blob: 6e9d3194d9e3b48a955294647b3a88485860bec4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/sdch_dictionary.h"
#include "net/base/sdch_manager.h"
#include "net/filter/filter_source_stream.h"
#include "net/filter/source_stream.h"
namespace open_vcdiff {
class VCDiffStreamingDecoder;
} // namespace open_vcdiff
namespace net {
class IOBuffer;
// SdchSourceStream applies open_vcdiff content decoding to a datastream.
// This decoding uses a pre-cached dictionary of text fragments to decode
// (expand) the stream back to its original contents.
// This SdchSourceStream internally uses open_vcdiff/vcdec library to do
// decoding.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SdchSourceStream : public FilterSourceStream {
enum InputState {
// The Delegate interface is responsible for error recovery and stats
// gathering. See the methods below for descriptions of which errors the
// delegate is expected to handle and what it can do to repair them.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Delegate {
enum ErrorRecovery {
// Do not recover the error.
// Pass remaining input unchanged to downstream.
// Pass an alternative output to downstream.
virtual ~Delegate(){};
// Called by the SdchSourceStream if an error occurs while parsing the
// server-sent dictionary ID, or if the specified dictionary can't be loaded
// (i.e., GetDictionary returned false). This method is expected to handle
// the error condition by returning a ErrorRecovery enum. If REPLACE_OUTPUT
// is returned, it will also write the output to be replaced with to
// |replace_output|.
virtual ErrorRecovery OnDictionaryIdError(std::string* replace_output) = 0;
// Called by the SdchSourceStream if the specified dictionary can't be
// loaded (i.e., GetDictionary returned false). This method is expected to
// handle the error condition by returning a ErrorRecovery enum.
// If REPLACE_OUTPUT is returned, it will also write the output to be
// replaced with to |replace_output|.
virtual ErrorRecovery OnGetDictionaryError(std::string* replace_output) = 0;
// Called by the SdchSourceStream if an error occurs while decoding the
// vcdiff-compressed data stream. This method is expected to
// handle the error condition by returning a ErrorRecovery enum.
// If REPLACE_OUTPUT is returned, it will also write the output to be
// replaced with to |replace_output|.
virtual ErrorRecovery OnDecodingError(std::string* replace_output) = 0;
// Called by the SdchSourceStream to request the text of the specified
// dictionary. This method must either:
// * Fill in |*text| and return true, or
// * Leave |*text| untouched and return false.
// The delegate is required to make sure that the pointer written into
// |*text| remains valid for the lifetime of the delegate.
// The return value is true if the named dictionary could be found and false
// otherwise.
// The |server_id| string is guaranteed to be a syntactically valid SDCH
// server-id.
// TODO(xunjieli): If an async interface is required. Change |text| to use
// an IOBuffer buffer and add a callback.
virtual bool OnGetDictionary(const std::string& server_id,
const std::string** text) = 0;
// Called by the SdchSourceStream to notify the delegate that it is being
// destroyed.|input_state| indicates the InputState of the stream's input
// data. |buffered_output_present| indicates whether there is still data
// in the buffered output that is not consumed. If |decoding_not_finished|
// is true, it indicates that decoding has not finished.
virtual void OnStreamDestroyed(InputState input_state,
bool buffered_output_present,
bool decoding_not_finished) = 0;
SdchSourceStream(std::unique_ptr<SourceStream> previous,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
SourceStream::SourceType type);
~SdchSourceStream() override;
// SourceStream implementation:
std::string GetTypeAsString() const override;
int FilterData(IOBuffer* output_buffer,
int output_buffer_size,
IOBuffer* input_buffer,
int input_buffer_size,
int* consumed_bytes,
bool upstream_end_reached) override;
// Returns whether |id| looks like a dictionary ID, meaning 8 characters of
// base64url followed by a null character.
bool CouldBeDictionaryId(const std::string& id) const;
// Helper method to handle error returned by Delegate. It sets |input_state_|
// and returns true if the error can be handles, and false if the error is
// not recoverable.
bool HandleError(Delegate::ErrorRecovery error_recover);
std::unique_ptr<open_vcdiff::VCDiffStreamingDecoder> decoder_;
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// After the encoded response SDCH header is read, this variable contains
// the server hash with trailing null byte.
std::string dictionary_server_id_;
// Since vcdiff may generate quite a bit of output at once, SdchSourceStream
// has to buffer excess output (more than requested by the caller) here to
// return later. This could become quite large.
std::string buffered_output_;
// State of the input stream.
InputState input_state_;
} // namespace net