blob: f4f399707908cb3a7bc9fe87ea4974457e23d4cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/display/window_tree_host_manager.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/unified_desktop_utils.h"
namespace display {
class DisplayLayout;
class DisplayManager;
} // namespace display
namespace ash {
class DisplayAnimator;
class ScreenRotationAnimator;
// This class controls Display related configuration. Specifically it:
// * Handles animated transitions where appropriate.
// * Limits the frequency of certain operations.
// * Provides a single interface for UI and API classes.
// * TODO: Forwards display configuration changed events to UI and API classes.
class ASH_EXPORT DisplayConfigurationController
: public WindowTreeHostManager::Observer {
// Use SYNC if it is important to rotate immediately after the
// |SetDisplayRotation()|. As a side effect, the animation is less smooth.
// ASYNC is actually slower because it takes longer to rotate the screen after
// a screenshot is taken.
enum RotationAnimation {
display::DisplayManager* display_manager,
WindowTreeHostManager* window_tree_host_manager);
~DisplayConfigurationController() override;
// Sets the layout for the current displays with a fade in/out
// animation.
void SetDisplayLayout(std::unique_ptr<display::DisplayLayout> layout);
// This should be called instead of SetDisplayLayout() to set the display
// layout in the case of Unified Desktop mode. A fade in/out animation is
// used as well.
void SetUnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix(
const display::UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix& matrix);
// Sets the mirror mode with a fade-in/fade-out animation. Affects all
// displays. If |throttle| is true, this will fail if called within the
// throttle time.
void SetMirrorMode(bool mirror, bool throttle);
// Sets the display's rotation with animation if available.
void SetDisplayRotation(int64_t display_id,
display::Display::Rotation rotation,
display::Display::RotationSource source,
RotationAnimation mode = ANIMATION_ASYNC);
// Returns the rotation of the display given by |display_id|. This returns
// the target rotation when the display is being rotated.
display::Display::Rotation GetTargetRotation(int64_t display_id);
// Sets the primary display id. If |throttle| is true, this will fail if
// called within the throttle time.
void SetPrimaryDisplayId(int64_t display_id, bool throttle);
// WindowTreeHostManager::Observer
void OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() override;
friend class DisplayConfigurationControllerTestApi;
// Allow tests to skip animations.
void ResetAnimatorForTest();
void SetScreenRotationAnimatorForTest(
int64_t display_id,
std::unique_ptr<ScreenRotationAnimator> animator);
class DisplayChangeLimiter;
// Sets the timeout for the DisplayChangeLimiter if it exists. Call this
// *before* starting any animations.
void SetThrottleTimeout(int64_t throttle_ms);
bool IsLimited();
void SetDisplayLayoutImpl(std::unique_ptr<display::DisplayLayout> layout);
void SetMirrorModeImpl(bool mirror);
void SetPrimaryDisplayIdImpl(int64_t display_id);
void SetUnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrixImpl(
const display::UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix& matrix);
// Returns the ScreenRotationAnimator associated with the |display_id|'s
// |root_window|. If there is no existing ScreenRotationAnimator for
// |root_window|, it will make one and store in the |root_window| property
// |kScreenRotationAnimatorKey|.
ScreenRotationAnimator* GetScreenRotationAnimatorForDisplay(
int64_t display_id);
display::DisplayManager* display_manager_; // weak ptr
WindowTreeHostManager* window_tree_host_manager_; // weak ptr
std::unique_ptr<DisplayAnimator> display_animator_;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayChangeLimiter> limiter_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DisplayConfigurationController> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace ash