blob: 68f86554ab28c593e386b45b8bf8ee0a4eadb323 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This API is used for configuring network connections (Cellular, Ethernet,
// VPN, WiFi, or Tether). See the Open Network Configuration
// (ONC) documentation for detailed descriptions of properties:
// components/onc/docs/
// Currently this service is implemented in the Chrome Browser process with
// clients in Chrome and WebUI.
module chromeos.network_config.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address.mojom";
// Activation state for Cellular networks.
enum ActivationStateType {
// A cellular modem exists, but no network service is available.
// The authentication type for Ethernet networks.
enum AuthenticationType {
// Connection state of visible networks.
enum ConnectionStateType {
// Device / Technology state for devices.
enum DeviceStateType {
// Not used in DeviceStateProperties, but useful when querying by type.
// The network technology type. NOTE: 'All' and 'Wireless' are only used by
// FilterType for requesting groups of networks.
enum NetworkType {
// Mobile includes Cellular, and Tether.
// Wireles includes Cellular, Tether, and WiFi.
// The ONC source for the network configuration, i.e. whether it is stored in
// the User or Device profile and whether it was configured by policy.
enum OncSource {
// The network is not remembered, or the property is not configurable.
// The configuration is saved in the user profile.
// The configuration is saved in the device profile.
// The configuration came from a user policy and is saved in the user profile.
// The configuration came from a device policy and is saved in the device
// profile.
// The policy source for property values managed by policy.
enum PolicySource {
// The property is not controlled by policy.
// The property value came from a user policy and is enforced.
// The property value came from a device policy and is enforced.
// The property value came from a user policy and is recommended.
// The property value came from a device policy and is recommended.
// The property value came from an extension.
enum ProxyMode {
// Direct connection to the network.
// Try to retrieve a PAC script from http://wpad/wpad.dat.
// Try to retrieve a PAC script from kProxyPacURL.
// Use a specified list of servers.
// Use the system's proxy settings.
// The security type for WiFi Ethernet networks.
enum SecurityType {
// The configuration type for virtual networks.
enum VpnType {
// Internal VPN types.
// VPN provided by a Chrome Extension.
// VPN provided by an Arc++ app.
// Filter used for requesting lists of network states.
enum FilterType {
// Return active (Connected or Connecting) networks.
// Return visible (active, physically connected or in-range) networks.
// Active networks will be listed first.
// Only include configured (saved) networks.
// Include all networks.
enum StartConnectResult {
// The request was successfully sent.
// The provided GUID is not associated with an existing network configuration.
// The network is not in a connectable state (e.g. already connected or
// connecting, or a required service is unavailable).
// The connect request was cancelled before being sent, e.g. due to another
// connect request.
// The network is in an error state because invalid credentials were provided
// or a certificate is unavailable.
// Connecting to the network is blocked, e.g. by policy.
// Unknown or other error.
enum CertificateType {
struct CaptivePortalProvider {
// Id used to identify the captive portal provider (i.e. an extension id).
string id;
// Display name for the captive portal provider (i.e. extension name).
string name;
// The SIM card lock status for Cellular networks.
struct SIMLockStatus {
// The status of SIM lock. Possible values are 'sim-pin', 'sim-puk' or empty.
string lock_type;
// Whether SIM lock is enabled.
bool lock_enabled;
// Number of PIN lock tries allowed before PUK is required to unlock the SIM.
int32 retries_left;
struct CellularStateProperties {
// Enumerated ONC activation state.
ActivationStateType activation_state = kUnknown;
// ONC NetworkTechnology value.
string network_technology;
// True when in a roaming state and the provider is not always roaming.
bool roaming = false;
// The signal strength of the cellular connection.
int32 signal_strength;
// True when a SIM is present and locked.
bool sim_locked = false;
struct EthernetStateProperties {
// This represents the actual authentication type for a connected Ethernet
// network. Note: An EAP configuration may exist but not be applied (e.g. if
// no certificate is installed), in which case the value will be kNone.
