blob: 1b184e31492e6450941c8819755631d99063e086 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/bookmark_model_merger.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_model.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_node.h"
#include "components/sync/base/hash_util.h"
#include "components/sync/base/unique_position.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_driver_switches.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/engine_util.h"
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/bookmark_specifics_conversions.h"
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/synced_bookmark_tracker.h"
#include "ui/base/models/tree_node_iterator.h"
using syncer::EntityData;
using syncer::UpdateResponseData;
using syncer::UpdateResponseDataList;
namespace sync_bookmarks {
namespace {
static const size_t kInvalidIndex = -1;
// Maximum number of bytes to allow in a title (must match sync's internal
// limits; see
const int kTitleLimitBytes = 255;
// The sync protocol identifies top-level entities by means of well-known tags,
// (aka server defined tags) which should not be confused with titles or client
// tags that aren't supported by bookmarks (at the time of writing). Each tag
// corresponds to a singleton instance of a particular top-level node in a
// user's share; the tags are consistent across users. The tags allow us to
// locate the specific folders whose contents we care about synchronizing,
// without having to do a lookup by name or path. The tags should not be made
// user-visible. For example, the tag "bookmark_bar" represents the permanent
// node for bookmarks bar in Chrome. The tag "other_bookmarks" represents the
// permanent folder Other Bookmarks in Chrome.
// It is the responsibility of something upstream (at time of writing, the sync
// server) to create these tagged nodes when initializing sync for the first
// time for a user. Thus, once the backend finishes initializing, the
// ProfileSyncService can rely on the presence of tagged nodes.
const char kBookmarkBarTag[] = "bookmark_bar";
const char kMobileBookmarksTag[] = "synced_bookmarks";
const char kOtherBookmarksTag[] = "other_bookmarks";
// Canonicalize |title| similar to legacy client's implementation by truncating
// up to |kTitleLimitBytes| and the appending ' ' in some cases.
std::string CanonicalizeTitle(const std::string& title) {
std::string canonical_title;
syncer::SyncAPINameToServerName(title, &canonical_title);
base::TruncateUTF8ToByteSize(canonical_title, kTitleLimitBytes,
return canonical_title;
// Heuristic to consider two nodes (local and remote) a match by semantics for
// the purpose of merging. Two folders match by semantics if they have the same
// title, two bookmarks match by semantics if they have the same title and url.
// A folder and a bookmark never match.
bool NodeSemanticsMatch(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node,
const EntityData& remote_node) {
if (local_node->is_folder() != remote_node.is_folder) {
return false;
const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics& specifics =
const std::string local_title = base::UTF16ToUTF8(local_node->GetTitle());
const std::string remote_title = specifics.title();
// Titles match if they are identical or the remote one is the canonical form
// of the local one. The latter is the case when a legacy client has
// canonicalized the same local title before committing it. Modern clients
// don't canonicalize titles anymore.
if (local_title != remote_title &&
CanonicalizeTitle(local_title) != remote_title) {
return false;
if (remote_node.is_folder) {
return true;
return local_node->url() == GURL(specifics.url());
bool UniquePositionLessThan(const UpdateResponseData* a,
const UpdateResponseData* b) {
const syncer::UniquePosition a_pos =
const syncer::UniquePosition b_pos =
return a_pos.LessThan(b_pos);
// Builds a map from node update to a vector of its children updates. The vector
// is sorted according to the unique position information in each update. An
// entry is only added for an update if it has children updates with the
// exception of permanent folders. Updates of permanent folders always exist in
// the returned folder. If they don't have children, each is asoociated with an
// empty vector of updates. Returned map contains pointers to the elements in
// |updates|.
std::unordered_map<const UpdateResponseData*,
std::vector<const UpdateResponseData*>>
const UpdateResponseDataList* updates) {
std::unordered_map<const UpdateResponseData*,
std::vector<const UpdateResponseData*>>
std::unordered_map<base::StringPiece, const UpdateResponseData*,
// Tombstones carry only the sync id and cannot be merged with the local
// model. Hence, we ignore tombstones.
for (const std::unique_ptr<syncer::UpdateResponseData>& update : *updates) {
const EntityData& update_entity = *update->entity;
if (update_entity.is_deleted()) {
id_to_updates[] = update.get();
for (const std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData>& update : *updates) {
const EntityData& update_entity = *update->entity;
if (update_entity.is_deleted()) {
// No need to associate permanent nodes with their parent (the root node).
