blob: 0986b3544c7d242b092b234356d431d7d61e6ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// PartitionRoot::Alloc() and PartitionRoot::Free() are approximately analagous
// to malloc() and free().
// The main difference is that a PartitionRoot object must be supplied to these
// functions, representing a specific "heap partition" that will be used to
// satisfy the allocation. Different partitions are guaranteed to exist in
// separate address spaces, including being separate from the main system
// heap. If the contained objects are all freed, physical memory is returned to
// the system but the address space remains reserved. See for
// other security properties PartitionAlloc provides.
// PartitionAllocator classes. To minimize the instruction count to the fullest
// extent possible, the PartitionRoot is really just a header adjacent to other
// data areas provided by the allocator class.
// The constraints for PartitionRoot::Alloc() are:
// - Multi-threaded use against a single partition is ok; locking is handled.
// - Allocations of any arbitrary size can be handled (subject to a limit of
// INT_MAX bytes for security reasons).
// - Bucketing is by approximate size, for example an allocation of 4000 bytes
// might be placed into a 4096-byte bucket. Bucket sizes are chosen to try and
// keep worst-case waste to ~10%.
// The allocators are designed to be extremely fast, thanks to the following
// properties and design:
// - Just two single (reasonably predicatable) branches in the hot / fast path
// for both allocating and (significantly) freeing.
// - A minimal number of operations in the hot / fast path, with the slow paths
// in separate functions, leading to the possibility of inlining.
// - Each partition page (which is usually multiple physical pages) has a
// metadata structure which allows fast mapping of free() address to an
// underlying bucket.
// - Supports a lock-free API for fast performance in single-threaded cases.
// - The freelist for a given bucket is split across a number of partition
// pages, enabling various simple tricks to try and minimize fragmentation.
// - Fine-grained bucket sizes leading to less waste and better packing.
// The following security properties could be investigated in the future:
// - Per-object bucketing (instead of per-size) is mostly available at the API,
// but not used yet.
// - No randomness of freelist entries or bucket position.
// - Better checking for wild pointers in free().
// - Better freelist masking function to guarantee fault on 32-bit.
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <atomic>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/page_allocator.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_address_space.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_check.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_constants.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_forward.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_bucket.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_cookie.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_direct_map_extent.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_page.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_tag.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/spin_lock.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/partition_alloc_buildflags.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// We use this to make MEMORY_TOOL_REPLACES_ALLOCATOR behave the same for max
// size as other alloc code.
#define CHECK_MAX_SIZE_OR_RETURN_NULLPTR(size, flags) \
if (size > kGenericMaxDirectMapped) { \
if (flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull) { \
return nullptr; \
} \
PA_CHECK(false); \
namespace base {
typedef void (*OomFunction)(size_t);
// PartitionAlloc supports setting hooks to observe allocations/frees as they
// occur as well as 'override' hooks that allow overriding those operations.
class BASE_EXPORT PartitionAllocHooks {
// Log allocation and free events.
typedef void AllocationObserverHook(void* address,
size_t size,
const char* type_name);
typedef void FreeObserverHook(void* address);
// If it returns true, the allocation has been overridden with the pointer in
// *out.
typedef bool AllocationOverrideHook(void** out,
int flags,
size_t size,
const char* type_name);
// If it returns true, then the allocation was overridden and has been freed.
typedef bool FreeOverrideHook(void* address);
// If it returns true, the underlying allocation is overridden and *out holds
// the size of the underlying allocation.
typedef bool ReallocOverrideHook(size_t* out, void* address);
// To unhook, call Set*Hooks with nullptrs.
static void SetObserverHooks(AllocationObserverHook* alloc_hook,
FreeObserverHook* free_hook);
static void SetOverrideHooks(AllocationOverrideHook* alloc_hook,
FreeOverrideHook* free_hook,
ReallocOverrideHook realloc_hook);
// Helper method to check whether hooks are enabled. This is an optimization
// so that if a function needs to call observer and override hooks in two
// different places this value can be cached and only loaded once.
