blob: 5b5b7032c18a1543e981fdefad684d873cd7e6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/common/mojom/autofill_agent.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/common/mojom/autofill_driver.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/autofill_agent.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/field_data_manager.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_tracker.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/html_based_username_detector.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form_fill_data.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame_observer.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_receiver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/associated_interfaces/associated_interface_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_input_element.h"
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/page_passwords_analyser.h"
namespace blink {
class WebInputElement;
namespace autofill {
// Used in UMA histograms, please do NOT reorder.
// Metric: "PasswordManager.PrefilledUsernameFillOutcome".
enum class PrefilledUsernameFillOutcome {
// This value is reported if all of the following three conditions are met:
// 1) the page has a username input element whose value was prefilled by the
// website itself.
// 2) the prefilled value was found in a list of known placeholder values
// (e.g. "username or email").
// 3) the user had a credential stored and the field content was overridden
// with the username of this credential due to 2).
kPrefilledPlaceholderUsernameOverridden = 0,
// This value is reported if all of the following conditions are met:
// 1) as above.
// 2) the prefilled value was NOT found in the list of known placeholder
// values.
// 3) the user had a credential stored for this site but the field content
// was NOT overridden due to 2).
kPrefilledUsernameNotOverridden = 1,
kMaxValue = kPrefilledUsernameNotOverridden,
// Used in UMA histogram, please do NOT reorder.
// Metric: "PasswordManager.FirstRendererFillingResult".
// This metric records whether the PasswordAutofillAgent succeeded in filling
// credentials after being instructed to do so by the browser process.
enum class FillingResult {
kSuccess = 0,
// The password element to be filled has not been found.
kNoPasswordElement = 1,
// Filling only happens in iframes, if all parent frames PSL match the
// security origin of the iframe containing the password field.
kBlockedByFrameHierarchy = 2,
// Passwords are not filled into fields that are not editable.
kPasswordElementIsNotAutocompleteable = 3,
// The username field contains a string that does not match the username of
// any available credential.
kUsernamePrefilledWithIncompatibleValue = 4,
// No credential was filled due to mismatches with the username. This can
// happen in a number of cases: In case the username field is empty and
// readonly. In case of a username-first-flow where a user's credentials do
// contain a username but the form contains only a password field and no
// username field. In case of change password forms that contain no username
// field. In case the user name is given on a page but only PSL matched
// credentials exist for this username. There may be further cases.
kFoundNoPasswordForUsername = 5,
// Renderer was instructed to wait until user has manually picked a
// credential. This happens for example if the session is an incognito
// session, the credendial's URL matches the mainframe only via the PSL, the
// site is on HTTP, or the form has no current password field.
// PasswordManager.FirstWaitForUsernameReason records the root causes.
kWaitForUsername = 6,
// No fillable elements were found, only possible for old form parser.
kNoFillableElementsFound = 7,
kMaxValue = kNoFillableElementsFound,
// Names of HTML attributes to show form and field signatures for debugging.
extern const char kDebugAttributeForFormSignature[];
extern const char kDebugAttributeForFieldSignature[];
class FieldDataManager;
class RendererSavePasswordProgressLogger;
class PasswordGenerationAgent;
// This class is responsible for filling password forms.
class PasswordAutofillAgent : public content::RenderFrameObserver,
public FormTracker::Observer,
public mojom::PasswordAutofillAgent {
PasswordAutofillAgent(content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
blink::AssociatedInterfaceRegistry* registry);
~PasswordAutofillAgent() override;
void BindPendingReceiver(
void SetAutofillAgent(AutofillAgent* autofill_agent);
void SetPasswordGenerationAgent(PasswordGenerationAgent* generation_agent);
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::PasswordManagerDriver>&
// mojom::PasswordAutofillAgent:
void FillPasswordForm(const PasswordFormFillData& form_data) override;
void FillIntoFocusedField(bool is_password,
const base::string16& credential) override;
void SetLoggingState(bool active) override;
void TouchToFillDismissed() override;
// FormTracker::Observer
void OnProvisionallySaveForm(const blink::WebFormElement& form,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
ElementChangeSource source) override;
void OnProbablyFormSubmitted() override;
void OnFormSubmitted(const blink::WebFormElement& form) override;
void OnInferredFormSubmission(mojom::SubmissionSource source) override;
// WebLocalFrameClient editor related calls forwarded by AutofillAgent.
// If they return true, it indicates the event was consumed and should not
// be used for any other autofill activity.
bool TextDidChangeInTextField(const blink::WebInputElement& element);
// Event forwarded by AutofillAgent from WebAutofillClient, informing that
// the text field editing has ended, which means that the field is not
// focused anymore.
void DidEndTextFieldEditing();
// Function that should be called whenever the value of |element| changes due
// to user input. This is separate from TextDidChangeInTextField() as that
// function may trigger UI and should only be called when other UI won't be
// shown.
void UpdateStateForTextChange(const blink::WebInputElement& element);
// Fills the username and password fields of this form with the given values.
