blob: 300ec5e2ad1f76623ba545af95a529c90d715832 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/hunspell/google/bdict_writer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "third_party/hunspell/google/bdict.h"
namespace hunspell {
// Represents one node the word trie in memory. This does not have to be very
// efficient since it is only used when building.
class DicNode {
enum StorageType {
UNDEFINED, // Uninitialized storage type.
LEAF, // Word with no additional string data.
LEAFMORE, // Word with additional suffix following.
LIST16, // List of sub-nodes with 16-bit relative offsets.
LIST8, // List of sub-nodes with 8-bit relative offsets.
LOOKUP32, // Lookup table with 32-bit absolute offsets.
LOOKUP16, // LOokup table with 16-bit relative offsets.
DicNode() : addition(0), storage(UNDEFINED) {
~DicNode() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
delete children[i];
bool is_leaf() const { return children.empty(); }
// When non-zero, this character is the additional level that this
// node represents. This will be 0 for some leaf nodes when there is no
// addition and for the root node.
char addition;
std::vector<DicNode*> children;
// When there are no children, this is a leaf node and this "addition string"
// is appended to the result. When there are children, this will be empty.
std::string leaf_addition;
// For leaf nodes, this are the indices into the affix table.
std::vector<int> affix_indices;
// Initially uninitialized, ComputeStorage() will fill this in with the
// desired serialization method.
StorageType storage;
namespace {
void SerializeTrie(const DicNode* node, std::string* output);
// Returns true if the nth character in the given word is |ch|. Will return
// false when there is no nth character. Note that this will also match an
// implicit NULL at the end of the string.
bool NthCharacterIs(const std::string& word, size_t n, char ch) {
if (word.length() < n) // Want to allow n == length() to catch the NULL.
return false;
return word.c_str()[n] == ch; // Use c_str() to get NULL terminator.
// Recursively build the trie data structure for the range in the |words| list
// in [begin, end). It is assumed that all words in that range will have the
// same |node_depth - 2| characters at the beginning. This node will key off of
// the |node_depth - 1| character, with a special case for the root.
// |prefix_chars| is how deep this node is in the trie (and corresponds to how
// many letters of the word we will skip). The root level will have
// |prefix_chars| of 0.
// The given |node| will be filled with the data. The return value is the
// index into the |words| vector of the next word to process. It will be
// equal to |end| when all words have been consumed.
size_t BuildTrie(const BDictWriter::WordList& words,
size_t begin, size_t end,
size_t node_depth, DicNode* node) {
// Find the prefix that this node represents.
const std::string& begin_str = words[begin].first;
if (begin_str.length() < node_depth) {
// Singleton.
node->addition = 0;
node->affix_indices = words[begin].second;
return begin + 1;
// Now find the range of words sharing this prefix.
size_t match_count;
if (node_depth == 0 && begin == 0) {
// Special case the root node.
match_count = end - begin;
node->addition = 0;
} else {
match_count = 0;
node->addition = begin_str[node_depth - 1];
// We know the strings should have [0, node_depth-1) characters at the
// beginning already matching, so we only need to check the new one.
while (begin + match_count < end &&
NthCharacterIs(words[begin + match_count].first,
node_depth - 1, node->addition))
if (match_count == 1) {
// Just found a leaf node with no other words sharing its prefix. Save any
// remaining characters and we're done.
node->affix_indices = words[begin].second;
node->leaf_addition = begin_str.substr(node_depth);
return begin + 1;
// We have a range of words, add them as children of this node.
size_t i = begin;
while (i < begin + match_count) {
DicNode* cur = new DicNode;
i = BuildTrie(words, i, begin + match_count, node_depth + 1, cur);
return begin + match_count;
// Lookup tables are complicated. They can have a magic 0th entry not counted
// in the table dimensions, and also have indices only for the used sub-range.
// This function will compute the starting point and size of a lookup table,
// in addition to whether it should have the magic 0th entry for the given
// list of child nodes.
void ComputeLookupStrategyDetails(const std::vector<DicNode*>& children,
bool* has_0th_entry,
int* first_item,
int* list_size) {
*has_0th_entry = false;
*first_item = 0;
*list_size = 0;
if (children.empty())
size_t first_offset = 0;
if (children[0]->addition == 0) {
*has_0th_entry = true;
if (children.size() == first_offset)
*first_item = static_cast<unsigned char>(children[first_offset]->addition);
unsigned char last_item = children[children.size() - 1]->addition;
*list_size = last_item - *first_item + 1;
// Recursively fills in the storage strategy for this node and each of its
// children. This must be done before actually serializing because the storage
// mode will depend on the size of the children.
size_t ComputeTrieStorage(DicNode* node) {
if (node->is_leaf()) {
// The additional affix list holds affixes when there is more than one. Each
// entry is two bytes, plus an additional FFFF terminator.
size_t supplimentary_size = 0;
if (node->affix_indices[0] > BDict::LEAF_NODE_MAX_FIRST_AFFIX_ID) {
// We cannot store the first affix ID of the affix list into a leaf node.
// In this case, we have to store all the affix IDs and a terminator
// into a supplimentary list.
supplimentary_size = node->affix_indices.size() * 2 + 2;
} else if (node->affix_indices.size() > 1) {
// We can store the first affix ID of the affix list into a leaf node.
// In this case, we need to store the remaining affix IDs and a
// terminator into a supplimentary list.
supplimentary_size = node->affix_indices.size() * 2;
if (node->leaf_addition.empty()) {
node->storage = DicNode::LEAF;
return 2 + supplimentary_size;
node->storage = DicNode::LEAFMORE;
// Signature & affix (2) + null for leaf_addition (1) = 3
return 3 + node->leaf_addition.size() + supplimentary_size;
// Recursively compute the size of the children for non-leaf nodes.
size_t child_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children.size(); i++)
child_size += ComputeTrieStorage(node->children[i]);
// Fixed size is only 1 byte which is the ID byte and the count combined.
static const int kListHeaderSize = 1;
// Lists can only store up to 16 items.
static const size_t kListThreshold = 16;
if (node->children.size() < kListThreshold && child_size <= 0xFF) {
node->storage = DicNode::LIST8;
return kListHeaderSize + node->children.size() * 2 + child_size;
if (node->children.size() < kListThreshold && child_size <= 0xFFFF) {
node->storage = DicNode::LIST16;
// Fixed size is one byte plus 3 for each table entry.
return kListHeaderSize + node->children.size() * 3 + child_size;
static const int kTableHeaderSize = 2; // Type + table size.
bool has_0th_item;
int first_table_item, table_item_count;
ComputeLookupStrategyDetails(node->children, &has_0th_item,
&first_table_item, &table_item_count);
if (child_size + kTableHeaderSize + (has_0th_item ? 2 : 0) +
table_item_count * 2 < 0xFFFF) {
// Use 16-bit addressing since the children will fit.
node->storage = DicNode::LOOKUP16;
return kTableHeaderSize + (has_0th_item ? 2 : 0) + table_item_count * 2 +
// Use 32-bit addressing as a last resort.
node->storage = DicNode::LOOKUP32;
return kTableHeaderSize + (has_0th_item ? 4 : 0) + table_item_count * 4 +
// Serializes the given node when it is DicNode::LEAF* to the output.
void SerializeLeaf(const DicNode* node, std::string* output) {
// The low 6 bits of the ID byte are the high 6 bits of the first affix ID.
int first_affix = node->affix_indices.size() ? node->affix_indices[0] : 0;
// We may store the first value with the node or in the supplimentary list.
size_t first_affix_in_supplimentary_list = 1;
if (first_affix > BDict::LEAF_NODE_MAX_FIRST_AFFIX_ID) {
// There are not enough bits for this value, move it to the supplimentary
// list where there are more bits per value.