AuthenticationType authentication;
struct TetherStateProperties {
// The battery percentage of the tethered device.
int32 battery_percentage;
// The cellular carrier for the tethered device.
string carrier;
// Whether the tethered device has already been connected to.
bool has_connected_to_host;
// The signal strength of the tethered device's cellular connection.
int32 signal_strength;
struct VPNStateProperties {
VpnType type;
string provider_id;
string provider_name;
struct WiFiStateProperties {
// The id of the basic service set (access point) associated with the network.
string bssid;
// The WiFi service operating frequency in MHz. For connected networks, the
// current frequency, otherwise, the frequency of the best available BSS.
int32 frequency;
// The hex encoded SSID (name) of the network.
string hex_ssid;
SecurityType security;
// The signal strength for visible networks.
int32 signal_strength;
// The network SSID.
string ssid;
union NetworkTypeStateProperties {
CellularStateProperties cellular;
EthernetStateProperties ethernet;
TetherStateProperties tether;
VPNStateProperties vpn;
WiFiStateProperties wifi;
struct NetworkStateProperties {
CaptivePortalProvider? captive_portal_provider;
// True if the network is configured and may be connectable.
bool connectable = false;
// True if an explicit connect was requested. The network state may not be
// Connecting yet.
bool connect_requested = false;
ConnectionStateType connection_state;
// A string describing the network error state. TODO(stevenjb): Use an enum.
string? error_state;
// The unique identifier for the network.
string guid;
// The human readable name of the network, e.g. WiFi SSID or network type.
string name;
// The relative priority of the network. Larger values have higher priority.
int32 priority;
// The proxy mode affecting this network. Includes any settings that affect
// this network (i.e. global proxy settings are also considered).
ProxyMode proxy_mode;
// True for visible networks that are blocked / disallowed by policy.
bool prohibited_by_policy = false;
OncSource source;
// |type| is explicitly provided here to simplify UI code and will always
// match the type of |type_state|, which will always be provided.
NetworkType type;
NetworkTypeStateProperties type_state;
struct DeviceStateProperties {
// IP address for the primary network corresponding to the device type. If no
// network is in a connected state, or the address type is not available,
// these will be null. When there are multiple IP addresses, only the first
// is provided.
network.mojom.IPAddress? ipv4_address;
network.mojom.IPAddress? ipv6_address;
// AA:BB formatted MAC address for the device. Use for display purposes only.
// May be null if no MAC address is available for the device.
string? mac_address;
// Set if the device is currently scanning.
bool scanning = false;
// The SIM lock status if Type = Cellular and a SIM is present.
SIMLockStatus? sim_lock_status;
// True when a SIM is required and not present.
bool sim_absent = false;
DeviceStateType device_state;
NetworkType type;
// Whether or not any managed networks are available.
bool managed_network_available = false;
const int32 kNoLimit = 0;
struct NetworkFilter {
// Which networks to return (active, visible, etc).
FilterType filter;
// The type of networks to return.
NetworkType network_type;
// Maximum number of networks to return. 0 indicates no limit.
int32 limit = kNoLimit;
// Specialized unmanaged property types.
struct ApnProperties {
string access_point_name;
string? authentication;
string? language;
string? localized_name;
string? name;
string? password;
string? username;
struct CellularProviderProperties {
string name;
string code;
string? country;
struct FoundNetworkProperties {
string status;
string network_id;
string technology;
string? short_name;
string? long_name;
// A routing prefix can not be 0. Use 0 to indicate an unset value.
const int32 kNoRoutingPrefix = 0;
struct IPConfigProperties {
string? gateway;
// The IP address represented as a string, as provided by the configuration
// manager (e.g. Shill) and/or the policy provider. It should be used for
// display purposes only.
string? ip_address;
array<string>? excluded_routes;
array<string>? included_routes;
array<string>? name_servers;
array<string>? search_domains;
int32 routing_prefix = kNoRoutingPrefix;
string? type;
string? web_proxy_auto_discovery_url;
struct PaymentPortalProperties {
string method;
string? post_data;
string? url;
// Managed property types. These types all share a common structure.