// Returns true if the fields were filled, false otherwise.
bool FillSuggestion(const blink::WebFormControlElement& control_element,
const base::string16& username,
const base::string16& password);
// Previews the username and password fields of this form with the given
// values. Returns true if the fields were previewed, false otherwise.
bool PreviewSuggestion(const blink::WebFormControlElement& node,
const blink::WebString& username,
const blink::WebString& password);
// Clears the preview for the username and password fields, restoring both to
// their previous filled state. Return false if no login information was
// found for the form.
bool DidClearAutofillSelection(
const blink::WebFormControlElement& control_element);
// Sends a reputation check request in case if |element| has type password and
// no check request were sent from this frame load.
void MaybeCheckSafeBrowsingReputation(const blink::WebInputElement& element);
// Asks the agent to show the touch to fill UI for |control_element|. Returns
// whether the agent was able to do so.
bool TryToShowTouchToFill(
const blink::WebFormControlElement& control_element);
// Shows an Autofill popup with username suggestions for |element|. If
// |show_all| is |true|, will show all possible suggestions for that element,
// otherwise shows suggestions based on current value of |element|.
// If |generation_popup_showing| is true, this function will return false
// as both UIs should not be shown at the same time. This function should
// still be called in this situation so that UMA stats can be logged.
// Returns true if any suggestions were shown, false otherwise.
bool ShowSuggestions(const blink::WebInputElement& element,
bool show_all,
bool generation_popup_showing);
// Called when new form controls are inserted.
void OnDynamicFormsSeen();
// Called when the user interacts with the page after a load. This is a
// signal to make autofilled values of password input elements accessible to
// JavaScript.
void UserGestureObserved();
// Called when the focused node has changed. This is not called if the focus
// moves outside the frame.
void FocusedNodeHasChanged(const blink::WebNode& node);
// Creates a |PasswordForm| from |web_form|.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> GetPasswordFormFromWebForm(
const blink::WebFormElement& web_form);
// Creates a |PasswordForm| from |web_form|, that contains only the
// |form_data|, the origin and the gaia flags.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> GetSimplifiedPasswordFormFromWebForm(
const blink::WebFormElement& web_form);
// Creates a |PasswordForm| of fields that are not enclosed in any <form> tag.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> GetPasswordFormFromUnownedInputElements();
// Creates a |PasswordForm| containing only the |form_data|, origin and gaia
// flags, for fields that are not enclosed in any <form> tag.
bool logging_state_active() const { return logging_state_active_; }
// Determine whether the current frame is allowed to access the password
// manager. For example, frames with about:blank documents or documents with
// unique origins aren't allowed access.
virtual bool FrameCanAccessPasswordManager();
// RenderFrameObserver:
void DidFinishDocumentLoad() override;
void DidFinishLoad() override;
void ReadyToCommitNavigation(
blink::WebDocumentLoader* document_loader) override;
void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(bool is_same_document_navigation,
ui::PageTransition transition) override;
void OnDestruct() override;
// Ways to restrict which passwords are saved in ProvisionallySavePassword.
enum ProvisionallySaveRestriction {
struct PasswordInfo {
blink::WebInputElement password_field;
PasswordFormFillData fill_data;
// The user manually edited the password more recently than the username was
// changed.
bool password_was_edited_last = false;
// The user accepted a suggestion from a dropdown on a password field.
bool password_field_suggestion_was_accepted = false;
using WebInputToPasswordInfoMap =
std::map<blink::WebInputElement, PasswordInfo>;
using PasswordToLoginMap =
std::map<blink::WebInputElement, blink::WebInputElement>;
// Stores information about form field structure.
struct FormFieldInfo {
uint32_t unique_renderer_id = FormFieldData::kNotSetFormControlRendererId;
std::string form_control_type;
std::string autocomplete_attribute;
bool is_focusable = false;
// Stores information about form structure.
struct FormStructureInfo {
FormStructureInfo(const FormStructureInfo& other);
FormStructureInfo(FormStructureInfo&& other);
FormStructureInfo& operator=(FormStructureInfo&& other);
uint32_t unique_renderer_id = FormData::kNotSetFormRendererId;
std::vector<FormFieldInfo> fields;
// This class ensures that the driver will only receive relevant signals by
// caching the parameters of the last message sent to the driver.
class FocusStateNotifier {
// Creates a new notifier that uses the agent which owns it to access the
// real driver implementation.