// We start merging from the permanent nodes.
if (!update_entity.server_defined_unique_tag.empty()) {
if (!syncer::UniquePosition::FromProto(update_entity.unique_position)
.IsValid()) {
// Ignore updates with invalid positions.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Remote update with invalid position: "
<< update_entity.specifics.bookmark().title();
if (!IsValidBookmarkSpecifics(update_entity.specifics.bookmark(),
update_entity.is_folder)) {
// Ignore updates with invalid specifics.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Remote update with invalid specifics";
const UpdateResponseData* parent_update =
// Sort all child updates.
for (auto& parent_update_and_chilren : updates_tree) {
parent_update_and_chilren.second.end(), UniquePositionLessThan);
return updates_tree;
// Populates a map from GUID to corresponding remote update, used in the merge
// process to determine GUID-based node matches.
std::unordered_map<std::string, const syncer::UpdateResponseData*>
BuildGUIDToRemoteUpdateMap(const UpdateResponseDataList* updates) {
// TODO( Handle potential duplicate GUIDs within remote
// updates.
// TODO( Verify the validity of the specifics.
std::unordered_map<std::string, const syncer::UpdateResponseData*>
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(switches::kMergeBookmarksUsingGUIDs)) {
return guid_to_remote_update_map;
for (const std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData>& update : *updates) {
EntityData* update_entity = update.get()->entity.get();
DCHECK(update_entity->specifics.bookmark().guid().empty() ||
if (!update_entity->specifics.bookmark().guid().empty()) {
update_entity->specifics.bookmark().guid(), update.get());
return guid_to_remote_update_map;
// Populates a map from GUID to corresponding local node, used in the merge
// process to determine GUID-based node matches.
std::unordered_map<std::string, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode*>
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* bookmark_model,
std::unordered_map<std::string, const syncer::UpdateResponseData*>
guid_to_remote_update_map) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode*>
if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(switches::kMergeBookmarksUsingGUIDs)) {
return guid_to_local_node_map;
ui::TreeNodeIterator<const bookmarks::BookmarkNode> iterator(
while (iterator.has_next()) {
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node = iterator.Next();
if (node->is_permanent_node()) {
// If local node and its remote node match are conflicting in node type or
// URL, replace local GUID with a random GUID.
if (guid_to_remote_update_map.count(node->guid()) != 0) {
const syncer::EntityData* remote_node =
if (node->is_folder() != remote_node->is_folder ||
(node->is_url() &&
node->url() != remote_node->specifics.bookmark().url())) {
node =
ReplaceBookmarkNodeGUID(node, base::GenerateGUID(), bookmark_model);
guid_to_local_node_map.emplace(node->guid(), node);
return guid_to_local_node_map;
} // namespace
UpdateResponseDataList updates,
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* bookmark_model,
favicon::FaviconService* favicon_service,
SyncedBookmarkTracker* bookmark_tracker)
: original_updates_(std::move(updates)),
guid_to_remote_update_map_)) {
BookmarkModelMerger::~BookmarkModelMerger() {}
void BookmarkModelMerger::Merge() {
// Algorithm description:
// Match up the roots and recursively do the following:
// * For each remote node for the current remote (sync) parent node, either
// find a local node with equal GUID anywhere throughout the tree or find
// the best matching bookmark node under the corresponding local bookmark
// parent node using semantics. If the found node has the same GUID as a
// different remote bookmark, we do not consider it a semantics match, as
// GUID matching takes precedence. If no matching node is found, create a
// new bookmark node in the same position as the corresponding remote node.
// If a matching node is found, update the properties of it from the
// corresponding remote node.
// * When all children remote nodes are done, add the extra children bookmark
// nodes to the remote (sync) parent node, unless they will be later matched
// by GUID.
// The semantics best match algorithm uses folder title or bookmark title/url
// to perform the primary match. If there are multiple match candidates it
// selects the first one.
// Associate permanent folders.
for (const std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData>& update : original_updates_) {
const EntityData& update_entity = *update->entity;
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* permanent_folder =
if (!permanent_folder) {
MergeSubtree(permanent_folder, update.get());
// TODO( Check that both models match now.
