blob: 437fdb4a0235785addddc8eccc62c3f09dfc0b6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
namespace base {
struct Feature;
namespace autofill {
extern const char kAutofillKeyboardAccessoryAnimationDurationKey[];
extern const char kAutofillKeyboardAccessoryLimitLabelWidthKey[];
extern const char kAutofillKeyboardAccessoryHintKey[];
// The length of the GUIDs used for local autofill data. It is different than
// the length used for server autofill data.
constexpr int kLocalGuidSize = 36;
// Returns true when command line switch |kEnableSuggestionsWithSubstringMatch|
// is on.
bool IsFeatureSubstringMatchEnabled();
// Returns true if showing autofill signature as HTML attributes is enabled.
bool IsShowAutofillSignaturesEnabled();
// Returns true when keyboard accessory is enabled.
bool IsKeyboardAccessoryEnabled();
// Returns animation duration for keyboard accessory. If 0, we do not animate.
unsigned int GetKeyboardAccessoryAnimationDuration();
// Returns true if we must limit width of keyboard accessory suggestion label to
// half of device's pixel width.
bool ShouldLimitKeyboardAccessorySuggestionLabelWidth();
// Returns true if we show a hint in the keyboard accessory suggestions to call
// attention to the availability of autofill suggestions.
bool IsHintEnabledInKeyboardAccessory();
// A token is a sequences of contiguous characters separated by any of the
// characters that are part of delimiter set {' ', '.', ',', '-', '_', '@'}.
// Returns true if the |field_contents| is a substring of the |suggestion|
// starting at token boundaries. |field_contents| can span multiple |suggestion|
// tokens.
bool FieldIsSuggestionSubstringStartingOnTokenBoundary(
const base::string16& suggestion,
const base::string16& field_contents,
bool case_sensitive);
// Currently, a token for the purposes of this method is defined as {'@'}.
// Returns true if the |full_string| has a |prefix| as a prefix and the prefix
// ends on a token.
bool IsPrefixOfEmailEndingWithAtSign(const base::string16& full_string,
const base::string16& prefix);
// Finds the first occurrence of a searched substring |field_contents| within
// the string |suggestion| starting at token boundaries and returns the index to
// the end of the located substring, or base::string16::npos if the substring is
// not found. "preview-on-hover" feature is one such use case where the
// substring |field_contents| may not be found within the string |suggestion|.
size_t GetTextSelectionStart(const base::string16& suggestion,
const base::string16& field_contents,
bool case_sensitive);
// Returns true if running on a desktop platform. Any platform that is not
// Android or iOS is considered desktop.
bool IsDesktopPlatform();
bool ShouldSkipField(const FormFieldData& field);
bool IsCheckable(const FormFieldData::CheckStatus& check_status);
bool IsChecked(const FormFieldData::CheckStatus& check_status);
void SetCheckStatus(FormFieldData* form_field_data,
bool isCheckable,
bool isChecked);
// Lowercases and tokenizes a given |attribute| string.
// Considers any ASCII whitespace character as a possible separator.
// Also ignores empty tokens, resulting in a collapsing of whitespace.
std::vector<std::string> LowercaseAndTokenizeAttributeString(
const std::string& attribute);
// Returns true if and only if the field value has no character except the
// formatting characters. This means that the field value is a formatting string
// entered by the website and not a real value entered by the user.
bool SanitizedFieldIsEmpty(const base::string16& value);
// Returns true if the first suggestion should be autoselected when the autofill
// dropdown is shown due to an arrow down event. Enabled on desktop only.
bool ShouldAutoselectFirstSuggestionOnArrowDown();
} // namespace autofill