explicit FocusStateNotifier(PasswordAutofillAgent* agent);
void FocusedInputChanged(mojom::FocusedFieldType focused_field_type);
mojom::FocusedFieldType focused_field_type_ =
PasswordAutofillAgent* agent_ = nullptr;
// This class keeps track of autofilled password input elements and makes sure
// the autofilled password value is not accessible to JavaScript code until
// the user interacts with the page.
class PasswordValueGatekeeper {
// Call this for every autofilled password field, so that the gatekeeper
// protects the value accordingly.
void RegisterElement(blink::WebInputElement* element);
// Call this to notify the gatekeeper that the user interacted with the
// page.
void OnUserGesture();
// Call this to reset the gatekeeper on a new page navigation.
void Reset();
// Make the value of |element| accessible to JavaScript code.
void ShowValue(blink::WebInputElement* element);
bool was_user_gesture_seen_;
std::vector<blink::WebInputElement> elements_;
// Scans the given frame for password forms and sends them up to the browser.
// If |only_visible| is true, only forms visible in the layout are sent.
void SendPasswordForms(bool only_visible);
// Instructs the browser to show a pop-up suggesting which credentials could
// be filled. |show_in_password_field| should indicate whether the pop-up is
// to be shown on the password field instead of on the username field. If the
// username exists, it should be passed as |user_input|. If there is no
// username, pass the password field in |user_input|. In the latter case, no
// username value will be shown in the pop-up.
bool ShowSuggestionPopup(const PasswordInfo& password_info,
const blink::WebInputElement& user_input,
bool show_all,
bool show_on_password_field);
// Finds the PasswordInfo, username and password fields corresponding to the
// passed in |element|, which can refer to either a username or a password
// element. If a PasswordInfo was found, returns |true| and assigns the
// corresponding username, password elements and PasswordInfo into
// |username_element|, |password_element| and |pasword_info|, respectively.
// Note, that |username_element->IsNull()| can be true if |element| is a
// password.
bool FindPasswordInfoForElement(const blink::WebInputElement& element,
blink::WebInputElement* username_element,
blink::WebInputElement* password_element,
PasswordInfo** password_info);
// Cleans up the state when document is shut down, e.g. when committing a new
// document or closing the frame.
void CleanupOnDocumentShutdown();
// Clears the preview for the username and password fields, restoring both to
// their previous filled state.
void ClearPreview(blink::WebInputElement* username,
blink::WebInputElement* password);
// Checks that a given input field is valid before filling the given |input|
// with the given |credential| and marking the field as auto-filled.
void FillField(blink::WebInputElement* input,
const base::string16& credential);
// Uses |FillField| to fill the given |credential| into the |password_input|.
// Saves the password for its associated form.
void FillPasswordFieldAndSave(blink::WebInputElement* password_input,
const base::string16& credential);
// Saves |form| and |input| in |provisionally_saved_form_|, as long as it
// satisfies |restriction|. |form| and |input| are the elements user has just
// been interacting with before the form save. |form| or |input| can be null
// but not both at the same time. For example: if the form is unowned, |form|
// will be null; if the user has submitted the form, |input| will be null.
void ProvisionallySavePassword(const blink::WebFormElement& form,
const blink::WebInputElement& input,
ProvisionallySaveRestriction restriction);
// This function attempts to fill |username_element| and |password_element|
// with values from |fill_data|. The |username_element| and |password_element|
// will only have the suggestedValue set. If a match is found, return true and
// Returns true if the password is filled.
bool FillUserNameAndPassword(blink::WebInputElement username_element,
blink::WebInputElement password_element,
const PasswordFormFillData& fill_data,
RendererSavePasswordProgressLogger* logger);
// Logs whether a username value that was prefilled by the website was
// overridden when trying to fill with an existing credential. This logs
// only one value per |PasswordAutofillAgent| instance.
void LogPrefilledUsernameFillOutcome(PrefilledUsernameFillOutcome outcome);
// Helper function called when form submission is successful.
void FireSubmissionIfFormDisappear(mojom::SubmissionIndicatorEvent event);
void OnFrameDetached();
void OnWillSubmitForm(const blink::WebFormElement& form);
void HidePopup();
// Returns pair(username_element, password_element) based on renderer ids from
// |username_field| and |password_field| from |form_data|.
std::pair<blink::WebInputElement, blink::WebInputElement>
FindUsernamePasswordElements(const PasswordFormFillData& form_data);
// Populates |web_input_to_password_info_| and |password_to_username_| in
// order to provide fill on account select on |username_element| and
// |password_element| with credentials from |form_data|.
void StoreDataForFillOnAccountSelect(const PasswordFormFillData& form_data,
blink::WebInputElement username_element,
blink::WebInputElement password_element);
// In case when |web_input_to_password_info_| is empty (i.e. no fill on
// account select data yet) this function populates
// |web_input_to_password_info_| in order to provide fill on account select on
// any password field (aka filling fallback) with credentials from
// |form_data|.
void MaybeStoreFallbackData(const PasswordFormFillData& form_data);
// Records whether filling succeeded for the first attempt to fill on a site.
