blob: 43ffa343e74276cb99534f5c64947e7cb9702144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
using std::string;
namespace net {
QuicSocketAddress::QuicSocketAddress(QuicIpAddress address, uint16_t port)
: impl_(address.impl(), port) {}
QuicSocketAddress::QuicSocketAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage& saddr)
: impl_(saddr) {}
QuicSocketAddress::QuicSocketAddress(const struct sockaddr& saddr)
: impl_(saddr) {}
QuicSocketAddress::QuicSocketAddress(const QuicSocketAddressImpl& impl)
: impl_(impl) {}
bool operator==(QuicSocketAddress lhs, QuicSocketAddress rhs) {
return lhs.impl_ == rhs.impl_;
bool operator!=(QuicSocketAddress lhs, QuicSocketAddress rhs) {
return lhs.impl_ != rhs.impl_;
bool QuicSocketAddress::IsInitialized() const {
return impl_.IsInitialized();
string QuicSocketAddress::ToString() const {
return impl_.ToString();
int QuicSocketAddress::FromSocket(int fd) {
return impl_.FromSocket(fd);
QuicSocketAddress QuicSocketAddress::Normalized() const {
return QuicSocketAddress(impl_.Normalized());
QuicIpAddress QuicSocketAddress::host() const {
return QuicIpAddress(;
uint16_t QuicSocketAddress::port() const {
return impl_.port();
sockaddr_storage QuicSocketAddress::generic_address() const {
return impl_.generic_address();
} // namespace net