blob: 651d23902f81bc1f68697beef95cf826c7762272 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/back_forward_cache_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/ssl/ssl_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/reload_type.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_remote.h"
struct FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params;
namespace content {
class FrameTreeNode;
class NavigationRequest;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class SiteInstance;
struct LoadCommittedDetails;
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationControllerImpl : public NavigationController {
// This tracks one NavigationRequest navigating to a pending NavigationEntry.
// In some cases, several NavigationRequests are referencing the same pending
// NavigationEntry. For instance:
// - A reload requested while a reload is already in progress.
// - An history navigation causing several subframes to navigate.
// When no NavigationRequests are referencing the pending NavigationEntry
// anymore, it should be discarded to avoid a URL spoof.
// The deletion is not always immediate, because it is not possible to delete
// the entry while requesting a navigation to it at the same time. In this
// case, the deletion happens later, when returning from the function.
// If the pending NavigationEntry is discarded before the PendingEntryRef(s),
// then removing the last associated PendingEntryRef is a no-op. It is a no-op
// forever, even if the entry becomes the pending NavigationEntry again in the
// meantime. Rather than track the NavigationRequest or pending entry
// explicitly, this ref class simply goes into a set that gets cleared with
// each change to the pending entry
class PendingEntryRef {
PendingEntryRef(base::WeakPtr<NavigationControllerImpl> controller);
base::WeakPtr<NavigationControllerImpl> controller_;
NavigationControllerImpl(NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate,
BrowserContext* browser_context);
~NavigationControllerImpl() override;
// NavigationController implementation:
WebContents* GetWebContents() override;
BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() override;
void Restore(int selected_navigation,
RestoreType type,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntry>>* entries) override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetActiveEntry() override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetVisibleEntry() override;
int GetCurrentEntryIndex() override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetLastCommittedEntry() override;
int GetLastCommittedEntryIndex() override;
bool CanViewSource() override;
int GetEntryCount() override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetEntryAtIndex(int index) override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetEntryAtOffset(int offset) override;
void DiscardNonCommittedEntries() override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetPendingEntry() override;
int GetPendingEntryIndex() override;
NavigationEntryImpl* GetTransientEntry() override;
void SetTransientEntry(std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntry> entry) override;
void LoadURL(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
ui::PageTransition type,
const std::string& extra_headers) override;
void LoadURLWithParams(const LoadURLParams& params) override;
void LoadIfNecessary() override;
void LoadPostCommitErrorPage(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
const std::string& error_page_html,
net::Error error) override;
bool CanGoBack() override;
bool CanGoForward() override;
bool CanGoToOffset(int offset) override;
void GoBack() override;
void GoForward() override;
void GoToIndex(int index) override;
void GoToOffset(int offset) override;
bool RemoveEntryAtIndex(int index) override;
void PruneForwardEntries() override;
const SessionStorageNamespaceMap& GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap() override;
SessionStorageNamespace* GetDefaultSessionStorageNamespace() override;
bool NeedsReload() override;
void SetNeedsReload() override;
void CancelPendingReload() override;
void ContinuePendingReload() override;
bool IsInitialNavigation() override;
bool IsInitialBlankNavigation() override;
void Reload(ReloadType reload_type, bool check_for_repost) override;
void NotifyEntryChanged(NavigationEntry* entry) override;
void CopyStateFrom(NavigationController* source, bool needs_reload) override;
void CopyStateFromAndPrune(NavigationController* source,
bool replace_entry) override;
bool CanPruneAllButLastCommitted() override;
void PruneAllButLastCommitted() override;
void DeleteNavigationEntries(
const DeletionPredicate& deletionPredicate) override;
bool IsEntryMarkedToBeSkipped(int index) override;
BackForwardCacheImpl& GetBackForwardCache() override;
// Starts a navigation in a newly created subframe as part of a history
// navigation. Returns true if the history navigation could start, false
// otherwise. If this returns false, the caller should do a regular
// navigation to the default src URL for the frame instead.
bool StartHistoryNavigationInNewSubframe(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
// Navigates to a specified offset from the "current entry". Currently records
// a histogram indicating whether the session history navigation would only
// affect frames within the subtree of |sandbox_frame_tree_node_id|, which
// initiated the navigation.
void GoToOffsetInSandboxedFrame(int offset, int sandbox_frame_tree_node_id);
// Called when a document requests a navigation through a
// RenderFrameProxyHost.
void NavigateFromFrameProxy(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& initiator_origin,
bool is_renderer_initiated,
SiteInstance* source_site_instance,
const Referrer& referrer,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy,
const std::string& method,
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody> post_body,
const std::string& extra_headers,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory);
// Whether this is the initial navigation in an unmodified new tab. In this
// case, we know there is no content displayed in the page.
bool IsUnmodifiedBlankTab();
// The session storage namespace that all child RenderViews belonging to
// |instance| should use.
