blob: 2c864ad2767cd78b9c6e2994d4f97a228e3655ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ASH_SHELL_H_
#define ASH_SHELL_H_
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/shelf_auto_hide_behavior.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
class CommandLine;
class SkBitmap;
namespace aura {
class EventFilter;
class Monitor;
class RootWindow;
class Window;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class Layer;
namespace views {
class NonClientFrameView;
class Widget;
namespace ash {
class AcceleratorController;
class DesktopBackgroundController;
class Launcher;
class NestedDispatcherController;
class PowerButtonController;
class ScreenAsh;
class ShellDelegate;
class ShellObserver;
class SystemTrayDelegate;
class SystemTray;
class UserWallpaperDelegate;
class VideoDetector;
class WindowCycleController;
namespace internal {
class ActivationController;
class AcceleratorFilter;
class AppList;
class DragDropController;
class EventClientImpl;
class FocusCycler;
class InputMethodEventFilter;
class KeyRewriterEventFilter;
class MonitorController;
class PartialScreenshotEventFilter;
class ResizeShadowController;
class RootWindowEventFilter;
class RootWindowLayoutManager;
class ShadowController;
class ShelfLayoutManager;
class StackingController;
class TooltipController;
class VisibilityController;
class WindowModalityController;
class WorkspaceController;
// Shell is a singleton object that presents the Shell API and implements the
// RootWindow's delegate interface.
// Upon creation, the Shell sets itself as the RootWindow's delegate, which
// takes ownership of the Shell.
class ASH_EXPORT Shell {
enum Direction {
// Accesses private data from a Shell for testing.
class ASH_EXPORT TestApi {
explicit TestApi(Shell* shell);
internal::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout();
internal::InputMethodEventFilter* input_method_event_filter();
internal::WorkspaceController* workspace_controller();
Shell* shell_; // not owned
// A shell must be explicitly created so that it can call |Init()| with the
// delegate set. |delegate| can be NULL (if not required for initialization).
static Shell* CreateInstance(ShellDelegate* delegate);
// Should never be called before |CreateInstance()|.
static Shell* GetInstance();
// Returns true if the ash shell has been instantiated.
static bool HasInstance();
static void DeleteInstance();
// Gets the singleton RootWindow used by the Shell.
static aura::RootWindow* GetRootWindow();
internal::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout() const {
return root_window_layout_;
aura::Window* GetContainer(int container_id);
const aura::Window* GetContainer(int container_id) const;
// Adds or removes |filter| from the RootWindowEventFilter.
void AddRootWindowEventFilter(aura::EventFilter* filter);
void RemoveRootWindowEventFilter(aura::EventFilter* filter);
size_t GetRootWindowEventFilterCount() const;
// Shows the background menu over |widget|.
void ShowBackgroundMenu(views::Widget* widget, const gfx::Point& location);
// Toggles app list.
void ToggleAppList();
// Returns true if the screen is locked.
bool IsScreenLocked() const;
// Returns true if a modal dialog window is currently open.
bool IsModalWindowOpen() const;
// Creates a default views::NonClientFrameView for use by windows in the
// Ash environment.
views::NonClientFrameView* CreateDefaultNonClientFrameView(
views::Widget* widget);
// Rotates focus through containers that can receive focus.
void RotateFocus(Direction direction);
// Sets the work area insets of the monitor that contains |window|,
// this notifies observers too.
// TODO(sky): this no longer really replicates what happens and is unreliable.
// Remove this.
void SetMonitorWorkAreaInsets(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Insets& insets);
// Initializes |launcher_|. Does nothing if it's already initialized.
void CreateLauncher();
// Adds/removes observer.
void AddShellObserver(ShellObserver* observer);
void RemoveShellObserver(ShellObserver* observer);
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
AcceleratorController* accelerator_controller() {
return accelerator_controller_.get();
#endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
internal::RootWindowEventFilter* root_filter() {
return root_filter_;
internal::TooltipController* tooltip_controller() {
return tooltip_controller_.get();
internal::KeyRewriterEventFilter* key_rewriter_filter() {
return key_rewriter_filter_.get();
internal::PartialScreenshotEventFilter* partial_screenshot_filter() {
return partial_screenshot_filter_.get();
DesktopBackgroundController* desktop_background_controller() {
return desktop_background_controller_.get();
PowerButtonController* power_button_controller() {
return power_button_controller_.get();
VideoDetector* video_detector() {
return video_detector_.get();
WindowCycleController* window_cycle_controller() {
return window_cycle_controller_.get();
internal::FocusCycler* focus_cycler() {
return focus_cycler_.get();
ShellDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_.get(); }
SystemTrayDelegate* tray_delegate() { return tray_delegate_.get(); }
UserWallpaperDelegate* user_wallpaper_delegate() {
return user_wallpaper_delegate_.get();
Launcher* launcher() { return launcher_.get(); }
const ScreenAsh* screen() { return screen_; }
// Force the shelf to query for it's current visibility state.
