blob: 72348c776e7d40b4ff290da290ab97759bdb7108 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/website_settings/permission_bubble_request.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
class Profile;
class TabSpecificContentSettings;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
class MediaStreamDevicesController : public PermissionBubbleRequest {
MediaStreamDevicesController(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback);
~MediaStreamDevicesController() override;
// Registers the prefs backing the audio and video policies.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
bool IsAllowedForAudio() const;
bool IsAllowedForVideo() const;
bool IsAskingForAudio() const;
bool IsAskingForVideo() const;
base::string16 GetMessageText() const;
// Forces the permissions to be denied (without being persisted) regardless
// of what the previous state was. If the user had previously allowed the
// site video or audio access, this ignores that and informs the site it was
// denied.
// This differs from PermissionGranted/PermissionDenied as they only operate
// on the permissions if they are in the ASK state.
void ForcePermissionDeniedTemporarily();
// Answers a permission request with (possibly) different values for
// |audio_accepted| and |video_accepted|. Intended for use from
// MediaStreamInfobarDelegateAndroid.
// TODO(tsergeant): Remove this by refactoring Android to use
// PermissionBubbleRequest instead of a custom infobar delegate.
void GroupedRequestFinished(bool audio_accepted, bool video_accepted);
// PermissionBubbleRequest:
int GetIconId() const override;
base::string16 GetMessageTextFragment() const override;
GURL GetOrigin() const override;
void PermissionGranted() override;
void PermissionDenied() override;
void Cancelled() override;
void RequestFinished() override;
PermissionBubbleType GetPermissionBubbleType() const override;
// Returns a list of devices available for the request for the given
// audio/video permission settings.
content::MediaStreamDevices GetDevices(ContentSetting audio_setting,
ContentSetting video_setting);
// Runs |callback_| with the given audio/video permission settings. If neither
// |audio_setting| or |video_setting| is set to allow, |denial_reason| should
// be set to the error to be reported when running |callback_|.
void RunCallback(ContentSetting audio_setting,
ContentSetting video_setting,
content::MediaStreamRequestResult denial_reason);
// Store the permission to use media devices for the origin of the request.
// This is triggered when the user makes a decision.
void StorePermission(ContentSetting new_audio_setting,
ContentSetting new_video_setting) const;
// Called when the permission has been set to update the
// TabSpecificContentSettings.
void UpdateTabSpecificContentSettings(ContentSetting audio_setting,
ContentSetting video_setting) const;
// Returns the content settings for the given content type and request.
ContentSetting GetContentSetting(
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
content::MediaStreamRequestResult* denial_reason) const;
// Returns the content setting that should apply given an old content setting
// and a user decision that has been made. If a user isn't being asked for one
// of audio/video then we shouldn't change that setting, even if they accept
// the dialog.
ContentSetting GetNewSetting(ContentSettingsType content_type,
ContentSetting old_setting,
ContentSetting user_decision) const;
// Returns true if clicking allow on the dialog should give access to the
// requested devices.
bool IsUserAcceptAllowed(ContentSettingsType content_type) const;
// The audio/video content settings BEFORE the user clicks accept/deny.
ContentSetting old_audio_setting_;
ContentSetting old_video_setting_;
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
// The owner of this class needs to make sure it does not outlive the profile.
Profile* profile_;
// Weak pointer to the tab specific content settings of the tab for which the
// MediaStreamDevicesController was created. The tab specific content
// settings are associated with a the web contents of the tab. The
// MediaStreamDeviceController must not outlive the web contents for which it
// was created.
TabSpecificContentSettings* content_settings_;
// The original request for access to devices.
const content::MediaStreamRequest request_;
// The callback that needs to be Run to notify WebRTC of whether access to
// audio/video devices was granted or not.
content::MediaResponseCallback callback_;
// Whether the permissions granted or denied by the user should be persisted.
bool persist_permission_changes_;