blob: c71b471a02636c85fd89007b76d8a96e953590df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/constants.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace gpu {
class SyncPointClient;
class SyncPointClientState;
class SyncPointManager;
class GPU_EXPORT SyncPointOrderData
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncPointOrderData> {
static scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> Create();
void Destroy();
uint32_t GenerateUnprocessedOrderNumber(SyncPointManager* sync_point_manager);
void BeginProcessingOrderNumber(uint32_t order_num);
void FinishProcessingOrderNumber(uint32_t order_num);
uint32_t processed_order_num() const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
return processed_order_num_;
uint32_t unprocessed_order_num() const {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
return unprocessed_order_num_;
uint32_t current_order_num() const {
return current_order_num_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncPointOrderData>;
friend class SyncPointClientState;
struct OrderFence {
uint32_t order_num;
uint64_t fence_release;
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> client_state;
OrderFence(uint32_t order,
uint64_t release,
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> state);
bool operator>(const OrderFence& rhs) const {
return (order_num > rhs.order_num) ||
((order_num == rhs.order_num) &&
(fence_release > rhs.fence_release));
typedef std::priority_queue<OrderFence,
std::greater<OrderFence>> OrderFenceQueue;
bool ValidateReleaseOrderNumber(
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> client_state,
uint32_t wait_order_num,
uint64_t fence_release);
// Non thread-safe functions need to be called from a single thread.
base::ThreadChecker processing_thread_checker_;
// Current IPC order number being processed (only used on processing thread).
uint32_t current_order_num_;
// This lock protects destroyed_, processed_order_num_,
// unprocessed_order_num_, and order_fence_queue_. All order numbers (n) in
// order_fence_queue_ must follow the invariant:
// processed_order_num_ < n <= unprocessed_order_num_.
mutable base::Lock lock_;
bool destroyed_;
// Last finished IPC order number.
uint32_t processed_order_num_;
// Unprocessed order number expected to be processed under normal execution.
uint32_t unprocessed_order_num_;
// In situations where we are waiting on fence syncs that do not exist, we
// validate by making sure the order number does not pass the order number
// which the wait command was issued. If the order number reaches the
// wait command's, we should automatically release up to the expected
// release count. Note that this also releases other lower release counts,
// so a single misbehaved fence sync is enough to invalidate/signal all
// previous fence syncs.
OrderFenceQueue order_fence_queue_;
class GPU_EXPORT SyncPointClientState
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncPointClientState> {
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data() { return order_data_; }
bool IsFenceSyncReleased(uint64_t release) {
return release <= fence_sync_release();
uint64_t fence_sync_release() {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(fence_sync_lock_);
return fence_sync_release_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncPointClientState>;
friend class SyncPointClient;
friend class SyncPointClientWaiter;
friend class SyncPointOrderData;
struct ReleaseCallback {
uint64_t release_count;
base::Closure callback_closure;
ReleaseCallback(uint64_t release, const base::Closure& callback);
bool operator>(const ReleaseCallback& rhs) const {
return release_count > rhs.release_count;
typedef std::priority_queue<ReleaseCallback,
SyncPointClientState(scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data);
// Queues the callback to be called if the release is valid. If the release
// is invalid this function will return False and the callback will never
// be called.
bool WaitForRelease(uint32_t wait_order_num,
uint64_t release,
const base::Closure& callback);
void ReleaseFenceSync(uint64_t release);
void EnsureReleased(uint64_t release);
void ReleaseFenceSyncLocked(uint64_t release,
std::vector<base::Closure>* callback_list);
// Global order data where releases will originate from.
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data_;
// Protects fence_sync_release_, fence_callback_queue_.
base::Lock fence_sync_lock_;
// Current fence sync release that has been signaled.
uint64_t fence_sync_release_;
// In well defined fence sync operations, fence syncs are released in order
// so simply having a priority queue for callbacks is enough.
