blob: 14551448f0d14dec273fd217c97a3b02e64fcdd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/test/video_encoder/decoder_buffer_validator.h"
#include <set>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/cxx20_erase.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
#include "media/gpu/h264_decoder.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
namespace test {
namespace {
int VideoCodecProfileToH264ProfileIDC(VideoCodecProfile profile) {
switch (profile) {
return H264SPS::kProfileIDCBaseline;
return H264SPS::kProfileIDCMain;
return H264SPS::kProfileIDCHigh;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected video profile: " << GetProfileName(profile);
return H264SPS::kProfileIDCMain;
int VideoCodecProfileToVP9Profile(VideoCodecProfile profile) {
switch (profile) {
return 0;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected video profile: " << GetProfileName(profile);
return 0;
} // namespace
DecoderBufferValidator::DecoderBufferValidator(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect)
: visible_rect_(visible_rect) {}
DecoderBufferValidator::~DecoderBufferValidator() = default;
void DecoderBufferValidator::ProcessBitstream(
scoped_refptr<BitstreamRef> bitstream,
size_t frame_index) {
if (!Validate(*bitstream->buffer, bitstream->metadata))
bool DecoderBufferValidator::WaitUntilDone() {
return num_errors_ == 0;
H264Validator::H264Validator(VideoCodecProfile profile,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect,
absl::optional<uint8_t> level)
: DecoderBufferValidator(visible_rect),
cur_pic_(new H264Picture),
level_(level) {}
H264Validator::~H264Validator() = default;
bool H264Validator::Validate(const DecoderBuffer& decoder_buffer,
const BitstreamBufferMetadata& metadata) {
parser_.SetStream(, decoder_buffer.data_size());
size_t num_frames = 0;
H264NALU nalu;
H264Parser::Result result;
while ((result = parser_.AdvanceToNextNALU(&nalu)) != H264Parser::kEOStream) {
if (result != H264Parser::kOk) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing";
return false;
switch (nalu.nal_unit_type) {
case H264NALU::kIDRSlice:
if (!seen_sps_ || !seen_pps_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDR frame before SPS and PPS";
return false;
seen_idr_ = true;
case H264NALU::kNonIDRSlice: {
if (!seen_idr_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Non IDR frame before IDR frame";
return false;
H264SliceHeader slice_hdr;
if (parser_.ParseSliceHeader(nalu, &slice_hdr) != H264Parser::kOk) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing slice";
return false;
if (IsNewPicture(slice_hdr)) {
// A new frame is found. Initialize |cur_pic|.
if (!UpdateCurrentPicture(slice_hdr))
return false;
if (slice_hdr.disable_deblocking_filter_idc != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Deblocking filter is not enabled";
return false;
if (slice_hdr.slice_type == H264SliceHeader::Type::kBSlice) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found B slice";
return false;
case H264NALU::kSPS: {
int sps_id;
if (parser_.ParseSPS(&sps_id) != H264Parser::kOk) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing SPS";
return false;
// Check the visible rect.
const H264SPS* sps = parser_.GetSPS(sps_id);
const auto& visible_rect = sps->GetVisibleRect().value_or(gfx::Rect());
if (visible_rect != visible_rect_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Visible rectangle mismatched. Actual visible_rect: "
<< visible_rect.ToString()
<< ", expected visible_rect: " << visible_rect_.ToString();
return false;
if (profile_ != sps->profile_idc) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Profile mismatched. Actual profile: "
<< sps->profile_idc << ", expected profile: " << profile_;
return false;
if (level_ && sps->GetIndicatedLevel() != *level_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Level mismatched. Actual profile: "
<< static_cast<int>(sps->GetIndicatedLevel())
<< ", expected profile: " << static_cast<int>(*level_);
return false;
seen_sps_ = true;
case H264NALU::kPPS: {
if (!seen_sps_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PPS before SPS";
return false;
int pps_id;
if (parser_.ParsePPS(&pps_id) != H264Parser::kOk) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing PPS";
return false;
seen_pps_ = true;
const H264PPS* pps = parser_.GetPPS(pps_id);
if ((profile_ == H264SPS::kProfileIDCMain ||
profile_ == H264SPS::kProfileIDCHigh) &&
!pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag) {
// CABAC must be selected if a profile is Main and High.
