blob: 99a65036338046c7c5277442ceca06b235040ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vp9_svc_layers.h"
#include <bitset>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/gpu/macros.h"
#include "media/gpu/vp9_picture.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
static_assert(VideoBitrateAllocation::kMaxTemporalLayers >=
"VP9SVCLayers and VideoBitrateAllocation are dimensionally "
static_assert(VideoBitrateAllocation::kMaxSpatialLayers >=
"VP9SVCLayers and VideoBitrateAllocation are dimensionally "
enum FrameFlags : uint8_t {
kNone = 0,
kReference = 1,
kUpdate = 2,
kReferenceAndUpdate = kReference | kUpdate,
} // namespace
struct VP9SVCLayers::FrameConfig {
FrameConfig(size_t layer_index, FrameFlags first, FrameFlags second)
: layer_index_(layer_index), buffer_flags_{first, second} {}
FrameConfig() = delete;
// VP9SVCLayers uses 2 reference frame slots for each spatial layer, and
// totally uses up to 6 reference frame slots. SL0 uses the first two (0, 1)
// slots, SL1 uses middle two (2, 3) slots, and SL2 uses last two (4, 5)
// slots.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetRefFrameIndices(size_t spatial_idx,
size_t frame_num) const {
std::vector<uint8_t> indices;
if (frame_num != 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxNumUsedRefFramesEachSpatialLayer; ++i) {
if (buffer_flags_[i] & FrameFlags::kReference) {
indices.push_back(i +
kMaxNumUsedRefFramesEachSpatialLayer * spatial_idx);
} else {
// For the key picture (|frame_num| equals 0), the higher spatial layer
// reference the lower spatial layers. e.g. for frame_num 0, SL1 will
// reference SL0, and SL2 will reference SL1.
DCHECK_GT(spatial_idx, 0u);
indices.push_back((spatial_idx - 1) *
return indices;
std::vector<uint8_t> GetUpdateIndices(size_t spatial_idx) const {
std::vector<uint8_t> indices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxNumUsedRefFramesEachSpatialLayer; ++i) {
if (buffer_flags_[i] & FrameFlags::kUpdate) {
indices.push_back(i +
kMaxNumUsedRefFramesEachSpatialLayer * spatial_idx);
return indices;
size_t layer_index() const { return layer_index_; }
const size_t layer_index_;
const FrameFlags buffer_flags_[kMaxNumUsedRefFramesEachSpatialLayer];
namespace {
// GetTemporalLayersReferencePattern() constructs the
// following temporal layers.
std::vector<VP9SVCLayers::FrameConfig> GetTemporalLayersReferencePattern(
size_t num_temporal_layers) {
using FrameConfig = VP9SVCLayers::FrameConfig;
switch (num_temporal_layers) {
case 1:
// In this case, the number of spatial layers must great than 1.
// TL0 references and updates the 'first' buffer.
// [TL0]---[TL0]
return {FrameConfig(0, kReferenceAndUpdate, kNone)};
case 2:
// TL0 references and updates the 'first' buffer.
// TL1 references 'first' buffer.
// [TL1]
// /
// [TL0]-----[TL0]
return {FrameConfig(0, kReferenceAndUpdate, kNone),
FrameConfig(1, kReference, kNone)};
case 3:
// TL0 references and updates the 'first' buffer.
// TL1 references 'first' and updates 'second'.
// TL2 references either 'first' or 'second' buffer.
