blob: 4b0c0a09bb30e1a7e36b0d155ab067519157e842 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/components/tether/proto/tether.pb.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace tether {
// Normalizes the values contained in |device_status| and outputs the normalized
// values for carrier, battery percentage, and signal strength. The values are
// normalized according to the following rules:
// (1) Carrier: If the proto's cell_provider field is present and non-empty,
// it is output; otherwise, the "unknown-carrier" constant is output.
// (2) Battery percentage: If the proto's battery_percentage field is present
// and within the range [0, 100], it is output; if the field is present
// but not in [0, 100], 0 is output if the input is <0 and 100 is output
// if the input is >100; if the field is not present, 100 is output.
// (3) Signal strength: If the proto's connection_strength field is present
// and within the range [0, 4], it is multiplied by 25 and output in a new
// range [0, 100]; if the field is present but not in [0, 4], 0 is output
// if the input is <0 and 100 is output if the input >4; if the field is
// not present, 100 is output. Note that the multipier is needed because
// Android's connection strength is a value from 0 to 4, while Chrome OS's
// signal strength ranges from 0 to 100.
void NormalizeDeviceStatus(const DeviceStatus& status,
std::string* carrier_out,
int32_t* battery_percentage_out,
int32_t* signal_strength_out);
} // namespace tether
} // namespace chromeos