blob: ae15116292acc928d3a5150fd84bcdfb1a675411 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/identity.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/connector.mojom.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/service.mojom.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/service_manager.mojom.h"
namespace service_manager {
// An interface that encapsulates the Service Manager's brokering interface, by
// which
// connections between services are established. Once either StartService() or
// BindInterface() is called, this class is bound to the thread the call was
// made on and it cannot be passed to another thread without calling Clone().
// An instance of this class is created internally by ServiceContext for use
// on the thread ServiceContext is instantiated on.
// To use this interface on another thread, call Clone() and pass the new
// instance to the desired thread before calling StartService() or
// BindInterface().
// While instances of this object are owned by the caller, the underlying
// connection with the service manager is bound to the lifetime of the instance
// that created it, i.e. when the application is terminated the Connector pipe
// is closed.
class Connector {
using StartServiceCallback =
base::Callback<void(mojom::ConnectResult, const Identity& identity)>;
class TestApi {
using Binder = base::Callback<void(mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle)>;
explicit TestApi(Connector* connector) : connector_(connector) {}
~TestApi() { connector_->ResetStartServiceCallback(); }
// Allows caller to specify a callback to bind requests for |interface_name|
// from |service_name| locally, rather than passing the request through the
// Service Manager.
void OverrideBinderForTesting(const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
const Binder& binder) {
connector_->OverrideBinderForTesting(service_name, interface_name,
void ClearBinderOverrides() { connector_->ClearBinderOverrides(); }
// Register a callback to be run with the result of an attempt to start a
// service. This will be run in response to calls to StartService() or
// BindInterface().
void SetStartServiceCallback(const StartServiceCallback& callback) {
Connector* connector_;
virtual ~Connector() {}
// Creates a new Connector instance and fills in |*request| with a request
// for the other end the Connector's interface.
static std::unique_ptr<Connector> Create(mojom::ConnectorRequest* request);
// Creates an instance of a service for |identity|.
virtual void StartService(const Identity& identity) = 0;
// Creates an instance of the service |name| inheriting the caller's identity.
virtual void StartService(const std::string& name) = 0;
// Creates an instance of a service for |identity| in a process started by the
// client (or someone else). Must be called before BindInterface() may be
// called to |identity|.
virtual void StartService(
const Identity& identity,
mojom::ServicePtr service,
mojom::PIDReceiverRequest pid_receiver_request) = 0;
// Connect to |target| & request to bind |Interface|.
template <typename Interface>
void BindInterface(const Identity& target,
mojo::InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr) {
mojo::MessagePipe pipe;
ptr->Bind(mojo::InterfacePtrInfo<Interface>(std::move(pipe.handle0), 0u));
BindInterface(target, Interface::Name_, std::move(pipe.handle1));
template <typename Interface>
void BindInterface(const std::string& name,
mojo::InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr) {
return BindInterface(Identity(name, mojom::kInheritUserID), ptr);
template <typename Interface>
void BindInterface(const std::string& name,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<Interface> request) {
return BindInterface(Identity(name, mojom::kInheritUserID),
Interface::Name_, request.PassMessagePipe());
virtual void BindInterface(const Identity& target,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) = 0;
// Creates a new instance of this class which may be passed to another thread.
// The returned object may be passed multiple times until StartService() or
// BindInterface() is called, at which point this method must be called again
// to pass again.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Connector> Clone() = 0;
// Binds a Connector request to the other end of this Connector.
virtual void BindConnectorRequest(mojom::ConnectorRequest request) = 0;
virtual base::WeakPtr<Connector> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
virtual void OverrideBinderForTesting(const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
const TestApi::Binder& binder) = 0;
virtual void ClearBinderOverrides() = 0;
virtual void SetStartServiceCallback(
const StartServiceCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void ResetStartServiceCallback() = 0;
} // namespace service_manager