static bool AreHooksEnabled() {
return hooks_enabled_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
static void AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(void* address,
size_t size,
const char* type_name);
static bool AllocationOverrideHookIfEnabled(void** out,
int flags,
size_t size,
const char* type_name);
static void FreeObserverHookIfEnabled(void* address);
static bool FreeOverrideHookIfEnabled(void* address);
static void ReallocObserverHookIfEnabled(void* old_address,
void* new_address,
size_t size,
const char* type_name);
static bool ReallocOverrideHookIfEnabled(size_t* out, void* address);
// Single bool that is used to indicate whether observer or allocation hooks
// are set to reduce the numbers of loads required to check whether hooking is
// enabled.
static std::atomic<bool> hooks_enabled_;
// Lock used to synchronize Set*Hooks calls.
static std::atomic<AllocationObserverHook*> allocation_observer_hook_;
static std::atomic<FreeObserverHook*> free_observer_hook_;
static std::atomic<AllocationOverrideHook*> allocation_override_hook_;
static std::atomic<FreeOverrideHook*> free_override_hook_;
static std::atomic<ReallocOverrideHook*> realloc_override_hook_;
namespace internal {
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionPointerAdjustSubtract(bool allow_extras,
void* ptr) {
if (allow_extras) {
ptr = PartitionTagPointerAdjustSubtract(ptr);
ptr = PartitionCookiePointerAdjustSubtract(ptr);
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionPointerAdjustAdd(bool allow_extras, void* ptr) {
if (allow_extras) {
ptr = PartitionTagPointerAdjustAdd(ptr);
ptr = PartitionCookiePointerAdjustAdd(ptr);
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionSizeAdjustAdd(bool allow_extras, size_t size) {
if (allow_extras) {
size = PartitionTagSizeAdjustAdd(size);
size = PartitionCookieSizeAdjustAdd(size);
return size;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionSizeAdjustSubtract(bool allow_extras,
size_t size) {
if (allow_extras) {
size = PartitionTagSizeAdjustSubtract(size);
size = PartitionCookieSizeAdjustSubtract(size);
return size;
template <bool thread_safe>
class LOCKABLE MaybeSpinLock {
void Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {}
void AssertAcquired() const ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK() {}
template <bool thread_safe>
class SCOPED_LOCKABLE ScopedGuard {
explicit ScopedGuard(MaybeSpinLock<thread_safe>& lock)
: lock_(lock) {
~ScopedGuard() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { lock_.Unlock(); }
MaybeSpinLock<thread_safe>& lock_;
template <>
class LOCKABLE MaybeSpinLock<ThreadSafe> {
MaybeSpinLock() : lock_() {}
// When PartitionAlloc is malloc(), it can easily become reentrant. For
// instance, a DCHECK() triggers in external code (such as
// base::Lock). DCHECK() error message formatting allocates, which triggers
// PartitionAlloc, and then we get reentrancy, and in this case infinite
// recursion.
// To avoid that, crash quickly when the code becomes reentrant.
PlatformThreadRef current_thread = PlatformThread::CurrentRef();
if (!lock_->Try()) {
// The lock wasn't free when we tried to acquire it. This can be because
// another thread or *this* thread was holding it.
// If it's this thread holding it, then it cannot have become free in the
// meantime, and the current value of |owning_thread_ref_| is valid, as it
// was set by this thread. Assuming that writes to |owning_thread_ref_|
// are atomic, then if it's us, we are trying to recursively acquire a
// non-recursive lock.
// Note that we don't rely on a DCHECK() in base::Lock(), as it would
// itself allocate. Meaning that without this code, a reentrancy issue
// hangs on Linux.
if (UNLIKELY(TS_UNCHECKED_READ(owning_thread_ref_.load(
std::memory_order_relaxed)) == current_thread)) {
// Trying to acquire lock while it's held by this thread: reentrancy
// issue.
}, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
#if BUILDFLAG(USE_PARTITION_ALLOC_AS_MALLOC), std::memory_order_relaxed);
void AssertAcquired() const ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK() {
// NoDestructor to avoid issues with the "static destruction order fiasco".
