blob: fe3a1d647f81652a778bb5e7939646b4ea2d8347 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/access_policy_delegate.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/drag_source.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/drag_target_connection.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/ids.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/user_id.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/window_tree_binding.h"
#include "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/surface_id.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace display {
struct ViewportMetrics;
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class Event;
namespace ui {
namespace ws {
class AccessPolicy;
class DisplayManager;
class Display;
class DragTargetConnection;
class ServerWindow;
class TargetedEvent;
class WindowManagerDisplayRoot;
class WindowManagerState;
class WindowServer;
struct EventLocation;
namespace test {
class WindowTreeTestApi;
// WindowTree represents a view onto portions of the window tree. The parts of
// the tree exposed to the client start at the root windows. A WindowTree may
// have any number of roots (including none). A WindowTree may not have
// visibility of all the descendants of its roots.
// WindowTree notifies its client as changes happen to windows exposed to the
// the client.
// See ids.h for details on how WindowTree handles identity of windows.
class WindowTree : public mojom::WindowTree,
public AccessPolicyDelegate,
public mojom::WindowManagerClient,
public DragSource,
public DragTargetConnection {
WindowTree(WindowServer* window_server,
const UserId& user_id,
ServerWindow* root,
std::unique_ptr<AccessPolicy> access_policy);
~WindowTree() override;
void Init(std::unique_ptr<WindowTreeBinding> binding,
mojom::WindowTreePtr tree);
// Called if this WindowTree hosts a WindowManager. See mojom for details
// on |automatically_create_display_roots|.
void ConfigureWindowManager(bool automatically_create_display_roots);
bool automatically_create_display_roots() const {
return automatically_create_display_roots_;
void OnAcceleratedWidgetAvailableForDisplay(Display* display);
ClientSpecificId id() const { return id_; }
void set_embedder_intercepts_events() { embedder_intercepts_events_ = true; }
bool embedder_intercepts_events() const {
return embedder_intercepts_events_;
void set_can_change_root_window_visibility(bool value) {
can_change_root_window_visibility_ = value;
const UserId& user_id() const { return user_id_; }
mojom::WindowTreeClient* client() { return binding_->client(); }
// Returns the Window with the specified id.
ServerWindow* GetWindow(const WindowId& id) {
return const_cast<ServerWindow*>(
const_cast<const WindowTree*>(this)->GetWindow(id));
const ServerWindow* GetWindow(const WindowId& id) const;
// Returns the Window with the specified client id *only* if known to this
// client, returns null if not known.
ServerWindow* GetWindowByClientId(const ClientWindowId& id) {
return const_cast<ServerWindow*>(
const_cast<const WindowTree*>(this)->GetWindowByClientId(id));
const ServerWindow* GetWindowByClientId(const ClientWindowId& id) const;
bool IsWindowKnown(const ServerWindow* window) const {
return IsWindowKnown(window, nullptr);
// Returns whether |window| is known to this tree. If |window| is known and
// |client_window_id| is non-null |client_window_id| is set to the
// ClientWindowId of the window.
bool IsWindowKnown(const ServerWindow* window,
ClientWindowId* client_window_id) const;
// Returns true if |window| is one of this trees roots.
bool HasRoot(const ServerWindow* window) const;
std::set<const ServerWindow*> roots() { return roots_; }
void set_name(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
bool janky() const { return janky_; }
const Display* GetDisplay(const ServerWindow* window) const;
Display* GetDisplay(const ServerWindow* window) {
return const_cast<Display*>(
const_cast<const WindowTree*>(this)->GetDisplay(window));
const WindowManagerDisplayRoot* GetWindowManagerDisplayRoot(
const ServerWindow* window) const;
WindowManagerDisplayRoot* GetWindowManagerDisplayRoot(
const ServerWindow* window) {
return const_cast<WindowManagerDisplayRoot*>(
const_cast<const WindowTree*>(this)->GetWindowManagerDisplayRoot(
WindowManagerState* window_manager_state() {
return window_manager_state_.get();
DisplayManager* display_manager();
const DisplayManager* display_manager() const;
WindowServer* window_server() { return window_server_; }
const WindowServer* window_server() const { return window_server_; }
// Called from ~WindowServer. Reset WindowTreeClient so that it no longer gets
// any messages.