// The structure differs from the structure used in //components/onc which
// relies on optional boolean and integer values which are unsupported in mojo,
// and provides more detail than is required by the UI.
// active_value: The value provided by the configuration manager (e.g. Shill).
// This will match |policy_value| when |policy_source| is enforced.
// policy_source: The source of the value provided by policy when available,
// or kNone (see PolicySource).
// policy_value: The value provided by policy when available.
// Fundamental managed types.
struct ManagedBoolean {
bool active_value;
PolicySource policy_source = kNone;
bool policy_value = false;
struct ManagedInt32 {
int32 active_value = 0;
PolicySource policy_source = kNone;
int32 policy_value = 0;
struct ManagedString {
string active_value;
PolicySource policy_source = kNone;
string? policy_value;
struct ManagedStringList {
array<string> active_value;
PolicySource policy_source = kNone;
array<string>? policy_value;
// Specialized managed types.
struct ManagedApnProperties {
ManagedString access_point_name;
ManagedString? authentication;
ManagedString? language;
ManagedString? localized_name;
ManagedString? name;
ManagedString? password;
ManagedString? username;
struct ManagedApnList {
array<ApnProperties> active_value;
PolicySource policy_source = kNone;
array<ApnProperties>? policy_value;
struct ManagedIssuerSubjectPattern {
ManagedString? common_name;
ManagedString? locality;
ManagedString? organization;
ManagedString? organizational_unit;
struct ManagedCertificatePattern {
ManagedStringList? enrollment_uri;
ManagedIssuerSubjectPattern? issuer;
ManagedStringList? issuer_ca_ref;
ManagedIssuerSubjectPattern? subject;
struct ManagedEAPProperties {
ManagedString? anonymous_identity;
ManagedCertificatePattern? client_cert_pattern;
ManagedString? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
ManagedString? client_cert_ref;
ManagedString? client_cert_type;
ManagedString? identity;
ManagedString? inner;
ManagedString? outer;
ManagedBoolean? save_credentials;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_pems;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_refs;
ManagedString? subject_match;
ManagedString? tls_version_max;
ManagedBoolean? use_proactive_key_caching;
ManagedBoolean? use_system_cas;
struct ManagedIPConfigProperties {
ManagedString? gateway;
// See comment for IPConfigProperties.
ManagedString? ip_address;
ManagedStringList? name_servers;
ManagedInt32? routing_prefix;
ManagedString? type;
ManagedString? web_proxy_auto_discovery_url;
struct ManagedIPSecProperties {
ManagedString authentication_type;
ManagedCertificatePattern? client_cert_pattern;
ManagedString? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
ManagedString? client_cert_ref;
ManagedString? client_cert_type;
ManagedEAPProperties? eap;
ManagedString? group;
ManagedInt32? ike_version;
ManagedString? psk;
ManagedBoolean? save_credentials;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_pems;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_refs;
struct ManagedL2TPProperties {
ManagedBoolean? lcp_echo_disabled;
ManagedString? password;
ManagedBoolean? save_credentials;
ManagedString? username;
struct ManagedProxyLocation {
ManagedString host;
ManagedInt32 port;
struct ManagedManualProxySettings {
ManagedProxyLocation? http_proxy;
ManagedProxyLocation? secure_http_proxy;
ManagedProxyLocation? ftp_proxy;
ManagedProxyLocation? socks;
struct ManagedProxySettings {
ManagedString type;
ManagedManualProxySettings? manual;
ManagedStringList? exclude_domains;
ManagedString? pac;
struct ManagedVerifyX509Properties {
ManagedString? name;
ManagedString? type;
struct ManagedOpenVPNProperties {
ManagedString? auth;
ManagedString? auth_retry;
ManagedBoolean? auth_no_cache;
ManagedString? cipher;
ManagedString? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
ManagedCertificatePattern? client_cert_pattern;
ManagedString? client_cert_ref;
ManagedString? client_cert_type;
ManagedString? comp_lzo;
ManagedBoolean? comp_no_adapt;
ManagedStringList? extra_hosts;
ManagedBoolean? ignore_default_route;
ManagedString? key_direction;
ManagedString? ns_cert_type;
ManagedInt32? port;
ManagedString? proto;
ManagedBoolean? push_peer_info;
ManagedString? remote_cert_eku;
ManagedStringList? remote_cert_ku;
ManagedString? remote_cert_tls;
ManagedInt32? reneg_sec;
ManagedBoolean? save_credentials;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_pems;
ManagedStringList? server_ca_refs;
ManagedString? server_cert_ref;
ManagedInt32? server_poll_timeout;
ManagedInt32? shaper;
ManagedString? static_challenge;
ManagedString? tls_auth_contents;
ManagedString? tls_remote;
ManagedString? tls_version_min;
ManagedString? user_authentication_type;
ManagedString? username;
ManagedString? verb;
ManagedString? verify_hash;
ManagedVerifyX509Properties? verify_x509;
// Managed NetworkType specific dictionaries.