// This also means that for DCHECK_IS_ON() builds we leak a lock when a
// partition is destructed. This will in practice only show in some tests, as
// partitons are not destructed in regular use. In addition, on most
// platforms, base::Lock doesn't allocate memory and neither does the OS
// library, and the destructor is a no-op.
base::NoDestructor<base::Lock> lock_;
std::atomic<PlatformThreadRef> owning_thread_ref_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
template <>
class LOCKABLE MaybeSpinLock<ThreadSafe> {
void Lock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION() { lock_.lock(); }
void Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { lock_.unlock(); }
void AssertAcquired() const ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK() {
// Not supported by subtle::SpinLock.
subtle::SpinLock lock_;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// An "extent" is a span of consecutive superpages. We link to the partition's
// next extent (if there is one) to the very start of a superpage's metadata
// area.
template <bool thread_safe>
struct PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry {
PartitionRoot<thread_safe>* root;
char* super_page_base;
char* super_pages_end;
PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry<thread_safe>* next;
sizeof(PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry<ThreadSafe>) <= kPageMetadataSize,
"PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry must be able to fit in a metadata slot");
// g_oom_handling_function is invoked when PartitionAlloc hits OutOfMemory.
static OomFunction g_oom_handling_function = nullptr;
} // namespace internal
class PartitionStatsDumper;
enum PartitionPurgeFlags {
// Decommitting the ring list of empty pages is reasonably fast.
PartitionPurgeDecommitEmptyPages = 1 << 0,
// Discarding unused system pages is slower, because it involves walking all
// freelists in all active partition pages of all buckets >= system page
// size. It often frees a similar amount of memory to decommitting the empty
// pages, though.
PartitionPurgeDiscardUnusedSystemPages = 1 << 1,
// Struct used to retrieve total memory usage of a partition. Used by
// PartitionStatsDumper implementation.
struct PartitionMemoryStats {
size_t total_mmapped_bytes; // Total bytes mmaped from the system.
size_t total_committed_bytes; // Total size of commmitted pages.
size_t total_resident_bytes; // Total bytes provisioned by the partition.
size_t total_active_bytes; // Total active bytes in the partition.
size_t total_decommittable_bytes; // Total bytes that could be decommitted.
size_t total_discardable_bytes; // Total bytes that could be discarded.
// Struct used to retrieve memory statistics about a partition bucket. Used by
// PartitionStatsDumper implementation.
struct PartitionBucketMemoryStats {
bool is_valid; // Used to check if the stats is valid.
bool is_direct_map; // True if this is a direct mapping; size will not be
// unique.
uint32_t bucket_slot_size; // The size of the slot in bytes.
uint32_t allocated_page_size; // Total size the partition page allocated from
// the system.
uint32_t active_bytes; // Total active bytes used in the bucket.
uint32_t resident_bytes; // Total bytes provisioned in the bucket.
uint32_t decommittable_bytes; // Total bytes that could be decommitted.
uint32_t discardable_bytes; // Total bytes that could be discarded.
uint32_t num_full_pages; // Number of pages with all slots allocated.
uint32_t num_active_pages; // Number of pages that have at least one
// provisioned slot.
uint32_t num_empty_pages; // Number of pages that are empty
// but not decommitted.
uint32_t num_decommitted_pages; // Number of pages that are empty
// and decommitted.
// Interface that is passed to PartitionDumpStats and
// PartitionDumpStatsGeneric for using the memory statistics.
class BASE_EXPORT PartitionStatsDumper {
// Called to dump total memory used by partition, once per partition.
virtual void PartitionDumpTotals(const char* partition_name,
const PartitionMemoryStats*) = 0;
// Called to dump stats about buckets, for each bucket.
virtual void PartitionsDumpBucketStats(const char* partition_name,
const PartitionBucketMemoryStats*) = 0;
// Never instantiate a PartitionRoot directly, instead use
// PartitionAllocator.
template <bool thread_safe>
struct BASE_EXPORT PartitionRoot {
using Page = internal::PartitionPage<thread_safe>;
using Bucket = internal::PartitionBucket<thread_safe>;
using SuperPageExtentEntry =
using DirectMapExtent = internal::PartitionDirectMapExtent<thread_safe>;
using ScopedGuard = internal::ScopedGuard<thread_safe>;
internal::MaybeSpinLock<thread_safe> lock_;
// Invariant: total_size_of_committed_pages <=
// total_size_of_super_pages +
// total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages.
