| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/buildflags.h" |
| #include "components/domain_reliability/clear_mode.h" |
| #include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_dependency_manager.h" |
| #include "components/keyed_service/content/browser_context_keyed_service_factory.h" |
| #include "components/keyed_service/core/simple_dependency_manager.h" |
| #include "components/keyed_service/core/simple_factory_key.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" |
| #include "extensions/buildflags/buildflags.h" |
| #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h" |
| #include "net/cookies/cookie_store.h" |
| #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h" |
| |
| #include "chrome/browser/ash/settings/scoped_cros_settings_test_helper.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| class ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy; |
| class HostContentSettingsMap; |
| class TestingPrefStore; |
| |
| namespace content { |
| class MockResourceContext; |
| class SSLHostStateDelegate; |
| #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| class ZoomLevelDelegate; |
| #endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| } // namespace content |
| |
| namespace chromeos { |
| class ScopedLacrosServiceTestHelper; |
| } // namespace chromeos |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace net { |
| class CookieStore; |
| } |
| |
| namespace policy { |
| class PolicyService; |
| class ProfilePolicyConnector; |
| class SchemaRegistryService; |
| class UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS; |
| #else |
| class UserCloudPolicyManager; |
| } // namespace policy |
| |
| namespace storage { |
| class SpecialStoragePolicy; |
| } |
| |
| namespace sync_preferences { |
| class PrefServiceSyncable; |
| class TestingPrefServiceSyncable; |
| } // namespace sync_preferences |
| |
| class TestingProfile : public Profile { |
| public: |
| static const char kDefaultProfileUserName[]; |
| |
| // Profile directory name for the test user. This is "Default" on most |
| // platforms but must be different on ChromeOS because a logged-in user cannot |
| // use "Default" as profile directory. |
| // Browser- and UI tests should always use this to get to the user's profile |
| // directory. Unit-tests, though, should use |kInitialProfile|, which is |
| // always "Default", because they are runnining without logged-in user. |
| static const char kTestUserProfileDir[]; |
| |
| // Sets the feature list to enable/disable ephemeral Guest profiles. |
| // Returns true if ephemeral Guest profiles are supported on the platform and |
| // feature list is initialized. |
| // NOTE: Ephemeral Guest profiles are deprecated and code support is under |
| // removal. This function always returns false. |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/1225156): Delete this function. |
| static bool SetScopedFeatureListForEphemeralGuestProfiles( |
| base::test::ScopedFeatureList& scoped_feature_list, |
| bool enabled); |
| |
| // Default constructor that cannot be used with multi-profiles. |
| TestingProfile(); |
| |
| using TestingFactories = |
| std::vector<std::pair<BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory*, |
| BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory::TestingFactory>>; |
| |
| // Helper class for building an instance of TestingProfile (allows injecting |
| // mocks for various services prior to profile initialization). |
| // TODO(atwilson): Remove non-default constructors and various setters in |
| // favor of using the Builder API. |
| class Builder { |
| public: |
| Builder(); |
| Builder(const Builder&) = delete; |
| Builder& operator=(const Builder&) = delete; |
| ~Builder(); |
| |
| // Sets a Delegate to be called back during profile init. This causes the |
| // final initialization to be performed via a task so the caller must run |
| // a MessageLoop. Caller maintains ownership of the Delegate |
| // and must manage its lifetime so it continues to exist until profile |
| // initialization is complete. |
| void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate); |
| |
| // Adds a testing factory to the TestingProfile. These testing factories |
| // are applied before the ProfileKeyedServices are created. |
| void AddTestingFactory( |
| BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory* service_factory, |
| BrowserContextKeyedServiceFactory::TestingFactory testing_factory); |
| |
| // Add multiple testing factories to the TestingProfile. These testing |
| // factories are applied before the ProfileKeyedServices are created. |
| void AddTestingFactories(const TestingFactories& testing_factories); |
| |
| // Sets the ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy to be returned by |
| // GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy(). |
| void SetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy( |
| scoped_refptr<ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy> policy); |
| #endif |
| |
| // Sets the path to the directory to be used to hold profile data. |
| void SetPath(const base::FilePath& path); |
| |
| // Sets the PrefService to be used by this profile. |