struct ManagedCellularProperties {
ManagedBoolean? auto_connect;
ManagedApnProperties? apn;
ManagedApnList? apn_list;
ActivationStateType activation_state;
bool allow_roaming = false;
string? esn;
string? family;
string? firmware_revision;
array<FoundNetworkProperties>? found_networks;
string? hardware_revision;
CellularProviderProperties? home_provider;
string? iccid;
string? imei;
ApnProperties? last_good_apn;
string? manufacturer;
string? mdn;
string? meid;
string? min;
string? model_id;
string? network_technology;
PaymentPortalProperties? payment_portal;
string? roaming_state;
CellularProviderProperties? serving_operator;
int32 signal_strength = 0;
bool support_network_scan = false;
struct ManagedEthernetProperties {
// This represents the configured authentication type for an Ethernet network.
// Note: This might not match the State value (which uses an enum instead of
// a managed string) if the EAP configuration can not be applied (e.g. when
// no certificate is installed).
ManagedString? authentication;
ManagedEAPProperties? eap;
struct ManagedVPNProperties {
ManagedBoolean? auto_connect;
ManagedString? host;
ManagedIPSecProperties? ip_sec;
ManagedL2TPProperties? l2tp;
ManagedOpenVPNProperties? open_vpn;
ManagedString? provider_id;
string provider_name;
VpnType type;
struct ManagedWiFiProperties {
ManagedBoolean? allow_gateway_arp_polling;
ManagedBoolean? auto_connect;
string? bssid;
ManagedEAPProperties? eap;
int32 frequency = 0;
array<int32>? frequency_list;
ManagedBoolean? ft_enabled;
ManagedString? hex_ssid;
ManagedBoolean? hidden_ssid;
ManagedInt32? roam_threshold;
ManagedString ssid;
SecurityType security;
int32 signal_strength = 0;
string? tethering_state;
union NetworkTypeManagedProperties {
ManagedCellularProperties cellular;
ManagedEthernetProperties ethernet;
// Tether has no managed properties. Provide TetherStateProperties for display
// purposes.
TetherStateProperties tether;
ManagedVPNProperties vpn;
ManagedWiFiProperties wifi;
// Managed properties provided by getManagedProperties. See for
// details about each property.
struct ManagedProperties {
// Typed properties for compatibility with NetworkStateProperties.
ConnectionStateType connection_state = kNotConnected;
OncSource source;
// Other properties and property dictionaries use ONC strings for values.
bool connectable = false;
string? error_state;
string guid;
ManagedString? ip_address_config_type;
array<IPConfigProperties>? ip_configs;
ManagedString? name;
ManagedString? name_servers_config_type;
ManagedInt32? priority;
ManagedProxySettings? proxy_settings;
bool restricted_connectivity = false;
ManagedIPConfigProperties? static_ip_config;
IPConfigProperties? saved_ip_config;
// |type| is explicitly provided here to simplify UI code and will always
// match the type of |type_properties|, which will always be provided.
