blob: 79aee8ffae781efdf160a15faf7434efdadf649f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/browser/background_sync/background_sync.pb.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
namespace content {
class CONTENT_EXPORT BackgroundSyncNetworkObserver
: public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkChangeObserver {
// Creates a BackgroundSyncNetworkObserver. |network_changed_callback| is
// called when the network connection changes asynchronously via PostMessage.
BackgroundSyncNetworkObserver(const base::Closure& network_changed_callback);
~BackgroundSyncNetworkObserver() override;
// Enable or disable notifications coming from the NetworkChangeNotifier. (For
// preventing flakes in tests)
static void SetIgnoreNetworkChangeNotifierForTests(bool ignore);
// Returns true if the state of the network meets the needs of
// |network_state|.
bool NetworkSufficient(SyncNetworkState network_state);
// NetworkChangeObserver overrides
void OnNetworkChanged(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type) override;
// Allow tests to call NotifyManagerIfNetworkChanged.
void NotifyManagerIfNetworkChangedForTesting(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type);
// Calls NotifyNetworkChanged if the connection type has changed.
void NotifyManagerIfNetworkChanged(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type);
void NotifyNetworkChanged();
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type_;
// The callback to run when the network changes.
base::Closure network_changed_callback_;
// Set true to ignore notifications coming from the NetworkChangeNotifier
// (to prevent flakes in tests).
static bool ignore_network_change_notifier_;
} // namespace content