// The logging is a bit conservative: It is possible that user-perceived
// navigations (via dynamic HTML sites) not trigger any actual navigations
// and therefore, the |recorded_first_filling_result_| never gets reset.
void LogFirstFillingResult(const PasswordFormFillData& form_data,
FillingResult result);
// Extracts information about form structure.
static FormStructureInfo ExtractFormStructureInfo(const FormData& form_data);
// Checks whether the form structure (amount of elements, element types etc)
// was changed.
bool WasFormStructureChanged(const FormStructureInfo& form_data) const;
// Tries to restore |control_elements| values with cached values.
void TryFixAutofilledForm(
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>* control_elements) const;
// Autofills |field| with |value| and updates |gatekeeper_|,
// |field_data_manager_|, |autofilled_elements_cache_|. |field| should be
// non-null.
void AutofillField(const base::string16& value, blink::WebInputElement field);
void SetLastUpdatedFormAndField(const blink::WebFormElement& form,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& input);
// The logins we have filled so far with their associated info.
WebInputToPasswordInfoMap web_input_to_password_info_;
// A (sort-of) reverse map to |web_input_to_password_info_|.
PasswordToLoginMap password_to_username_;
// The chronologically last insertion into |web_input_to_password_info_|.
WebInputToPasswordInfoMap::iterator last_supplied_password_info_iter_;
// Map WebFormControlElement to the pair of:
// 1) The most recent text that user typed or PasswordManager autofilled in
// input elements. Used for storing username/password before JavaScript
// changes them.
// 2) Field properties mask, i.e. whether the field was autofilled, modified
// by user, etc. (see FieldPropertiesMask).
FieldDataManager field_data_manager_;
PasswordValueGatekeeper gatekeeper_;
// The currently focused input field. Not null if its a valid input that can
// be filled with a suggestions.
blink::WebInputElement focused_input_element_;
// True indicates that user debug information should be logged.
bool logging_state_active_;
// Indicates whether the field is filled, previewed, or not filled by
// autofill.
blink::WebAutofillState username_autofill_state_;
// Indicates whether the field is filled, previewed, or not filled by
// autofill.
blink::WebAutofillState password_autofill_state_;
// True indicates that a request for credentials has been sent to the store.
bool sent_request_to_store_;
// True indicates that a form data has been sent to the browser process. Gets
// cleared when the form is submitted to indicate that the browser has already
// processed the form.
// TODO( double check if we need this variable.
bool browser_has_form_to_process_ = false;
// True indicates that a safe browsing reputation check has been triggered.
bool checked_safe_browsing_reputation_;
// Records the username typed before suggestions preview.
base::string16 username_query_prefix_;
// The HTML based username detector's cache which maps form elements to
// username predictions.
UsernameDetectorCache username_detector_cache_;
// This notifier is used to avoid sending redundant messages to the password
// manager driver mojo interface.
FocusStateNotifier focus_state_notifier_;
base::WeakPtr<AutofillAgent> autofill_agent_;
PasswordGenerationAgent* password_generation_agent_; // Weak reference.
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
PagePasswordsAnalyser page_passwords_analyser_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::PasswordManagerDriver> password_manager_driver_;
mojo::AssociatedReceiver<mojom::PasswordAutofillAgent> receiver_{this};
bool prefilled_username_metrics_logged_ = false;
// Keeps autofilled values for the form elements.
std::map<unsigned /*unique renderer element id*/, blink::WebString>
// Keeps forms structure (amount of elements, element types etc).
// TODO(crbug/898109): It's too expensive to keep the whole FormData
// structure. Replace FormData with a smaller structure.
std::map<unsigned /*unique renderer element id*/, FormStructureInfo>
// Flag to prevent that multiple PasswordManager.FirstRendererFillingResult
// UMA metrics are recorded per page load. This is reset on
// DidCommitProvisionalLoad() but only for non-same-document-navigations.
bool recorded_first_filling_result_ = false;
// Contains renderer id of last updated input element.
uint32_t last_updated_field_renderer_id_ = FormData::kNotSetFormRendererId;
// Contains renderer id of the form of the last updated input element.
uint32_t last_updated_form_renderer_id_ = FormData::kNotSetFormRendererId;
// Flag that determines whether we instruct the browser to show the Touch To
// Fill sheet if applicable. This is set to false when TouchToFillDismissed()
// is invoked and gets reset during CleanupOnDocumentShutdown.
bool should_show_touch_to_fill_ = true;
} // namespace autofill