NetworkType type;
NetworkTypeManagedProperties type_properties;
// Properties for SetProperties and ConfigureNetwork. All of the top level
// properties and many nested properties are optional so that sparse
// configurations can be provided, e.g. just the |auto_connect| property can
// be changed. The ONC validation code (chromeos/network/onc/
// ensures that configurations are valid before translating and passing them to
// Shill.
// Wrapper to allow optional configuration auto_connect configuration.
struct AutoConnectConfig {
bool value;
// Wrapper to allow optional configuration priority configuration.
struct PriorityConfig {
int32 value;
struct ProxyLocation {
string host;
int32 port;
struct ManualProxySettings {
ProxyLocation? http_proxy;
ProxyLocation? secure_http_proxy;
ProxyLocation? ftp_proxy;
ProxyLocation? socks;
struct ProxySettings {
string type;
ManualProxySettings? manual;
array<string>? exclude_domains;
string? pac;
struct EAPConfigProperties {
string? anonymous_identity;
string? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
string? client_cert_type;
string? identity;
string? inner;
string? outer;
string? password;
bool save_credentials = false;
array<string>? server_ca_pems;
string? subject_match;
bool use_system_cas = false;
// Subset of currently implemented config properties in the UI. Additional
// optional propreties from may be added as needed.
struct IPSecConfigProperties {
string authentication_type;
string? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
string? client_cert_type;
string? group;
int32 ike_version = 1;
string? psk;
bool save_credentials = false;
array<string>? server_ca_pems;
array<string>? server_ca_refs;
// Subset of currently implemented config properties in the UI. Additional
// optional propreties from may be added as needed.
struct L2TPConfigProperties {
bool lcp_echo_disabled = false;
string? password;
bool save_credentials = false;
string? username;
// Subset of currently implemented config properties in the UI. Additional
// optional propreties from may be added as needed.
struct OpenVPNConfigProperties {
string? client_cert_pkcs11_id;
string? client_cert_type;
array<string>? extra_hosts;
string? otp;
string? password;
bool save_credentials = false;
array<string>? server_ca_pems;
array<string>? server_ca_refs;
string? username;
string? user_authentication_type;
// Only one of {Cellular|Ethernet|VPN|Wifi}ConfigProperties is allowed.
// TODO(stevenjb): Make these a union.
struct CellularConfigProperties {
ApnProperties? apn;
struct EthernetConfigProperties {
string authentication;
EAPConfigProperties? eap;
struct VPNConfigProperties {
string? host;
IPSecConfigProperties? ip_sec;
L2TPConfigProperties? l2tp;
OpenVPNConfigProperties? open_vpn;
// For existing configurations, this must match the VPN type. Only
// configuration of internal VPN types (kOpenVPN and kL2TPIPsec) is supported.
VpnType type;
struct WiFiConfigProperties {
EAPConfigProperties? eap;
string? passphrase;
string ssid;
SecurityType security = kNone;
struct ConfigProperties {
AutoConnectConfig? auto_connect;
CellularConfigProperties? cellular;
EthernetConfigProperties? ethernet;
string? ip_address_config_type;
// Name is only required for new configurations.
string? name;
string? name_servers_config_type;
PriorityConfig? priority;
ProxySettings? proxy_settings;
IPConfigProperties? static_ip_config;
// |type| must match the existing configuration when used with SetProperties.