// TODO( What if no permanent nodes updates are sent from
// the server, check if this is a legit scenario.
void BookmarkModelMerger::MergeSubtree(
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_subtree_root,
const UpdateResponseData* remote_update) {
const EntityData& remote_update_entity = *remote_update->entity;
bookmark_tracker_->Add(, local_subtree_root,
remote_update->response_version, remote_update_entity.creation_time,
remote_update_entity.unique_position, remote_update_entity.specifics);
// If there are remote child updates, try to match them.
if (updates_tree_.count(remote_update) != 0) {
const std::vector<const UpdateResponseData*> remote_children =;
for (size_t remote_index = 0; remote_index < remote_children.size();
++remote_index) {
const syncer::UpdateResponseData* remote_child =
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* matching_local_node =
FindMatchingLocalNode(remote_child, local_subtree_root, remote_index);
// If no match found, create a corresponding local node.
if (!matching_local_node) {
ProcessRemoteCreation(remote_child, local_subtree_root, remote_index);
// Move if required, no-op otherwise.
bookmark_model_->Move(matching_local_node, local_subtree_root,
// Since nodes are matching, their subtrees should be merged as well.
matching_local_node = UpdateBookmarkNodeFromSpecificsIncludingGUID(
matching_local_node, remote_child);
MergeSubtree(matching_local_node, remote_child);
// At this point all the children nodes of the parent sync node have
// corresponding children in the parent bookmark node and they are all in the
// right positions: from 0 to - 1. So
// the children starting from index in
// the parent bookmark node are the ones that are not present in the parent
// sync node and tracked yet. So create all of the remaining local nodes.
const size_t index_of_new_local_nodes =
updates_tree_.count(remote_update) > 0
: 0;
for (size_t i = index_of_new_local_nodes;
i < local_subtree_root->children().size(); ++i) {
// TODO( Handle potential orphan nodes that could impede
// local GUID matches from being processed as local creations.
// If local node has been or will be matched by GUID, skip it.
if (FindMatchingRemoteUpdateByGUID(
local_subtree_root->children()[i].get())) {
ProcessLocalCreation(local_subtree_root, i);
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* BookmarkModelMerger::FindMatchingLocalNode(
const syncer::UpdateResponseData* remote_child,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t local_child_start_index) const {
// Try to match child by GUID. If we can't, try to match child by semantics.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* matching_local_node =
if (!matching_local_node) {
// All local nodes up to |remote_index-1| have processed already. Look for a
// matching local node starting with the local node at position
// |local_child_start_index|. FindMatchingChildBySemanticsStartingAt()
// returns kInvalidIndex in the case where no semantics match was found or
// the semantics match found is GUID-matchable to a different node.
const size_t local_index = FindMatchingChildBySemanticsStartingAt(
if (local_index == kInvalidIndex) {
// If no match found, return.
return nullptr;
matching_local_node = local_parent->children()[local_index].get();
return matching_local_node;
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode*
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node,
const UpdateResponseData* remote_update) {
// Ensure bookmarks have the same URL, otherwise they would not have been
// matched.
DCHECK(local_node->is_folder() ||
local_node->url() ==
const EntityData& remote_update_entity = *remote_update->entity;
const sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics specifics =
// If the nodes were matched by GUID, we update the BookmarkNode semantics
// accordingly.
if (local_node->guid() == specifics.guid()) {
UpdateBookmarkNodeFromSpecifics(specifics, local_node, bookmark_model_,
// If the nodes were matched by semantics, the local GUID is replaced by its
// remote counterpart, unless it is empty, in which case we keep the local
// GUID unchanged.
if (specifics.guid().empty() || FindMatchingLocalNodeByGUID(*remote_update)) {
return local_node;
// We do not update the GUID maps upon node replacement as per the comment
// in bookmark_model_merger.h.
return ReplaceBookmarkNodeGUID(local_node, specifics.guid(), bookmark_model_);
void BookmarkModelMerger::ProcessRemoteCreation(
const UpdateResponseData* remote_update,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t index) {
const EntityData& remote_update_entity = *remote_update->entity;
// If specifics do not have a valid GUID, create a new one. Legacy clients do
// not populate GUID field and if the originator_client_item_id is not of
// valid GUID format to replace it, the field is left blank.
if (!base::IsValidGUID(remote_update_entity.specifics.bookmark().guid())) {
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* bookmark_node =
remote_update_entity.specifics.bookmark(), local_parent, index,
remote_update_entity.is_folder, bookmark_model_, favicon_service_);
if (!bookmark_node) {
// We ignore bookmarks we can't add.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create bookmark node with title "
<< remote_update_entity.specifics.bookmark().title()
<< " and url "
<< remote_update_entity.specifics.bookmark().url();
bookmark_tracker_->Add(, bookmark_node, remote_update->response_version,
remote_update_entity.creation_time, remote_update_entity.unique_position,
// If no child update, we are done.