first_affix_in_supplimentary_list = 0;
first_affix = BDict::FIRST_AFFIX_IS_UNUSED;
unsigned char id_byte = (first_affix >> 8) &
// The next two bits indicates an additional string and more affixes.
if (node->storage == DicNode::LEAFMORE)
if (node->affix_indices.size() > 1 || first_affix_in_supplimentary_list == 0)
// Following is the low 8 bits of the affix index.
output->push_back(first_affix & 0xff);
// Handle the optional addition with NULL terminator.
if (node->storage == DicNode::LEAFMORE) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->leaf_addition.size() + 1; i++)
// Handle any following affixes. We already wrote the 0th one.
if (node->affix_indices.size() > first_affix_in_supplimentary_list) {
for (size_t i = first_affix_in_supplimentary_list;
i < node->affix_indices.size() && i < BDict::MAX_AFFIXES_PER_WORD;
i++) {
output->push_back(static_cast<char>(node->affix_indices[i] & 0xFF));
static_cast<char>((node->affix_indices[i] >> 8) & 0xFF));
// Terminator for affix list. We use 0xFFFF.
output->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xFF));
output->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xFF));
// Serializes the given node when it is DicNode::LIST* to the output.
void SerializeList(const DicNode* node, std::string* output) {
bool is_8_bit = node->storage == DicNode::LIST8;
unsigned char id_byte = BDict::LIST_NODE_TYPE_VALUE |
(is_8_bit ? 0 : BDict::LIST_NODE_16BIT_VALUE);
id_byte |= node->children.size(); // We assume the size is < 4 bits.
// Reserve enough room for the lookup table (either 2 or 3 bytes per entry).
int bytes_per_entry = (is_8_bit ? 2 : 3);
size_t table_begin = output->size();
output->resize(output->size() + node->children.size() * bytes_per_entry);
size_t children_begin = output->size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children.size(); i++) {
// First is the character this entry represents.
(*output)[table_begin + i * bytes_per_entry] = node->children[i]->addition;
// Next is the 8- or 16-bit offset.
size_t offset = output->size() - children_begin;
if (is_8_bit) {
DCHECK(offset <= 0xFF);
(*output)[table_begin + i * bytes_per_entry + 1] =
static_cast<char>(offset & 0xFF);
} else {
unsigned short* output16 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(
&(*output)[table_begin + i * bytes_per_entry + 1]);
*output16 = static_cast<unsigned short>(offset);
// Now append the children's data.
SerializeTrie(node->children[i], output);
// Serializes the given node when it is DicNode::LOOKUP* to the output.
void SerializeLookup(const DicNode* node, std::string* output) {
unsigned char id_byte = BDict::LOOKUP_NODE_TYPE_VALUE;
bool has_0th_item;
int first_table_item, table_item_count;
ComputeLookupStrategyDetails(node->children, &has_0th_item,
&first_table_item, &table_item_count);
// Set the extra bits in the ID byte.
bool is_32_bit = (node->storage == DicNode::LOOKUP32);
if (is_32_bit)
id_byte |= BDict::LOOKUP_NODE_32BIT_VALUE;
if (has_0th_item)
id_byte |= BDict::LOOKUP_NODE_0TH_VALUE;
size_t begin_offset = output->size();
// Save room for the lookup table and the optional 0th item.
int bytes_per_entry = (is_32_bit ? 4 : 2);
size_t zeroth_item_offset = output->size();
if (has_0th_item)
output->resize(output->size() + bytes_per_entry);
size_t table_begin = output->size();
output->resize(output->size() + table_item_count * bytes_per_entry);
// Append the children.
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children.size(); i++) {
size_t offset = output->size();
// Compute the location at which we'll store the offset of the child data.
