blob: b815c602cdf03c248aae12e19015ae2cbcd0cf7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h"
namespace content {
// MediaStreamConstraint keys for constraints that are passed to getUserMedia.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSource[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceId[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceInfoId[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceTab[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceScreen[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceDesktop[];
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamSourceSystem[];
// Experimental constraint to do device matching. When this optional constraint
// is set, WebRTC audio renderer will render audio from media streams to an
// output device that belongs to the same hardware as the requested source
// device belongs to.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamRenderToAssociatedSink[];
// Controls whether the hotword audio stream is used on platforms that support
// it.
CONTENT_EXPORT extern const char kMediaStreamAudioHotword[];
struct CONTENT_EXPORT TrackControls {
TrackControls(bool request);
TrackControls(const TrackControls& other);
bool requested;
// Source. This is "tab", "screen", "desktop", "system", or blank.
// Consider replacing with MediaStreamType enum variables.
std::string stream_source; // audio.kMediaStreamSource
// Device ID requests.
// The first set represents required devices - either grab one or fail.
// The second set represents optional devices - if we can't get one of
// these, we will grab the default device (if possible).
// The constraint names are "sourceId" and "chromeMediaSourceId".
std::vector<std::string> device_ids;
std::vector<std::string> alternate_device_ids;
// StreamControls describes what is sent to the browser process
// to the renderer process in order to control the opening of a device
// pair. This may result in opening one audio and/or one video device.
// This has to be a struct with public members in order to allow it to
// be sent in the IPC of media_stream_messages.h
struct CONTENT_EXPORT StreamControls {
StreamControls(bool request_audio, bool request_video);
TrackControls audio;
TrackControls video;
// Hotword functionality (chromeos only)
// See for discussion on possibly #ifdef'ing this out.
bool hotword_enabled; // kMediaStreamAudioHotword = "googHotword";
// StreamDeviceInfo describes information about a device.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT StreamDeviceInfo {
static const int kNoId;
StreamDeviceInfo(MediaStreamType service_param,
const std::string& name_param,
const std::string& device_param);
StreamDeviceInfo(MediaStreamType service_param,
const std::string& name_param,
const std::string& device_param,
int sample_rate,
int channel_layout,
int frames_per_buffer);
static bool IsEqual(const StreamDeviceInfo& first,
const StreamDeviceInfo& second);
MediaStreamDevice device;
// Id for this capture session. Unique for all sessions of the same type.
int session_id;
typedef std::vector<StreamDeviceInfo> StreamDeviceInfoArray;
} // namespace content