blob: aad132cb691f2995b8cd8d79ba5b6f6e911805db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/signin/chrome_identity_service.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
@class FakeChromeIdentityInteractionManager;
namespace ios {
// A fake ChromeIdentityService used for testing.
class FakeChromeIdentityService : public ChromeIdentityService {
virtual ~FakeChromeIdentityService();
// Convenience method that returns the instance of
// |FakeChromeIdentityService| from the ChromeBrowserProvider.
static FakeChromeIdentityService* GetInstanceFromChromeProvider();
// ChromeIdentityService implementation.
DismissASMViewControllerBlock PresentAccountDetailsController(
ChromeIdentity* identity,
UIViewController* viewController,
BOOL animated) override;
ChromeIdentityInteractionManager* CreateChromeIdentityInteractionManager(
id<ChromeIdentityInteractionManagerDelegate> delegate) const override;
id<ChromeIdentityInteractionManagerDelegate> delegate) const;
void IterateOverIdentities(IdentityIteratorCallback callback) override;
void ForgetIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity,
ForgetIdentityCallback callback) override;
virtual void GetAccessToken(ChromeIdentity* identity,
const std::string& client_id,
const std::set<std::string>& scopes,
ios::AccessTokenCallback callback) override;
virtual void GetAvatarForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity,
GetAvatarCallback callback) override;
virtual UIImage* GetCachedAvatarForIdentity(
ChromeIdentity* identity) override;
virtual void GetHostedDomainForIdentity(
ChromeIdentity* identity,
GetHostedDomainCallback callback) override;
virtual NSString* GetCachedHostedDomainForIdentity(
ChromeIdentity* identity) override;
ios::MDMDeviceStatus(NSDictionary* user_info));
bool(ChromeIdentity* identity,
NSDictionary* user_info,
ios::MDMStatusCallback callback));
// Simulates |identity| removed from another Google app.
void SimulateForgetIdentityFromOtherApp(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// Simulates reloading the identities from the keychain by SSOAuth.
void FireChromeIdentityReload();
// Sets up the mock methods for integration tests.
void SetUpForIntegrationTests();
// Adds the identities subject to minor mode restrictions given their name.
void AddMinorModeIdentities(NSArray* identitiesName);
// Adds the managed identities given their name.
void AddManagedIdentities(NSArray* identitiesName);
// Adds the identities given their name.
void AddIdentities(NSArray* identitiesNames);
// Adds |identity| to the available identities. No-op if the identity
// is already added.
void AddIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// When set to true, call to GetAccessToken() fakes a MDM error.
void SetFakeMDMError(bool fakeMDMError);
// Waits until all asynchronous callbacks have been completed by the service.
// Returns true on successful completion.
bool WaitForServiceCallbacksToComplete();
// Triggers an update notification for |identity|.
void TriggerIdentityUpdateNotification(ChromeIdentity* identity);
NSMutableArray<ChromeIdentity*>* identities_;
// If true, call to GetAccessToken() fakes a MDM error.
bool _fakeMDMError;
int _pendingCallback;
} // namespace ios