void PrepareForWindowServerShutdown();
// Adds a new root to this tree. This is only valid for window managers.
void AddRootForWindowManager(const ServerWindow* root);
// Invoked when a tree is about to be destroyed.
void OnWindowDestroyingTreeImpl(WindowTree* tree);
// Sends updated display information.
void OnWmDisplayModified(const display::Display& display);
// These functions are synchronous variants of those defined in the mojom. The
// WindowTree implementations all call into these. See the mojom for details.
bool SetCapture(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id);
bool ReleaseCapture(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id);
bool NewWindow(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id,
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& properties);
bool AddWindow(const ClientWindowId& parent_id,
const ClientWindowId& child_id);
bool AddTransientWindow(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
const ClientWindowId& transient_window_id);
bool RemoveWindowFromParent(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool DeleteWindow(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool SetModalType(const ClientWindowId& window_id, ModalType modal_type);
bool SetChildModalParent(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
const ClientWindowId& modal_parent_window_id);
std::vector<const ServerWindow*> GetWindowTree(
const ClientWindowId& window_id) const;
bool SetWindowVisibility(const ClientWindowId& window_id, bool visible);
bool SetWindowOpacity(const ClientWindowId& window_id, float opacity);
bool SetFocus(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool Embed(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr window_tree_client,
uint32_t flags);
// Dispatches an event to the client. |callback| is run with the result from
// the client.
using DispatchEventCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(mojom::EventResult)>;
void DispatchInputEvent(ServerWindow* target,
const ui::Event& event,
const EventLocation& event_location,
DispatchEventCallback callback);
bool IsWaitingForNewTopLevelWindow(uint32_t wm_change_id);
viz::FrameSinkId OnWindowManagerCreatedTopLevelWindow(
uint32_t wm_change_id,
uint32_t client_change_id,
const ServerWindow* window);
void AddActivationParent(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
// Calls through to the client.
void OnChangeCompleted(uint32_t change_id, bool success);
// If |callback| is valid then an ack is expected from the client. When the
// ack from the client is received |callback| is Run().
using AcceleratorCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>&)>;
void OnAccelerator(uint32_t accelerator_id,
const ui::Event& event,
AcceleratorCallback callback);
void OnEventOccurredOutsideOfModalWindow(const ServerWindow* modal_window);
// Called when the cursor touch visibility bit changes. This is only called
// on the WindowTree associated with a WindowManager.
void OnCursorTouchVisibleChanged(bool enabled);
// Called when a display has been removed. This is only called on the
// WindowTree associated with a WindowManager.
void OnDisplayDestroying(int64_t display_id);
// Called when |tree|'s jankiness changes (see janky_ for definition).
// Notifies the window manager client so it can update UI for the affected
// window(s).
void ClientJankinessChanged(WindowTree* tree);
// The following methods are invoked after the corresponding change has been
// processed. They do the appropriate bookkeeping and update the client as
// necessary.
void ProcessWindowBoundsChanged(
const ServerWindow* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
bool originated_change,
const base::Optional<viz::LocalSurfaceId>& local_surface_id);
void ProcessWindowTransformChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
const gfx::Transform& old_transform,
const gfx::Transform& new_transform,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessClientAreaChanged(
const ServerWindow* window,
const gfx::Insets& new_client_area,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& new_additional_client_areas,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWillChangeWindowHierarchy(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* new_parent,
const ServerWindow* old_parent,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowPropertyChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<uint8_t>* new_data,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowHierarchyChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* new_parent,
const ServerWindow* old_parent,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowReorder(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* relative_window,
mojom::OrderDirection direction,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowDeleted(ServerWindow* window, bool originated_change);
void ProcessWillChangeWindowVisibility(const ServerWindow* window,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowOpacityChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
float old_opacity,
float new_opacity,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessCursorChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
const ui::CursorData& cursor,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessFocusChanged(const ServerWindow* old_focused_window,
const ServerWindow* new_focused_window);
void ProcessCaptureChanged(const ServerWindow* new_capture,
const ServerWindow* old_capture,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessTransientWindowAdded(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* transient_window,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessTransientWindowRemoved(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* transient_window,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessWindowSurfaceChanged(ServerWindow* window,
const viz::SurfaceInfo& surface_info);
// Sends this event to the client if it matches an active pointer watcher.