NetworkType type;
VPNConfigProperties? vpn;
WiFiConfigProperties? wifi;
// Properties provided to SetCellularSimState.
struct CellularSimState {
// The current PIN or PUK. Required for unlocking the SIM, or when setting
// |require_pin|.
string current_pin_or_puk;
// If provided change the PIN to |new_pin|. Required if the SIM is PUK locked.
string? new_pin;
// Whether a PIN should be required. Ignored when unlocking a locked SIM.
bool require_pin;
// Properties provided by GetGlobalPolicy. These properties affect network
// configuration as a whole instead of individual network configurations.
struct GlobalPolicy {
// If true, only policy networks may auto connect.
bool allow_only_policy_networks_to_autoconnect = false;
// If true, only policy networks may be connected to and no new networks may
// be added or configured.
bool allow_only_policy_networks_to_connect = false;
// If true and a managed network is available in the visible network list,
// only policy networks may be connected to and no new networks may be added
// or configured.
bool allow_only_policy_networks_to_connect_if_available = false;
// List of blocked networks which can not be connected to.
array<string> blocked_hex_ssids;
// VPN providers for type kExtension and kArc are set via SetVpnProviders and
// stored in the service implementation. Clients may retrieve the current list
// and receive observer events to track changes to the list. The list of
// providers is only used by UI code, they are not sent to the connection
// manager (Shill).
struct VpnProvider {
// Only type kExtension and kArc should be used here. Other provider types
// are internal to Shill and implicit; VpnProvider properties will be ignored.
VpnType type;
// Extension id (GUID) or Arc package name, e.g.
string provider_id;
// Extension provider name or Arc app name, e.g. MyVPN.
string provider_name;
// Extension id (GUID) or Arc app id (GUID), used to launch the VPN UI.
string app_id;
// Last launch time of the VPN.
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_launch_time;
// Information about a network certificate for the purpose of selecting an
// available certificate in a UI and providing information in a ConfigProperties
// struct to SetProperties or ConfigureNetwork. No private information should
// be included here.
struct NetworkCertificate {
CertificateType type;
// Unique hash for the certificate, used to uniquely identify certificates.
string hash;
// Certificate issuer common name for display in a UI.
string issued_by;
// Certificate name or nickname for display in a UI.
string issued_to;
// For server certificate authorities (type == kServerCA), this contains the
// public certificate in PEM format.
// For user certificates, this contains the PKCS#11 id to be passed to the
// configuration manager (Shill) for retrieving the encrypted certificate.
// This will be used in the appropriate ConfigProperties dictionary.
// TODO(1006901): Use a union here instead once the issue is fixed.
string pem_or_id;
// Whether the certificate is hardware backed.
bool hardware_backed;
// Whether the certificate is device wide (i.e. stored in a shared profile,
// not a user specific profile).
bool device_wide;
// Interface for fetching and setting network configuration properties, e.g.
// from Settings WebUI or the SystemTray.
interface CrosNetworkConfig {
AddObserver(pending_remote<CrosNetworkConfigObserver> observer);
// Returns the state properties of the network matching |guid|. If the network
// is not available returns null.
GetNetworkState(string guid) => (NetworkStateProperties? result);
// Returns a list of Network properties matching |filter|. Networks are
// ordered by the system based on their priority, with active networks listed
// first.
GetNetworkStateList(NetworkFilter filter) =>
(array<NetworkStateProperties> result);
// Returns a list of Device properties.
GetDeviceStateList() => (array<DeviceStateProperties> result);
// Returns the managed properties of the network matching |guid|. The result
// is an ONC dictionary with well defined property keys and managed ONC value
// dictionaries (e.g. ManagedString). If the network properties are not
// available returns null.
GetManagedProperties(string guid) => (ManagedProperties? result);
// Sets properties for the network matching |guid|. If |success| is false,
// |error_message| provides a string identifying the error. The string may
// be a Shill error, or an error token provided by the NetworkHandler layer.
// JS localization for a common subset of these is provided by
// network_element::AddErrorLocalizedStrings. TODO(1004434): Consider
// enumerating these.
SetProperties(string guid, ConfigProperties properties) =>
(bool success, string error_message);
// Configures a new network with |properties|. Returns the guid of the new
// network configuration on success. A null guid indicates that the properties
// were invalid or incomplete. See SetProperties for notes on errorMessage.
ConfigureNetwork(ConfigProperties properties, bool shared) =>
(string? guid, string error_message);
// Forgets an existing network configuration matching |guid| by clearing all
// configured properties. Returns true if the network exists and is
// successfully removed.