SessionStorageNamespace* GetSessionStorageNamespace(SiteInstance* instance);
// Returns the index of the specified entry, or -1 if entry is not contained
// in this NavigationController.
int GetIndexOfEntry(const NavigationEntryImpl* entry) const;
// Return the index of the entry with the given unique id, or -1 if not found.
int GetEntryIndexWithUniqueID(int nav_entry_id) const;
// Return the entry with the given unique id, or null if not found.
NavigationEntryImpl* GetEntryWithUniqueID(int nav_entry_id) const;
NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class NeedsReloadType {
kRequestedByClient = 0,
kRestoreSession = 1,
kCopyStateFrom = 2,
kCrashedSubframe = 3,
kMaxValue = kCrashedSubframe
// Request a reload to happen when activated. Same as the public
// SetNeedsReload(), but takes in a |type| which specifies why the reload is
// being requested.
void SetNeedsReload(NeedsReloadType type);
// For use by WebContentsImpl ------------------------------------------------
// Allow renderer-initiated navigations to create a pending entry when the
// provisional load starts.
void SetPendingEntry(std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> entry);
// Handles updating the navigation state after the renderer has navigated.
// This is used by the WebContentsImpl.
// If a new entry is created, it will return true and will have filled the
// given details structure and broadcast the NOTIFY_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED
// notification. The caller can then use the details without worrying about
// listening for the notification.
// In the case that nothing has changed, the details structure is undefined
// and it will return false.
// |previous_document_was_activated| is true if the previous document had user
// interaction. This is used for a new renderer-initiated navigation to decide
// if the page that initiated the navigation should be skipped on
// back/forward button.
bool RendererDidNavigate(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
LoadCommittedDetails* details,
bool is_same_document_navigation,
bool previous_document_was_activated,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request);
// Notifies us that we just became active. This is used by the WebContentsImpl
// so that we know to load URLs that were pending as "lazy" loads.
void SetActive(bool is_active);
// Returns true if the given URL would be a same-document navigation (e.g., if
// the reference fragment is different, or after a pushState) from the last
// committed URL in the specified frame. If there is no last committed entry,
// then nothing will be same-document.
// Special note: if the URLs are the same, it does NOT automatically count as
// a same-document navigation. Neither does an input URL that has no ref, even
// if the rest is the same. This may seem weird, but when we're considering
// whether a navigation happened without loading anything, the same URL could
// be a reload, while only a different ref would be in-page (pages can't clear
// refs without reload, only change to "#" which we don't count as empty).
// The situation is made murkier by history.replaceState(), which could
// provide the same URL as part of a same-document navigation, not a reload.
// So we need to let the (untrustworthy) renderer resolve the ambiguity, but
// only when the URLs are on the same origin. We rely on |origin|, which
// matters in cases like about:blank that otherwise look cross-origin.
bool IsURLSameDocumentNavigation(const GURL& url,
const url::Origin& origin,
bool renderer_says_same_document,
RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Sets the SessionStorageNamespace for the given |partition_id|. This is
// used during initialization of a new NavigationController to allow
// pre-population of the SessionStorageNamespace objects. Session restore,
// prerendering, and the implementaion of are the primary users
// of this API.
// Calling this function when a SessionStorageNamespace has already been
// associated with a |partition_id| will CHECK() fail.
void SetSessionStorageNamespace(
const std::string& partition_id,
SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace);
// Random data ---------------------------------------------------------------
SSLManager* ssl_manager() { return &ssl_manager_; }
// Maximum number of entries before we start removing entries from the front.
static void set_max_entry_count_for_testing(size_t max_entry_count) {
max_entry_count_for_testing_ = max_entry_count;
static size_t max_entry_count();
void SetGetTimestampCallbackForTest(
const base::RepeatingCallback<base::Time()>& get_timestamp_callback);
// Discards only the pending entry. |was_failure| should be set if the pending
// entry is being discarded because it failed to load.