if (updates_tree_.count(remote_update) == 0) {
// Recursively, match by GUID or, if not possible, create local node for all
// child remote nodes.
int i = 0;
for (const UpdateResponseData* remote_child_update : {
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_child =
if (!local_child) {
ProcessRemoteCreation(remote_child_update, bookmark_node, i++);
bookmark_model_->Move(local_child, bookmark_node, i++);
local_child = UpdateBookmarkNodeFromSpecificsIncludingGUID(
local_child, remote_child_update);
MergeSubtree(local_child, remote_child_update);
void BookmarkModelMerger::ProcessLocalCreation(
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
size_t index) {
const SyncedBookmarkTracker::Entity* parent_entity =
// Since we are merging top down, parent entity must be tracked.
// Similar to the directory implementation here:
// Assign a temp server id for the entity. Will be overridden by the actual
// server id upon receiving commit response.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node = parent->children()[index].get();
const std::string sync_id =
? node->guid()
: base::GenerateGUID();
const int64_t server_version = syncer::kUncommittedVersion;
const base::Time creation_time = base::Time::Now();
const std::string& suffix = syncer::GenerateSyncableBookmarkHash(
bookmark_tracker_->model_type_state().cache_guid(), sync_id);
syncer::UniquePosition pos;
// Locally created nodes aren't tracked and hence don't have a unique position
// yet so we need to produce new ones.
if (index == 0) {
pos = syncer::UniquePosition::InitialPosition(suffix);
} else {
const SyncedBookmarkTracker::Entity* predecessor_entity =
parent->children()[index - 1].get());
pos = syncer::UniquePosition::After(
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics = CreateSpecificsFromBookmarkNode(
node, bookmark_model_, /*force_favicon_load=*/true);
bookmark_tracker_->Add(sync_id, node, server_version, creation_time,
pos.ToProto(), specifics);
// Mark the entity that it needs to be committed.
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children().size(); ++i) {
// If a local node hasn't matched with any remote entity, its descendants
// will neither, unless they have been or will be matched by GUID, in which
// case we skip them for now.
if (FindMatchingRemoteUpdateByGUID(node->children()[i].get())) {
ProcessLocalCreation(node, i);
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* BookmarkModelMerger::GetPermanentFolder(
const EntityData& update_entity) const {
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* permanent_folder = nullptr;
if (update_entity.server_defined_unique_tag == kBookmarkBarTag) {
permanent_folder = bookmark_model_->bookmark_bar_node();
} else if (update_entity.server_defined_unique_tag == kOtherBookmarksTag) {
permanent_folder = bookmark_model_->other_node();
} else if (update_entity.server_defined_unique_tag == kMobileBookmarksTag) {
permanent_folder = bookmark_model_->mobile_node();
return permanent_folder;
size_t BookmarkModelMerger::FindMatchingChildBySemanticsStartingAt(
const UpdateResponseData* remote_node,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t starting_child_index) const {
const auto& children = local_parent->children();
DCHECK_LE(starting_child_index, children.size());
const EntityData& remote_entity = *remote_node->entity;
const auto it =
std::find_if(children.cbegin() + starting_child_index, children.cend(),
[this, &remote_entity](const auto& child) {
return NodeSemanticsMatch(child.get(), remote_entity) &&
return (it == children.cend()) ? kInvalidIndex : (it - children.cbegin());
const syncer::UpdateResponseData*
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node) const {
// Ensure matching nodes are of the same type and have the same URL,
// guaranteed by BuildGUIDToLocalNodeMap().
const auto it = guid_to_remote_update_map_.find(local_node->guid());
if (it == guid_to_remote_update_map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
const syncer::UpdateResponseData* remote_update = it->second;
const syncer::EntityData* remote_node = remote_update->entity.get();
DCHECK_EQ(local_node->is_folder(), remote_node->is_folder);
DCHECK_EQ(local_node->url(), remote_node->specifics.bookmark().url());
return remote_update;
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* BookmarkModelMerger::FindMatchingLocalNodeByGUID(
const syncer::UpdateResponseData& remote_update) const {
const syncer::EntityData* remote_node = remote_update.entity.get();
const auto it =
if (it == guid_to_local_node_map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node = it->second;
// Ensure matching nodes are of the same type and have the same URL,
// guaranteed by BuildGUIDToLocalNodeMap().
DCHECK_EQ(local_node->is_folder(), remote_node->is_folder);
DCHECK_EQ(local_node->url(), remote_node->specifics.bookmark().url());
return local_node;
} // namespace sync_bookmarks