ReleaseCallbackQueue release_callback_queue_;
class GPU_EXPORT SyncPointClient {
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> client_state() { return client_state_; }
// Wait for a release count to be reached on a SyncPointClientState. If this
// function returns false, that means the wait was invalid. Otherwise if it
// returns True it means the release was valid. In the case where the release
// is valid but has happened already, it will still return true. In all cases
// wait_complete_callback will be called eventually. The callback function
// may be called on another thread so it should be thread-safe. For
// convenience, another non-threadsafe version is defined below where you
// can supply a task runner.
bool Wait(SyncPointClientState* release_state,
uint64_t release_count,
const base::Closure& wait_complete_callback);
bool WaitNonThreadSafe(SyncPointClientState* release_state,
uint64_t release_count,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> runner,
const base::Closure& wait_complete_callback);
void ReleaseFenceSync(uint64_t release);
friend class SyncPointManager;
SyncPointClient(SyncPointManager* sync_point_manager,
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data,
CommandBufferNamespace namespace_id,
uint64_t client_id);
// Sync point manager is guaranteed to exist in the lifetime of the client.
SyncPointManager* sync_point_manager_;
// Keep the state that is sharable across multiple threads.
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> client_state_;
// Unique namespace/client id pair for this sync point client.
const CommandBufferNamespace namespace_id_;
const uint64_t client_id_;
// A SyncPointClientWaiter is a Sync Point Client which can only wait and on
// fence syncs and not release any fence syncs itself. Because they cannot
// release any fence syncs they do not need an associated order number since
// deadlocks cannot happen. Note that it is important that this class does
// not exist in the same execution context as a SyncPointClient, or else a
// deadlock could occur. Basically, SyncPointClientWaiter::Wait() should never
// be called between SyncPointOrderData::BeginProcessingOrderNumber() and
// SyncPointOrderData::FinishProcessingOrderNumber() on the same thread.
class GPU_EXPORT SyncPointClientWaiter {
SyncPointClientWaiter() {}
~SyncPointClientWaiter() {}
bool Wait(SyncPointClientState* release_state,
uint64_t release_count,
const base::Closure& wait_complete_callback);
bool WaitNonThreadSafe(SyncPointClientState* release_state,
uint64_t release_count,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> runner,
const base::Closure& wait_complete_callback);
// This class manages the sync points, which allow cross-channel
// synchronization.
class GPU_EXPORT SyncPointManager {
explicit SyncPointManager(bool allow_threaded_wait);
// Creates/Destroy a sync point client which message processors should hold.
scoped_ptr<SyncPointClient> CreateSyncPointClient(
scoped_refptr<SyncPointOrderData> order_data,
CommandBufferNamespace namespace_id,
uint64_t client_id);
// Finds the state of an already created sync point client.
scoped_refptr<SyncPointClientState> GetSyncPointClientState(
CommandBufferNamespace namespace_id, uint64_t client_id);
// Generates a sync point, returning its ID. This can me called on any thread.
// IDs start at a random number. Never return 0.
uint32 GenerateSyncPoint();
// Retires a sync point. This will call all the registered callbacks for this
// sync point. This can only be called on the main thread.
void RetireSyncPoint(uint32 sync_point);
// Adds a callback to the sync point. The callback will be called when the
// sync point is retired, or immediately (from within that function) if the
// sync point was already retired (or not created yet). This can only be
// called on the main thread.
void AddSyncPointCallback(uint32 sync_point, const base::Closure& callback);
bool IsSyncPointRetired(uint32 sync_point);
// Block and wait until a sync point is signaled. This is only useful when
// the sync point is signaled on another thread.
void WaitSyncPoint(uint32 sync_point);
friend class SyncPointClient;
friend class SyncPointOrderData;
typedef std::vector<base::Closure> ClosureList;
typedef base::hash_map<uint32, ClosureList> SyncPointMap;
typedef base::hash_map<uint64_t, SyncPointClient*> ClientMap;
bool IsSyncPointRetiredLocked(uint32 sync_point);
uint32_t GenerateOrderNumber();
void DestroySyncPointClient(CommandBufferNamespace namespace_id,
uint64_t client_id);
const bool allow_threaded_wait_;
// Order number is global for all clients.
base::AtomicSequenceNumber global_order_num_;
// Client map holds a map of clients id to client for each namespace.
base::Lock client_maps_lock_;
// Protects the 2 fields below. Note: callbacks shouldn't be called with this
// held.
base::Lock lock_;
SyncPointMap sync_point_map_;
uint32 next_sync_point_;
base::ConditionVariable retire_cond_var_;
} // namespace gpu