void DiscardPendingEntry(bool was_failure);
// Sets a flag on the pending NavigationEntryImpl instance if any that the
// navigation failed due to an SSL error.
void SetPendingNavigationSSLError(bool error);
// Returns true if the string corresponds to a valid data URL, false
// otherwise.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
static bool ValidateDataURLAsString(
const scoped_refptr<const base::RefCountedString>& data_url_as_string);
// Invoked when a user activation occurs within the page, so that relevant
// entries can be updated as needed.
void NotifyUserActivation();
// Tracks a new association between the current pending entry and a
// NavigationRequest. Callers are responsible for only calling this for
// requests corresponding to the current pending entry.
std::unique_ptr<PendingEntryRef> ReferencePendingEntry();
friend class RestoreHelper;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TimeSmoother, SingleDuplicate);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TimeSmoother, ManyDuplicates);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TimeSmoother, ClockBackwardsJump);
// Helper class to smooth out runs of duplicate timestamps while still
// allowing time to jump backwards.
class CONTENT_EXPORT TimeSmoother {
// Returns |t| with possibly some time added on.
base::Time GetSmoothedTime(base::Time t);
// |low_water_mark_| is the first time in a sequence of adjusted
// times and |high_water_mark_| is the last.
base::Time low_water_mark_;
base::Time high_water_mark_;
// Navigates in session history to the given index. If
// |sandbox_frame_tree_node_id| is valid, then this request came
// from a sandboxed iframe with top level navigation disallowed. This
// is currently only used for tracking metrics.
void GoToIndex(int index, int sandbox_frame_tree_node_id);
// Starts a navigation to an already existing pending NavigationEntry.
// Currently records a histogram indicating whether the session history
// navigation would only affect frames within the subtree of
// |sandbox_frame_tree_node_id|, which initiated the navigation.
void NavigateToExistingPendingEntry(ReloadType reload_type,
int sandboxed_source_frame_tree_node_id);
// Recursively identifies which frames need to be navigated for a navigation
// to |pending_entry_|, starting at |frame| and exploring its children.
// |same_document_loads| and |different_document_loads| will be filled with
// the NavigationRequests needed to navigate to |pending_entry_|.
void FindFramesToNavigate(
FrameTreeNode* frame,
ReloadType reload_type,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest>>* same_document_loads,
// Starts a new navigation based on |load_params|, that doesn't correspond to
// an exisiting NavigationEntry.
void NavigateWithoutEntry(const LoadURLParams& load_params);
// Handles a navigation to a renderer-debug URL.
void HandleRendererDebugURL(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node, const GURL& url);
// Creates and returns a NavigationEntry based on |load_params| for a
// navigation in |node|.
// |override_user_agent|, |should_replace_current_entry| and
// |has_user_gesture| will override the values from |load_params|. The same
// values should be passed to CreateNavigationRequestFromLoadParams.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> CreateNavigationEntryFromLoadParams(
FrameTreeNode* node,
const LoadURLParams& load_params,
bool override_user_agent,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool has_user_gesture);
// Creates and returns a NavigationRequest based on |load_params| for a
// new navigation in |node|.
// Will return nullptr if the parameters are invalid and the navigation cannot
// start.
// |override_user_agent|, |should_replace_current_entry| and
// |has_user_gesture| will override the values from |load_params|. The same
// values should be passed to CreateNavigationEntryFromLoadParams.
// TODO(clamy): Remove the dependency on NavigationEntry and
// FrameNavigationEntry.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateNavigationRequestFromLoadParams(
FrameTreeNode* node,
const LoadURLParams& load_params,
bool override_user_agent,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool has_user_gesture,
NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy,
ReloadType reload_type,
NavigationEntryImpl* entry,
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry);
// Creates and returns a NavigationRequest for a navigation to |entry|. Will
// return nullptr if the parameters are invalid and the navigation cannot
// start.
// TODO(clamy): Ensure this is only called for navigations to existing
// NavigationEntries.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateNavigationRequestFromEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
NavigationEntryImpl* entry,
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry,
ReloadType reload_type,
bool is_same_document_history_load,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child_frame);
// Returns whether there is a pending NavigationEntry whose unique ID matches
// the given NavigationRequest's pending_nav_entry_id.
bool PendingEntryMatchesRequest(NavigationRequest* request) const;
// Classifies the given renderer navigation (see the NavigationType enum).