// |target_window| is the target of the event, and may be null or not known
// to this tree.
void SendToPointerWatcher(const ui::Event& event,
ServerWindow* target_window,
int64_t display_id);
// Before the ClientWindowId gets sent back to the client, making sure we
// reset the high 16 bits back to 0 if it's being sent back to the client
// that created the window.
Id ClientWindowIdToTransportId(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id) const;
friend class test::WindowTreeTestApi;
struct WaitingForTopLevelWindowInfo {
WaitingForTopLevelWindowInfo(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id,
uint32_t wm_change_id)
: client_window_id(client_window_id), wm_change_id(wm_change_id) {}
~WaitingForTopLevelWindowInfo() {}
// Id supplied from the client.
ClientWindowId client_window_id;
// Change id we created for the window manager.
uint32_t wm_change_id;
enum class RemoveRootReason {
// The window is being removed.
// Another client is being embedded in the window.
// The embedded client explicitly asked to be unembedded.
bool ShouldRouteToWindowManager(const ServerWindow* window) const;
Id TransportIdForWindow(const ServerWindow* window) const;
// Returns true if |id| is a valid WindowId for a new window.
bool IsValidIdForNewWindow(const ClientWindowId& id) const;
WindowId GenerateNewWindowId();
// These functions return true if the corresponding mojom function is allowed
// for this tree.
bool CanReorderWindow(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* relative_window,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) const;
// Deletes a window owned by this tree. Returns true on success. |source| is
// the tree that originated the change.
bool DeleteWindowImpl(WindowTree* source, ServerWindow* window);
// If |window| is known does nothing. Otherwise adds |window| to |windows|,
// marks |window| as known and recurses.
void GetUnknownWindowsFrom(const ServerWindow* window,
std::vector<const ServerWindow*>* windows);
// Removes |window| from the appropriate maps. If |window| is known to this
// client true is returned.
bool RemoveFromMaps(const ServerWindow* window);
// Removes |window| and all its descendants from the necessary maps. This
// does not recurse through windows that were created by this tree. All
// windows owned by this tree are added to |local_windows|.
void RemoveFromKnown(const ServerWindow* window,
std::vector<ServerWindow*>* local_windows);
// Removes a root from set of roots of this tree. This does not remove
// the window from the window tree, only from the set of roots.
void RemoveRoot(ServerWindow* window, RemoveRootReason reason);
// Converts Window(s) to WindowData(s) for transport. This assumes all the
// windows are valid for the client. The parent of windows the client is not
// allowed to see are set to NULL (in the returned WindowData(s)).
std::vector<mojom::WindowDataPtr> WindowsToWindowDatas(
const std::vector<const ServerWindow*>& windows);
mojom::WindowDataPtr WindowToWindowData(const ServerWindow* window);
// Implementation of GetWindowTree(). Adds |window| to |windows| and recurses
// if CanDescendIntoWindowForWindowTree() returns true.
void GetWindowTreeImpl(const ServerWindow* window,
std::vector<const ServerWindow*>* windows) const;
// Notify the client if the drawn state of any of the roots changes.