LOG(ERROR) << "The entropy coding is not CABAC";
return false;
// 8x8 transform should be enabled if a profile is High. However, we
// don't check it because it is not enabled due to a hardware limitation
// on AMD stoneyridge and picasso.
return num_frames == 1u;
bool H264Validator::IsNewPicture(const H264SliceHeader& slice_hdr) {
if (!cur_pic_)
return true;
return H264Decoder::IsNewPrimaryCodedPicture(
cur_pic_.get(), cur_pps_id_, parser_.GetSPS(cur_sps_id_), slice_hdr);
bool H264Validator::UpdateCurrentPicture(const H264SliceHeader& slice_hdr) {
cur_pps_id_ = slice_hdr.pic_parameter_set_id;
const H264PPS* pps = parser_.GetPPS(cur_pps_id_);
if (!pps) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse pps.";
return false;
cur_sps_id_ = pps->seq_parameter_set_id;
const H264SPS* sps = parser_.GetSPS(cur_sps_id_);
if (!sps) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse sps.";
return false;
if (!H264Decoder::FillH264PictureFromSliceHeader(sps, slice_hdr,
cur_pic_.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot initialize current frame.";
return false;
return true;
VP8Validator::VP8Validator(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect)
: DecoderBufferValidator(visible_rect) {}
VP8Validator::~VP8Validator() = default;
bool VP8Validator::Validate(const DecoderBuffer& decoder_buffer,
const BitstreamBufferMetadata& metadata) {
// TODO(hiroh): We could be getting more frames in the buffer, but there is
// no simple way to detect this. We'd need to parse the frames and go through
// partition numbers/sizes. For now assume one frame per buffer.
Vp8FrameHeader header;
if (!parser_.ParseFrame(, decoder_buffer.data_size(),
&header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing";
return false;
if (header.IsKeyframe()) {
seen_keyframe_ = true;
if (gfx::Rect(header.width, header.height) != visible_rect_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Visible rectangle mismatched. Actual visible_rect: "
<< gfx::Rect(header.width, header.height).ToString()
<< ", expected visible_rect: " << visible_rect_.ToString();
return false;
return seen_keyframe_ && header.show_frame;
VP9Validator::VP9Validator(VideoCodecProfile profile,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect,
size_t num_spatial_layers,
size_t num_temporal_layers)
: DecoderBufferValidator(visible_rect),
parser_(false /* parsing_compressed_header */),
next_picture_id_(-1) {}
VP9Validator::~VP9Validator() = default;
bool VP9Validator::Validate(const DecoderBuffer& decoder_buffer,
const BitstreamBufferMetadata& metadata) {
constexpr uint8_t kSuperFrameMarker = 0b11000110;
if (([decoder_buffer.data_size() - 1] &
kSuperFrameMarker) == kSuperFrameMarker) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Support for super-frames not yet implemented.";
return false;
Vp9FrameHeader header;
gfx::Size allocate_size;
parser_.SetStream(, decoder_buffer.data_size(), nullptr);
if (parser_.ParseNextFrame(&header, &allocate_size, nullptr) ==
Vp9Parser::kInvalidStream) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing";
return false;
if (metadata.key_frame != header.IsKeyframe()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Keyframe info in metadata is wrong, metadata.keyframe="
<< metadata.key_frame;
return false;
if (next_picture_id_ == -1 && !header.IsKeyframe()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "First frame must be a key-frame.";
return false;
BufferState new_buffer_state{};
new_buffer_state.picture_id = next_picture_id_++;
if (num_spatial_layers_ > 1 || num_temporal_layers_ > 1) {
if (!metadata.vp9) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Metadata must be populated if spatial/temporal "
"scalability is used.";
return false;
if (!header.error_resilient_mode) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error resilient mode must be used if spatial or temporal "
"scaliblity is enabled.";
return false;