NavigationType ClassifyNavigation(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params);
// Handlers for the different types of navigation types. They will actually
// handle the navigations corresponding to the different NavClasses above.
// They will NOT broadcast the commit notification, that should be handled by
// the caller.
// RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe is special, it may not actually change
// anything if some random subframe is loaded. It will return true if anything
// changed, or false if not.
// The NewPage and NewSubframe functions take in |replace_entry| to pass to
// InsertOrReplaceEntry, in case the newly created NavigationEntry is meant to
// replace the current one (e.g., for location.replace or successful loads
// after net errors), in contrast to updating a NavigationEntry in place
// (e.g., for history.replaceState).
void RendererDidNavigateToNewPage(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool is_same_document,
bool replace_entry,
bool previous_document_was_activated,
NavigationRequest* request);
void RendererDidNavigateToExistingPage(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool is_same_document,
bool was_restored,
NavigationRequest* request,
bool keep_pending_entry);
void RendererDidNavigateToSamePage(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool is_same_document,
NavigationRequest* request);
void RendererDidNavigateNewSubframe(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
bool is_same_document,
bool replace_entry,
bool previous_document_was_activated,
NavigationRequest* request);
bool RendererDidNavigateAutoSubframe(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
NavigationRequest* request);
// Allows the derived class to issue notifications that a load has been
// committed. This will fill in the active entry to the details structure.
void NotifyNavigationEntryCommitted(LoadCommittedDetails* details);
// Updates the virtual URL of an entry to match a new URL, for cases where
// the real renderer URL is derived from the virtual URL, like view-source:
void UpdateVirtualURLToURL(NavigationEntryImpl* entry, const GURL& new_url);
// Invoked after session/tab restore or cloning a tab. Resets the transition
// type of the entries, updates the max page id and creates the active
// contents.
void FinishRestore(int selected_index, RestoreType type);
// Inserts a new entry or replaces the current entry with a new one, removing
// all entries after it. The new entry will become the active one.
// If |was_post_commit_error_| is set, the last committed entry will be saved,
// the new entry will replace it, and on any navigation away from the new
// entry or on reloads, the old one will replace |entry|.
void InsertOrReplaceEntry(std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> entry,
bool replace,
bool was_post_commit_error);
// Removes the entry at |index|, as long as it is not the current entry.
void RemoveEntryAtIndexInternal(int index);
// Discards only the transient entry.
void DiscardTransientEntry();
// If we have the maximum number of entries, remove the oldest entry that is
// marked to be skipped on back/forward button, in preparation to add another.
// If no entry is skippable, then the oldest entry will be pruned.
void PruneOldestSkippableEntryIfFull();
// Removes all entries except the last committed entry. If there is a new
// pending navigation it is preserved. In contrast to
// PruneAllButLastCommitted() this does not update the session history of the
// RenderView. Callers must ensure that |CanPruneAllButLastCommitted| returns
// true before calling this.
void PruneAllButLastCommittedInternal();
// Inserts up to |max_index| entries from |source| into this. This does NOT
// adjust any of the members that reference entries_
// (last_committed_entry_index_, pending_entry_index_ or
// transient_entry_index_).
void InsertEntriesFrom(NavigationControllerImpl* source, int max_index);
// Returns the navigation index that differs from the current entry by the
// specified |offset|. The index returned is not guaranteed to be valid.
int GetIndexForOffset(int offset);
// History Manipulation intervention:
// The previous document that started this navigation needs to be skipped in
// subsequent back/forward UI navigations if it never received any user
// gesture. This is to intervene against pages that manipulate the history
// such that the user is not able to go back to the last site they interacted
// with (
// Note that this function must be called before the new navigation entry is
// inserted in |entries_| to make sure UKM reports the URL of the document
// adding the entry.
void SetShouldSkipOnBackForwardUIIfNeeded(
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
bool replace_entry,
bool previous_document_was_activated,
bool is_renderer_initiated);
// This function sets all same document entries with the same value
// of skippable flag. This is to avoid back button abuse by inserting
// multiple history entries and also to help valid cases where a user gesture
// on the document should apply to all same document history entries and none
// should be skipped. All entries belonging to the same document as the entry
// at |reference_index| will get their skippable flag set to |skippable|.
void SetSkippableForSameDocumentEntries(int reference_index, bool skippable);
// Called when one PendingEntryRef is deleted. When all of the refs for the
// current pending entry have been deleted, this automatically discards the
// pending NavigationEntry.
void PendingEntryRefDeleted(PendingEntryRef* ref);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The user browser context associated with this controller.