size_t total_size_of_committed_pages = 0;
size_t total_size_of_super_pages = 0;
size_t total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages = 0;
// TODO(bartekn): Consider size of added extras (cookies and/or tag, or
// nothing) instead of true|false, so that we can just add or subtract the
// size instead of having an if branch on the hot paths.
bool allow_extras;
// Atomic as initialization can be concurrent.
std::atomic<bool> initialized = {};
char* next_super_page = nullptr;
char* next_partition_page = nullptr;
char* next_partition_page_end = nullptr;
SuperPageExtentEntry* current_extent = nullptr;
SuperPageExtentEntry* first_extent = nullptr;
DirectMapExtent* direct_map_list = nullptr;
Page* global_empty_page_ring[kMaxFreeableSpans] = {};
int16_t global_empty_page_ring_index = 0;
uintptr_t inverted_self = 0;
internal::PartitionTag current_partition_tag = 0;
// Some pre-computed constants.
size_t order_index_shifts[kBitsPerSizeT + 1] = {};
size_t order_sub_index_masks[kBitsPerSizeT + 1] = {};
// The bucket lookup table lets us map a size_t to a bucket quickly.
// The trailing +1 caters for the overflow case for very large allocation
// sizes. It is one flat array instead of a 2D array because in the 2D
// world, we'd need to index array[blah][max+1] which risks undefined
// behavior.
Bucket* bucket_lookups[((kBitsPerSizeT + 1) * kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder) +
1] = {};
Bucket buckets[kGenericNumBuckets] = {};
PartitionRoot() = default;
~PartitionRoot() = default;
// Public API
// Allocates out of the given bucket. Properly, this function should probably
// be in PartitionBucket, but because the implementation needs to be inlined
// for performance, and because it needs to inspect PartitionPage,
// it becomes impossible to have it in PartitionBucket as this causes a
// cyclical dependency on PartitionPage function implementations.
// Moving it a layer lower couples PartitionRoot and PartitionBucket, but
// preserves the layering of the includes.
ALWAYS_INLINE void Init(bool enforce_alignment) {
if (LIKELY(initialized.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)))
current_partition_tag = base::RandUint64();
ALWAYS_INLINE static bool IsValidPage(Page* page);
ALWAYS_INLINE static PartitionRoot* FromPage(Page* page);
ALWAYS_INLINE void IncreaseCommittedPages(size_t len);
ALWAYS_INLINE void DecreaseCommittedPages(size_t len);
ALWAYS_INLINE void DecommitSystemPages(void* address, size_t length)
ALWAYS_INLINE void RecommitSystemPages(void* address, size_t length)
NOINLINE void OutOfMemory(size_t size);
// Returns a pointer aligned on |alignement|, or nullptr.
// |alignment| has to be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*) (as in
// posix_memalign() for POSIX systems). The returned pointer may include
// padding, and can be passed to |Free()| later.
// NOTE: Doesn't work when DCHECK_IS_ON(), as it is incompatible with cookies.
ALWAYS_INLINE void* AlignedAlloc(size_t alignment, size_t size);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* Alloc(size_t size, const char* type_name);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* AllocFlags(int flags, size_t size, const char* type_name);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* Realloc(void* ptr,
size_t new_size,
const char* type_name);
// Overload that may return nullptr if reallocation isn't possible. In this
// case, |ptr| remains valid.
ALWAYS_INLINE void* TryRealloc(void* ptr,
size_t new_size,
const char* type_name);
NOINLINE void* ReallocFlags(int flags,
void* ptr,
size_t new_size,
const char* type_name);
ALWAYS_INLINE static void Free(void* ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE static size_t GetSizeFromPointer(void* ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetSize(void* ptr) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t ActualSize(size_t size);
// Frees memory from this partition, if possible, by decommitting pages.
// |flags| is an OR of base::PartitionPurgeFlags.
void PurgeMemory(int flags);
void DumpStats(const char* partition_name,
bool is_light_dump,
PartitionStatsDumper* partition_stats_dumper);
internal::PartitionBucket<thread_safe>* SizeToBucket(size_t size) const;
void InitSlowPath(bool enforce_alignment);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* AllocFromBucket(Bucket* bucket, int flags, size_t size)
bool ReallocDirectMappedInPlace(internal::PartitionPage<thread_safe>* page,
size_t raw_size)
void DecommitEmptyPages() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
ALWAYS_INLINE internal::PartitionTag GetNewPartitionTag()
current_partition_tag += !current_partition_tag; // Avoid 0.
return current_partition_tag;
return 0;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::AllocFromBucket(Bucket* bucket,
int flags,
size_t size) {
bool zero_fill = flags & PartitionAllocZeroFill;
bool is_already_zeroed = false;
Page* page = bucket->active_pages_head;
// Check that this page is neither full nor freed.
