blob: bca6c01e255ae125b4fddea01ab57fd371602bd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace features {
// All features in alphabetical order. The features should be documented
// alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file.
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPredictorUseLocalPredictions;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingOnlyLearnHighPriorityResources;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPredictorTableConfig;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPreconnectToRedirectTarget;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPredictorDisregardAlwaysAccessesNetwork;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPredictorUseOptimizationGuide;
extern const base::Feature kLoadingPredictorPrefetch;
enum class PrefetchSubresourceType { kAll, kCss, kJsAndCss };
extern const base::FeatureParam<PrefetchSubresourceType>
// Returns whether local predictions should be used to make preconnect
// predictions.
bool ShouldUseLocalPredictions();
// Returns whether optimization guide predictions should be used to make
// preconnect predictions.
// In addition to checking whether the feature is enabled, this will
// additionally check a feature parameter is specified to dictate if the
// predictions should be used to preconnect to subresource origins.
bool ShouldUseOptimizationGuidePredictionsToPreconnect();
} // namespace features