BrowserContext* browser_context_;
// List of |NavigationEntry|s for this controller.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl>> entries_;
// An entry we haven't gotten a response for yet. This will be discarded
// when we navigate again. It's used only so we know what the currently
// displayed tab is.
// This may refer to an item in the entries_ list if the pending_entry_index_
// != -1, or it may be its own entry that should be deleted. Be careful with
// the memory management.
NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry_;
// This keeps track of the NavigationRequests associated with the pending
// NavigationEntry. When all of them have been deleted, or have stopped
// loading, the pending NavigationEntry can be discarded.
// This is meant to avoid a class of URL spoofs where the navigation is
// canceled, but the stale pending NavigationEntry is left in place.
std::set<PendingEntryRef*> pending_entry_refs_;
// If a new entry fails loading, details about it are temporarily held here
// until the error page is shown (or 0 otherwise).
// TODO(avi): We need a better way to handle the connection between failed
// loads and the subsequent load of the error page. This current approach has
// issues: 1. This might hang around longer than we'd like if there is no
// error page loaded, and 2. This doesn't work very well for frames.
int failed_pending_entry_id_;
// The index of the currently visible entry.
int last_committed_entry_index_;
// The index of the pending entry if it is in entries_, or -1 if
// pending_entry_ is a new entry (created by LoadURL).
int pending_entry_index_;
// The index for the entry that is shown until a navigation occurs. This is
// used for interstitial pages. -1 if there are no such entry.
// Note that this entry really appears in the list of entries, but only
// temporarily (until the next navigation). Any index pointing to an entry
// after the transient entry will become invalid if you navigate forward.
int transient_entry_index_;
// The delegate associated with the controller. Possibly NULL during
// setup.
NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate_;
// Manages the SSL security UI.
SSLManager ssl_manager_;
// Whether we need to be reloaded when made active.
bool needs_reload_;
// Source of when |needs_reload_| is set. Only valid when |needs_reload_|
// is set.
NeedsReloadType needs_reload_type_ = NeedsReloadType::kRequestedByClient;
// Whether this is the initial navigation.
// Becomes false when initial navigation commits.
bool is_initial_navigation_;
// Prevent unsafe re-entrant calls to NavigateToPendingEntry.
bool in_navigate_to_pending_entry_;
// Used to find the appropriate SessionStorageNamespace for the storage
// partition of a NavigationEntry.
// A NavigationController may contain NavigationEntries that correspond to
// different StoragePartitions. Even though they are part of the same
// NavigationController, only entries in the same StoragePartition may
// share session storage state with one another.
SessionStorageNamespaceMap session_storage_namespace_map_;
// The maximum number of entries that a navigation controller can store.
static size_t max_entry_count_for_testing_;
// If a repost is pending, its type (RELOAD or RELOAD_BYPASSING_CACHE),
// NO_RELOAD otherwise.
ReloadType pending_reload_;
// Used to get timestamps for newly-created navigation entries.
base::RepeatingCallback<base::Time()> get_timestamp_callback_;
// Used to smooth out timestamps from |get_timestamp_callback_|.
// Without this, whenever there is a run of redirects or
// code-generated navigations, those navigations may occur within
// the timer resolution, leading to things sometimes showing up in
// the wrong order in the history view.
TimeSmoother time_smoother_;
// BackForwardCache:
// Stores frozen RenderFrameHost. Restores them on history navigation.
// See BackForwardCache class documentation.
BackForwardCacheImpl back_forward_cache_;
// Holds the entry that was committed at the time an error page was triggered
// due to a call to LoadPostCommitErrorPage. The error entry will take its
// place until the user navigates again, at which point it will go back into
// the entry list instead of the error entry. Set to nullptr if there is no
// post commit error entry. Note that this entry must always correspond to the
// last committed entry index, and that there can be only a single post-commit
// error page entry in its place in entries_. This ensures that its spot in
// entries_ cannot go away (e.g., due to PruneForwardEntries) and that it can
// go back into place after any subsequent commit.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> entry_replaced_by_post_commit_error_;
// NOTE: This must be the last member.
base::WeakPtrFactory<NavigationControllerImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content