// [TL2] [TL2]
// _/ [TL1]--/
// /_______/
// [TL0]--------------[TL0]
return {FrameConfig(0, kReferenceAndUpdate, kNone),
FrameConfig(2, kReference, kNone),
FrameConfig(1, kReference, kUpdate),
FrameConfig(2, kNone, kReference)};
return {};
} // namespace
// static
std::vector<uint8_t> VP9SVCLayers::GetFpsAllocation(
size_t num_temporal_layers) {
DCHECK_LT(num_temporal_layers, 4u);
constexpr uint8_t kFullAllocation = 255;
// The frame rate fraction is given as an 8 bit unsigned integer where 0 = 0%
// and 255 = 100%. Each layer's allocated fps refers to the previous one, so
// e.g. your camera is opened at 30fps, and you want to have decode targets at
// 15fps and 7.5fps as well:
// TL0 then gets an allocation of 7.5/30 = 1/4. TL1 adds another 7.5fps to end
// up at (7.5 + 7.5)/30 = 15/30 = 1/2 of the total allocation. TL2 adds the
// final 15fps to end up at (15 + 15)/30, which is the full allocation.
// Therefor, fps_allocation values are as follows,
// fps_allocation[0][0] = kFullAllocation / 4;
// fps_allocation[0][1] = kFullAllocation / 2;
// fps_allocation[0][2] = kFullAllocation;
// For more information, see webrtc::VideoEncoderInfo::fps_allocation.
switch (num_temporal_layers) {
case 1:
// In this case, the number of spatial layers must great than 1.
return {kFullAllocation};
case 2:
return {kFullAllocation / 2, kFullAllocation};
case 3:
return {kFullAllocation / 4, kFullAllocation / 2, kFullAllocation};
NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported temporal layers";
return {};
VP9SVCLayers::VP9SVCLayers(const std::vector<SpatialLayer>& spatial_layers)
: num_temporal_layers_(spatial_layers[0].num_of_temporal_layers),
temporal_pattern_size_(temporal_layers_reference_pattern_.size()) {
for (const auto spatial_layer : spatial_layers) {
gfx::Size(spatial_layer.width, spatial_layer.height));
active_spatial_layer_resolutions_ = spatial_layer_resolutions_;
begin_active_layer_ = 0;
end_active_layer_ = active_spatial_layer_resolutions_.size();
DCHECK_LE(num_temporal_layers_, kMaxSupportedTemporalLayers);
DCHECK_LE(spatial_layer_resolutions_.size(), kMaxSpatialLayers);
VP9SVCLayers::~VP9SVCLayers() = default;
bool VP9SVCLayers::UpdateEncodeJob(bool is_key_frame_requested,
size_t kf_period_frames) {
if (force_key_frame_ || is_key_frame_requested) {
frame_num_ = 0;
spatial_idx_ = 0;
force_key_frame_ = false;
if (spatial_idx_ == active_spatial_layer_resolutions_.size()) {
frame_num_ %= kf_period_frames;
spatial_idx_ = 0;
return frame_num_ == 0 && spatial_idx_ == 0;
bool VP9SVCLayers::MaybeUpdateActiveLayer(
VideoBitrateAllocation* bitrate_allocation) {
// Don't update active layer if current picture haven't completed SVC
// encoding. Since the |spatial_idx_| is updated in the beginning of next
// encoding, so the |spatial_idx_| equals 0 (only for the first frame) or the
// number of active spatial layers indicates the complement of SVC picture
// encoding.
if (spatial_idx_ != 0 &&
spatial_idx_ != active_spatial_layer_resolutions_.size()) {
return false;
size_t begin_active_layer = kMaxSpatialLayers;
size_t end_active_layer = spatial_layer_resolutions_.size();
for (size_t sid = 0; sid < spatial_layer_resolutions_.size(); ++sid) {
size_t sum = 0;
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < num_temporal_layers_; ++tid) {
const int tl_bitrate = bitrate_allocation->GetBitrateBps(sid, tid);
// A bitrate of a temporal layer must be zero if the bitrates of lower
// temporal layers are zero, e.g. {0, 0, 100}.
if (tid > 0 && tl_bitrate > 0 && sum == 0)
return false;
// A bitrate of a temporal layer must not be zero if the bitrates of lower
// temporal layers are not zero, e.g. {100, 0, 0}.
if (tid > 0 && tl_bitrate == 0 && sum != 0)
return false;
sum += static_cast<size_t>(tl_bitrate);
// Check if the temporal layers larger than |num_temporal_layers_| are zero.
for (size_t tid = num_temporal_layers_;
tid < VideoBitrateAllocation::kMaxTemporalLayers; ++tid) {
if (bitrate_allocation->GetBitrateBps(sid, tid) != 0)
return false;
if (sum == 0) {
// This is the first non-active spatial layer in the end side.
if (begin_active_layer != kMaxSpatialLayers) {
end_active_layer = sid;
// No active spatial layer is found yet. Try the upper spatial layer.
