blob: 2ff54a859e117e942261b598c6f75c491587ece7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/alsa/media_pipeline_backend_alsa.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/alsa/slew_volume.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/alsa/stream_mixer_alsa.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/alsa/stream_mixer_alsa_input.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace media {
class AudioBus;
class MultiChannelResampler;
} // namespace media
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
class FilterGroup;
// Input queue implementation for StreamMixerAlsa. Each input source pushes
// frames to an instance of StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl; this then signals the
// mixer to pull as much data as possible from all input queues, and mix it and
// write it out to the ALSA stack. The delegate's OnWritePcmCompletion() method
// is called (on the caller thread) whenever data has been successfully added to
// the queue (this may not happen immediately if the queue's maximum size limit
// has been exceeded).
// If an input is being resampled, it is conservative about how much data it can
// provide to be written. This is because the resampler buffers some data
// internally, and consumes data from the queue in large chunks. A resampled
// input ignores the data buffered inside the resampler, as well as any data
// that does not fit within a multiple of the resampler chunk size, for the
// purpose of calculating how much data it can provide. Note that this only
// holds true if the input is not in end-of-stream mode.
// When an input is paused, it rapidly fades out (to avoid any pops or clicks),
// and then begins feeding silence to the mixer. The "paused" state is
// transparent to the mixer (when paused, this class provides silence when the
// mixer asks for data). On unpause, the sound is rapidly faded in and then
// resumes normal playback. Similarly, the sound is rapidly faded in at the
// start of playback, and faded out when the input is being removed. This
// prevents sound distortions on track skip or seeking.
// The rendering delay is recalculated after every successful write to the ALSA
// stack. This delay is passed up to the input sources whenever some new data
// is sucessfully added to the input queue (which happens whenever the amount
// of data in the queue drops below the maximum limit, if data is pending). Note
// that the rendering delay is not accurate while the mixer is gathering frames
// to write, so pending data is not added to an input queue until after a write
// has completed (in AfterWriteFrames()).
// This class is constructed on the caller thread, and the StreamMixerAlsaInput
// methods (WritePcm(), SetPaused(), SetVolumeMultiplier(), and
// PreventDelegateCalls()) must be called on the caller thread. These methods
// must not be called after the input is being removed (ie, after
// mixer->RemoveInput() has been called for this input impl). All other methods
// (including the destructor) must be called on the mixer thread.
// When an input is removed, the mixer tells the impl that it is about to be
// removed (it is not deleted yet) by calling PrepareToRemove(). The impl then
// fades out any remaining audio data. Once that is done (or if it is not
// possible/necessary) then the impl calls the |delete_cb| to tell the mixer to
// actually delete it.
class StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl : public StreamMixerAlsa::InputQueue {
enum State {
kStateUninitialized, // No data has been queued yet.
kStateNormalPlayback, // Normal playback.
kStateFadingOut, // Fading out to a paused state.
kStatePaused, // Currently paused.
kStateGotEos, // Got the end-of-stream buffer (normal playback).
kStateFinalFade, // Fading out to a deleted state.
kStateDeleted, // Told the mixer to delete this.
kStateError, // A mixer error occurred, this is unusable now.
StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl(StreamMixerAlsaInput::Delegate* delegate,
int input_samples_per_second,
bool primary,
const std::string& device_id,
StreamMixerAlsa* mixer);
~StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl() override;
// Queues some PCM data to be mixed. |data| must be in planar float format.
void WritePcm(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBufferBase>& data);
// Sets the pause state of this stream.
void SetPaused(bool paused);
// Sets the volume multiplier for this stream. If |multiplier| < 0, sets the
// volume multiplier to 0. If |multiplier| > 1, sets the volume multiplier
// to 1.
void SetVolumeMultiplier(float multiplier);
// Prevents any further calls to the delegate (ie, called when the delegate
// is being destroyed).
void PreventDelegateCalls();
State state() const { return state_; }
// StreamMixerAlsa::InputQueue implementation:
int input_samples_per_second() const override;
bool primary() const override;
std::string device_id() const override;
bool IsDeleting() const override;
void Initialize(const MediaPipelineBackendAlsa::RenderingDelay&
mixer_rendering_delay) override;
void set_filter_group(FilterGroup* filter_group) override;
FilterGroup* filter_group() override;
int MaxReadSize() override;
void GetResampledData(::media::AudioBus* dest, int frames) override;
void OnSkipped() override;
void VolumeScaleAccumulate(bool repeat_transition,
const float* src,
int frames,
float* dest) override;
void AfterWriteFrames(const MediaPipelineBackendAlsa::RenderingDelay&
mixer_rendering_delay) override;
void SignalError(StreamMixerAlsaInput::MixerError error) override;
void PrepareToDelete(const OnReadyToDeleteCb& delete_cb) override;
// Tells the mixer to delete |this|. Makes sure not to call |delete_cb_| more
// than once for |this|.
void DeleteThis();
MediaPipelineBackendAlsa::RenderingDelay QueueData(
const scoped_refptr<DecoderBufferBase>& data);
void PostPcmCallback(const MediaPipelineBackendAlsa::RenderingDelay& delay);
void DidQueueData(bool end_of_stream);
void ReadCB(int frame_delay, ::media::AudioBus* output);
void FillFrames(int frame_delay, ::media::AudioBus* output, int frames);
int NormalFadeFrames();
void FadeIn(::media::AudioBus* dest, int frames);
void FadeOut(::media::AudioBus* dest, int frames);
void PostError(StreamMixerAlsaInput::MixerError error);
StreamMixerAlsaInput::Delegate* const delegate_;
const int input_samples_per_second_;
const bool primary_;
std::string device_id_;
StreamMixerAlsa* const mixer_;
FilterGroup* filter_group_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> mixer_task_runner_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> caller_task_runner_;
double resample_ratio_;
State state_;
SlewVolume slew_volume_;
base::Lock queue_lock_; // Lock for the following queue-related members.
scoped_refptr<DecoderBufferBase> pending_data_;
std::deque<scoped_refptr<DecoderBufferBase>> queue_;
int queued_frames_;
double queued_frames_including_resampler_;
MediaPipelineBackendAlsa::RenderingDelay mixer_rendering_delay_;
// End of members that queue_lock_ controls access for.
int current_buffer_offset_;
int max_queued_frames_;
int fade_frames_remaining_;
int fade_out_frames_total_;
int zeroed_frames_; // current count of consecutive 0-filled frames
bool is_underflowing_;
OnReadyToDeleteCb delete_cb_;
std::unique_ptr<::media::MultiChannelResampler> resampler_;
base::WeakPtr<StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl> weak_this_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StreamMixerAlsaInputImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast