blob: ba23762fcff8379f694f6c3d9e8f25d824ab74d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "device/geolocation/geolocation_export.h"
#include "device/geolocation/public/interfaces/geoposition.mojom.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
namespace device {
// This is the main API to the geolocation subsystem. The application will hold
// a single instance of this class and can register multiple clients to be
// notified of location changes:
// * Callbacks are registered by AddLocationUpdateCallback() and will keep
// receiving updates until the returned subscription object is destructed.
// The application must instantiate the GeolocationProvider on the UI thread and
// must communicate with it on the same thread.
// The underlying location arbitrator will only be enabled whilst there is at
// least one registered observer or pending callback (and only after
// UserDidOptIntoLocationServices). The arbitrator and the location providers it
// uses run on a separate Geolocation thread.
class GeolocationProvider {
DEVICE_GEOLOCATION_EXPORT static GeolocationProvider* GetInstance();
// Callback type for a function that asynchronously produces a
// URLRequestContextGetter.
using RequestContextProducer = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
// Optional: Provide a callback to produce a request context for network
// geolocation requests.
// Call before using GetInstance().
DEVICE_GEOLOCATION_EXPORT static void SetRequestContextProducer(
RequestContextProducer request_context_producer);
// Optional: Provide a Google API key for network geolocation requests.
// Call before using Init() on the singleton GetInstance().
DEVICE_GEOLOCATION_EXPORT static void SetApiKey(const std::string& api_key);
typedef base::Callback<void(const mojom::Geoposition&)>
typedef base::CallbackList<void(const mojom::Geoposition&)>::Subscription
// |enable_high_accuracy| is used as a 'hint' for the provider preferences for
// this particular observer, however the observer could receive updates for
// best available locations from any active provider whilst it is registered.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Subscription> AddLocationUpdateCallback(
const LocationUpdateCallback& callback,
bool enable_high_accuracy) = 0;
// Calling this method indicates the user has opted into using location
// services, including sending network requests to [Google servers to] resolve
// the user's location. Use this method carefully, in line with the rules in
// go/chrome-privacy-doc.
virtual void UserDidOptIntoLocationServices() = 0;
virtual bool HighAccuracyLocationInUse() = 0;
// Overrides the current location for testing.
// Overrides the location for automation/testing. Suppresses any further
// updates from the actual providers and sends an update with the overridden
// position to all registered clients.
// Do not use this function in unit tests. The function instantiates the
// singleton geolocation stack in the background and manipulates it to report
// a fake location. Neither step can be undone, breaking unit test isolation
// (
virtual void OverrideLocationForTesting(
const mojom::Geoposition& position) = 0;
virtual ~GeolocationProvider() {}
} // namespace device