ui::AXMode& mode) override;
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
// blink::mojom::RendererPreferenceObserver implementation.
void NotifyUpdate(blink::mojom::RendererPreferencesPtr new_prefs) override;
// Called when an accessibility notification occurs in Blink.
void HandleWebAccessibilityEvent(const blink::WebAXObject& obj,
ax::mojom::Event event,
ax::mojom::EventFrom event_from);
void MarkWebAXObjectDirty(const blink::WebAXObject& obj, bool subtree);
// Called when a new find in page result is highlighted.
void HandleAccessibilityFindInPageResult(
int identifier,
int match_index,
const blink::WebAXObject& start_object,
int start_offset,
const blink::WebAXObject& end_object,
int end_offset);
// Called when a find in page result is terminated and all results are
// cleared.
void HandleAccessibilityFindInPageTermination();
void HandleAXEvent(
const blink::WebAXObject& obj,
ax::mojom::Event event,
ax::mojom::EventFrom event_from = ax::mojom::EventFrom::kNone,
int action_request_id = -1);
// Returns the main top-level document for this page, or NULL if there's
// no view or frame.
blink::WebDocument GetMainDocument();
// Send queued events from the renderer to the browser.
void SendPendingAccessibilityEvents();
// Check the entire accessibility tree to see if any nodes have
// changed location, by comparing their locations to the cached
// versions. If any have moved, send an IPC with the new locations.
void SendLocationChanges();
struct DirtyObject {
blink::WebAXObject obj;
ax::mojom::EventFrom event_from;
// RenderFrameObserver implementation.
void OnDestruct() override;
// Handlers for messages from the browser to the renderer.
void OnPerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data);
void OnEventsAck(int ack_token);
void OnFatalError();
void OnReset(int reset_token);
void OnHitTest(const gfx::Point& point,
ax::mojom::Event event_to_fire,
int action_request_id);
void OnLoadInlineTextBoxes(const ui::AXActionTarget* target);
void OnGetImageData(const ui::AXActionTarget* target,
const gfx::Size& max_size);
void AddPluginTreeToUpdate(AXContentTreeUpdate* update,
bool invalidate_plugin_subtree);
// Creates and takes ownership of an instance of the class that automatically
// labels images for accessibility.
void CreateAXImageAnnotator();
// Automatically labels images for accessibility if the accessibility mode for
// this feature is turned on, otherwise stops automatic labeling and removes
// any automatic annotations that might have been added before.
void StartOrStopLabelingImages(ui::AXMode old_mode, ui::AXMode new_mode);
// Marks all AXObjects with the given role in the current tree dirty.
void MarkAllAXObjectsDirty(ax::mojom::Role role);
void Scroll(const ui::AXActionTarget* target,
ax::mojom::Action scroll_action);
void ScheduleSendAccessibilityEventsIfNeeded();
void RecordImageMetrics(AXContentTreeUpdate* update);
void AddImageAnnotationDebuggingAttributes(
const std::vector<AXContentTreeUpdate>& updates);
// Returns the document for the active popup if any.
blink::WebDocument GetPopupDocument();
// The RenderFrameImpl that owns us.
RenderFrameImpl* render_frame_;
// This keeps accessibility enabled as long as it lives.
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebAXContext> ax_context_;
// Manages the automatic image annotations, if enabled.
std::unique_ptr<AXImageAnnotator> ax_image_annotator_;
// The Mojo receiver for this object as a RenderPreferenceWatcher.
// Events from Blink are collected until they are ready to be
// sent to the browser.
std::vector<ui::AXEvent> pending_events_;
// Objects that need to be re-serialized, the next time
// we send an event bundle to the browser - but don't specifically need
// an event fired.
std::vector<DirtyObject> dirty_objects_;
// The adapter that exposes Blink's accessibility tree to AXTreeSerializer.
BlinkAXTreeSource tree_source_;
// The serializer that sends accessibility messages to the browser process.
BlinkAXTreeSerializer serializer_;
using PluginAXTreeSerializer = ui::AXTreeSerializer<const ui::AXNode*,
std::unique_ptr<PluginAXTreeSerializer> plugin_serializer_;
PluginAXTreeSource* plugin_tree_source_;
blink::WebAXObject plugin_host_node_;
// Current location of every object, so we can detect when it moves.
std::unordered_map<int, ui::AXRelativeBounds> locations_;
// The most recently observed scroll offset of the root document element.
// TODO(dmazzoni): remove once
// is fixed.
gfx::Size last_scroll_offset_;
// Set if we are waiting for an accessibility event ack.
bool ack_pending_;
// Nonzero if the browser requested we reset the accessibility state.
// We need to return this token in the next IPC.
int reset_token_;
// Token to send with event messages so we know when they're acknowledged.
int ack_token_;
// Whether or not we've injected a stylesheet in this document
// (only when debugging flags are enabled, never under normal circumstances).
bool has_injected_stylesheet_ = false;
// Whether we should highlight annotation results visually on the page
// for debugging.
bool image_annotation_debugging_ = false;
// So we can queue up tasks to be executed later.
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderAccessibilityImpl> weak_factory_{this};
friend class AXImageAnnotatorTest;
friend class PluginActionHandlingTest;
} // namespace content