// |window| is the window that is changing to the drawn state
// |new_drawn_value|.
void NotifyDrawnStateChanged(const ServerWindow* window,
bool new_drawn_value);
// Deletes all Windows we own.
void DestroyWindows();
bool CanEmbed(const ClientWindowId& window_id) const;
void PrepareForEmbed(ServerWindow* window);
void RemoveChildrenAsPartOfEmbed(ServerWindow* window);
// Generates a new event id for an accelerator or event ack, sets it in
// |event_ack_id_| and returns it.
uint32_t GenerateEventAckId();
void DispatchInputEventImpl(ServerWindow* target,
const ui::Event& event,
const EventLocation& event_location,
DispatchEventCallback callback);
// Returns true if the client has a pointer watcher and this event matches.
bool EventMatchesPointerWatcher(const ui::Event& event) const;
// Calls OnChangeCompleted() on the client.
void NotifyChangeCompleted(uint32_t change_id,
mojom::WindowManagerErrorCode error_code);
// Callback for when WmMoveDragImage completes. This sends off the next
// queued move under the image if the mouse had further moves while we were
// waiting for the last move to be acknowledged.
void OnWmMoveDragImageAck();
// Called from SetDisplayRoot(), see mojom for details. Returns the root
// of the display if successful, otherwise null.
ServerWindow* ProcessSetDisplayRoot(
const display::Display& display_to_create,
const display::ViewportMetrics& transport_viewport_metrics,
bool is_primary_display,
const ClientWindowId& client_window_id,
const std::vector<display::Display>& mirrors);
bool ProcessSwapDisplayRoots(int64_t display_id1, int64_t display_id2);
bool ProcessSetBlockingContainers(std::vector<mojom::BlockingContainersPtr>
// Returns the ClientWindowId from a transport id. Uses id_ as the
// ClientWindowId::client_id part if it was invalid. This function
// do a straight mapping, there may not be a window with the returned id.
ClientWindowId MakeClientWindowId(Id transport_window_id) const;
// Returns the WindowTreeClient previously scheduled for an embed with the
// given |token| from ScheduleEmbed(). If this client is the result of an
// Embed() and ScheduleEmbed() was not called on this client, then this
// recurses to the parent WindowTree. Recursing enables an acestor to call
// ScheduleEmbed() and the ancestor to communicate the token with the client.
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr GetAndRemoveScheduledEmbedWindowTreeClient(
const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// WindowTree:
void NewWindow(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
const base::Optional<
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>>&
transport_properties) override;
void NewTopLevelWindow(
uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>&
transport_properties) override;
void DeleteWindow(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void AddWindow(uint32_t change_id, Id parent_id, Id child_id) override;
void RemoveWindowFromParent(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void AddTransientWindow(uint32_t change_id,
Id window,
Id transient_window) override;
void RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(uint32_t change_id,
Id transient_window_id) override;
void SetModalType(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id, ModalType type) override;
void SetChildModalParent(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
Id parent_window_id) override;
void ReorderWindow(uint32_t change_Id,
Id window_id,
Id relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) override;
void GetWindowTree(
Id window_id,
const base::Callback<void(std::vector<mojom::WindowDataPtr>)>& callback)
void SetCapture(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void ReleaseCapture(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void StartPointerWatcher(bool want_moves) override;
void StopPointerWatcher() override;
void SetWindowBounds(
uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const base::Optional<viz::LocalSurfaceId>& local_surface_id) override;
void SetWindowTransform(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const gfx::Transform& transform) override;
void SetWindowVisibility(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
bool visible) override;
void SetWindowProperty(
uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& value) override;
void SetWindowOpacity(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
float opacity) override;
void AttachCompositorFrameSink(
Id transport_window_id,
viz::mojom::CompositorFrameSinkRequest compositor_frame_sink,
viz::mojom::CompositorFrameSinkClientPtr client) override;
