blob: fa350e9311033721bca63b4952c8c7e598c4ed86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace autofill {
namespace password_generation {
// Enumerates various events related to the password generation process.
// Do not remove items from this enum as they are used for UMA stats logging.
enum PasswordGenerationEvent {
// No Account creation form is detected.
// Account creation form is detected.
// DEPRECATED: Password generation icon shown (old UI).
// DEPRECATED: Password generation bubble shown (old UI).
// Password generation could be triggered if the user selects the appropriate
// element.
// Password generation popup is shown after user focuses the appropriate
// password field.
// DEPRECATED: These reports were triggered when the popup could have shown
// not when it did show so they paint an unreliable picture. Newer stats
// are only incremented per page, which is more useful to judge the
// effectiveness of the UI.
// Generated password was accepted by the user.
// User focused the password field containing the generated password.
// DEPRECATED: These reports were triggered when the popup could have shown
// not when it did show so they paint an unreliable picture. Newer stats
// are only incremented per page, which is more useful to judge the
// effectiveness of the UI.
// Password was changed after generation.
// Generated password was deleted by the user
// Password generation popup is shown after user focuses the appropriate
// password field.
// User focused the password field containing the generated password.
// Generation enabled because autocomplete attributes for new-password is set.
// Generation is triggered by the user from the context menu.
// Context menu with generation item was shown.
// The generated password was removed from the field because a credential
// was autofilled.
// Number of enum entries, used for UMA histogram reporting macros.
// Wrapper to store the user interactions with the password generation bubble.
struct PasswordGenerationActions {
// Whether the user has clicked on the learn more link.
bool learn_more_visited;
// Whether the user has accepted the generated password.
bool password_accepted;
// Whether the user has manually edited password entry.
bool password_edited;
// Whether the user has clicked on the regenerate button.
bool password_regenerated;
struct PasswordGenerationUIData {
PasswordGenerationUIData(const gfx::RectF& bounds,
int max_length,
const base::string16& generation_element,
base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction,
const autofill::PasswordForm& password_form);
// Location at which to display a popup if needed. This location is specified
// in the renderer's coordinate system. The popup will be anchored at
// |bounds|.
gfx::RectF bounds;
// Maximum length of the generated password.
int max_length;
// Name of the password field to which the generation popup is attached.
base::string16 generation_element;
// Direction of the text for |generation_element|.
base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction;
// The form associated with the password field.
autofill::PasswordForm password_form;
void LogUserActions(PasswordGenerationActions actions);
void LogPasswordGenerationEvent(PasswordGenerationEvent event);
// Enumerates user actions after password generation bubble is shown.
// These are visible for testing purposes.
enum UserAction {
// User closes the bubble without any meaningful actions (e.g. use backspace
// key, close the bubble, click outside the bubble, etc).
// User navigates to the learn more page. Note that in the current
// implementation this will result in closing the bubble so this action
// doesn't overlap with the following two actions.
// User accepts the generated password without manually editing it (but
// including changing it through the regenerate button).
// User accepts the gererated password after manually editing it.
// Number of enum entries, used for UMA histogram reporting macros.
// Returns true if Password Generation is enabled according to the field
// trial result and the flags.
bool IsPasswordGenerationEnabled();
} // namespace password_generation
} // namespace autofill