| void SetPrefService( |
| std::unique_ptr<sync_preferences::PrefServiceSyncable> prefs); |
| |
| // Makes the Profile being built a guest profile. |
| void SetGuestSession(); |
| |
| // Makes Profile::AllowsBrowserWindows() return false. |
| void DisallowBrowserWindows(); |
| |
| // Set the value to be returned by Profile::IsNewProfile(). |
| void SetIsNewProfile(bool is_new_profile); |
| |
| // Sets the supervised user ID (which is empty by default). If it is set to |
| // a non-empty string, the profile is supervised. |
| void SetSupervisedUserId(const std::string& supervised_user_id); |
| |
| void SetUserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS( |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS> |
| user_cloud_policy_manager); |
| #else |
| void SetUserCloudPolicyManager( |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManager> |
| user_cloud_policy_manager); |
| |
| // Sets the PolicyService to be used by this profile. |
| void SetPolicyService( |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service); |
| |
| // Sets the UserProfileName to be used by this profile. |
| void SetProfileName(const std::string& profile_name); |
| |
| void OverridePolicyConnectorIsManagedForTesting(bool is_managed); |
| |
| // Creates the TestingProfile using previously-set settings. |
| std::unique_ptr<TestingProfile> Build(); |
| |
| // Build an OffTheRecord profile, owned by |original_profile|. Note: unless |
| // you need to customize the Builder, or access TestingProfile member |
| // functions, you can use original_profile->GetOffTheRecordProfile(). |
| TestingProfile* BuildOffTheRecord(TestingProfile* original_profile, |
| const OTRProfileID& otr_profile_id); |
| |
| TestingProfile* BuildIncognito(TestingProfile* original_profile); |
| |
| private: |
| // If true, Build() has already been called. |
| bool build_called_ = false; |
| |
| // Various staging variables where values are held until Build() is invoked. |
| std::unique_ptr<sync_preferences::PrefServiceSyncable> pref_service_; |
| scoped_refptr<ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy> extension_policy_; |
| #endif |
| base::FilePath path_; |
| Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr; |
| bool guest_session_ = false; |
| bool allows_browser_windows_ = true; |
| bool is_new_profile_ = false; |
| std::string supervised_user_id_; |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS> |
| user_cloud_policy_manager_; |
| #else |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManager> user_cloud_policy_manager_; |
| #endif |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service_; |
| TestingFactories testing_factories_; |
| std::string profile_name_{kDefaultProfileUserName}; |
| absl::optional<bool> override_policy_connector_is_managed_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Multi-profile aware constructor that takes the path to a directory managed |
| // for this profile. This constructor is meant to be used by |
| // TestingProfileManager::CreateTestingProfile. If you need to create multi- |
| // profile profiles, use that factory method instead of this directly. |
| // Exception: if you need to create multi-profile profiles for testing the |
| // ProfileManager, then use the constructor below instead. |
| explicit TestingProfile(const base::FilePath& path); |
| |
| // Multi-profile aware constructor that takes the path to a directory managed |
| // for this profile and a delegate. This constructor is meant to be used |
| // for unittesting the ProfileManager. |
| TestingProfile(const base::FilePath& path, Delegate* delegate); |
| |
| // Full constructor allowing the setting of all possible instance data. |
| // Callers should use Builder::Build() instead of invoking this constructor. |
| TestingProfile( |
| const base::FilePath& path, |
| Delegate* delegate, |
| scoped_refptr<ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy> extension_policy, |
| #endif |
| std::unique_ptr<sync_preferences::PrefServiceSyncable> prefs, |
| TestingProfile* parent, |
| bool guest_session, |
| bool allows_browser_windows, |
| bool is_new_profile, |
| const std::string& supervised_user_id, |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS> policy_manager, |
| #else |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManager> policy_manager, |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service, |
| TestingFactories testing_factories, |
| const std::string& profile_name, |
| absl::optional<bool> override_policy_connector_is_managed, |
| absl::optional<OTRProfileID> otr_profile_id); |
| |
| ~TestingProfile() override; |
| |
| // This bypasses the BrowserContextDependencyManager, and in particular, it |
| // destroys any previously-created HistoryService. That means any other |
| // KeyedServices that depend on HistoryService may be left with dangling |
| // pointers. |
| // Instead, use Builder::AddTestingFactory to inject your own factories. |
| // Creates the history service. Returns true on success. |
| // TODO(crbug.com/1106699): Remove this API and adopt the Builder instead. |
| bool CreateHistoryService() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Creates a WebDataService. If not invoked, the web data service is NULL. |