PA_DCHECK(page->num_allocated_slots >= 0);
void* ret = page->freelist_head;
if (LIKELY(ret)) {
// If these DCHECKs fire, you probably corrupted memory. TODO(palmer): See
// if we can afford to make these CHECKs.
// All large allocations must go through the slow path to correctly update
// the size metadata.
PA_DCHECK(page->get_raw_size() == 0);
internal::PartitionFreelistEntry* new_head =
page->freelist_head = new_head;
} else {
ret = bucket->SlowPathAlloc(this, flags, size, &is_already_zeroed);
// TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
PA_DCHECK(!ret || IsValidPage(Page::FromPointer(ret)));
if (!ret) {
return nullptr;
page = Page::FromPointer(ret);
// TODO(ajwong): Can |page->bucket| ever not be |bucket|? If not, can this
// just be bucket->slot_size?
size_t new_slot_size = page->bucket->slot_size;
size_t raw_size = page->get_raw_size();
if (raw_size) {
PA_DCHECK(raw_size == size);
new_slot_size = raw_size;
// Layout inside the slot: |tag|cookie|object|[empty]|cookie|
// <--a--->
// <------b------->
// <---------------c---------------->
// a: size
// b: size_with_no_extras
// c: new_slot_size
// Note, empty space occurs if the slot size is larger than needed to
// accommodate the request.
size_t size_with_no_extras =
internal::PartitionSizeAdjustSubtract(allow_extras, new_slot_size);
// The value given to the application is just after the tag and cookie.
ret = internal::PartitionPointerAdjustAdd(allow_extras, ret);
// Surround the region with 2 cookies.
if (allow_extras) {
char* char_ret = static_cast<char*>(ret);
internal::PartitionCookieWriteValue(char_ret - internal::kCookieSize);
internal::PartitionCookieWriteValue(char_ret + size_with_no_extras);
// Fill the region kUninitializedByte (on debug builds, if not requested to 0)
// or 0 (if requested and not 0 already).
if (!zero_fill) {
memset(ret, kUninitializedByte, size_with_no_extras);
} else if (!is_already_zeroed) {
memset(ret, 0, size_with_no_extras);
if (allow_extras && !bucket->is_direct_mapped()) {
internal::PartitionTagSetValue(ret, GetNewPartitionTag());
return ret;
// static
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::Free(void* ptr) {
if (UNLIKELY(!ptr))
if (PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled()) {
if (PartitionAllocHooks::FreeOverrideHookIfEnabled(ptr))
// No check as the pointer hasn't been adjusted yet.
Page* page = Page::FromPointerNoAlignmentCheck(ptr);
// TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
auto* root = PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::FromPage(page);
if (root->allow_extras && !page->bucket->is_direct_mapped()) {
// TODO(tasak): clear partition tag. Temporarily set the tag to be 0.
ptr = internal::PartitionPointerAdjustSubtract(root->allow_extras, ptr);
internal::DeferredUnmap deferred_unmap;
ScopedGuard guard{root->lock_};
deferred_unmap = page->Free(ptr);
// static
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::IsValidPage(Page* page) {
PartitionRoot* root = FromPage(page);
return root->inverted_self == ~reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(root);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionRoot<thread_safe>* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::FromPage(
Page* page) {
auto* extent_entry = reinterpret_cast<SuperPageExtentEntry*>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(page) & kSystemPageBaseMask);
return extent_entry->root;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::IncreaseCommittedPages(
size_t len) {
total_size_of_committed_pages += len;
PA_DCHECK(total_size_of_committed_pages <=
total_size_of_super_pages + total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::DecreaseCommittedPages(
size_t len) {
total_size_of_committed_pages -= len;
PA_DCHECK(total_size_of_committed_pages <=
total_size_of_super_pages + total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::DecommitSystemPages(
void* address,
size_t length) {
::base::DecommitSystemPages(address, length);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::RecommitSystemPages(
void* address,
size_t length) {
PA_CHECK(::base::RecommitSystemPages(address, length, PageReadWrite));
BASE_EXPORT void PartitionAllocGlobalInit(OomFunction on_out_of_memory);
BASE_EXPORT void PartitionAllocGlobalUninitForTesting();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsManagedByPartitionAllocDirectMap(const void* address) {
return internal::PartitionAddressSpace::IsInDirectMapPool(address);
return false;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsManagedByPartitionAllocNormalBuckets(const void* address) {
return internal::PartitionAddressSpace::IsInNormalBucketPool(address);
return false;
namespace internal {
// Gets the PartitionPage object for the first partition page of the slot span
// that contains |ptr|. It's used with intention to do obtain the slot size.
