blob: 3e1746124bb57e84380c969ce8f7ef336143b471 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace syncer {
// A class that holds information regarding the properties of a device.
class DeviceInfo {
struct SharingInfo {
SharingInfo(std::string fcm_token,
std::string p256dh,
std::string auth_secret,
SharingInfo(const SharingInfo& other);
SharingInfo(SharingInfo&& other);
SharingInfo& operator=(const SharingInfo& other);
// FCM registration token of device for sending Sharing messages.
std::string fcm_token;
// Subscription public key required for Sharing message encryption[RFC8291].
std::string p256dh;
// Auth secret key required for Sharing message encryption[RFC8291].
std::string auth_secret;
// Set of Sharing features enabled on the device.
std::set<sync_pb::SharingSpecificFields::EnabledFeatures> enabled_features;
bool operator==(const SharingInfo& other) const;
DeviceInfo(const std::string& guid,
const std::string& client_name,
const std::string& chrome_version,
const std::string& sync_user_agent,
const sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType device_type,
const std::string& signin_scoped_device_id,
base::Time last_updated_timestamp,
bool send_tab_to_self_receiving_enabled,
const base::Optional<SharingInfo>& sharing_info);
// Sync specific unique identifier for the device. Note if a device
// is wiped and sync is set up again this id WILL be different.
// The same device might have more than 1 guid if the device has multiple
// accounts syncing.
const std::string& guid() const;
// The host name for the client.
const std::string& client_name() const;
// Chrome version string.
const std::string& chrome_version() const;
// The user agent is the combination of OS type, chrome version and which
// channel of chrome(stable or beta). For more information see
// |LocalDeviceInfoProviderImpl::MakeUserAgentForSyncApi|.
const std::string& sync_user_agent() const;
// Third party visible id for the device. See |public_id_| for more details.
const std::string& public_id() const;
// Device Type.
sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType device_type() const;
// Device_id that is stable until user signs out. This device_id is used for
// annotating login scoped refresh token.
const std::string& signin_scoped_device_id() const;
// Returns the time at which this device was last updated to the sync servers.
base::Time last_updated_timestamp() const;
// Whether the receiving side of the SendTabToSelf feature is enabled.
bool send_tab_to_self_receiving_enabled() const;
// Returns Sharing related info of the device.
const base::Optional<SharingInfo>& sharing_info() const;
// Gets the OS in string form.
std::string GetOSString() const;
// Gets the device type in string form.
std::string GetDeviceTypeString() const;
// Compares this object's fields with another's.
bool Equals(const DeviceInfo& other) const;
// Apps can set ids for a device that is meaningful to them but
// not unique enough so the user can be tracked. Exposing |guid|
// would lead to a stable unique id for a device which can potentially
// be used for tracking.
void set_public_id(const std::string& id);
void set_send_tab_to_self_receiving_enabled(bool new_value);
void set_sharing_info(const base::Optional<SharingInfo>& sharing_info);
// Converts the |DeviceInfo| values to a JS friendly DictionaryValue,
// which extension APIs can expose to third party apps.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> ToValue();
const std::string guid_;
const std::string client_name_;
const std::string chrome_version_;
const std::string sync_user_agent_;
const sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType device_type_;
std::string signin_scoped_device_id_;
// Exposing |guid| would lead to a stable unique id for a device which
// can potentially be used for tracking. Public ids are privacy safe
// ids in that the same device will have different id for different apps
// and they are also reset when app/extension is uninstalled.
std::string public_id_;
const base::Time last_updated_timestamp_;
bool send_tab_to_self_receiving_enabled_;
base::Optional<SharingInfo> sharing_info_;
} // namespace syncer