| // TODO(crbug.com/1106699): Remove this API and adopt the Builder instead. |
| void CreateWebDataService(); |
| |
| // Allow setting a profile as Guest after-the-fact to simplify some tests. |
| void SetGuestSession(bool guest); |
| |
| // Allow setting the return value of IsNewProfile. |
| void SetIsNewProfile(bool is_new_profile); |
| |
| sync_preferences::TestingPrefServiceSyncable* GetTestingPrefService(); |
| |
| // Called on the parent of an OffTheRecord |otr_profile|. Usually called from |
| // the constructor of an OffTheRecord TestingProfile, but can also be used by |
| // tests to provide an OffTheRecordProfileImpl instance. |
| // |otr_profile| cannot be empty. |
| void SetOffTheRecordProfile(std::unique_ptr<Profile> otr_profile); |
| |
| void SetSupervisedUserId(const std::string& id); |
| |
| // content::BrowserContext |
| base::FilePath GetPath() override; |
| base::FilePath GetPath() const override; |
| base::Time GetCreationTime() const override; |
| #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| std::unique_ptr<content::ZoomLevelDelegate> CreateZoomLevelDelegate( |
| const base::FilePath& partition_path) override; |
| #endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetIOTaskRunner() override; |
| // Do not override IsOffTheRecord to turn a normal profile into an incognito |
| // profile dynamically. |
| bool IsOffTheRecord() final; |
| bool IsOffTheRecord() const final; |
| bool IsMainProfile() const override; |
| const OTRProfileID& GetOTRProfileID() const override; |
| content::DownloadManagerDelegate* GetDownloadManagerDelegate() override; |
| content::ResourceContext* GetResourceContext() override; |
| content::BrowserPluginGuestManager* GetGuestManager() override; |
| storage::SpecialStoragePolicy* GetSpecialStoragePolicy() override; |
| content::PushMessagingService* GetPushMessagingService() override; |
| content::StorageNotificationService* GetStorageNotificationService() override; |
| content::SSLHostStateDelegate* GetSSLHostStateDelegate() override; |
| content::PermissionControllerDelegate* GetPermissionControllerDelegate() |
| override; |
| content::ClientHintsControllerDelegate* GetClientHintsControllerDelegate() |
| override; |
| content::BackgroundFetchDelegate* GetBackgroundFetchDelegate() override; |
| content::BackgroundSyncController* GetBackgroundSyncController() override; |
| content::BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate* GetBrowsingDataRemoverDelegate() |
| override; |
| |
| TestingProfile* AsTestingProfile() override; |
| |
| // Profile |
| std::string GetProfileUserName() const override; |
| |
| Profile* GetOffTheRecordProfile(const OTRProfileID& otr_profile_id, |
| bool create_if_needed) override; |
| std::vector<Profile*> GetAllOffTheRecordProfiles() override; |
| void DestroyOffTheRecordProfile(Profile* otr_profile) override; |
| bool HasOffTheRecordProfile(const OTRProfileID& otr_profile_id) override; |
| bool HasAnyOffTheRecordProfile() override; |
| Profile* GetOriginalProfile() override; |
| const Profile* GetOriginalProfile() const override; |
| bool IsSupervised() const override; |
| bool IsChild() const override; |
| bool AllowsBrowserWindows() const override; |
| void SetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy( |
| ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy* extension_special_storage_policy); |
| #endif |
| ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy* GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy() override; |
| |
| PrefService* GetPrefs() override; |
| const PrefService* GetPrefs() const override; |
| #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| ChromeZoomLevelPrefs* GetZoomLevelPrefs() override; |
| #endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> GetURLLoaderFactory() override; |
| |
| void set_last_session_exited_cleanly(bool value) { |
| last_session_exited_cleanly_ = value; |
| } |
| bool IsSameOrParent(Profile* profile) override; |
| base::Time GetStartTime() const override; |
| ProfileKey* GetProfileKey() const override; |
| policy::SchemaRegistryService* GetPolicySchemaRegistryService() override; |
| policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS* GetUserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS() |
| override; |
| policy::ActiveDirectoryPolicyManager* GetActiveDirectoryPolicyManager() |
| override; |
| #else |
| policy::UserCloudPolicyManager* GetUserCloudPolicyManager() override; |
| policy::ProfilePolicyConnector* GetProfilePolicyConnector() override; |
| const policy::ProfilePolicyConnector* GetProfilePolicyConnector() |
| const override; |
| base::FilePath last_selected_directory() override; |
| void set_last_selected_directory(const base::FilePath& path) override; |
| bool WasCreatedByVersionOrLater(const std::string& version) override; |
| bool IsGuestSession() const override; |
| bool IsNewProfile() const override; |
| void SetExitType(ExitType exit_type) override {} |
| ExitType GetLastSessionExitType() const override; |
| |
| void ChangeAppLocale(const std::string&, AppLocaleChangedVia) override; |
| void OnLogin() override {} |
