blob: e56696ea6b33c08dcad3cb169b83281c47fde665 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkMatrix44.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_export.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class Point;
class Point3f;
namespace ui {
// 4x4 transformation matrix. Transform is cheap and explicitly allows
// copy/assign.
class UI_EXPORT Transform {
bool operator==(const Transform& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Transform& rhs) const;
// NOTE: The 'Set' functions overwrite the previously set transformation
// parameters. The 'Concat' functions apply a transformation (e.g. rotation,
// scale, translate) on top of the existing transforms, instead of overwriting
// them.
// NOTE: The order of the 'Set' function calls do not matter. However, the
// order of the 'Concat' function calls do matter, especially when combined
// with the 'Set' functions.
// Sets the rotation of the transformation.
void SetRotate(float degree);
// Sets the rotation of the transform (about a vector).
void SetRotateAbout(const gfx::Point3f& point, float degree);
// Sets the scaling parameters.
void SetScaleX(float x);
void SetScaleY(float y);
void SetScale(float x, float y);
// Sets the translation parameters.
void SetTranslateX(float x);
void SetTranslateY(float y);
void SetTranslate(float x, float y);
// Applies a rotation on the current transformation.
void ConcatRotate(float degree);
// Applies an axis-angle rotation on the current transformation.
void ConcatRotateAbout(const gfx::Point3f& point, float degree);
// Applies scaling on current transform.
void ConcatScale(float x, float y);
// Applies translation on current transform.
void ConcatTranslate(float x, float y);
// Applies a transformation on the current transformation
// (i.e. 'this = this * transform;').
void PreconcatTransform(const Transform& transform);
// Applies a transformation on the current transformation
// (i.e. 'this = transform * this;').
void ConcatTransform(const Transform& transform);
// Does the transformation change anything?
bool HasChange() const;
// Inverts the transform which is passed in. Returns true if successful.
bool GetInverse(Transform* transform) const;
// Applies the transformation on the point. Returns true if the point is
// transformed successfully.
void TransformPoint(gfx::Point3f& point) const;
// Applies the transformation on the point. Returns true if the point is
// transformed successfully. Rounds the result to the nearest point.
void TransformPoint(gfx::Point& point) const;
// Applies the reverse transformation on the point. Returns true if the
// transformation can be inverted.
bool TransformPointReverse(gfx::Point3f& point) const;
// Applies the reverse transformation on the point. Returns true if the
// transformation can be inverted. Rounds the result to the nearest point.
bool TransformPointReverse(gfx::Point& point) const;
// Applies transformation on the rectangle. Returns true if the transformed
// rectangle was axis aligned. If it returns false, rect will be the
// smallest axis aligned bounding box containg the transformed rect.
void TransformRect(gfx::Rect* rect) const;
// Applies the reverse transformation on the rectangle. Returns true if
// the transformed rectangle was axis aligned. If it returns false,
// rect will be the smallest axis aligned bounding box containg the
// transformed rect.
bool TransformRectReverse(gfx::Rect* rect) const;
// Returns the underlying matrix.
const SkMatrix44& matrix() const { return matrix_; }
SkMatrix44& matrix() { return matrix_; }
void TransformPointInternal(const SkMatrix44& xform,
gfx::Point& point) const;
void TransformPointInternal(const SkMatrix44& xform,
gfx::Point3f& point) const;
SkMatrix44 matrix_;
// copy/assign are allowed.
}// namespace ui