void UpdateShelfVisibility();
// Sets/gets the shelf auto-hide behavior.
void SetShelfAutoHideBehavior(ShelfAutoHideBehavior behavior);
ShelfAutoHideBehavior GetShelfAutoHideBehavior() const;
// TODO(sky): don't expose this!
internal::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf() const { return shelf_; }
SystemTray* tray() const { return tray_.get(); }
// Returns the size of the grid.
int GetGridSize() const;
static void set_initially_hide_cursor(bool hide) {
initially_hide_cursor_ = hide;
internal::ResizeShadowController* resize_shadow_controller() {
return resize_shadow_controller_.get();
// Made available for tests.
internal::ShadowController* shadow_controller() {
return shadow_controller_.get();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RootWindowEventFilterTest, MouseEventCursors);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RootWindowEventFilterTest, TransformActivate);
typedef std::pair<aura::Window*, gfx::Rect> WindowAndBoundsPair;
explicit Shell(ShellDelegate* delegate);
virtual ~Shell();
void Init();
// Initializes the layout managers and event filters.
void InitLayoutManagers();
// Disables the workspace grid layout.
void DisableWorkspaceGridLayout();
static Shell* instance_;
// If set before the Shell is initialized, the mouse cursor will be hidden
// when the screen is initially created.
static bool initially_hide_cursor_;
scoped_ptr<aura::RootWindow> root_window_;
ScreenAsh* screen_;
internal::RootWindowEventFilter* root_filter_; // not owned
std::vector<WindowAndBoundsPair> to_restore_;
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
scoped_ptr<NestedDispatcherController> nested_dispatcher_controller_;
scoped_ptr<AcceleratorController> accelerator_controller_;
#endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
scoped_ptr<ShellDelegate> delegate_;
scoped_ptr<SystemTrayDelegate> tray_delegate_;
scoped_ptr<UserWallpaperDelegate> user_wallpaper_delegate_;
scoped_ptr<Launcher> launcher_;
scoped_ptr<internal::AppList> app_list_;
scoped_ptr<internal::StackingController> stacking_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::ActivationController> activation_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::WindowModalityController> window_modality_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::DragDropController> drag_drop_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::WorkspaceController> workspace_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::ResizeShadowController> resize_shadow_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::ShadowController> shadow_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::TooltipController> tooltip_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::VisibilityController> visibility_controller_;
scoped_ptr<DesktopBackgroundController> desktop_background_controller_;
scoped_ptr<PowerButtonController> power_button_controller_;
scoped_ptr<VideoDetector> video_detector_;
scoped_ptr<WindowCycleController> window_cycle_controller_;
scoped_ptr<internal::FocusCycler> focus_cycler_;
scoped_ptr<internal::EventClientImpl> event_client_;
scoped_ptr<internal::MonitorController> monitor_controller_;
// An event filter that rewrites or drops a key event.
scoped_ptr<internal::KeyRewriterEventFilter> key_rewriter_filter_;
// An event filter that pre-handles key events while the partial
// screenshot UI is active.
scoped_ptr<internal::PartialScreenshotEventFilter> partial_screenshot_filter_;
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
// An event filter that pre-handles global accelerators.
scoped_ptr<internal::AcceleratorFilter> accelerator_filter_;
// An event filter that pre-handles all key events to send them to an IME.
scoped_ptr<internal::InputMethodEventFilter> input_method_filter_;
// The shelf for managing the launcher and the status widget in non-compact
// mode. Shell does not own the shelf. Instead, it is owned by container of
// the status area.
internal::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_;
ObserverList<ShellObserver> observers_;
// Owned by aura::RootWindow, cached here for type safety.
internal::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout_;
// Status area with clock, Wi-Fi signal, etc.
views::Widget* status_widget_;
// System tray with clock, Wi-Fi signal, etc. (a replacement in progress for
// |status_widget_|).
scoped_ptr<SystemTray> tray_;
} // namespace ash
#endif // ASH_SHELL_H_