// CAUTION! It works well for normal buckets, but for direct-mapped allocations
// it'll only work if |ptr| is in the first partition page of the allocation.
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE internal::PartitionPage<thread_safe>*
PartitionAllocGetPageForSize(void* ptr) {
// No need to lock here. Only |ptr| being freed by another thread could
// cause trouble, and the caller is responsible for that not happening.
auto* page =
// This PA_DCHECK has been temporarily commented out, because CheckedPtr2Impl
// calls ThreadSafe variant of PartitionAllocGetSlotOffset even in the
// NotThreadSafe case. Everything seems to work, except IsValidPage is failing
// (PartitionRoot's fields are laid out differently between variants).
// TODO(bartekn): Uncomment once we figure out thread-safety variant mismatch.
// TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
// PA_DCHECK(PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::IsValidPage(page));
return page;
} // namespace internal
// static
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::GetSizeFromPointer(void* ptr) {
Page* page = Page::FromPointerNoAlignmentCheck(ptr);
auto* root = PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::FromPage(page);
return root->GetSize(ptr);
// Gets the size of the allocated slot that contains |ptr|, adjusted for cookie
// (if any).
// CAUTION! For direct-mapped allocation, |ptr| has to be within the first
// partition page.
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::GetSize(void* ptr) const {
ptr = internal::PartitionPointerAdjustSubtract(allow_extras, ptr);
auto* page = internal::PartitionAllocGetPageForSize<thread_safe>(ptr);
size_t size = internal::PartitionSizeAdjustSubtract(allow_extras,
return size;
// Gets the offset from the beginning of the allocated slot, adjusted for cookie
// (if any).
// CAUTION! Use only for normal buckets. Using on direct-mapped allocations may
// lead to undefined behavior.
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionAllocGetSlotOffset(void* ptr) {
// The only allocations that don't use tag are allocated outside of GigaCage,
// hence we'd never get here in the use_tag=false case.
// TODO(bartekn): Add a DCHECK(page->root->allow_extras) to assert this, once
// we figure out the thread-safety variant mismatch problem (see the comment
// in PartitionAllocGetPageForSize for the problem description).
ptr = internal::PartitionPointerAdjustSubtract(true /* use_tag */, ptr);
auto* page = internal::PartitionAllocGetPageForSize<thread_safe>(ptr);
size_t slot_size = page->bucket->slot_size;
// Get the offset from the beginning of the slot span.
uintptr_t ptr_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
uintptr_t slot_span_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
size_t offset_in_slot_span = ptr_addr - slot_span_start;
// Knowing that slots are tightly packed in a slot span, calculate an offset
// within a slot using simple % operation.
// TODO(bartekn): Try to replace % with multiplication&shift magic.
size_t offset_in_slot = offset_in_slot_span % slot_size;
return offset_in_slot;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE internal::PartitionBucket<thread_safe>*
PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::SizeToBucket(size_t size) const {
size_t order = kBitsPerSizeT - bits::CountLeadingZeroBitsSizeT(size);
// The order index is simply the next few bits after the most significant bit.
size_t order_index =
(size >> order_index_shifts[order]) & (kGenericNumBucketsPerOrder - 1);
// And if the remaining bits are non-zero we must bump the bucket up.
