blob: a094761d72623c887a364f111176073bf010dd73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
namespace event_queue {
// These functions and classes are used to define a non-Pepper set of
// events. This is typical of what many developers might do, since it
// would be common to convert a Pepper event into some other more
// application-specific type of event (SDL, Qt, etc.).
// Constants used for Event::event_modifers_ (which is an int)
// are given below. Use powers of 2 so we can use bitwise AND/OR operators.
const uint32_t kShiftKeyModifier = 1 << 0;
const uint32_t kControlKeyModifier = 1 << 1;
const uint32_t kAltKeyModifier = 1 << 2;
const uint32_t kMetaKeyModifer = 1 << 3;
const uint32_t kKeyPadModifier = 1 << 4;
const uint32_t kAutoRepeatModifier = 1 << 5;
const uint32_t kLeftButtonModifier = 1 << 6;
const uint32_t kMiddleButtonModifier = 1 << 7;
const uint32_t kRightButtonModifier = 1 << 8;
const uint32_t kCapsLockModifier = 1 << 9;
const uint32_t kNumLockModifier = 1 << 10;
std::string ModifierToString(uint32_t modifier);
// Abstract base class for an Event -- ToString() is not defined.
// With polymorphism, we can have a collection of Event* and call
// ToString() on each one to be able to display the details of each
// event.
class Event {
// Constructor for the base class.
// |modifiers| is an int that uses bit fields to set specific
// changes, such as the Alt key, specific button, etc. See
// ModifierToString() and constants defined in
explicit Event(uint32_t modifiers)
: event_modifiers_(modifiers) {}
uint32_t event_modifiers() const {return event_modifiers_;}
std::string string_event_modifiers() const {
return ModifierToString(event_modifiers_);
// Convert the WheelEvent to a string
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
virtual ~Event() {}
uint32_t event_modifiers_;
// Class for a keyboard event.
class KeyEvent : public Event {
// KeyEvent Constructor. |modifiers| is passed to Event base class.
// |keycode| is the ASCII value, |time| is a timestamp,
// |text| is the value as a string.
KeyEvent(uint32_t modifiers, uint32_t keycode, double time,
std::string text) :
Event(modifiers), key_code_(keycode),
timestamp_(time), text_(text) {}
// Convert the WheelEvent to a string
virtual std::string ToString() const;
uint32_t key_code_;
double timestamp_;
std::string text_;
class MouseEvent : public Event {
// Specify a mouse button, with kNone available for initialization.
enum MouseButton {kNone, kLeft, kMiddle, kRight};
// MouseEvent Constructor. |modifiers| is passed to Event base class.
// |button| specifies which button
// |xpos| and |ypos| give the location,
// |clicks| is how many times this same |xpos|,|ypos|
// has been clicked in a row. |time| is a timestamp,
MouseEvent(uint32_t modifiers, MouseButton button, uint32_t xpos,
uint32_t ypos, uint32_t clicks, double time)
: Event(modifiers), mouse_button_(button),
x_position_(xpos), y_position_(ypos),
click_count_(clicks), timestamp_(time) {}
// Convert the WheelEvent to a string
virtual std::string ToString() const;
MouseButton mouse_button_;
uint32_t x_position_;
uint32_t y_position_;
uint32_t click_count_;
double timestamp_;
std::string MouseButtonToString(MouseButton button) const;
class WheelEvent : public Event {
// WheelEvent Constructor. |modifiers| is passed to Event base class.
// |xticks| and |yticks| specify number of mouse wheel ticks.
// |scroll_by_page| indicates if we have scrolled past the current
// page. |time| is a timestamp,
WheelEvent(int modifiers, uint32_t dx, uint32_t dy,
uint32_t xticks, uint32_t yticks, bool scroll_by_page,
float time) :
Event(modifiers), delta_x_(dx), delta_y_(dy),
ticks_x_(xticks), ticks_y_(yticks),
scroll_by_page_(scroll_by_page), timestamp_(time) {}
// Convert the WheelEvent to a string
virtual std::string ToString() const;
uint32_t delta_x_;
uint32_t delta_y_;
uint32_t ticks_x_;
uint32_t ticks_y_;
bool scroll_by_page_;
double timestamp_;
} // end namespace