// We may be writing the magic 0th item.
size_t offset_offset;
if (i == 0 && has_0th_item) {
offset_offset = zeroth_item_offset;
} else {
int table_index = static_cast<unsigned char>(node->children[i]->addition) - first_table_item;
offset_offset = table_begin + table_index * bytes_per_entry;
// Write the offset.
if (is_32_bit) {
// Use 32-bit absolute offsets.
// FIXME(brettw) use bit cast.
unsigned* offset32 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(&(*output)[offset_offset]);
*offset32 = static_cast<unsigned>(output->size());
} else {
// Use 16-bit relative offsets.
unsigned short* offset16 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(&(*output)[offset_offset]);
*offset16 = static_cast<unsigned short>(output->size() - begin_offset);
SerializeTrie(node->children[i], output);
// Recursively serializes this node and all of its children to the output.
void SerializeTrie(const DicNode* node, std::string* output) {
if (node->storage == DicNode::LEAF ||
node->storage == DicNode::LEAFMORE) {
SerializeLeaf(node, output);
} else if (node->storage == DicNode::LIST8 ||
node->storage == DicNode::LIST16) {
SerializeList(node, output);
} else if (node->storage == DicNode::LOOKUP16 ||
node->storage == DicNode::LOOKUP32) {
SerializeLookup(node, output);
// Serializes the given list of strings with 0 bytes separating them. The end
// will be marked by a double-0.
void SerializeStringListNullTerm(const std::vector<std::string>& strings,
std::string* output) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
// Can't tolerate empty strings since the'll mark the end.
if (strings[i].empty())
output->push_back(' ');
void SerializeReplacements(
const std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& repl,
std::string* output) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < repl.size(); i++) {
} // namespace
BDictWriter::BDictWriter() : trie_root_(NULL) {
BDictWriter::~BDictWriter() {
delete trie_root_;
void BDictWriter::SetWords(const WordList& words) {
trie_root_ = new DicNode;
BuildTrie(words, 0, words.size(), 0, trie_root_);
std::string BDictWriter::GetBDict() const {
std::string ret;
// Save room for the header. This will be populated at the end.
// Serialize the affix portion.
size_t aff_offset = ret.size();
// Serialize the dictionary words.
size_t dic_offset = ret.size();
ret.reserve(ret.size() + ComputeTrieStorage(trie_root_));
SerializeTrie(trie_root_, &ret);
// Fill the header last, now that we have the data.
hunspell::BDict::Header* header =
header->signature = hunspell::BDict::SIGNATURE;
header->major_version = hunspell::BDict::MAJOR_VERSION;
header->minor_version = hunspell::BDict::MINOR_VERSION;
header->aff_offset = static_cast<uint32>(aff_offset);
header->dic_offset = static_cast<uint32>(dic_offset);
// Write the MD5 digest of the affix information and the dictionary words at
// the end of the BDic header.
if (header->major_version >= 2)
base::MD5Sum(&ret[aff_offset], ret.size() - aff_offset, &header->digest);
return ret;
void BDictWriter::SerializeAff(std::string* output) const {
// Reserve enough room for the header.
size_t header_offset = output->size();
output->resize(output->size() + sizeof(hunspell::BDict::AffHeader));
// Write the comment.
// We need a magic first AF line that lists the number of following ones.
size_t affix_group_offset = output->size();
output->append(base::StringPrintf("AF %d",
SerializeStringListNullTerm(affix_groups_, output);
size_t affix_rule_offset = output->size();
SerializeStringListNullTerm(affix_rules_, output);
size_t rep_offset = output->size();
SerializeReplacements(replacements_, output);
size_t other_offset = output->size();
SerializeStringListNullTerm(other_commands_, output);
// Add the header now that we know the offsets.
hunspell::BDict::AffHeader* header =
header->affix_group_offset = static_cast<uint32>(affix_group_offset);
header->affix_rule_offset = static_cast<uint32>(affix_rule_offset);
header->rep_offset = static_cast<uint32>(rep_offset);
header->other_offset = static_cast<uint32>(other_offset);
} // namespace hunspell