ForgetNetwork(string guid) => (bool success);
// Sets a single network type (e.g. WiFi) to enabled or disabled. Types
// describing multiple technologies (e.g. kWireless) are not supported.
// Returns false if the type is invalid, unavailable, or can not be disabled.
// CrosNetworkConfigObserver::OnDeviceStateListChanged() can be used to be
// notified when the enabled state changes.
SetNetworkTypeEnabledState(NetworkType type, bool enabled) => (bool success);
// Sets the SIM state for the primary Cellular device:
// * If no SIM is present, returns false.
// * If the SIM is PUK locked, attempts to unlock the SIM with the provided
// |current_pin_or_puk| value and set a new SIM value to |new_pin| which
// must be provided. |pin_required| is ignored. Returns true on success.
// * If the SIM is PIN locked, attempts to unlock the SIM with the provided
// |current_pin_or_puk| value. |pin_required| is ignored. Returns true on
// success.
// * If the SIM is unlocked, |current_pin_or_puk| must match the current PIN.
// * If |new_pin| if provided, attempts to set the new PIN.
// * Otherwise attempts to set the pin required state to |pin_required|.
// * Returns true if the operation succeeded.
SetCellularSimState(CellularSimState state) => (bool success);
// Selects which Cellular mobile network to use. |network_id| must match a
// FoundNetworkProperties.network_id for an entry in the
// ManagedProperties.found_networks property for the specified Cellular
// network. Returns true if the operation succeeded.
SelectCellularMobileNetwork(string guid, string network_id) => (bool success);
// Requests a scan for new networks. If the list updates,
// CrosNetworkConfigObserver::OnNetworkStateListChanged() will be signaled.
RequestNetworkScan(NetworkType type);
// Returns the global policy properties. These properties are not expected to
// change during a session.
GetGlobalPolicy() => (GlobalPolicy result);
// Starts a connection to the network matching |guid|. The response returns
// |result| when the connect request is sent or is determined unable to be
// sent, not when the operation completes. Use CrosNetworkConfigObserver to
// observe the connection state after a successful request. If the result is
// not kSuccess, |message| will contain a descriptive string for debugging.
StartConnect(string guid) => (StartConnectResult result, string message);
// Starts a disconnect from the network matching |guid|. The response returns
// true when the disconnect request is sent if the network exists and is
// connected, or false if not. Use CrosNetworkConfigObserver to observe the
// connection state after a successful request.
StartDisconnect(string guid) => (bool success);
// Provides a list of external VPN providers. Used to populate provider name
// in VPN properties, returned from GetVpnProviders, and sent to observers.
SetVpnProviders(array<VpnProvider> providers);
// Returns the list of external VPN providers.
GetVpnProviders() => (array<VpnProvider> providers);
// Returns the lists of server certificate authorities and user certificates
// available for network configuration. See NetworkCerificate for more info.
GetNetworkCertificates() => (array<NetworkCertificate> server_cas,
array<NetworkCertificate> user_certs);
interface CrosNetworkConfigObserver {
// Fired when properties of any active network or previously active network
// change. Provides all currently active network states.
OnActiveNetworksChanged(array<NetworkStateProperties> networks);
// Fired when the properties of a specific network state change. For active
// networks this will be fired in addition to OnActiveNetworksChanged. For
// other networks it will fire when the configuration changes or a non
// active property changes (e.g. signal_strength).
OnNetworkStateChanged(NetworkStateProperties network);
// Fired when the list of networks changes.
// CrosNetworkConfig::GetNetworkStateList() can be used to get the network
// states.
// Fired when the list of devices changes or a device property changes.
// CrosNetworkConfig::GetDeviceStateList() can be used to retrieve the device
// states.
// Fired when the list of VPN providers changes. Use GetVpnProviders if the
// updated provider list is required.
// Fired when the server CA or user certificate lists change. Use
// GetNetworkCertificates if the updated certificate lists are required.