size_t sub_order_index = size & order_sub_index_masks[order];
Bucket* bucket = bucket_lookups[(order << kGenericNumBucketsPerOrderBits) +
order_index + !!sub_order_index];
PA_DCHECK(!bucket->slot_size || bucket->slot_size >= size);
PA_DCHECK(!(bucket->slot_size % kGenericSmallestBucket));
return bucket;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::AllocFlags(
int flags,
size_t size,
const char* type_name) {
PA_DCHECK(flags < PartitionAllocLastFlag << 1);
const bool zero_fill = flags & PartitionAllocZeroFill;
void* result = zero_fill ? calloc(1, size) : malloc(size);
PA_CHECK(result || flags & PartitionAllocReturnNull);
return result;
void* result;
const bool hooks_enabled = PartitionAllocHooks::AreHooksEnabled();
if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
if (PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationOverrideHookIfEnabled(&result, flags,
size, type_name)) {
PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, size,
return result;
size_t requested_size = size;
size = internal::PartitionSizeAdjustAdd(allow_extras, size);
PA_CHECK(size >= requested_size);
auto* bucket = SizeToBucket(size);
internal::ScopedGuard<thread_safe> guard{lock_};
result = AllocFromBucket(bucket, flags, size);
if (UNLIKELY(hooks_enabled)) {
PartitionAllocHooks::AllocationObserverHookIfEnabled(result, requested_size,
return result;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::AlignedAlloc(size_t alignment,
size_t size) {
// Aligned allocation support relies on the natural alignment guarantees of
// PartitionAlloc. Since cookies and tags are layered on top of
// PartitionAlloc, they change the guarantees. As a consequence, forbid both.
// This is mandated by |posix_memalign()|, so should never fire.
void* ptr;
// Handle cases such as size = 16, alignment = 64.
// Wastes memory when a large alignment is requested with a small size, but
// this is hard to avoid, and should not be too common.
if (size < alignment) {
ptr = Alloc(alignment, "");
} else {
// PartitionAlloc only guarantees alignment for power-of-two sized
// allocations. To make sure this applies here, round up the allocation
// size.
size_t size_rounded_up =
<< (sizeof(size_t) * 8 - base::bits::CountLeadingZeroBits(size - 1));
ptr = Alloc(size_rounded_up, "");
PA_CHECK(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) % alignment == 0ull);
return ptr;
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::Alloc(size_t size,
const char* type_name) {
return AllocFlags(0, size, type_name);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::Realloc(void* ptr,
size_t new_size,
const char* type_name) {
return ReallocFlags(0, ptr, new_size, type_name);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::TryRealloc(
void* ptr,
size_t new_size,
const char* type_name) {
return ReallocFlags(PartitionAllocReturnNull, ptr, new_size, type_name);
template <bool thread_safe>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::ActualSize(size_t size) {
return size;
size = internal::PartitionSizeAdjustAdd(allow_extras, size);
auto* bucket = SizeToBucket(size);
if (LIKELY(!bucket->is_direct_mapped())) {
size = bucket->slot_size;
} else if (size > kGenericMaxDirectMapped) {
// Too large to allocate => return the size unchanged.
} else {
size = Bucket::get_direct_map_size(size);
size = internal::PartitionSizeAdjustSubtract(allow_extras, size);
return size;
enum class PartitionAllocatorAlignment {
// By default all allocations will be aligned to 8B (16B if
// In addition to the above alignment enforcement, this option allows using
// AlignedAlloc() which can align at a larger boundary.
// This option comes at a cost of disallowing cookies on Debug builds and tags
// for CheckedPtr. It also causes all allocations to go outside of GigaCage,
// so that CheckedPtr can easily tell if a pointer comes with a tag or not.
namespace internal {
template <bool thread_safe>
struct BASE_EXPORT PartitionAllocator {
PartitionAllocator() = default;
void init(PartitionAllocatorAlignment alignment =
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionRoot<thread_safe>* root() { return &partition_root_; }
PartitionRoot<thread_safe> partition_root_;
} // namespace internal
using PartitionAllocator = internal::PartitionAllocator<internal::ThreadSafe>;
using ThreadUnsafePartitionAllocator =
using ThreadSafePartitionRoot = PartitionRoot<internal::ThreadSafe>;
using ThreadUnsafePartitionRoot = PartitionRoot<internal::NotThreadSafe>;
} // namespace base