blob: 2236c3a8ef4c48b5cd414a62613c6c35501d18f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/crostini/crostini_simple_types.h"
#include "storage/browser/file_system/file_system_url.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class TimeTicks;
} // namespace base
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
class Profile;
namespace crostini {
// TODO( kCrostiniDeletedTerminalId can be removed after M86.
// We use an arbitrary well-formed extension id for the Terminal app, this
// is equal to GenerateId("Terminal").
extern const char kCrostiniDeletedTerminalId[];
// web_app::GenerateAppId(/*manifest_id=*/absl::nullopt,
// GURL("chrome-untrusted://terminal/html/terminal.html"))
extern const char kCrostiniTerminalSystemAppId[];
extern const char kCrostiniDefaultVmName[];
extern const char kCrostiniDefaultContainerName[];
extern const char kCrostiniDefaultUsername[];
extern const char kCrostiniDefaultImageServerUrl[];
extern const char kCrostiniStretchImageAlias[];
extern const char kCrostiniBusterImageAlias[];
extern const char kCrostiniDlcName[];
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kHomeDirectory[];
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class CrostiniAppLaunchAppType {
// An app which isn't in the CrostiniAppRegistry. This shouldn't happen.
kUnknownApp = 0,
// The main terminal app.
kTerminal = 1,
// An app for which there is something in the CrostiniAppRegistry.
kRegisteredApp = 2,
kMaxValue = kRegisteredApp,
struct LinuxPackageInfo;
// A unique identifier for our containers.
struct ContainerId {
ContainerId(std::string vm_name, std::string container_name) noexcept;
static ContainerId GetDefault();
std::string vm_name;
std::string container_name;
bool operator<(const ContainerId& lhs, const ContainerId& rhs) noexcept;
bool operator==(const ContainerId& lhs, const ContainerId& rhs) noexcept;
inline bool operator!=(const ContainerId& lhs,
const ContainerId& rhs) noexcept {
return !(lhs == rhs);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream,
const ContainerId& container_id);
// Checks if user profile is able to a crostini app with a given app_id.
bool IsUninstallable(Profile* profile, const std::string& app_id);
// Returns whether the default Crostini VM is running for the user.
bool IsCrostiniRunning(Profile* profile);
// Whether the user is able to perform a container upgrade.
bool ShouldAllowContainerUpgrade(Profile* profile);
// Returns whether default Crostini container should be configured according to
// the configuration specified by CrostiniAnsiblePlaybook user policy.
bool ShouldConfigureDefaultContainer(Profile* profile);
using LaunchArg = absl::variant<storage::FileSystemURL, std::string>;
// Launch a Crostini App with a given set of files, given as absolute paths in
// the container. For apps which can only be launched with a single file,
// launch multiple instances.
void LaunchCrostiniApp(Profile* profile,
const std::string& app_id,
int64_t display_id,
const std::vector<LaunchArg>& args = {},
CrostiniSuccessCallback callback = base::DoNothing());
// Retrieves cryptohome_id from profile.
std::string CryptohomeIdForProfile(Profile* profile);
// Retrieves username from profile.
std::string DefaultContainerUserNameForProfile(Profile* profile);
// Returns the mount directory within the container where paths from the Chrome
// OS host such as within Downloads are shared with the container.
base::FilePath ContainerChromeOSBaseDirectory();
// Returns a list of ports currently being forwarded in Crostini as a JSON
// object.
std::string GetActivePortListAsJSON(Profile* profile);
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class CrostiniUISurface { kSettings = 0, kAppList = 1, kCount };
// See chrome/browser/ui/views/crostini for implementation of the ShowXXX
// functions below.
// Shows the Crostini Uninstaller dialog.
void ShowCrostiniUninstallerView(Profile* profile,
CrostiniUISurface ui_surface);
bool IsCrostiniRecoveryViewShowing();
// Shows the Crostini App installer dialog.
void ShowCrostiniAppInstallerView(Profile* profile,
const LinuxPackageInfo& package_info);
// Shows the Crostini force-close dialog. If |app_name| is nonempty, the dialog
// will include the window's name as text. Returns a handle to that dialog, so
// that we can add observers to the dialog itself.
views::Widget* ShowCrostiniForceCloseDialog(
const std::string& app_name,
views::Widget* closable_widget,
base::OnceClosure force_close_callback);
// Shows the Crostini Termina Upgrade dialog (for blocking crostini start until
// Termina version matches).
void ShowCrostiniUpdateComponentView(Profile* profile,
CrostiniUISurface ui_surface);
// Shows the ui with the error message when installing a package fails.
void ShowCrostiniPackageInstallFailureView(const std::string& error_message);
// Shows the Crostini Container Upgrade dialog (for running upgrades in the
// container).
void ShowCrostiniUpdateFilesystemView(Profile* profile,
CrostiniUISurface ui_surface);
// Show the Crostini Container Upgrade dialog after a delay
// (CloseCrostiniUpdateFilesystemView will cancel the next dialog show).
void PrepareShowCrostiniUpdateFilesystemView(Profile* profile,
CrostiniUISurface ui_surface);
// Closes the current CrostiniUpdateFilesystemView or ensures that the view will
// not open until PrepareShowCrostiniUpdateFilesystemView is called again.
void CloseCrostiniUpdateFilesystemView();
// Show the Crostini Software Config dialog (for installing Ansible and
// applying an Ansible playbook in the container).
void ShowCrostiniAnsibleSoftwareConfigView(Profile* profile);
// Show the Crostini Recovery dialog when Crostini is still running after a
// Chrome crash. The user must either restart the VM, or launch a terminal.
void ShowCrostiniRecoveryView(Profile* profile,
CrostiniUISurface ui_surface,
const std::string& app_id,
int64_t display_id,
const std::vector<LaunchArg>& args,
CrostiniSuccessCallback callback);
// Add a newly created LXD container to the kCrostiniContainers pref
void AddNewLxdContainerToPrefs(Profile* profile,
const ContainerId& container_id);
// Remove a newly deleted LXD container from the kCrostiniContainers pref, and
// deregister its apps and mime types.
void RemoveLxdContainerFromPrefs(Profile* profile,
const ContainerId& container_id);
// Returns a string to be displayed in a notification with the estimated time
// left for an operation to run which started and time |start| and is current
// at |percent| way through.
std::u16string GetTimeRemainingMessage(base::TimeTicks start, int percent);
// Returns a pref value stored for a specific container.
const base::Value* GetContainerPrefValue(Profile* profile,
const ContainerId& container_id,
const std::string& key);
// Sets a pref value for a specific container.
void UpdateContainerPref(Profile* profile,
const ContainerId& container_id,
const std::string& key,
base::Value value);
const ContainerId& DefaultContainerId();
bool IsCrostiniWindow(const aura::Window* window);
void RecordAppLaunchHistogram(CrostiniAppLaunchAppType app_type);
void RecordAppLaunchResultHistogram(CrostiniAppLaunchAppType type,
crostini::CrostiniResult reason);
} // namespace crostini