blob: 41020f1f50fe069f73f8115e8fc6398e194f5bad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef CSSVariableData_h
#define CSSVariableData_h
#include "core/css/StylePropertySet.h"
#include "core/css/parser/CSSParserToken.h"
#include "core/css/parser/CSSParserTokenRange.h"
#include "wtf/Forward.h"
#include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSParserTokenRange;
class CSSSyntaxDescriptor;
class CORE_EXPORT CSSVariableData : public RefCounted<CSSVariableData> {
static PassRefPtr<CSSVariableData> create(const CSSParserTokenRange& range,
bool isAnimationTainted,
bool needsVariableResolution) {
return adoptRef(new CSSVariableData(range, isAnimationTainted,
static PassRefPtr<CSSVariableData> createResolved(
const Vector<CSSParserToken>& resolvedTokens,
const CSSVariableData& unresolvedData,
bool isAnimationTainted) {
return adoptRef(new CSSVariableData(
resolvedTokens, unresolvedData.m_backingString, isAnimationTainted));
CSSParserTokenRange tokenRange() const { return m_tokens; }
const Vector<CSSParserToken>& tokens() const { return m_tokens; }
bool operator==(const CSSVariableData& other) const;
bool isAnimationTainted() const { return m_isAnimationTainted; }
bool needsVariableResolution() const { return m_needsVariableResolution; }
const CSSValue* parseForSyntax(const CSSSyntaxDescriptor&) const;
StylePropertySet* propertySet();
CSSVariableData(const CSSParserTokenRange&,
bool isAnimationTainted,
bool needsVariableResolution);
// We can safely copy the tokens (which have raw pointers to substrings)
// because StylePropertySets contain references to
// CSSCustomPropertyDeclarations, which point to the unresolved
// CSSVariableData values that own the backing strings this will potentially
// reference.
CSSVariableData(const Vector<CSSParserToken>& resolvedTokens,
String backingString,
bool isAnimationTainted)
: m_backingString(backingString),
m_cachedPropertySet(false) {}
void consumeAndUpdateTokens(const CSSParserTokenRange&);
template <typename CharacterType>
void updateTokens(const CSSParserTokenRange&);
String m_backingString;
Vector<CSSParserToken> m_tokens;
const bool m_isAnimationTainted;
const bool m_needsVariableResolution;
// Parsed representation for @apply
bool m_cachedPropertySet;
Persistent<StylePropertySet> m_propertySet;
} // namespace blink
#endif // CSSVariableData_h