blob: 4d5e07b501805cae328be27ee3fb466f0b1626f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/base_eg_test_helper_impl.h"
@protocol GREYMatcher;
@class FakeChromeIdentity;
#define SigninEarlGrey \
[SigninEarlGreyImpl invokedFromFile:@"" __FILE__ lineNumber:__LINE__]
// Methods used for the EarlGrey tests.
// TODO( Consider moving these into ChromeEarlGrey.
@interface SigninEarlGreyImpl : BaseEGTestHelperImpl
// Returns a fake identity.
- (FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeIdentity1;
// Returns a second fake identity.
- (FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeIdentity2;
// Returns a fake managed identity.
- (FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeManagedIdentity;
// Adds |fakeIdentity| to the fake identity service.
- (void)addFakeIdentity:(FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeIdentity;
// Removes |fakeIdentity| from the fake identity service asynchronously to
// simulate identity removal from the device.
- (void)forgetFakeIdentity:(FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeIdentity;
// Signs the user out of the primary account. Induces a GREYAssert if the
// app fails to sign out.
- (void)signOut;
// Induces a GREYAssert if |fakeIdentity| is not signed in to the active
// profile.
- (void)verifySignedInWithFakeIdentity:(FakeChromeIdentity*)fakeIdentity;
// Induces a GREYAssert if an identity is signed in.
- (void)verifySignedOut;
// Induces a GREYAssert if there are no signed-in identities.
- (void)verifyAuthenticated;