void Embed(Id transport_window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client,
uint32_t flags,
const EmbedCallback& callback) override;
void ScheduleEmbed(mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client,
const ScheduleEmbedCallback& callback) override;
void EmbedUsingToken(Id transport_window_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& token,
uint32_t flags,
const EmbedUsingTokenCallback& callback) override;
void SetFocus(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void SetCanFocus(Id transport_window_id, bool can_focus) override;
void SetEventTargetingPolicy(Id transport_window_id,
mojom::EventTargetingPolicy policy) override;
void SetCursor(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
ui::CursorData cursor) override;
void SetWindowTextInputState(Id transport_window_id,
ui::mojom::TextInputStatePtr state) override;
void SetImeVisibility(Id transport_window_id,
bool visible,
ui::mojom::TextInputStatePtr state) override;
void OnWindowInputEventAck(uint32_t event_id,
mojom::EventResult result) override;
void DeactivateWindow(Id window_id) override;
void SetClientArea(Id transport_window_id,
const gfx::Insets& insets,
const base::Optional<std::vector<gfx::Rect>>&
transport_additional_client_areas) override;
void SetCanAcceptDrops(Id window_id, bool accepts_drops) override;
void SetHitTestMask(Id transport_window_id,
const base::Optional<gfx::Rect>& mask) override;
void StackAbove(uint32_t change_id, Id above_id, Id below_id) override;
void StackAtTop(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void PerformWmAction(Id window_id, const std::string& action) override;
void GetWindowManagerClient(
mojo::AssociatedInterfaceRequest<mojom::WindowManagerClient> internal)
void GetCursorLocationMemory(const GetCursorLocationMemoryCallback& callback)
void PerformDragDrop(
uint32_t change_id,
Id source_window_id,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& drag_data,
const SkBitmap& drag_image,
const gfx::Vector2d& drag_image_offset,
uint32_t drag_operation,
ui::mojom::PointerKind source) override;
void CancelDragDrop(Id window_id) override;
void PerformWindowMove(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
ui::mojom::MoveLoopSource source,
const gfx::Point& cursor) override;
void CancelWindowMove(Id window_id) override;
// mojom::WindowManagerClient:
void AddAccelerators(std::vector<mojom::WmAcceleratorPtr> accelerators,
const AddAcceleratorsCallback& callback) override;
void RemoveAccelerator(uint32_t id) override;
void AddActivationParent(Id transport_window_id) override;
void RemoveActivationParent(Id transport_window_id) override;
void SetExtendedHitRegionForChildren(
Id window_id,
const gfx::Insets& mouse_insets,
const gfx::Insets& touch_insets) override;
void SetKeyEventsThatDontHideCursor(
std::vector<::ui::mojom::EventMatcherPtr> dont_hide_cursor_list) override;
void SetDisplayRoot(const display::Display& display,
mojom::WmViewportMetricsPtr viewport_metrics,
bool is_primary_display,
Id window_id,
const std::vector<display::Display>& mirrors,
const SetDisplayRootCallback& callback) override;
void SetDisplayConfiguration(
const std::vector<display::Display>& displays,
std::vector<ui::mojom::WmViewportMetricsPtr> transport_metrics,
int64_t primary_display_id,
int64_t internal_display_id,
const std::vector<display::Display>& mirrors,
const SetDisplayConfigurationCallback& callback) override;
void SwapDisplayRoots(int64_t display_id1,
int64_t display_id2,
const SwapDisplayRootsCallback& callback) override;
void SetBlockingContainers(
std::vector<mojom::BlockingContainersPtr> blocking_containers,
const SetBlockingContainersCallback& callback) override;
void WmResponse(uint32_t change_id, bool response) override;
void WmSetBoundsResponse(uint32_t change_id) override;
void WmRequestClose(Id transport_window_id) override;
void WmSetFrameDecorationValues(
mojom::FrameDecorationValuesPtr values) override;
void WmSetNonClientCursor(uint32_t window_id, ui::CursorData cursor) override;
void WmLockCursor() override;
void WmUnlockCursor() override;
void WmSetCursorVisible(bool visible) override;
void WmSetCursorSize(ui::CursorSize cursor_size) override;
void WmSetGlobalOverrideCursor(
base::Optional<ui::CursorData> cursor) override;
void WmMoveCursorToDisplayLocation(const gfx::Point& display_pixels,
int64_t display_id) override;
void WmConfineCursorToBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_pixles,
int64_t display_id) override;
void WmSetCursorTouchVisible(bool enabled) override;
void OnWmCreatedTopLevelWindow(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id) override;
void OnAcceleratorAck(
uint32_t event_id,
mojom::EventResult result,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& properties)
// AccessPolicyDelegate:
bool HasRootForAccessPolicy(const ServerWindow* window) const override;
bool IsWindowKnownForAccessPolicy(const ServerWindow* window) const override;
bool IsWindowRootOfAnotherTreeForAccessPolicy(
const ServerWindow* window) const override;
bool IsWindowCreatedByWindowManager(
const ServerWindow* window) const override;
bool ShouldInterceptEventsForAccessPolicy(
const ServerWindow* window) const override;
// DragSource:
void OnDragMoved(const gfx::Point& location) override;
void OnDragCompleted(bool success, uint32_t action_taken) override;
ServerWindow* GetWindowById(const WindowId& id) override;
DragTargetConnection* GetDragTargetForWindow(
const ServerWindow* window) override;
// DragTargetConnection:
void PerformOnDragDropStart(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& mime_data)
void PerformOnDragEnter(
const ServerWindow* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& cursor_offset,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const base::Callback<void(uint32_t)>& callback) override;
void PerformOnDragOver(
const ServerWindow* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& cursor_offset,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const base::Callback<void(uint32_t)>& callback) override;
void PerformOnDragLeave(const ServerWindow* window) override;
void PerformOnCompleteDrop(
const ServerWindow* window,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& cursor_offset,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const base::Callback<void(uint32_t)>& callback) override;
void PerformOnDragDropDone() override;
WindowServer* window_server_;
UserId user_id_;
// Id of this tree as assigned by WindowServer.
const ClientSpecificId id_;
std::string name_;
ClientSpecificId next_window_id_;
std::unique_ptr<WindowTreeBinding> binding_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::ws::AccessPolicy> access_policy_;
// The roots, or embed points, of this tree. A WindowTree may have any
// number of roots, including 0.
std::set<const ServerWindow*> roots_;
// The windows created by this tree. This tree owns these objects.
std::unordered_map<WindowId, ServerWindow*, WindowIdHash> created_window_map_;
// The client is allowed to assign ids. These two maps providing the mapping
// from the ids native to the server (WindowId) to those understood by the
// client (ClientWindowId).
std::unordered_map<ClientWindowId, WindowId, ClientWindowIdHash>
std::unordered_map<WindowId, ClientWindowId, WindowIdHash>
// Id passed to the client and expected to be supplied back to
// OnWindowInputEventAck() or OnAcceleratorAck().
uint32_t event_ack_id_;
DispatchEventCallback event_ack_callback_;
AcceleratorCallback accelerator_ack_callback_;
// A client is considered janky if it hasn't ACK'ed input events within a
// reasonable timeframe.
bool janky_ = false;
// For performance reasons, only send move events if the client explicitly
// requests them.
bool pointer_watcher_want_moves_ = false;
// True if StartPointerWatcher() was called.
bool has_pointer_watcher_ = false;
// WindowManager the current event came from.
WindowManagerState* event_source_wms_ = nullptr;
base::queue<std::unique_ptr<TargetedEvent>> event_queue_;
// TODO(sky): move all window manager specific state into struct to make it
// clear what applies only to the window manager.
mojom::WindowManager* window_manager_internal_;
std::unique_ptr<WindowManagerState> window_manager_state_;
// See mojom for details.
bool automatically_create_display_roots_ = true;
bool embedder_intercepts_events_ = false;
// State kept while we're waiting for the window manager to ack a
// WmMoveDragImage. Non-null while we're waiting for a response.
struct DragMoveState;
std::unique_ptr<DragMoveState> drag_move_state_;
// Holds WindowTreeClients passed to ScheduleEmbed(). Entries are removed
// when EmbedUsingToken() is called.
using ScheduledEmbeds =
base::flat_map<base::UnguessableToken, mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr>;
ScheduledEmbeds scheduled_embeds_;
// Controls whether the client can change the visibility of the roots.
bool can_change_root_window_visibility_ = true;
// A weak ptr factory for callbacks from the window manager for when we send
// a image move. All weak ptrs are invalidated when a drag is completed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<WindowTree> drag_weak_factory_;
} // namespace ws
} // namespace ui