| void InitChromeOSPreferences() override {} |
| ash::ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper* ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper(); |
| |
| absl::optional<std::string> requested_locale() { return requested_locale_; } |
| |
| // Schedules a task on the history backend and runs a nested loop until the |
| // task is processed. This has the effect of blocking the caller until the |
| // history service processes all pending requests. |
| void BlockUntilHistoryProcessesPendingRequests(); |
| |
| GURL GetHomePage() override; |
| |
| void SetCreationTimeForTesting(base::Time creation_time) override; |
| |
| void RecordMainFrameNavigation() override {} |
| |
| void set_profile_name(const std::string& profile_name) { |
| profile_name_ = profile_name; |
| } |
| |
| using ProfileDestructionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>; |
| void SetProfileDestructionObserver(ProfileDestructionCallback callback) { |
| profile_destruction_callback_ = std::move(callback); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| // Called when profile is deleted. |
| ProfileDestructionCallback profile_destruction_callback_; |
| |
| protected: |
| base::Time start_time_{base::Time::Now()}; |
| |
| // The key to index KeyedService instances created by |
| // SimpleKeyedServiceFactory. |
| std::unique_ptr<ProfileKey> key_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<sync_preferences::PrefServiceSyncable> prefs_; |
| // ref only for right type, lifecycle is managed by prefs_ |
| sync_preferences::TestingPrefServiceSyncable* testing_prefs_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Profile implementation. |
| bool IsSignedIn() override; |
| |
| private: |
| // Common initialization between the two constructors. |
| void Init(); |
| |
| // Finishes initialization when a profile is created asynchronously. |
| void FinishInit(); |
| |
| void InitializeProfileType(); |
| |
| // Creates a TestingPrefService and associates it with the TestingProfile. |
| void CreateTestingPrefService(); |
| |
| // Creates a pref service that uses SupervisedUserPrefStore and associates |
| // it with the TestingProfile. |
| void CreatePrefServiceForSupervisedUser(); |
| |
| // Initializes |prefs_| for an incognito profile, derived from |
| // |original_profile_|. |
| void CreateIncognitoPrefService(); |
| |
| // Creates a ProfilePolicyConnector. |
| void CreateProfilePolicyConnector(); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<net::CookieStore, content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> |
| extensions_cookie_store_; |
| |
| std::map<OTRProfileID, std::unique_ptr<Profile>> otr_profiles_; |
| TestingProfile* original_profile_ = nullptr; |
| |
| bool guest_session_ = false; |
| |
| bool allows_browser_windows_ = true; |
| |
| bool is_new_profile_ = false; |
| |
| std::string supervised_user_id_; |
| |
| // Whether the last session exited cleanly. |
| bool last_session_exited_cleanly_ = true; |
| |
| scoped_refptr<HostContentSettingsMap> host_content_settings_map_; |
| |
| base::FilePath last_selected_directory_; |
| |
| scoped_refptr<ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy> |
| extension_special_storage_policy_; |
| #endif |
| |
| // The path to this profile. This will be valid in either of the two above |
| // cases. |
| base::FilePath profile_path_; |
| |
| base::FilePath extensions_path_; |
| |
| // We keep a weak pointer to the dependency manager we want to notify on our |
| // death. Defaults to the Singleton implementation but overridable for |
| // testing. |
| SimpleDependencyManager* simple_dependency_manager_{ |
| SimpleDependencyManager::GetInstance()}; |
| BrowserContextDependencyManager* browser_context_dependency_manager_{ |
| BrowserContextDependencyManager::GetInstance()}; |
| |
| // Owned, but must be deleted on the IO thread so not placing in a |
| // std::unique_ptr<>. |
| content::MockResourceContext* resource_context_ = nullptr; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::SchemaRegistryService> schema_registry_service_; |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManagerChromeOS> |
| user_cloud_policy_manager_; |
| #else |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::UserCloudPolicyManager> user_cloud_policy_manager_; |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::ProfilePolicyConnector> profile_policy_connector_; |
| |
| // Weak pointer to a delegate for indicating that a profile was created. |
| Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr; |
| |
| std::string profile_name_{kDefaultProfileUserName}; |
| |
| absl::optional<bool> override_policy_connector_is_managed_; |
| absl::optional<OTRProfileID> otr_profile_id_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<ash::ScopedCrosSettingsTestHelper> |
| scoped_cros_settings_test_helper_; |
| |
| absl::optional<std::string> requested_locale_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<chromeos::ScopedLacrosServiceTestHelper> |
| lacros_service_test_helper_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service_; |
| |
| TestingPrefStore* supervised_user_pref_store_ = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |