blob: 961e93a37d2d4ee1698b6087b93220675f1a3084 [file] [log] [blame]
layer at (0,0) size 800x600
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text run at (53,0) width 305: ""
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text run at (357,0) width 5: " "
text run at (361,0) width 330: "Safari Crashes when opening a JS TreeGrid widget"
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text run at (690,0) width 5: "."
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LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 778x71
text run at (0,0) width 770: "The test sets up an inline parent with a child that is some kind of table part. The child gets broken off into a continuation"
text run at (0,18) width 778: "and anonymous table parts get created below and/or above the table parts. Then the test tries to insert a new child into the"
text run at (0,36) width 760: "inline, specifying the table part as the \"before child\". The resulting render tree should look just like it would look if the"
text run at (0,54) width 124: "parent was a block."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (40,0) width 89: "goes here and"
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (40,0) width 89: "goes here and"
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutTableSection (anonymous) at (0,0) size 105x18
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutTableSection (anonymous) at (0,0) size 105x18
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 784x0
LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous) at (0,18) size 784x18
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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text run at (40,0) width 89: "goes here and"
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutTableSection (anonymous) at (0,0) size 105x0
LayoutTableRow (anonymous) at (0,0) size 105x0
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LayoutInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 146x17
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutTableSection (anonymous) at (0,0) size 105x0
LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 105x0
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutTableSection {DIV} at (0,0) size 105x18
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text run at (0,0) width 41: "Text..."
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LayoutBlockFlow {DIV} at (0,0) size 784x0
LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous) at (0,18) size 784x18
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text run at (0,0) width 105: "...continues here"