blob: 6d6ac282f7c8102b516699be656d8d44c9896575 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/test/base/interactive_test_utils.h"
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_objc_class_swizzler.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_application_mac.h"
#import "ui/base/test/windowed_nsnotification_observer.h"
#include "ui/events/cocoa/cocoa_event_utils.h"
namespace {
// A helper singleton for sending key events as Quartz events to the window
// server and waiting for them to arrive back to our NSApp.
class SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper {
// Callback for MockCrApplication.
void ObserveSendEvent(NSEvent* event);
IMP original_send_event() const { return original_send_event_; }
void SendGlobalKeyEventsAndWait(int key_code, int modifier_flags);
void SendGlobalKeyEvent(int key_code,
CGEventFlags current_flags,
bool key_down);
std::unique_ptr<base::mac::ScopedObjCClassSwizzler> scoped_swizzler_;
IMP original_send_event_ = nullptr;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CGEventSourceRef> event_source_;
CGEventTapLocation event_tap_location_;
base::RunLoop run_loop_;
// First key code pressed in the event sequence. This is also the last key
// code to be released and so it will be waited for.
base::Optional<int> first_key_down_code_;
SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper* g_global_key_events_helper = nullptr;
} // namespace
@interface MockCrApplication : NSObject
@implementation MockCrApplication
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
g_global_key_events_helper->original_send_event()(self, _cmd, event);
namespace {
: event_source_(CGEventSourceCreate(kCGEventSourceStateHIDSystemState)),
event_tap_location_(kCGHIDEventTap) {
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, g_global_key_events_helper);
g_global_key_events_helper = this;
scoped_swizzler_ = std::make_unique<base::mac::ScopedObjCClassSwizzler>(
[BrowserCrApplication class], [MockCrApplication class],
original_send_event_ = scoped_swizzler_->GetOriginalImplementation();
SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper::~SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper() {
DCHECK_EQ(this, g_global_key_events_helper);
g_global_key_events_helper = nullptr;
void SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper::ObserveSendEvent(NSEvent* event) {
if (ui::IsKeyUpEvent(event) && [event keyCode] == *first_key_down_code_)
void SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper::SendGlobalKeyEventsAndWait(int key_code,
int modifier_flags) {
CGEventFlags current_flags = 0;
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags |= kCGEventFlagMaskControl;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Control, current_flags, true);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags |= kCGEventFlagMaskShift;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Shift, current_flags, true);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_ALT_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags |= kCGEventFlagMaskAlternate;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Option, current_flags, true);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags |= kCGEventFlagMaskCommand;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Command, current_flags, true);
SendGlobalKeyEvent(key_code, current_flags, true);
SendGlobalKeyEvent(key_code, current_flags, false);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_COMMAND_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags &= ~kCGEventFlagMaskCommand;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Command, current_flags, false);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_ALT_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags &= ~kCGEventFlagMaskAlternate;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Option, current_flags, false);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags &= ~kCGEventFlagMaskShift;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Shift, current_flags, false);
if ((modifier_flags & ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN) != 0) {
current_flags &= ~kCGEventFlagMaskControl;
SendGlobalKeyEvent(kVK_Control, current_flags, false);
void SendGlobalKeyEventsHelper::SendGlobalKeyEvent(int key_code,
CGEventFlags current_flags,
bool key_down) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CGEventRef> key_event(
CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(event_source_, key_code, key_down));
CGEventSetFlags(key_event, current_flags);
// Starting in 10.14, CGEventPost() pops up a modal that asks the user to
// confirm whether the app should be allowed to use accessibility APIs, which
// hangs tests on the bots.
CGEventPost(event_tap_location_, key_event);
if (key_down && !first_key_down_code_)
first_key_down_code_ = key_code;
} // namespace
namespace ui_test_utils {
void HideNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow native_window) {
NSWindow* window = native_window.GetNativeNSWindow();
[window orderOut:nil];
bool ShowAndFocusNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow native_window) {
NSWindow* window = native_window.GetNativeNSWindow();
// Make sure an unbundled program can get the input focus.
ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
base::scoped_nsobject<WindowedNSNotificationObserver> async_waiter;
if (![window isKeyWindow]) {
// Only wait when expecting a change to actually occur.
async_waiter.reset([[WindowedNSNotificationObserver alloc]
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
// Wait until |window| becomes key window, then make sure the shortcuts for
// "Close Window" and "Close Tab" are updated.
// This is because normal AppKit menu updating does not get invoked when
// events are sent via ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressSync.
BOOL notification_observed = [async_waiter wait];
base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // There may be other events queued. Flush.
NSMenu* file_menu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTag:IDC_FILE_MENU] submenu];
[[file_menu delegate] menuNeedsUpdate:file_menu];
return !async_waiter || notification_observed;
void SendGlobalKeyEventsAndWait(int key_code, int modifier_flags) {
bool ClearKeyEventModifiers() {
static constexpr struct {
CGEventFlags flag_mask;
int key_code;
const char* name;
} kKnownModifiers[] = {
{kCGEventFlagMaskCommand, kVK_Command, "Cmd"},
{kCGEventFlagMaskShift, kVK_Shift, "Shift"},
{kCGEventFlagMaskAlternate, kVK_Option, "Option"},
// Expand as needed.
CGEventFlags event_flags =
bool had_modifier = false;
for (const auto& known_modifier : kKnownModifiers) {
if (known_modifier.flag_mask & event_flags) {
had_modifier = true;
nullptr, known_modifier.key_code, false)));
LOG(ERROR) << "Modifier " <<
<< " is hanging down, and may cause problems for any "
"subsequent test.";
return had_modifier;
} // namespace ui_test_utils