// This is the lowest active layer.
if (begin_active_layer == kMaxSpatialLayers)
begin_active_layer = sid;
// Check if all the bitrates of unsupported temporal and spatial layers are
// zero.
for (size_t sid = end_active_layer;
sid < VideoBitrateAllocation::kMaxSpatialLayers; ++sid) {
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < VideoBitrateAllocation::kMaxTemporalLayers;
++tid) {
if (bitrate_allocation->GetBitrateBps(sid, tid) != 0)
return false;
// No active layer is found.
if (begin_active_layer == kMaxSpatialLayers)
return false;
DCHECK_LT(begin_active_layer_, end_active_layer_);
DCHECK_LE(end_active_layer_ - begin_active_layer_,
// Remove non active spatial layer bitrate if |begin_active_layer| > 0.
if (begin_active_layer > 0) {
for (size_t sid = begin_active_layer; sid < end_active_layer; ++sid) {
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < num_temporal_layers_; ++tid) {
int bitrate = bitrate_allocation->GetBitrateBps(sid, tid);
bitrate_allocation->SetBitrate(sid - begin_active_layer, tid, bitrate);
bitrate_allocation->SetBitrate(sid, tid, 0);
// Reset SVC parameters and force to produce key frame if active layer
// changed.
if (begin_active_layer != begin_active_layer_ ||
end_active_layer != end_active_layer_) {
// Update the stored active layer range.
begin_active_layer_ = begin_active_layer;
end_active_layer_ = end_active_layer;
active_spatial_layer_resolutions_ = {
spatial_layer_resolutions_.begin() + begin_active_layer,
spatial_layer_resolutions_.begin() + end_active_layer};
force_key_frame_ = true;
return true;
void VP9SVCLayers::FillUsedRefFramesAndMetadata(
VP9Picture* picture,
std::array<bool, kVp9NumRefsPerFrame>* ref_frames_used) {
// Update the spatial layer size for VP9FrameHeader.
gfx::Size updated_size = active_spatial_layer_resolutions_[spatial_idx_];
picture->frame_hdr->render_width = updated_size.width();
picture->frame_hdr->render_height = updated_size.height();
picture->frame_hdr->frame_width = updated_size.width();
picture->frame_hdr->frame_height = updated_size.height();
// Initialize |metadata_for_encoding| with default values.
if (picture->frame_hdr->IsKeyframe()) {
DCHECK_EQ(spatial_idx_, 0u);
DCHECK_EQ(frame_num_, 0u);
picture->frame_hdr->refresh_frame_flags = 0xff;
// Start the pattern over from 0 and reset the buffer refresh states.
pattern_index_ = 0;
// For key frame, its temporal_layers_config is (0, kUpdate, kUpdate), so
// its reference_frame_indices is empty, and refresh_frame_indices is {0, 1}
UpdateRefFramesPatternIndex(/*refresh_frame_indices=*/{0, 1});
<< "Frame num: " << frame_num_
<< ", key frame: " << picture->frame_hdr->IsKeyframe()
<< ", spatial_idx: " << spatial_idx_ << ", temporal_idx: "
<< temporal_layers_reference_pattern_[pattern_index_].layer_index()
<< ", pattern index: " << static_cast<int>(pattern_index_)
<< ", refresh_frame_flags: "
<< std::bitset<8>(picture->frame_hdr->refresh_frame_flags);
if (spatial_idx_ == 0)
pattern_index_ = (pattern_index_ + 1) % temporal_pattern_size_;
const VP9SVCLayers::FrameConfig& temporal_layers_config =
// Set the slots in reference frame pool that will be updated.