// TODO( spatial_id = metadata.vp9->spatial_id;
new_buffer_state.temporal_id = metadata.vp9->temporal_idx;
if (metadata.vp9 &&
metadata.vp9->has_reference != !metadata.vp9->p_diffs.empty()) {
<< "Inconsistent metadata, has_reference implies p_diffs is non-empty.";
return false;
if (header.IsKeyframe()) {
if (header.profile != static_cast<uint8_t>(profile_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Profile mismatched. Actual profile: "
<< static_cast<int>(header.profile)
<< ", expected profile: " << profile_;
return false;
if (gfx::Rect(header.render_width, header.render_height) != visible_rect_) {
<< "Visible rectangle mismatched. Actual visible_rect: "
<< gfx::Rect(header.render_width, header.render_height).ToString()
<< ", expected visible_rect: " << visible_rect_.ToString();
return false;
if (new_buffer_state.spatial_id != 0 || new_buffer_state.temporal_id != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Spatial and temporal id must be 0 for key-frames.";
return false;
new_buffer_state.picture_id = 0;
next_picture_id_ = 1;
} else if (header.show_existing_frame) {
if (!reference_buffers_[header.frame_to_show_map_idx]) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting to show an existing frame, but the selected "
"reference buffer is invalid.";
return false;
// No decoder state is updated if showing existing frame, but the picture id
// is still incremented.
if (metadata.vp9) {
int expected_diff =
new_buffer_state.picture_id -
if (metadata.vp9->p_diffs.size() != 1 ||
metadata.vp9->p_diffs[0] != expected_diff) {
<< "Inconsistency between p_diff and existing frame to show.";
return false;
return true;
// Check that referenced frames are OK.
if (header.IsIntra()) {
if (metadata.vp9 && !metadata.vp9->p_diffs.empty()) {
// TODO( Consider if this is truly an error-state.
LOG(ERROR) << "|p_diffs| should be empty in intra-frames.";
return false;
} else {
std::vector<int> expected_pdiffs;
std::set<uint8_t> used_indices;
for (uint8_t ref_frame_index : header.ref_frame_idx) {
if (ref_frame_index >= static_cast<uint8_t>(kVp9NumRefFrames)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid reference frame index: "
<< static_cast<int>(ref_frame_index);
return false;
if (base::Contains(used_indices, ref_frame_index)) {
// |header.ref_frame_index| might have the same indices because an
// encoder fills the same index if the actually used ref frames is less
// than |kVp9NumRefsPerFrame|.
if (!reference_buffers_[ref_frame_index]) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Frame is trying to reference buffer with invalid state.";
return false;
const BufferState& ref = *reference_buffers_[ref_frame_index];
if (ref.spatial_id > new_buffer_state.spatial_id) {
<< "Frame is trying to reference buffer from higher spatial layer.";
return false;
if (ref.temporal_id > new_buffer_state.temporal_id) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Frame is trying to reference buffer from higher "
"temporal layer.";
return false;
expected_pdiffs.push_back(new_buffer_state.picture_id - ref.picture_id);
if (metadata.vp9) {
for (uint8_t p_diff : metadata.vp9->p_diffs) {
if (!base::Erase(expected_pdiffs, p_diff)) {
<< "Frame is referencing buffer not contained in the p_diff.";
return false;
if (!expected_pdiffs.empty()) {
// TODO( Consider if this is truly an error-state.
<< "|p_diff| contains frame that is not actually referenced.";
return false;
if (metadata.vp9 && metadata.vp9->temporal_up_switch) {
// Temporal up-switch, invalidate any non-base-layer frames with lower
// temporal id.
for (auto& buffer : reference_buffers_) {
if (buffer && buffer->temporal_id > 0 &&
buffer->temporal_id < new_buffer_state.temporal_id) {
// Update current state with the new buffer.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVp9NumRefFrames; ++i) {
if (header.RefreshFlag(i))
reference_buffers_[i] = new_buffer_state;
return true;
} // namespace test
} // namespace media