const std::vector<uint8_t> refresh_frame_indices =
for (const uint8_t i : refresh_frame_indices)
picture->frame_hdr->refresh_frame_flags |= 1u << i;
// Set the slots of reference frames used for the current frame.
const std::vector<uint8_t> reference_frame_indices =
temporal_layers_config.GetRefFrameIndices(spatial_idx_, frame_num_);
uint8_t ref_flags = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < reference_frame_indices.size(); i++) {
(*ref_frames_used)[i] = true;
picture->frame_hdr->ref_frame_idx[i] = reference_frame_indices[i];
ref_flags |= 1 << reference_frame_indices[i];
DVLOGF(4) << "Frame num: " << frame_num_
<< ", key frame: " << picture->frame_hdr->IsKeyframe()
<< ", spatial_idx: " << spatial_idx_ << ", temporal_idx: "
<< temporal_layers_reference_pattern_[pattern_index_].layer_index()
<< ", pattern index: " << static_cast<int>(pattern_index_)
<< ", refresh_frame_flags: "
<< std::bitset<8>(picture->frame_hdr->refresh_frame_flags)
<< " reference buffers: " << std::bitset<8>(ref_flags);
void VP9SVCLayers::FillVp9MetadataForEncoding(
Vp9Metadata* metadata,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& reference_frame_indices) const {
metadata->end_of_picture =
spatial_idx_ == active_spatial_layer_resolutions_.size() - 1;
metadata->referenced_by_upper_spatial_layers =
frame_num_ == 0 &&
spatial_idx_ < active_spatial_layer_resolutions_.size() - 1;
// |spatial_layer_resolutions| has to be filled if and only if keyframe or the
// number of active spatial layers is changed. However, we fill in the case of
// keyframe, this works because if the number of active spatial layers is
// changed, keyframe is requested.
if (frame_num_ == 0 && spatial_idx_ == 0) {
metadata->spatial_layer_resolutions = active_spatial_layer_resolutions_;
// Below parameters only needed to filled for non key frame.
uint8_t temp_temporal_layers_id =
temporal_layers_reference_pattern_[pattern_index_ %
// If |frame_num_| is zero, it refers only lower spatial layer.
// |has_reference| is true if a frame in the same spatial layer is referred.
if (frame_num_ != 0)
metadata->has_reference = !reference_frame_indices.empty();
metadata->temporal_up_switch = true;
metadata->reference_lower_spatial_layers =
frame_num_ == 0 && (spatial_idx_ != 0);
metadata->temporal_idx = temp_temporal_layers_id;
metadata->spatial_idx = spatial_idx_;
for (const uint8_t i : reference_frame_indices) {
// If |frame_num_| is zero, it refers only lower spatial layer, there is no
// need to fill |p_diff|.
if (frame_num_ != 0) {
uint8_t p_diff = (pattern_index_ - pattern_index_of_ref_frames_slots_[i] +
temporal_pattern_size_) %
// For non-key picture, its |p_diff| must large than 0.
if (p_diff == 0)
p_diff = temporal_pattern_size_;
const uint8_t ref_temporal_layers_id =
[pattern_index_of_ref_frames_slots_[i] % temporal_pattern_size_]
metadata->temporal_up_switch &=
(ref_temporal_layers_id != temp_temporal_layers_id);
// Use current pattern index to update the reference frame's pattern index,
// this is used to calculate |p_diffs|.
void VP9SVCLayers::UpdateRefFramesPatternIndex(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& refresh_frame_indices) {
for (const uint8_t i : refresh_frame_indices)
pattern_index_of_ref_frames_slots_[i] = pattern_index_;
} // namespace media